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03x06 - The k*lling Jar

Posted: 07/26/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

The stars seem so
peaceful from a distance,

but up close, they are so troubled.

An exotic specimen,
this Autobot known as Ultra Magnus.

We designed them well.

Maybe too well.
Commence the ship's mirage sequence.

Now take us to him.

Rodimus Prime wants you
to report to the EDC Command Centre.

Is it an emergency?

This must be important, or they would
not have wasted my precious time.

Get on board!

End ship's mirage sequence.

The specimen is now secure.

We shall test his reaction to betrayal.

Betrayal by the one he trusts the most.

Trigger the Rodimus Prime illusion

Hey, Sky Lynx,
who's your new interior decorator?

Sky Lynx is not here.

Rodimus! What do you mean Sky Lynx is not--

The Autobot specimen will defend himself
but will try to avoid harming his leader,

unless his own survival is threatened.

Rodimus! Listen!

I don't want to hurt you,
but I'm not taking anymore of this!

How did you know what he would do?

I contributed to the Autobots' design.

They always react according
to their individual programming.

This Ultra Magnus is a
soldier first and foremost.

I always knew you were
hot-headed, but what the--?

An illusion!

All right, you've got until the count
of one, to open these bars while! One!

The Autobot has discovered that his
weapons are useless on board this ship.

Take us to Chaar.
Our next specimen awaits.

Ready, aim...


A good workout, but it doesn't
compare to combat with a thinking foe!

- Cyclonus!

Galvatron wants to talk to you!
Climb aboard!

Welcome, Cyclonus!

This Cyclonus is very similar
in programming to Ultra Magnus.

I think he will react much the same
to an attack by his own leader.

Galvatron! Why would you attack
me, your most loyal soldier?

Something very wrong here!

Galvatron was an illusion!

I will vanquish whoever
is behind this outrage.

This Decepticon and the
Autobot are two of a kind.

One is good and one is evil,

but to me that is no difference at all.

On to the Junkion planet.

Do you remember what Lobo, the
clown said, boys and girls!

The best way to get your
way is to be good everyday!

Well remember, boys and girls! Best day
to get your way is be good, say hey hey!

And now, kids,
it's time for a word from our sponsors,

who've come all the way
from the planet Junkion!

Smile. No candid camera instaclicks me!

Come inside, Wreck-Gar,
and say hello to the studio audience!

Take a Junkion out of the
most cluttered environment in the galaxy,

then place him in a completely bare cell.

He should be shocked into
total inactivity by the change.

My Home Sweet Home.

As an Autobot, this Junkion should have
reacted as I predicted. Remarkable.


EDC shuttle, identify yourself.

Heh, Marissa Faireborn, this is
your closest relative, come for a visit!




I'm so glad you're here!
Come on inside, I'll show you around.

What is going on here?

Humans are disgusting
creatures, but worth of study,

if just to find a better
way of destroying them.

Begin experiment.

Dad... where are we going?

What's wrong? Why don't you answer me?

Marissa, don't be afraid.
I'm still your father!

I don't know who you are,

but you're not my father!

v*olence is always the humans'
way of solving problems.

Now to introduce her
to the other specimens.

Oh, great.

Either I'm in a zoo, or worse, a jail.

Book me, Dan,
I have the right to remain silent!

Marissa, are you all right?

That depends on how you define "alright".

Who dares do this to us ?!

Greetings, specimens!

They are much smarter than they
appear to be on the monitor.

A Quintesson!

Kidnapping and experimentation
on sentient beings are crimes!

I am an officer in the EDC and--

You're an insect, to be studied and then
disposed off when you're no more use to me!

All of you!

Guard, activate the
cell's submission device!

I will examine the human first.

Marissa! Marissa!

The Junkion has shorted out
the submission device!

Now that I can move again,
how about me experimenting on you ?!

Guard! Transform into alternate
mode and destroy the human!

Better hurry! The Quintesson guard
is getting uglier by the second!

Marissa, he's coming up behind you!

I didn't hit it that hard!

What a new development!

Is this another Quintesson experiment?

Ultra Magnus! What is this?
What... what's happening?

Its an electron storm!

I'm losin control of my mechanisms!

We've got to get out of it!
It'll tear us and this ship apart!

You clumsy, empty-headed construct!

This is unbearable!

We got to get out of this place!

Hurry! To the control room!

My circuits can't take much more of this!

What do we do now ?!

Try the control panel on my cell again!

We must steer the ship through
the lows of this electron storm,

or we will be torn to pieces!
Steer for that empty area on the right!


I said right, not left!
Another mistake and you will be scrapped!

It's no use!
I can't get you out of there!

Stand back!

The Autobot short-circuited
the electron bars!

Magnus, are you alright?

Just a few nova's interfering with my
optical readings, other... than that...

It seems our bad weather has passed!

But not our troubles.

I may have been hasty in my
assessment of you piloting skills.

Let us resume our examination.

You die now, Junkion!

The other specimens have escaped.

It is my duty to take this
ship back to Cybertron.

And it is my duty to deliver
it and you to Galvatron!

Just so we understand each other.

This has been too long
since I had an opponent

who is worthy of my full attention.

