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03x11 - Forever Is a Long Time Coming

Posted: 07/26/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Yo, Perceptor! Those asteroids
been there a billion years!

One billion two hundred thousand
forty-three and seven months to be precise.

That was rewind,
but for stats on where its at!

Anyhow, they're gonna last
a few minutes more, so whats the rush?

My concern Blaster is
not the asteroid belt,

but rather the energy
pulse I detected emanating from it!

What kind of energy? Electromagnetic
energy, gravitational energy,

strong force energy, weak force energy?
It's important we know!


The force of time itself spreading
outward like ripples in a pond,

from that bowl-shaped asteroid ahead!

Golly, Mr. Wizard, only one bowl?
Offer must be limited.

So why'd ya-w-why'd ya want us along?
This ain't-this ain't our gig-k-kinda gig!

Rodimus Prime insisted I
take you for protection.

Absurd, I know, but--


Strongly indicative of a Quintesson
presence on that asteroid!

Ramhorn! Ram the Rama Lama
Ding Dong outta those suckers!

Sharkticons! Now you're talking!

And that's the way it is.
Let's dance, you too can win!

Beam a message to Rodimus Prime!

Tell him we require reinforcements!

Say no more! Request lines are open!

Rewind! Get those slimes!

Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Lock coordinates at
minus eleven million years!

At my signal, open the time
window and begin retrieval!


Remember, precision is of the essence!

The window must not remain open
more than four hundred macroseconds.

Mark and Open!

Target subject in range.
Activate energy hook.

Contact with target.
Begin retrieval!

No! It is impossible!

Autobots in range. Destroy!


They got Perceptor!

What are you doing?
Cease firing, at once!

We've come a long way, baby!

Wheres the asteroid?
W-Where are those Quintesson warships?

Gone! They just gone!

Idiots! Stop!

Stop before you--


Keep their tentacles shaking, Superion!

We cannot leave now!
The time window! It's still open!

Ramhorn? Rewind?

Perceptor, what happened?

Through the... time window.
Find them... before...

Wow, what a mess.

Aren't we gonna go after the Quintessons?

Our mission is accomplished.
Further risk would be foolish.

Air Raid: How come they made you
Aerialbot leader, Silverbolt?

You've got no sense of adventure!

Silverbolt: Exactly.

How is he?

Still functioning, but he needs help.

What in the name of Alpha Trion?!

Where'd this dinkoid come from?
A toy store?

I think he came through this window.

Perceptor said thats
where the others went.

In there? But where does it go?

I don't know, Silverbolt.

Ohhhh! I don't know where we are
but wherever it is it's somewhere

but somewhere else would
definitely be a better place to be!

This all looks familiar!

It's in my
databanks someplace, but I-I get quite...

Do you realise what that is, Blurr?

No, but nobody tell me, alright? I can
always tell when you tell me something!

Its a Guardian from the
earliest days of cybertron,

even before the Great w*r
against the Deceptions!

How can that be a Guardian? There
aren't any Guardians anymore, are there?

And certainly can't be Cybertron, can it?

I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!

We tried flight! Now let's fight!

Come! The Quints have
more where he came from.

Will you come?

I'm taking a risk bringing
you to the Warrens,

but with the final as*ault on
Hive City planned for dawn,

we need all the help we can get.

Although, you don't look like slaves.

Slaves? What's that? We're not slaves!
What makes you think we're slaves?

You, wear the same brand we all do,

the hated mark of our
servitude to the Quints.

For a million years,
it has been our symbol of shame.

A says we must make
it a symbol of freedom.

A 's your main man?

Our leader, yes.

With his Coder Remote device we could
freeze the Guardians in their tracks,

and drive the Quints from the
city they forced us to build.

Then slaves all over Cybertron would
rise up to claim their freedom.

But if we fail...

Blaster, we are in the past,

when the Quintessons
still ruled Cybertron,

and the robots were their slaves!

It will be a difficult battle.
As you see, we're not warriors.

We are workers, scientists, technicians,

but we all want the same
thing: freedom from Quints!

The past? How'd we get to the past? How
can we even be in the past if whats past,

is past? And what's the point? The real
point is theres no future in the past!

Thats it! Don't you see?
If the Quintessons could stop the

Autobot rebellion in the past,
it'd change the future!

They'd still be the masters of
Cybertron, and we'd be their slaves!

Beta, this A , where is he?

Missing. I was looking
for him when I found you.

Theres not much choice.
Time is running out.

With or without A ,
we have to attack at dawn.

Will you help?

Try and stop us!

Doesn't look good, Rodimus.

Ever since we drove off
the Quintessons, that

time window has been
leaking energy into space.

