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04x12 - Wham Up / Seeds of Doubt

Posted: 07/25/23 09:52
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids,
today's featured words

Are "assist" and "blunder."

For young becky botsford,
a.k.a. Wordgirl,

Today is a very special day.

Not only is she scheduled
to attend

A special ceremony honoring
her sidekick captain huggy face,

She's also...

Watching a new

Of "pretty
princess and magic
pony power hour."

So can you
keep it down?

Well, sorry.

Tv: all the time
we were trying to
get sparkletopia,

We were already there
because sparkle...

[Bob chatters]

Bob, no! Crazy
stuff going on here
blowing my mind.

Now, let's point
the sunbeam of destiny

On the broken rainbows

And defeat count cloudy
once and for all!

We interrupt
"the pretty princess and
magic pony power hour"

To bring you
a special report.


And it looks like--yep--
this report is going to take

Exactly as long as the rest
of "the pony power hour."

Ohh. So, bob, you
wanted my assistance
with something?


They both look great,
but since you're getting

The key to the city for
being a super sidekick,

You might just want to
wear your uniform.

Well, let's go work
on your speech.

Narrator: but becky and bob
aren't the only ones having

A special day.

Across town the whammer is
getting out of the slammer.

Hmm. I guess I'm a poet and
didn't even know it. Heh heh.

Whammer, over here.
It's me--
the pretty one.

Yes, whammer,
now that you're
out of prison,

What's next?

gonna be--
let me guess.

You've become
the sidekick of
yet another villain,

Make some huge

Then get caught
by wordgirl and
sent back to jail.


No way! No more slammer
for the whammer.

Narrator: hey!
That was my rhyme.

It's totally obvious.
You don't own it.

Anyhow, no more
mr. Bad guy.

Will you be looking
for a job?

And if so,
what kind?

Whammer's gonna be
an assistant.

Being a sidekick is all
about assisting people.

And I'm totally
whammer at that.

And by whammer,
you mean "good"?

Yeah. Now it's time
for the whammer to wham.

[People gasp]

Hey, uh--

And by "wham,"
you mean go
find a job,

Not actually

Like with your
fists, right?

Yeah! Wham.


Another villain
with another promise
to turn his back

On a life of crime.

But will he
make blunders

And end up back
behind bars?

Ha ha. I mean, we
are talking about
the whammer here,

Right, folks?

Hey. Whammer's
still right here.

Sorry. Good luck!

The whammer likes being
the baker's sidekick.

It's super wham.

Yes. Well, I'm happy
to finally have
an assistant.

I think this is
the beginning of
a beautiful--

Wait a minute!
This cake was
supposed to say

"Happy birthday, kevin,"

Not "happy wham
day, whammer."

Yeah! You love it?
It sounds better.

Mm! Wham-a-licious.

That is a giant blunder,
mr. Whammer.

I'm afraid you can't be
my assistant.

Stop that.
Stop the licking.

Stop the licking!

Whammer's excited to play
second fiddle to you

In tonight's concert.

That's nice.

Dad made the whammer
take violin lessons
for years,

But the whammer never
thought it would
pay off. Yeah!

Can you
please try to keep
your voice down?

I need to practice.

Yeah. No blunders
this time for the whammer.

[Playing loudly]

Whamming wham
session! Yeah!

Oh, yeah!

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!

Oh! I love it!
I love it!

I love it!

Man: oh, I know you may
have had some bad luck
at those other jobs,

But you just need a little
encouragement, whammer.


You know, someone who
really believes in you,

In your ability to
assist others.


Well, look
no further, whammer.

This is your
new home, buddy.


So what do you think?

Well, dave, whammer
thinks you're the greatest
guy in history,

And this copy shop...

Totally whams!

The whammer will pack
his things

And go quietly.

That's probably
for the best.

The whammer doesn't
know what to do next.

Narrator: you could always
go back to a life of crime.

We all know it's coming.

No. Whammer's
done with crime.

Oh, the whammer
isn't asking much.

No. Whammer
just wants to be--

Announcer: the greatest
sidekick in the city's history.

Whammer: yeah!

Captain huggy face...

