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03x16 - Ghost in the Machine

Posted: 07/26/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Soundwave, eject Ratbat to begin scanning.

With the isidrite, to repair
our weaponry, we'll do just that.

And then crush the Autobots to scrap!

Crush the Earth and its puny humanity!

Crush anyone, anything
that dares to oppose us!

Agreed, mighty Galvatron.
But first we must find the isidrite.

Ratpack has found a deposit of isidrite
- and something else.

I don't believe this! Autobots!

Decepticons! Attack!

Eyes aloft, gentlemen!
A rival geological survey has arrived!

Hold your ground!
We need the isidrite as much as they do!

Out of my way, fool!

Mighty Galvatron, please!
We must use strategy!

Strategy is for cowards!

Remarkable. Galvatron is
doing most of the work for us.

Springer! Above you!

For the glory of Galvatron!

Talk about your one track mind!

You should be quite shaking enough!

Dumb Sweep.

You're finished, Magnus!
I'll shall use your head as a door stop!

I'll help you, mighty Galvatron!

I don't need your help!

May we leave this neighbourhood
before it deteriorates further?

Autobots, prepare to depart!

Cowards! You will not
escape my wrath so easily!

We must help him!

As he helped us, Cyclonus?

I'm not beaten!
Galvatron cannot be beaten!

I will destroy you all!

This isn't over, Autobots!

Do you hear me? This isn't over!

You're starting to sound like Galvatron.

Uh-Not that that's a bad thing.

You should have seen Galvatron in action.
No Decepticon ever fought more valiantly.

Or less rationally.

Yeah, well, maybe the Autobots
should have destroyed him.

They'd be doing us a favor.

That is treason, Swindle!
We need Galvatron!

Hey, thats a can of old lube!

He'll be the death of all of us
if something isn't done about it!

I for one, am tired of being bashed
around by our supposed leader.

Either you do something about
his crazyness, Cyclonus--

- or we'll do something about both of you!

Greetings, Cyclonus.

Galvatron's actions grow
more amusing by the day.

Get away, Quintesson, I'm busy.

There are worlds,

that specialize in
curing such disorders.

Thorkulon for example--

Don't insult my
intelligence, five-face,

I trust you no further
than I can throw Trypticon!

On the other hand, something must be done!

Yes, musn't it?

But, Galvatron would never
go willingly to such a place.

That, Cyclonus, is your problem.

He's taken the bait.

We shall soon have several less
transformers to concern us.

Yes, including the most
dangerously unpredictable of them all.

How much longer will
these cursed repairs take?

Work faster! There are
Autobots waiting to be mangled!

Even now, the Autobots bask
in what they believe to be their victory,

never expecting us to strike at
the new planet they are exploring.

Planet? What planet?
We will make that world their tomb!

B-But Galvatron,
we need time to plan, to prepare!

Um... a world... called Torkulon.

Well, where are they?
Where are the Autobots?

They, uh... must have detected
our approach and gone into hiding.

There! Something's moving!
It must be the Autobots!

Ultra Magnus! Come out!
We're here!

Come meet your doom!

I wish he would. I want outta
here and this place gives me the creeps!

You! Where are the Autobots?


Fleshling, I warn you.
Tell me where to find the Autobots or--


I have no head... I have no head...

I have no head... I have no head...!

Are you the new admission?

Oh, never mind. I see.

Are you threatening me, Beast?


Enough. Anti-mutual
behavior is not permitted.

And just how do you intend to stop
me, you lump of--!

When I get my fists on you--!

Entity exhibits a severe
failure in reality processing,

and malignant plasma neural tech.

You were wise to bring him here.

We'll need a complete history, of course,
if we're going to do anything for him.

No one is going to do anything for me!

He's been this way for a while I take it.
Some sort of plasma accident?


You knew there were no Autobots here!
You decieved me!

Mood swings, irrational behavior.

The force field is running out of charge.

Very well. Inhibit him.

Cyclonus! Cyclonus!

I will rip out your cogs for this!

Cyclonus! I will... I will...

Cage synthesis.

What are you going to do to him?

Why, we're going to begin his treatment.

Remove the patient.

Before we start,
there are certain formalities.

Does the patient have a
service contract with us?

...Then we'll require a credit reference.

I believe we can waive
the customary deposit.

Should the patient require permanent care,

payment will be made in consciousness
units rather than conventional currency.

Um, What I want to know is--

Do you understand and agree to these terms?

Yes, yes!

Then if you'll validate
the forms right here

... and here for diagnostics...

... and for therapeutics...

... and one for parts and labor...

... and accounting...

...and there. That's your copy.

Release me! Fools! Or perish!

Standard logic failure--

aggravated by the
plasmatic imbalance.

Can you help him?

