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03x07 - Chaos

Posted: 07/26/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Scram, you little creep!

This litter void is Decepticon territory!

Hey, what's the big deal?
I was just having a few yuks!

No fair! Gimme a chance to reload!

Who'd you rip this off of from, Scuzzface?

I didn't rip it off!

It was a birthday present from my uncle.

It has sentimental value, you know?

You wanna make a deal?
I'll sell it you at a discount.

All right. What kind of
a*mo do you use in this thing?

These! They're real hard to
get and they sell at a premium!

I could be your supplier, okay?

I'll be my own supplier!
Where do they come from?

I got a map of the planet
where you get 'em, okay?

There I was, crash landed on the planet
Dread, and it was me against the Ick-Yak.

Just the two of us.

I was hiding behind the swamp walker trees,

but that Ick-Yak just kept sniffing for me.

He could smell energon a mile away.

Finally I yelled to him:

"Over here!
Come and get me, ready or not!"

I double dared him to nab me.

Anyway, I knew there was no deadlier
quick mud in the universe,

than the muck of that swamp.

He was kicking and stomping
in that molasses mud,

and the more he struggled,
the faster he sank.

Little did I suspect that
the Orbs were waiting there,

to make me one of their legion of slaves.

Me, Grimlock, heard that Chaos
Monster live on Planet Dread.

The scary story makes Wheelie weary!

Tell truth, Kup.
You meet up with Chaos?

No, Grimlock!

I don't know whoever told you about
Chaos, but forget you ever heard that name.

Me, Grimlock, say please, Kup!

Two out of the three doctors recommend
investigation of scene of the crash.

No deposit, No return!

What he want? Me, Grimlock no understand!

Ah, for the love of mini-microchips!
There's been a calamity on Goo.

What this mean "calamity"?

Somebody busted up an Earth
Defence Command station.

You good Autobot security officer, Kup.

You find out who did it.

I hope so, Grimlock.

This could be the galaxy-busting case

I've been waiting to sink my sensors into.

There, I've turned off the goo, so we can
walk because if I didn't turn off the goo,

we'd all get sticky and all
sticky we couldn't investigate!

Everybody out.

Another perfect flight completed
by yours truly, Sky Lynx.

Flawless, right down to the landing.

Trouble-free engine not guaranteed.

Me, Grimlock, no understand!
What you mean?

He's saying that lots of busted
stuff has been showing up on Goo.

First an old shuttle,
and now that Earth Defence Command Station.

He doesn't know what tore
all the holes in them.

Its a good thing I turned off the
goo, or we'd get all gooey,

if we got all gooey then we'd have
to get clean and once we got clean--

Ssshh! Keep it down, Blurr.

You're jamming the audio
frequency parameters.

But what're you doing, Kup? I don't get it.
Unless you tell me what you're doing, I--

I'm trying to figure out what
tore up this command station.

It took some mighty powerful.

Well of all the piston plowin',
software slumpin' things I ever seen!

The EIM ratio, this baby's going crazy!

Your neato machine is really keen,
but you must explain just what you mean.

EIM. Electro-interference magnitude.

This station made of the strongest metal
in galaxy. What could tear it up?

Death Crystals.

I-I don't like the look of this at all.

You, Kup, tell what you find out!
Me, Grimlock, tired of waiting!

Sorry, Grimlock, I can't tell you anymore!

Secret-keepers always weepers!

Tell a friend or heads will bend!

I always hoped...
I-I'd never be alive to see this day.

What wrong this day?

Down lower, Blast Off!

Those snoops are trying to
find out about our new w*apon!

So lets give them a little education!

It appears I'll have to save you as usual.

Say your last words, Autobots?

Me, Grimlock, wonder.
How them blow up comet!

Those death crystals pack a
comet-busting wallop.

I haven't seen any of these
for a hundred thousand years.

But what is death crystal, Kup?
Where it come from?

Me, Grimlock, say you tell now,
or we and grinch and short circuit--

Kup's machine no like these.
Why it make noise, Kup? Why?

Autobots have to stick together, Kup,
else there won't be a team anymore,

and if we're not a team anymore, then we
won't be together, if we're not together--

All right, all right!
I guess you guys have the right to know.

Death crystals are the hardest,
most destructive things in the universe.

They grow on that horrible monster, Chaos.

Who Chaos?

He lives in Queeg mountain,
On the planet Dread, deep in the caves.

No robot has ever seen him, and survived.

Me, Grimlock, already not like Chaos.

When the Orbs captured me,
I'd never heard the name Chaos.