You've helped us tie up
amazing rope guy,

Blow the whistle on the coach,

And outsmart dr. Two-brains,

All by assisting the city's
favorite superhero--

"Smile and put hands up."

What? Wha...

Well, you should have
put it in parentheses.

I mean wordgirl!

Wordgirl: ho ho. Thank you.

Ahem. Uh, but-but-but this day
isn't about me.

It's about the best
sidekick ever--

Captain huggy face.

Yes. Now I
believe you have
a speech prepared.


The whammer is the best
sidekick ever.

Hmm, whammer needs
that job.


The whammer worked
all day on this...


Uh, you mean...


Whammer knows that
attention to detail
speaks volumes

About one's character.

Hmm, what font
did you use?
Is that gara--


Yup, whammer totally
gets the job, then, right?

Uh, not exactly.

I mean,
you're definitely an
experienced sidekick,

Although most of your
experience has been
assisting villains

With crimes.

And you really shouldn't
put that on a resume.

But like I
told you before,

I already
have a sidekick.

Whammer can provide
excellent references.

You mean villains
who will say you're
great at your job?

They'll tell you
whammer is a whamming
sidekick. Yeah!

I'm sure they would.
But, again,

I really don't need
a sidekick right now.

I have huggy,
a terrific sidekick who
never makes any blunders.

And he's also
a good friend.

But if you did
need a sidekick,
the whammer, yeah?


Sure. Of course.



But I don't need one,
so it was really nice
talking to you.

Good luck
in the job hunt.

I think I have
to go over there now.

Whammer gets it.

Wordgirl wants whammer
as a sidekick.

But she needs the monkey
out of the way first. Yeah!

Psst! Hey, monkey,
whammer has a question

For the greatest
sidekick ever.

Uh, that is to say...


Yeah. Not
a question at all.

A wham. And now that
the monkey's gone,

Wordgirl's gonna realize
she needs the whammer
to assist her

In stopping this boulder
from bouldering things.


Did I hear some
whamming going on
over here?

Oh, whammer didn't
hear anything.

Whammer saw something--
a giant rock's

On its way
to crush the city.

Oh, no! I have
to stop it.

Huggy, let's--

captain huggy face?

Well, I don't have time
to find him right now.

I've got a giant
boulder to stop.

Yeah, we got to wham it.

But, no, actually,
I'm gonna do it
on my own.

Yeah, with the whammer
assisting you. Totally.

No, i--ugh. Ooh. Word up.

Landed it!


Yeah. We did it.

Now we wham.

No. Whammer,

Man: oh, no! Look up!

Woman: the sky is falling!

All right!

We wham great

Now the whammer is
the greatest sidekick
in history.

Wordgirl's lucky
I whammed the monkey
into outer space. Yeah!

You--you did what?

Narrator: captain huggy face
would be in a heap
of trouble right now

If he wasn't a class "a"
space pilot that
could fly anything,

Even a playground rocket ship.

I've got to find a way
to save huggy.

But as soon as I do,
you're gonna have to
come with me, whammer.


Whatever you say,

Whammer's your new

No, you're not.

A sidekick is supposed
to assist the person
they work with.

Assist means help
the person with
whatever they're doing,

Not make things

Now whammer's

You said you
would want whammer
as your sidekick

If the monkey
wasn't around.

Now the monkey
isn't around.

So let's wham.

What? I never said
I wanted you as my--

Oh, I see. I was being
too polite before

And not telling you
how I really felt
about having you

As my sidekick.

That was a blunder
on my part.

Yeah! Whammer's
a blunder, too.

No, no. A blunder
is a mistake.

I made a mistake by
not telling you how
I really felt before.

And so let me clear up
the confusion.

Whammer, I don't want
you as my sidekick,
no matter what,

Ever, ever, ever.

Yes, you do.

No, I don't!
I really, really
don't at all.

Oh. Whammer's
starting to feel

If whammer's heart
was an ice cream,
it would be melting

And dripping on
the ground.

Ohh, whammer, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you--

No, no. No, no.
It's too late
for apologies. Yeah.

Damage done.
Heart melting.

Whamming! Whammed!


Oh! I'm stuck.

Whammer's gonna wham
you to outer space

To be with your
precious sidekick--

The one who's not
the whammer.


