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03x13 - Madman's Paradise

Posted: 07/26/23 07:34
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

And so, please welcome to Cybertron, Ynara,

Ambassador from the planet Odessyx.

Ynara, Spike Witwicky,
Earth's ambassador to Cybertron,

his wife, Carly, and their son, Daniel.

What a darling post-embryonic form.

Darling? Yuck!

Hey, kiddo, a little courtesy.
The ambassador was complementing you.

Oh, little one,
I'm so sorry if I offended.

Everything is fine, isn't it, Daniel?

Yes, ma'am, everything is fine.

Thank you, Daniel.

Our young can be very sensitive,
Ynara, but the feeling passes.

If I may be, excused.

Sure, but stay out of trouble
and keep the tuxedo clean, okay?

Stay out of trouble, huh.
Theres nobody to even get in trouble with.

Nobody to play with either.

Me, Grimlock, play!

Me, Grimlock, not like this place.
Where Daniel going?

Who cares?

Holy smokes! Whats that?

Wow, a secret tunnel!

Me, Grimlock, see too!

Grimlock, noooo!

Daniel, come back! Me, Grimlock - uh!


Me, Grimlock, coming!

Grimlock, transform!

Grab for it!

Grimlock and Daniel do again?

Later. Maybe.

Do you get the feeling
nobody's been here for a while?

Wonder what this place was for?

Me, Grimlock, find out!

No, Grimlock!


That's better. Look at that!

Neat monster!

Not monster. Handsome like me, Grimlock. what did you do?

Uh ... make mistake?

Where are we?

Not Cybertron. California, maybe?

Wow, even California is not this weird.

Ugly bird. Me, Grimlock, not like.

We'd better find a way back home.

So you found something, have you?

More of the Golden One's
minions, or something interesting?

Ah, these two are new
to Menonia, aren't they?

Very good, sweet pet.
Very interesting.

I don't think we're alone.

Me, Grimlock, feel surrounded.

Who are you? Who do you fight for?

Who you?

We fight for the Golden One!

Oh, us not fight for anyone!

Not like noise, but taste okay.

Now, Me, Grimlock, getting mad!

Daniel? Daniel!

I can't find Daniel anywhere.

He couldn't have gone far, Carly.

Aww, looking for your little spawn?

I saw him leave with that... Dinobot?


Don't panic yet.
Stay calm until we know what's going on.

Then we'll panic.

Ultra Magnus, take Blaster
and the Cassettes and find them.

Well I'll come along?

No, dear, its alright.
You're needed here.

We'll let you know if there's any problem.

Blaster's here, no need to fear.

My man, Steeljaw can sniff out any
trail, if its hot or if its not.

Go get 'em, Grimlock!

Me, Grimlock, in trouble!


Hurry! Take them to the stockade.


Most remarkable.

The metal dragon was winning, till they
applied their crude magical w*apon.

I could make use of such brute power.

Albideon! Mexelarom! Stromby! Ust!

Hey, what's happening?

Welcome to Menonia. What is your
name, young one, and whence come you?

I'm Daniel from Cybertron.

Red Wizard: And who is your mighty friend?

Grimlock: Mighty friend is me, Grimlock!

Daniel: Don't overdo it, okay?

Me, Grimlock, not overdo.

I bring word from younder castle,
the red wizard requests your presence.

Sound good to me, Grimlock.

I dunno, my mom says never
to go off with strangers.

Everybody here stranger!
Us not go with stranger, us not go!

Okay okay! But at least you could
tell us who this red wiz is.

Be assured.
You shall hear the entire story.

Long, long ago, the Red Wizard fell from
the sky through a strange red circle.

Hmm, that's how we got here!

Of course, he was not really a wizard
then, really a dabbler.

He was taught his craft by the former
ruler of Menonia, The Golden One.

Indeed, he was the
master's favorite pupil.

Always impressing the Golden One
with some remarkable new skill.

But, one terrible day, tragedy struck.

The Golden One vanished mysteriously.

There was only one thing
the Red Wizard could do.

He ruled Menonia in
the Golden One's place.

The Wizard brought centuries
of properity and peace to our land,

yet some were jealous
of his power, and so the att*cks began.

Malcontents of all
Menonia's races joined forces,

to seize the throne for themselves.

You, mighty Grimlock,
could help the Red Wizard

to preserve the kingdom
and protect his people.

Mighty Grimlock stomp bad guys!
No problem!

Good. Young Daniel seems to be sleeping.