There was hundreds of robot slaves
on the planet Dread in those days,

and all of us quaked in
our boots 'cause of Chaos.

We work down in the mines,

gathering death crystals
near Chaos' Cavern.

Whats that?

Oh no! Chaos! Thats Chaos!

Help us! Please!
You've got to free us!

We've got to get back to our home planet!

And... that's the way it happened.

I left those other robots
trapped in the mines,

and I was helpless against Chaos.

Just think, Galvatron.

When Cybertron is destroyed by this cannon,

you'll be more famous
in history than Unicron!

Yes I know!

Whats this? An escape attempt?

Predacons, merge to become Predaking!

After them, Predaking!
Capture those runaway slaves!

With pleasure, Galvatron!

Wheelie, Grimlock, Wreck-Gar,
hold down the fort here for a while.

Watch your step, Auto-buddy.

If you slip in quick
mud, its goodbye, Blurr.

Of course I'd watch my
step because if I didn't,

I'd end up the way the Ick-Yak ends
up down there in the muck, Kup.

Are the Orbs long gone too? Because I
don't think I'd like meeting the Orbs,

anymore than the Ick-Yak and I
wouldn't like meeting the Ick-Yak!

I'd worry more about
Deceptigoons if I was you.

Oh no! I hate this worse than getting
gooey, and nothing I hate worse than gooey,

except mud, and if i never get out
of this mud, i'll be muddy forever!

Help me, somebody help me,
or I'll sink, but I already am sinking,

and if you don't stop me,
I'll sink some more and more--!

Help me, somebody help me, I'm sinking!

Don't let me reach the bottom, because
if I reach the bottom, I'll be gone!

Sky Lynx!

If he's come after the cannon,
he's gonna get himself obliterated!

Obliterated? By you grubby Predacons?
That'll be the day!

You Blurr, lucky we got tired of waiting,

otherwise you be nothing but mud pie!

Me, Grimlock, say now it's time to
destroy that monster Chaos!

I don't know. Even when I was a young
robot, I couldn't destroy Chaos.

But Decepticons have Death Crystals.

Must destroy Chaos so
there be no more crystals!

Nine out of ten Autobots and
this Surgeon General agree,

the death crystals can
be hazardous to your health.

It's time for a little recon mission.

It's too dangerous, Sky Lynx!

One more cartload of Death Crystals,

and we'll be ready to turn Cybertron
into a metallic swiss cheese!

Galvatron! This planet is contaminated!

With Autobots!

We tried to destroy 'em, but that Sky
Lynx stomped in and, well, you see, I--

Unfortunately, I do.
Commence hunting season!

How did the Autobots
find us on this planet?

Ah, no matter.
We shall annihilate them effortlessly!

Pop top can not popping!
Ziplock bag not locking.

I thought you scrawny beasts have
had enough of a licking for one day!

I told you guys we were
gonna regret coming here!

Predacons! Merge to become Predaking!

Predaking, I command you to
destroy those scavenging invaders!

This mine shaft should take us to Chaos.

But cannon!
Cybertron in big danger!

I've got a plan, Grimlock!

Kup, wait! When Sky Lynx
back, we all go together!

Sky Lynx is too big to fit inside
here, Grimlock.

Besides, this is my fight.

Now I gotta face him.

I'm trapped!

Chaos! I know you're there!

Hear me loud and clear, Chaos!
You're over and out!

What're we gonna do bout Kup? Kup's trapped
in the mines, and if we don't find Kup,

He won't get out, and if he won't get out
- Look Look Look Look Look Look Look!

Sky Lynx! You hurt?

I'll be okay, Auto-buddies.
Just a few superficial scrapes.

Outside this mountain,
there's a greater monster than you!

And you're afraid to face him!

The time is at hand, Astrotrain.
Prepare to fire.

Down there. Quick, follow me!

Help me, push!

Hey, Chaos! You can feed later on!

I wanted to give 'em back to ya!

Me, Grimlock, never afraid of Chaos.
Only joking!

But Sky Lynx' still hurt from the fighting.
I mean, its not terrible, but we better,

I mean, we really better
get him patched up right away!

We'll get Sky Lynx patched
up, soon as we get home.

Which reminds me.

Did I ever tell you about the time I was
flying this busted shuttle named Jonagar?

- Oh no. - Oh no.

Quiet! Me, Grimlock,
want to hear story of Jonagar!

Well, there was Jonagar with me aboard,

flying right into the mouth of
this giant space whale you see.

For three days and nights we
was trapped inside that whale,

and we thought we was done for!

But no. I figured out how to
outsmart him, you see...