Say good-wham.

[Whammer yells]

[Captain huggy face chattering]


Nice work. I think
you just proved

Why you're the best
sidekick ever.

Man: how
you doing, ma'am?

We got some reports about
a whamming in this area. You
know anything about that?

Wham? Yeah! That was
totally the whammer.

Oh, ok. Then
you're under arrest.

Hey, it
looks like

The whammer
is going back
to the slammer.

Ha ha ha...

hey! That's my line.

Policeman: yeah,
but it's kind of obvious,
don't you think?

Whammer: whammer's
still very interested
in the position, yeah,

If it opens up.


[Captain huggy face

Wordgirl: I mean
no, definitely not.
The position is filled.

Narrator: and so captain
huggy face is back on earth

Assisting wordgirl as her
loyal friend and sidekick.

And the whammer's blunders
get him sent back to...

That place that rhymes
with "whammer"

And starts with an "s."

Tune in next time for
another exciting, colossal
adventure of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's
featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

May I have a word?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "disguise."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


A disguise is
the type of
monkey huggy is.

What a cute
disguise he is.

Eh, no.

Tommy: a disguise is a way
of changing how you look.

If, say, I were to wear
a beard and a cowboy hat

So wordgirl didn't know
it was me asking for
her autograph again.

That is correct, tommy.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official
"wordgirl" trunk

Full of disguises.

Disguise yourself
as a fireman, a french spy,
a teapot, a game show host.

Hey! We didn't talk
about you disguising
yourself as me.


Very funny!

[Captain huggy face chatters]

Come on, huggy.
There can only be
one host of the show.

Hmm? Much better.

That's it for
today's episode.
See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: psst.
Listen for the words
"doubt" and "refresh."

Let's see. I need to buy
eggs, milk, bread, cereal.

Ice cream? No. No ice cream.

Eh, I'll decide about
the ice cream at the market.

Um, excuse me.
Can you make your
grocery list later?

We've got a show
to start.

Narrator: oops. Sorry.
Here we go. Ahem.

Our story begins here
in wordgirl's secret
space ship hideout,

Where our hero and her
brave sidekick are...

Watching television?

We're allowed to watch
one hour of tv a day.


Tv: today on...

"Lair you have it"...



Host: look how we took
a villain's cluttered lair,

Refreshed it a bit,

And turned it into a cozy
little meat retreat

That's fun and functional!


Wow. The butcher's lair
looks so good.

So refreshed.

We should refresh
our lair, too.


I know this is not
officially a lair.

Lairs are for villains,

But there aren't any
shows on redecorating
secret space ship hideouts.

So, hmm, where
should we start?

Maybe we should put some
art on the wall over there.


Maybe we'll get an idea
from the show.

Tune in next time, when
we go to lady redundant
woman's apartment

And paint it
the same color
different times.

Oh! Make that times.

Narrator: meanwhile
on the other side of town,

Ms. Question is planning
a lair refreshing
of her own.

Hmm, is it possible tv
can be so entertaining
and educational?

What if I
refreshed my lair?

Where should I put this?

And what should I
put over here in this
well-lit empty space

That would be perfect
for a fine work of art?

Tv announcer: we interrupt
this program

With a special art bulletin.

"The thinker"
is still thinking.

"The ponderer"
is on the move

And will be here at the museum
starting tomorrow.

Well, well.
What have we here?

Announcer: the celebrated

Without a doubt, one
of the most beloved
and valuable sculptures

In the world.

But what if I steal
"the ponderer" and put it
in my well-lit space

That would be perfect
for a fine work of art?

Tv announcer: but don't
get any ideas about
stealing "the ponderer"

And putting it in
your own well-lit space.

Why not?
It wouldn't fit.

Because it's so valuable,
it travels with
its very own guard.

Oh, that would be
me--joe the guard.

Do you consider
yourself a hero?

I'm just a regular joe.

Every morning, I eat
my poppy seed bagel,
drink my coffee,

And, well,
just do my job.

I can't waste time
asking questions

Or wondering about
stuff, thinking
about things.

I have a ponderer
to protect.

Well, there's no doubt
about that.

Now, please
stand back.