Ripples... the time stream...

What does he mean, Pipes?

Beats me.

Nuts and bolts, I understand.
Theoretical physics, NO.

We could shut the window down.

Not with five Autobots
trapped on the other side.

I just wish we knew whether
that thing was dangerous.

Let me explain it, Commander.

Those rings are ripples of chrono-energy.

If the window isn't
closed in the next hour,

those ripples will spread
through the universe,

from Cybertron to the humans planet, Earth,

and beyond into infinity,

to jeopardize the stability
of reality itself!

What precisely is going to happen?


Some events will repeat in an endless loop.

Other phenomena may reverse
their natural order.

Past and present will collide!

Good evening, Captain Faireborn.
Standard target run?

Try level .
I feel like a challenge tonight.

Captain Faireborn?

as every natural law breaks down,

the universe will cease to exist!

Well... is there anything we can do?

Yes! Destroy the time window,

before it destroys us all!

Inform the other ships!
Full scale as*ault on that asteroid!

Feeling better?
Say, whats your name?

You'd like to know. Your Quintesson masters
want to know all about the rebellion,

but I won't tell.

What? I don't work for the Quintessons.

Only their technology could have pulled
me from the empty lands,

and besides,
you wear the sl*ve brand.

sl*ve brand?
The Autobot symbol?

Look, I don't know what--

Quintesson Star Bombs!

Take cover!

Sharkticon troops!

Smash all Autobots and
destroy the time window!

Quintesson warships coming
out of the elliptic!

Aerialbots, Form Superion!

The rest of your form up battle lines!

And no matter what happens - uhh!

Hold your position!

You heard him, boys! Blast them!




Superion: I... have... failed you Rodimus

... it is... finished.

A- : No... Superion!

You must live... so that I may be born!

Superion: Alpha... Trion?

A- : A... ...

Two of them? How is it possible?

The chrono-force warping
time around the asteroid!

Superion is literally
in two places at once!

I told you this would happen!

Time and space in collision!

The very fabric of existence is
unravelling like sub standard cloth!

Unless that window is shut in
the next ten minutes, we're doomed!

All shipss retreat and regroup!

Nice work!

Hehe, yeah it was, wasn't it?
But they'll be back.

Never mind me, Pipes.
Concentrate on Perceptor.

We need his insight to figure
out what the Quintessons want.

I'm doing everything I
can to bring him around.

Still think we're your enemies?

I... I'm not even sure who I am anymore.

What's happening to the sky?

Wreck-Gar: Phew. One to five rodents agree

exceptional headache number
one is a mad dog guardian.

Blaster: Right on, but we still
gotta lure 'em away from the walls

so Beta and the rebels can attack.

Blurr: Yeah, that's what we said we'd do,
and I always do what I say I'll do, because

I have to, so I'd better do it,
because if we say we do and then we don't—

Rewind: Methinks the die has been cast.

Something is happenning to the stars.

A Quintesson trick?

Even they don't have this kind of power.

we must put aside our differences.

The fate of the universe
depends on our cooperation.

You don't expect
us to believe it.

You must close the time window.
Nothing else matters now.

Close the window? Why?

That is why.
Space and time are tearing apart.

We have only minutes, perhaps less.

Close the window, or you'll doom us all!

It's a trick.
He knows our friends are trapped in there.

Please! You must believe me!

Yes, yes, yes, direct hit!

Slaves, attention:

We have observed your futile efforts
at rebellion with much amusement.

But our appetite for
entertainment has been satisfied.

You will now put down your
arms and return to work,

or the Dark Guardians will
incinerate you where you stand.

Please decide quickly.

All right, you've convinced me.
What do I do?

First, return the time window
to its original focus:

eleven million years ago.

That switch!

I don't see our Autobots!

It's gotta be a trick!

Maybe we should send
someone through to find them.

No time! No time!

Now, the second switch!
Quickly, close the window!

No! Not yet!

I'll go through!
I'll find your friends!

I thought you didn't trust us.

What can I say?
He convinced me too.

No! Noooo!

A- !

I'm afraid your time is up.

Guardians, vaporize please.

The Coder Remote?

It better be!

Your friends want you home.
Go. Now!

- Yeah, but-- - No time for talk.

We thank you for your help,
but you must go at once.

Okay. I guess we can
trust you to win this one.

After all, you already did.

Rodimus, we must close the time
window, or the consequences--

I know, Perceptor. I know.

Blurr, It just hit me! A- !

A like Alpha, for Trion.
You don't think...

What? That was guy who
created Optimus Prime?

He was the father of the Autobots?
You gotta be kidding.