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03x10 - Starscream's Ghost

Posted: 07/26/23 07:32
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Hold it right there, Trypticon!

One more step and you're scrap metal!

Earth was Decepticon planet!

Me, Grimlock,
seen this part ten times already.

Me say, fast forward to good part!

Clarification requested.

Please define "good part".

Grimlock means he wants to see the
part where Metroplex scraps Trypticon.

Yes, where he pulverizes him
and finishes him off forever.

Unable to fulfill request.

That never happened.

Just a moment, Teletraan .

Metroplex hurled Trypticon into the
ocean, and Trypricon never surfaced.

Affirmative. Metroplex did
throw Trypticon into ocean.

However, your analysis is incorrect.

Metroplex did not finish Trypticon off.

Now hear this, Autobots.

Seaspray and me are on a little salvage
mission huntin' up Trypticons remains.


Jumpin' swordfish! Trypticon must
be the biggest dinosaur in creation!

Look at the size of those footprints!

Got news for ya, Broadside.
No Trypticon remains down there.

But that don't make sense, baby.

Thats the exact spot where Triptych went
down when Metroplex busted his chops.

Trypticon sank,
but he sure didn't kick the bucket.

He took a hike, instead. Trypticon took an
underwater hike like you wouldn't believe.

He left a trail going due east.

And off on the starboard bow we have
the African nation of Carbombya,

a desert kingdom ruled by the controversial
military commander Abdul Fakkadi.

Isn't it dangerous to cruise near here?

Yes. Sometimes innocent
ships are att*cked.

Theres no danger, I assure you.

As long as we stay beyond the
three-mile limit, no one will harm us.

Theres no cause for panic!
We're protected by international law!

Don't go overexertin' yourself so much!

You're just beginning to recover!

I don't want you wearin' yourself
out, Trypti-babes!

Am big hero now.

Attack enemy boat!

Yeah? You're wastin' all your energy
sh**t' at vacation cruise ships!

No waste! Destroy dangerous enemy!

Ohh... Me sit down. Rest.

Walk too far.

Its just like I told you, lizard brain.
You're still convalescing.

You haven't gotten over that
bashing you took from Metroplex.

Should have stayed
longer on Dinobot Island.

Don't like Carbombya.

Hey, you're loony or something?

The climate of Carbombya's
much better for your health!

And the oil here makes the
best energon in the galaxy!

Those two Decepticons have
outlived their usefulness to me.

I can no longer tolerate them in Carbombya.

With all due respect, Your Excellency,
Trypticon and Octane have been very useful.

They've kept the fanatics and imperialists
away from our coastline, Your worthiness.

Yes, but at what price?

Do you realise how much of our oil
they're stealing to make their...

whatever you call that beverage they drink?

Energon, your eminence.

Yes, energon.

One thousands barrels of oil
makes one tiny cube of energon,

and that big Decepticon,
that dinosaur named Trypticon...

he drinks... fifty energon cubes an hour!

Carbombyan energon could make me
the strongest Decepticon in the galaxy-

And I guarantee, you'll be
as good as new in six months.

Six months?
You promised just one more week!

As supreme military commander,
king of kings and president for life of

the Socialist-Democratic
Federated Republic of Carbombya

I order you, Decepticons,
out of my country by sunset tomorrow!


Y-you're kicking us out? US?

You have until sunset tomorrow,
or I will call in the Autobots,

and have you ex*cuted in the town square.

Hold on there, Supreme Whatever!

Who's gonna guard your
coastline if you don't have us?

I will install radar
guided rocket defences.

Trypticon and me wanna turn
your country into a paradise!

It already is a paradise.

Just a minute, just a minute
- I mean a rich paradise!

Uh, do you like gold?


Yes! This is something that
interests Abdul Fakkadi.

But it would take all the
gold of the United States

to persuade me to let you
stay here another day.

Hmm. You sure ain't easy to
please, your Excellency!

Better munch those, Trypti.

I don't want you to go snapping
any of your interior muscle cables.

Atta boy. Now lets get
the goods and hightail it.

Hehehe! It's like taking candy from a baby!

I thought you said we were near
Fort Knox, Private Dixon.

Wha-W-We were! I mean, we are.
I mean, it used to be here.

Octane, my friend.

I admit, that you and Trypticon
have not done such a bad job.

I have made my decision.

You may remain in Carbombya,
but only until the next crescent moon.

And Trypticon will be on strict rations
of one thousand barrels of oil a day.

One thousand a day? He'll starve!

We'll both starve!

If you don't like my offer,
I'll call in the Autobots.

A most unfortunate occurance.

- Careful - Outrageous!

Whoever it was just made off with
Fort Knox like a thief in the night.

Yum! Energon!

Smell different. Strange.

Perhaps it was left here to trick us.

Maybe its some sort of corrosive or poison.

Me, Grimlock, sense dinosaur
transform static all around here.

Wonder if one of Dinobots do this crime.

Thats highly improbable, Grimlock.

The Dinobots are primitive,
but they are Autobots.

We can't rule anything out, Perceptor.

We'll have to interrogate all the Dinobots.