Did he just say
that he doesn't
ask questions?

But what if his
precious poppy seed
bagel were covered

With seeds of doubt

Would he ask
questions then? Ha ha!

Narrator: the next morning
over at the botsford household,

News of the art exhibit
has electrified another
morning routine.

Razzle dazzle!

Dust off your
season passes, everyone.

The botsfords are going
to the art museum today.

Oh, no. I can't go.

Are you feeling ok, becky?

Becky: oh, yeah! I just
have plans to fix up
my secret hideout today.

Uh, I mean my room,
which is upstairs.

Oh. Ok. T.j., You in?

Ah, dad, I don't want
to go to a museum.

We just can't miss a chance
to see "the ponderer."

It's only the most famous
piece of pondering-related
art in the whole world.

Come on!

Dad, that does
sound impressive,

If you know
what pondering means.

To ponder means
to think about

Or to consider it
really carefully.

Oh! Like I'm pondering
why we have to go
to the museum today.

You know,
actually, seeing
all that artwork

Could give me ideas
for my hideout--
I mean space ship--

I mean room,
my bedroom,
which is upstairs.

Heh heh.

Great! Becky's in.

How about you, t.j.?
Finished pondering yet?

Hmm, almost.
Hook me up with
something nice

From the gift shop,
and I'm in.

Hmm, would a -pack
of museum post cards
do the trick?

I doubt that
he's going
to want that.

You're right. Dad, I was
actually thinking more
like a hexapod telescope.

But we'll see
when we get there.

Excellent! We're
off to the museum.

Narrator: but while
the botsfords are
busy getting ready

For their trip
to the museum,

Ms. Question is
already there.

Good day, ma'am.

Is that bigfoot?

Bigfoot? Where?!

I don't see him.

You said you saw
a bigfoot.

I did? Where?

Over there.
over there?

I don't know. You're
the one who said
you saw him.



Your constant questions
are very annoying,

And I'm not gonna
talk to you anymore.

[Ms. Question hums]

I doubt she even saw
a bigfoot.

Bagels for sale.
Get your fresh bagels here.

Fresh as can be.

Bagels for sale.

Good morning.
It's me--joe,

Guard and
regular guy.

I'll take
a bagel and
a coffee--black.

Then I'm gonna
do my job--

"the ponderer"

And not ask
any questions.

Mm. Good today.
You should try one.

Maybe I will. Mm!
These are good.

Ok, it's
exactly : .
Time to get to work.

Excuse me.

Could you tell me
what time it is?

Exactly : .

Or maybe
it's not : .

Maybe it's :

Or : . It
could even be : .

Who knows?
I doubt this old
watch knows.

I doubt we'll ever
know for sure.

I just can't be certain
of anything anymore!

What am I doing
here anyway?

What do I know
about guarding?

What if I said to you
that "the ponderer"
belongs to me?

You? Really?

And what if I said
that I'm going
to take it

And put it in my lair?

I'd say that I doubt
you could fit it
through that door.

But how do I know for sure
that you'll find these
bagels as delicious

As I do?

You could let me

Take a bite
of one of
the bagels

And I could give
you my honest

I want to believe you,
but I just can't be certain.

Are you sure you're
a bagel vendor?

I have my doubts.
Are you sure that
you're a bagel vendor?

What? Now I'm
a bagel vendor?

You are? Then you should
be standing here.

[Scratches head]

Ok. Free bagels.
Get them while
they're fresh.

Oh, can I get a free bagel?

You promise to give it
a good home?

Oh, yeah!

Here. Eat all
you want.

Oh, boy!

Mm. Don't mind
if I chew. Ha ha ha.

Excuse me. Could you tell
us where "the ponderer" is?

I think
it's over there.

Becky: thanks.

No, wait. I doubt
they would put it
in that room.

All the other
sculptures are
over there.

Ok, so it's with the other
sculptures over there.

Woman: right. But now
that I think about it,

I seriously doubt they'd put
"the ponderer" over there.

It might be
over there or there.

I don't know. Ah!

Becky: ok. Thanks
for your help.

I doubt we're
going to get any useful
information from that woman.

Dad: mm. And I doubt
if I've ever enjoyed

A poppy seed
bagel this much.

