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03x03 - Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3

Posted: 07/26/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

I think we're outnumbered.

Decepticons, attack!

They're gonna stomp us. Cowards!

Object approaching!

Rodimus, wake up!

After Rodimus Prime and
Grimlock are rescued

from the Decepticons
by Arcee and Springer,

the Autobots realized that
the Decepticons are now too weak,

to have kidnapped Ultra
Magnus, Kup and Spike.

But if they didn't, who did?

They guys sure know a lot about
Cybertron and Transformers.

Its as if they can read our minds.

To find the answer,
Rodimus Prime traveled deep within himself,

into the Matrix of Leadership and emerges
with the incredible answer.

The Quintessons...

Meanwhile, on the planet Quintessa,
the evil Quintessons sentenced

Kup, Ultra Magnus and Spike to
death in the Sharkticon Pit.

As this happens, Galvatron emerges
from the lava plasma of the planet Thrull,

to lead the Decepticons.

Come, Decepticons.
We have an empire to regain!

The Autobots invade the planet Quintessa,

to save their friends from execution.

Get in there and pull our guys out.

Grab on!

But the Quintessons would rather
blow up their own home planet...

I shall miss Quintessa.

... than allow any
Autobots to escape.

Autobots, let's get outta here!


There's no time!

You figured a way out of this
or are we in big trouble?

We're in big trouble.

Relax! Enjoy the ride!

...and to make matters worse,

the Autobots and the humans
have built a space platform...

to act as a first line
of defense for Earth.

A space platform for humans?

This I must see!

Sweeps, this way!

I think that plasma bath
fried Galvatron's circuits!

It's not your place to think.

Where he leads,
all Decepticons must follow.

Through the warp gate!

I've computed our trajectory.

We're due to impact with an
object , kilometers away.

What kind of object?

Not enough data.
It could either be a ship or... a planet.

Well, we'll either be saved or splattered.

Here we are, and where is here?
Earth's solar system, thats where here is.

Anyway, you think we would see some
scenery on the way , but no.

All we saw was white on black! No Novas, no
Comets, no Red Dwarves, no White Giants--

Alert! Alert! Alert! Alert!

Now what? Beep, Beep, Beep,
Alarm Alarm Alarm, that's what!

Like I don't have enough
frustration in my life without,

beep beep beep alert alert alert!

Your words invective
and your ship defective!

First of all, its not my ship. And Second
of all, the chances of it being defective

in trillion and that's a fact!

And the chances that Galvatron still lives?

Less. Much, much, much, less!

Screen shows traces of vanished faces!

Earth Defense Base! This is Autobot Blurr
of Cybertron. We've got a malfunction here.

We're just been on the dullest trip
of our lives, and now we're getting

beep beep beep alert alert alert!

Like who needs that noise? I mean--

Slow down, pal, and listen clear.

Our sensors show, something coming
through the warp gate out beyond Pluto.

If its hostile,
we can't guarantee your safety.

Make a break for Earth and
we'll do our best to cover you.

Humans are fools to trust their tools.

Galvatron? Galvatron! Why didn't you tell
me? Why didn't you say you saw Galva--

Why do you fear? Can the dead be here?


Now, Sweeps, strike a blow
for the honour of all Decepticons!

Trooper Sullivan to Earth Command!
Decepticon alert!

Outpost has been destroyed!

Now for some sport!

We seem to have missed something.

An Autobot shuttle no less!
I want it!

Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter!
Yes, thats it, thats it Jupiter!

Maybe we can lose them all at Jupiter!


The planet Jupiter!
The giant gas planet up ahead,

you know, you know, you know, you know
the one I mean! Don't you, Don't you?

Planet I know, but Decepticons follow.

Tell me something I don't know!
That's why we have to move fast fast fast,

cause if we don't get away,
we're doomed and I don't know about you,

but I don't want to be doomed,
especially at the hands of Galvatron!

He's one mean guy, you know what I mean?
Huh? Huh? Huh?

After them, Sweeps!
Bring me their heads as souvenirs!

Good morning, good morning!

Uh-Oh, we got a warning!

Bad morning, bad morning!
Autobots to your stations, on the double!

This is Blaster here, at Metroplex
calling you stars on Mars!

Blaster, this is EDC
Captain Marissa Faireborn.

I'm tracking an Autobot shuttle with
several Decepticon fighters in pursuit.

Thats Priority One! With a b*llet
in a seed, with all due speed!

On my way!

Tin can about to crash!
Wheelie's gonna have to dash!

Wait, Wheelie!

Oh, You never listen, do you?

Now, Autobots, your journey ends!

I told you!

Fine! Now tell me how we're supposed to
get to Earth without a ship,

and how we're supposed to survive that!

Cyclonus: Bravo, Galvatron.
The Autobots' destruction is assured.

Galvatron: Assured is not enough.

I told you I want their heads, Cyclonus!

Galvatron is strong Wheelie is mean!

Sweep: My guidance system is hit!
Galvatron, save meeeEEE!

Galvatron: Please meet your end
with dignity! I despise whiners!


Eat street, Sweep creep!

I think they underestimate my power.

The storm is imploding!

No, no, no, no, no-no-no-no-no, no, no!

Sweep : This is blowing
out my audio sensors.

Sweep : It's t*rture!

Galvatron: Hahah, no, no! It's music.