If we drink enough of this energon,

soon we'll take over as
leaders of the Decepticons,

partners forever!

But in the meantime,

we gotta keep his Worthiness,
the imperial master of slaves, happy!

so he doesn't let the
Autobots mess up our plan.

Strong! Partners!

I'll keep him more happy.

His Excellency wants a new palace.
So we'll give him a new palace!

His Excellency like! Trypticon take!

Very agreeable!

If that dimwitted dinosaur

keeps bringing me
monuments from all over the world,

we will have a thriving tourism trade!

Follow me, Decepticons!

Soon, we will bring
Trypticon back to the fold,

and punish that renegade Octane!


Galvatron: You're a traitor, Octane!

You had no permission to
take Trypticon from Dinobot Island!

I needed Trypticon for my
plans of conquering the Earth.

Now, thanks to you, he may never recover!

Octane: But you got it all
wrong, Galvatron!

Me and Trypticon, we discovered a
fantastic new type of energon.

It's helping Trypticon
get all better real quick!

Try some, you'll love it!

Trypticon: Drink! Drink and CRUSH!

Galvatron: That's good!

Makes me feel stronger, more powerful!

We're gathered here, as you know,

to figure out if any of you Dinobots
was involved with

of stealing Fort Knox and the Taj Mahal.

Grimlock, says he sniffed lotsa dinosaur

transform static at Fort Knox!

Why am I under investigation?
I'm not a Dinobot.

Ya got Dinosaur electrons
in yer circuits, Sky Lynx.

Never the less,
I am definitely not a Dinobot!

I refuse to participate
in this...kangaroo court!

Stop this childish bickering!

All the Autobots are definitely innocent!

The energon we found
is a Decepticon formula.

Its made out of oil from
Africa - from Carbombya!


I think thats where
Trypticon has been hiding.

He must be the dinosaur behind all this!

Perceptor's probably right.

Trypticon's the only Decepticon big enough
to have carried off all those buildings.

Now hear this!
Approaching Carbombya,

and no signs of Trypticon.

Rough seas and fog ahead.

Phew! Have found pirated buildings, mates!

Will dispatch Aerialbots to - S.O.S.!

Trypticon on starboard bow!

Look at the size of that Deceptigoon!

The king of kings and president for life of
Carbombya will not tolerate this!

Nobody invited you here!
I want you Decepticons out!

Make him see reason, Octane.
You have such a way with words.

Attention, Broadside! I'm picking up the
sounds of Decepticons inside the Taj Mahal!

We like you to go on running your
country, Your Excellency.

We'll even fetch you
the Kremlin from Moscow!

It could be your new political
center, a showpiece for your capital.

But we will take control of your oil.

You are trying to make me a
hostage in my own country!

Do not force me to call in the Autobots!

You ridiculous little flesh-creature!

Autobots! Wonderful!

Decepticons, commence hunting season!

Ouch! I'm a goner!

Goodbye, cruel world!

Return to Carbombya!
We're getting low on super-energon!

I'd feel safer if Metroplex arrived.

Oh, he got caught in a blizzard in
Siberia, but he's nearing Moscow no.

Its Trypticon!

Without Metroplex, we can't stop him.

Hold it right there, Trypticon!

Says who?

Says Metroplex!

Hold your fire!
I didn't steal the Kremlin!

... of the Soviet Politbureau,

who accuses the Autobots of this
imperialist plot to steal the Kremlin.

The army has orders to expel all
Autobots from the Soviet Union.

But I tell you; this is all
a big misunderstanding.

It was the Deceptions
who caused the trouble.

And since Metroplex was caught right
after stealing the Kremlin in Moscow,

the government of India
accuses the Autobots,

of being behind the
theft of the Taj Mahal.

Me, Grimlock, say this grim.

Whole Earth thinks Autobots
are building snatchers.

Attention, Metroplex and Autobots.

We are having an international
crisis in Carbombya.

I urgently request that
you invade my country,

and to expel all of the
fanatic Decepticons,

as the commander-in-chief,
king of kings and pres--

So you think you can stop me with b*ll*ts?

Thanks to the energon we made from your
oil, I'm stronger than ever!

In here, you will make no trouble.

From now on, Decepticons, we'll make
all the super-energon we need,

and then we'll destroy
the Autobots forever!


Okay, Autobots!

Let's go for it!

Autobots, transform and let 'em have it!

Trypticon, you've had
your last warning from me!

Crush Metroplext!

Watch out! That's a priceless treasure!

Metroplex! Retreat, Decepticons!

We can't hold out any longer!

You have saved my country, Rodimus Prime.

For that, I will even allow
you, Autobots, to stay here

and join my army.

No thanks. Keep your offers
and just give us back the gold.

Ah, yes, the gold.

I suppose it does have to go back, does it?

Indeed it does.

And I need your word,

that you'll never cooperate
with the Decepticons again.

Oh, you have my word of honor, Rodimus.

In fact, I swear to you on the
grave of my mother's camel,

and my uncle's goat
and even my sister's donkeys.

A-And did I say my brother's
sheep and my nephew's roosters?

Such fine roosters you never did see!