Yeah, me, too.

I mean, me neither.
I mean, um, I don't know.

Bob and I will go that way,
and you two go that way.

Eventually, we'll find
"the ponderer."

So this is
"the ponderer."

It's so realistic.


Oh. I'm not
"the ponderer."

Maybe I am.
I am pondering, I think.

Or am i?

Where's the real

Uh, I don't know.
I can't be sure.

What do you mean?
Your job is to know

"the ponderer" is.

I mean, you're
the guard--
joe the guard.

Am i? Are you sure?

We've got to do something.

"The ponderer" must have
been stolen.

Try to refresh your memory.

Did you see
anyone take it?

I mean, it didn't
just disappear.

I don't get it.

Why is he so full
of doubt,

So uncertain
about everything?

I--i don't know
what "doubt" means.
I thought I knew,

But now I'm not so sure.

"To doubt" means
to be uncertain.

Like if you're not
sure about something,

You might doubt
that it's true.

That's doubt?
Are you sure?

I'm positive.

I just wish I knew who
stole "the ponderer."

Wait a second. Only
one villain would use
a question as a w*apon,

Create uncertainty when
there is no need, and
make doubt a disease.


No, bob, not dr. Two-brains.

This is the work
of ms. Question.

And now I'm certain
what we have to do.

Word up!

Narrator: later at
ms. Question's lair...

Is it better here?

Or here?

How about over here?

How about back
in the museum
where it belongs?

Wordgirl, what are
you doing here?

I'm here to retrieve
"the ponderer"

And take it back
to the museum for
everyone to enjoy.

Ms. Question:
ha. Is that all?

Oh, yeah. Uh, I'm
taking you to jail.

Are you sure?

Ha ha!


Listen, I'm trying
to refresh my lair, too,

But I don't steal
works of art to do it.

Aren't lairs just
for villains?

You're missing the point.

Do you think I'd get
the point if I knew
what you mean

When you say "refresh"?

Oh, refresh. It means
to make something
fresh again,

To renew it.

A cool drink on
a hot day can be
very refreshing.

And redecorating can
refresh your lair.

So you're saying
"the ponderer" will
help refresh my lair.

Yeah--no! What?

Ugh! You can't steal
works of art,

No matter what
you're refreshing.

Oh, yeah? Who says?

[Makes sill noise]

Oh. What's going on?

Am I going to jail now?

That would be a yes.

Am I ever going
to be able to
refresh my lair?

I doubt it, but you're
going to have lots of time
to refresh your jail cell.

But what goes
with steel bars
and concrete?

I don't know. Criminals?

There. Finished at last.

I have finally
refreshed my lair.

[Captain huggy face chatters]

I mean my secret
space ship hideout.

Yes, I am quite certain
that this project is done.

Narrator: and so another
adventure ends where it began--

In the comfort of
wordgirl's super-secret
space ship hideout.

Wordgirl: unless...

Narrator: uh-oh.
We're running out
of time here.

What about the lamp?

It's fine where it is.

Hmm, maybe it's
better over here.

Narrator: seriously,
wordgirl, I need to get
to the grocery store

Before it closes.

You're right. Let's
rip the whole thing out.

I wanted ice cream!

Ok, when in doubt,
tune in next time for
another refreshing adventure

Of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm
beau handsome,

And this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play
for even greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "disguise."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which
one shows the definition
for "disguise."

Give it a shot, tommy.

I don't know who
granny may thinks
she's fooling,

Disguising herself
as a cheerleader.

That is correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

[Chatters softly]

I win huggy disguised
as a cheerleader?

No. You just
win the disguise, tommy.

Well, that's
our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Captain huggy face,
show us what frenzied means.

That's right. Frenzied
means to feel so crazy,
you can't sit still.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record]

[Techno music playing]


♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like the word

Number one

Because it sounds
kind of funny;

Number two
because it feels
a little weird;

Number --

When you're in
a spelling bee,

You could go on
forever and ever,

Going b-a-n-a-

I just like
"bananas" because
I say them

ding dong."

I go all over school
saying, "banana."

And my mother says
I've gone bananas.

♪ That's
my favorite word ♪

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!