The symphony of destruction,
and the anthem of agony!

The storm cone is going to erupt!

How pleasant the feeling,

to know the Autobots and their Matrix
of Leadership have been destroyed.

I could watch it over and over again.

It is a day so long in coming

that I am uncertain how to celebrate it.

Perhaps... a quiet chuckle.

Very well then. Let us... chuckle.

It cannot be true! They live!

They live and come at inexorably
toward Goo B.

Then we have no choice.

We must acquire their sheer
might to wipe them out...

once and for all.

But there is only one way!


However grave the risk,
we must form an alliance...

with the Decepticons.

I've been on some strange
planets, but never anywhere like this!

This is not a planet.
I don't know what it is.

I used to stick stuff like this
under my seat at school!

Death, I can face,
but to be robbed of my dignity--

Well, it ain't an oil bath, but all
things considered, it could be worse.

What do you suppose that is?

I don't think its the welcome wagon.

I'll fly over and see.

Looks like you can move
through this stuff, but not off it!

That can become a serious liability.

Its sweeping up the place like,
some kind of janitorial system!

Yeah, and I bet its
gonna think we're trash!

I can't control my transformations!

Neither, can I!
I feel like a human doing situps!

Cyclonus: Mighty Galvatron...
where are the Autobots' heads?!

Galvatron: [whacks him] What does it
matter? Their destruction is assured!

Take me to the Chaar!

This will be the first time I've ever
fired on a garbage truck, but--!


Maybe I can lift us out of here!

Aah--No go!

I don't like the look of that.

His movement is attracting the machine!

You never know. It might be trying
to help me out of this goop!

Let's get out of its way!

Springer! Move out of its--



Rodimus! It's coming for you!

The Decepticons are hungry,

and thus highly susceptible to persuasion.

Exercise caution.

Feed them only enough to
make them hungrier still.

Decepticons! We come in peace!

We offer you Energon cubes.

They want to make a deal with us.

One of us has to go out there.

What does it matter if I meet my fate now,

or when my circuits fail.

Quintesson: We have not come to k*ll you.

We have come to offer you a proposition.

Dead End: Uh—Swindle!
I think this is your department.

Swindle: First, see if we can trust 'em.

Taste one of the energon cubes.

C'mon, Let me at it!

Very soon, they will be ours again.

Rodimus! Run!

Kup: Forget everything I
told you about heroism, RUN!

He stopped it!

I've seen a lot of brave Autobots
do a lot of brave things in my time,

but nothing like that.

Yeah, me neither.
And I hope I never have to again.

This is impossible! You were never
programmed for self-sacrifice!

How would you know?

And more importantly,
how are we gonna get out of this mess?

Are you ready to hear our proposition?

We would be willing to keep
you in energon forever.

Sounds too good to be true!

That means it, probably is.
Mm. What do we do for you?

Take care of a nuisance.

Destroy the Autobots.

Come on! You've gotta be kidding!

We do that anyway!

Look, how will we attack
them on Cybertron?

Their defenses are many
times stronger than we are,

no matter how much energon you give us.

We are not proposing
an attack on Cybertron.

Bad idea!

If we act quickly, we can strike
when they least expect it.

They lie! They want something more!

We've met before, haven't we?

I know you or creatures like you.

Hmm...If only I could remember...

Look! What have we got to lose?
Futility surrounds us here.

I say we vote!
Who votes to go along?

Who votes: Nay?


The Yays have it!

Then we have not a moment to spare!
Board our ship!

I told you.

There was virtually no probability
of their rejecting our offer.

Their programs are not nearly
so tainted as the Autobots.

This is planet my Decepticons now inhabit?

As I warn you,
we have fallen upon hard times.

Soon, I shall raise the Decepticons
quite literally from their own ashes.

The day cannot arive to soon.

Well?! Where are they?

You, uh... pose an
interesting question, my lord.


Blitzwing, my comrade!

I thought the tales of your
survival were but wishful thinking.

No. I live! Where are the rest?

Gone to battle the Autobots.

Without me? Who leads them?

Ancient creatures known as, uh...

Who cares?
I'm the leader of the Decepticons!

I and no other!
Cyclonus, Sweeps, Blitzwing!

We shall slay the usurpers,
reunite the Decepticons,

and raise our empire once more!

Faireborn to Metroplex.
Do you copy, Blaster?

Rockin' with ya, clear channel. Play
some video on me and gimme what you found.

Several metallic objects
were hurled from the

storm on Jupiter toward
the Jovian moon, Io.

Any chance of survivors?

I don't want to guess.

I want to know!
Seting course for Io.

Wheelie okay. Blurr, what do you say?

I think I'm okay too,
but exactly what does okay mean

when you're stranded
on an alien world?

Stranded we are, from home we are far.

So what are you gonna do? So what am
I gonna do? So what are we gonna do?

Huh Huh Huh? What can we do?
What what what?

Don't be a fool, keep your cool.

We wait here and hope for the best,
and if it gets dark, we'll make us a nest.

I think we can shut off the goo in there.

Shut it off?

Yeah. I know what he means.

If we turn off the forcefield that
keeps it warm and gooey,

it'd get brittle and
we could smash our way out.

- What was that?
- We're being fired at!

Mark this moment well.

For when the Decepticons
eliminate the Autobots,

they take the first step to
their own destruction as well.