Servants! Take him away, to a place
where he can rest comfortably.

We found a spot this hot!
Rewind, tell me what you got!

Planetary corridor CB -B .

Last usage not recorded. Pre-Autobot.

Call Perceptor. Have him meet us below.

What? Where am I? Hey!

Even now they plan their next attack.

They will never cease, never surrender,

until they rule Menonia,

or until they are destroyed.

Me Grimlock mixed up.

If wizard so strong,
why he need me, Grimlock?

Because!! His enemies are many!

Like insects they swarm, and
attack, and attack, and attack!

Guided by raw power,
primitive magic, hatred, envy!


Me Grimlock just wanted to know...

The attack will begin
when the golden sun is --

They starting early!

I must go assist the Red Wizard.

For the Menonia's sake and
Daniel's, fight with all your might!

Not worry. Me, Grimlock, protect Daniel!

Blaster, could Rewind decipher
any of this ancient script?

He's on the case in his database.

Incredible! This chamber was used
to dispose of Quintesson criminals.

Dispose of them? How?

Basically, they chucked
them into other dimensions.

What? What other dimensions?

Name it.
Al Badur was sent to an ice world;

They've lost Mirdain to a place
with no physical substance.

But... where's Daniel?

Best guess, Menonia,

where the Quintessons dumped Mara-Al-Utha,
convicted of practicing sorcery.

Then thats where we're going as well.

Stay here, Perceptor.
We'll need you to bring us back.

Assuming the procedure can be reversed.

Water! Please! A little water!

Please! In the name of the Golden One!

The Golden One?

The Dragon of the Sun.

Enemy of the evil Red Wizard.

The Red Wizard is evil?

What would you call the one
who imprisoned us both here?

You! But you are - I saw you!

You saw the Red Wizard.

He can assume many shapes.

Mine's always amuse him.

For as fellow pupil of the Golden One

I was his staunchest foe.

- Whats that? - The warriors.

As ever they attack,
As ever they will fail.

Without the master to lead
them, it is futile.

If you were free, could you find him?

Finding him is simple enough.

Releasing him is another matter.

Red Wizard? Where are you?


The wizard is coming, Grimlock.

Oh yes! Yes! Tromeas!

Behold, the Red Wizard!

About time! This more like it!

We gotta get outta here!

That way! Go! Quickly!

Its a battle! And thats Grimlock isn't
it, defending the castle?

Then our man Dan,
oughta be in the neighbourhood!

Move out, but be careful!

Just ahead is the cave where
the Golden One is imprisoned.

How long has he been in there?

Ages beyond counting,
since the day of the great betrayal.

Uh... are you sure... he's... alive?

Yes, but he is very weak.

Hear us, Golden One!

Help us to free you!


Finally, Me, Grimlock, get some real help!

It's Daniel's! I'm sure of it!

Flee, you fools!

All your might is spent,
and the Red Wizard stands triumphant!

I told you we should
have found Grimlock!

He'd move this
stone in a second!

Uh, boy am I glad to see you!

What about me? Don't I get a hug?

- Mama! - Oh, Daniel.

I was so worried.
This is such a strange place.

Well, everything is fine now.
You're safe, Grimlock is safe.

The Autobots drove off the attackers.

Oh no!
The Red Wizard's the enemy!

The Autobots are fighting
on the wrong side!

Now all may be lost.
If only we could move the stone!

Light! At last! The light!

You have done well, pupil.

Not well enough, Master.

Mara-Al-Utha still holds the castle.

I will do what I can!

Give chase! Destroy the enemy!

Destroy them all!

I don't like his sound at all.

Grimlock, who is this Red Wizard?
And where is Daniel?

Me not sure. Me too busy fighting.

So you're free, are you?

Well, you've emerged to meet your doom!

It's the Quintesson! The exile!

I've grown more powerful
since last we met, "Master!"

Powerful enough to deprive you
the light that gives you strength!

Powerful enough to destroy you all!

Isn't there any way to stop him ?!

Counter spells.
But I am too weak to make them heard!

Blaster! Amplification!

Just speak into that device.
You'll be heard!

Repidot! Rezundot! Rezundot!

ZANITA! Zana! Zabasa!

Allak! Arrak! Arran!

Phew! Is that a wrap or will he be back?

If he dares to return, we shall be ready.

There's the dimensional disc.
It's time to go.

Need any help getting up here?

Allow me.

Young man, I want to talk to you.

Dad, it was an accident, honest!

Daniel tell truth.
He not mean to get all dirty.

What so funny?