PAT scan please.

Embrittlement of the
metaprocessing circuitry.

No wonder he's always
on the brink of perceptional crash.

I am Galvatron!

Release me or forfeit your puny lives!

Can you help him?


Immediate transfer.
Advanced treatment facility.

I will rip you to pieces for this!

Cyber sedation should
be taking effect by now.

And then what?

We try to get him to
talk about his problems.

Galvatron, don't fight it!
Just say whatever comes to mind.

k*ll... smash... destroy!

Err... yes... go on.


This is stupid! Let's get him out of here!

Give it a chance!

I'll destroy everything here—everything!

And THEN, I'll destroy the Autobots!

Yes... tell me about the Autobots.

I hate Autobots! I hate Cyclonus!

And I'm not very fond of you, either!

Curse you! Destroy you!
Out of here! Out of - uhh!

Perhaps we'll do better with
psycho-motor reintegration.

Whats the point of this?

Sometimes, assembling the
pieces of an external object

aids the patient in
reconstructing his damaged psyche.

Make this work... make it... gonna...
show them... what it can do...

Let me out of here!

Your friend is rapidly exhausting
his therapeutic alternatives.

Exo-drama is one of the most
powerful therapies available.

Free me!
Free me or I will gut this entire planet!

Cyclonus! I demand you!

- What will they do now?
- Act out their problems.

Stop it!
Stop that hideous noise!

You wanna scream?

I'll give you a something to scream about!

He's developed a tolerance
to the inhibitor ray.

We have no choice.
Immobilize him for the Alya solution.

Does this mean there isn't hope for him?

No. He can still be normalized by
other, more radical means.

I am Galvatron!
Greates of the Decepticons!

You have no right to
change what I am!

But you've already been changed.
Thats the problem.

That's why your friend brought you here.

Prepare him for maximum intervention.

Wait! I demand to know what
you're going to do to him.

We're going to cure his processing problem.

Why have you waited so long--?

Because this procedure may
also cure him of being...


What are these things?

The instrumentalities of
Galvatron's final treatment.

The Alya. The living extension
of the planet itself.

They're... alive?

Torkulon is alive.
One vast, living computer.

The Alya weaved its circuitry.

They will cure your
Galvatron once and for all.

Alya! To the pinnacles!

What did you mean by that?

Therapy on Galvatron's
metaprocessor has failed.

Our only option is to
complete its disintegration.

But his metaprocessor contains his mind!

No, release him! Let him go!

We can't allow you to interfere.

You were supposed to repair his
mind, not destroy it!

We tried. Its beyond repair.

When I get out of these--!

What we do to Galvatron,
we can also do to you.

No! Without Galvatron holding
us, the Decepticons are finished!

Free me! Now!

Or I'll destroy you all!

Free me! Free me! Please!

Restraints are satisfactory.

Patch him into the planetary network.


Once he is tied into
the planetary computer,

Torkulon itself will enter his
mind and disable the metaprocessor.

The Alya will consume
the damaged intelligence

and the planet will absorb its
energy, including the madness.

He'll have no mind left!
He'll be just a machine!

Aren't we all, in a way?

I'll do whatever you want!
I'll do nothing at all!!


Cyclonus! They'll destroy me!
Help me! Help me!

Very well, we're ready.

Open the linkage and let the
planet access his Central Processor.

Planetary network has access.
Transfer beginning.

All right.
Let the Alya enjoy their meal.

Access positive.
All circuits open.

What in the Universe ?!

- Feedback! - Impossible!

The place is coming apart!

The planets going crazy!

Its been infected by Galvatron's madness!

The whole network is crashing!

- Inhibit it! - I can't!

He's unbalanced!

He's balanced enough to keep
your mad planet from k*lling him!

We've come to free you!


Mighty one, forgive me!
I didn't realize...

No. But you should have. Fool!

Follow me! I know what to do.

You're fear me, don't you, planet?

You know I know your secret, don't you?


When it invaded my mind,
I was in its mind as well.

I know where it is.

The planet's memory core?

Down there, in the oldest part of the web.

And when we destroy it--

It knows what we're doing.
It's trying to stop us.

You cannot stop me!

I am Galvatron! I am your destruction!

He is crazy.

Galvatron, no! Its too much!
It will fry your circuits!

I... will not... be stopped...!


But you will!

Cyclonus, I'm now going
to destroy this planet.

Do not try to stop me!

This, Cyclonus, is beauty.

Devastation wrought
with precision and care.

It will take the Torkulons
centuries to rebuild.

Only centuries? Are you certain?

Then perhaps my work is not finished.

Haven't we mor epressing
concerns, mighty one?

The Autobots, for example.

Autobots! Ultra Magnus! Yes! Yes!