Sorry, shield is in good hands!

But arm is covered by
-day money back guarantee.

Hurry, hurry,
sale is for a limited time!

Good as new, with easy terms!

Now, to plot a course back home.

It may be too late!

Oh, great! First kidnapped,
then zapped, and now this!

This is just not my day!

Stop it!
All of you, stop fighting!

If we don't do something about
this, we're all losers!

This better be good.

This cannot be.

Yes it is. A black hole.

The black hole is a
star that has collapsed in on itself,

becoming so dense that neither matter nor
light can escape its immense gravity.

Reverse thrust.

No change in position.

And we got troubles! Down the drain!

Engines keeping us in same
place, but barely.

Distress signal, call for help.

Wait a minute. Where is our host?

The Quintesson is gone!

Aft section!

Aft section?

Aft section! In back!
Escape pods!

It doesn't look good.

Electron storm must have broke escape pods.

This is unbelievable!
Eight more dead ends!

One more pod up in back!

Stay back! There is only
room for one in this escape pod,

and I will be that one!

No get away cruise for you!

Stop, Guard!

The Quintesson guard can't
override his programming!

He's letting the Quintesson
scientist get away!

I have activated the escape pod!
It will automatically launch in seconds!

Marissa, get up here! You're going home!

Nobody moves!

I am boarding that escape pod and will
destroy anyone who gets in my way!

Humans make TV!
Marissa stay up all night long!

You know of course that I
can take care of myself.

But thanks anyway!

Ultra Magnus! Noooo!

Ultra Magnus is gone and I'm
gonna make you pay for it!

Sports fans! Ultra Magnus will be
back--after station identification. Look!

He's right!
Ultra Magnus is still out there!

This sure isn't how i
pictured my final performance.

What the--!

Cyclonus, you saved me? But why?

Warriors such as you and I
should meet their end in battle.

You fools! The escape pod has
been launched with no one aboard!

We will all be devoured by that...
that black hole out there!

We wouldn't be in this situation at all…

…If you had not captured us.

Cyclonus, I can finish my own thoughts.

I don't need you to do it for me.

Maybe the thought was not yours
to begin with, Ultra Magnus.

Our host is taking a powder.
Maybe we should go after him.

Now what? Or shouldn't I ask?

Incoming transmission.
Radio message; Mail call.

Where is the transmission coming from?

Somewhere behind us and it
is on the same frequency,

as our own distress signal.

But who is sending it?

Guard, punch up our rear view screen.

Look, that is why the transmission
is on the same frequency as ours!

My Quintesson brothers
have come to rescue me!

You are wrong!
Only Decepticons would travel this far.

To my visual receptors, it looks more like
an Autobot cruiser than a Decepticon junk.

Junk? Wreck-Gar found home!
Operator standing by.

Forget it!
Its not here to rescue anybody!

Its a derelict ship! Theres no crew!

But what about the
transmission we're recieving?

The signal must be a*t*matic,
merely repeating a distress call.

Just like our distress signal.

And just like ours,
no one else has heard it.

I've gone from rear view to forward view.

With no engines to counter the
pull of the black hole's gravity,

the derelict will reach the
black hole before this ship does.

And how long for the
derelict's fate becomes ours?

As long as our ship's
engines are functional,

we have enough power to maintain our
position above the black hole for a while.

Yes, but how long is "a while longer"?

I guess that answers my question!

There seems to be nothing left for but
to be... witness to our own destruction!

We still exist!

But what happened to us?

My internal data indicates,
no malfunction in my color perceptors.

This change must be
caused by outside forces.

Outta control! On the fritz!
Don't touch that dial!

This is incredible! Wondrous!
We are in a negative universe!

Another scientific theory of
mine has been proven correct!

So that's why everything looks different!

This is all very interesting!

Now lets hear your theory on how we get
out of here back to our own universe!

Yes! Yes!
If we can produce enough speed,

to reenter the white hole on the correct
trajectory, we have an excellent chance

of passing through intact!
Or being ejected from the - ahh!

These two are the cause of our ordeals.

Then its only fitting,
they help us solve our problem.

The engines have been
damaged by the overload,

but with some donated
parts from your mechanisms,

and some work they can
be made fully functional.

Then let's get started!

You all realise that the ship enters
the white hole on the incorrect trajectory,

we will all be crushed or torn to pieces.

Let's do it!

We have nothing to lose.

Besides, if we did it once, we can--

Go back, Jack, and do it again!

Full forward and lateral thrust! Now!

We're back where we started!

Not quite! Take a look!

The reception committee has formed!

So they did recieve our distress signal.

Open a transmission channel now!

Sky Lynx! Disengage and
take a reverse heading!

Ultra Magnus, where are you?

Behind you!
What do you think reverse means?!

Okay okay!
Pack your bags because here I come!

Don't try to stop us.

There would be no point in that.

It appears to be a standoff out
there, and in here.

Then we will go our seperate ways,

but the next time we
meet, it will be as enemies.

Yes, as soldiers on opposing sides.

No more no less.

There it is, Magnus!
Home, sweet Cybertron!

We travelled from one universe to
another, and back again,

but as citizens of the same galaxy,
we are still so far apart.