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04x11 - Opposite Day / Granny's Book Club

Posted: 07/25/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens worlds of
possibilities for all chilren.

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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"extravaganza" and "antonym."

Ahh, saturday morning at
the botsfords'.

So quiet, so peaceful. So...

Becky: ok, everybody,
let's get it together!

The food goes
on the picnic table, dad.

Not much time before
the guests arrive.

I'm cooking as
fast as I can!

Got to get
that teeter-totter
set up, mom.

Chop chop.

Yes, teeter-totter!

Right back
at you, bob.
Good work.

Becky, what's
going on?

I'm throwing
a party, t.j.

Not just any party,

I'm throwing an
opposite day party.

It's going to
be huge.

It's going to
be spectacular.

It's going to
be an extravaganza!

Opposite day?

You sound confused,
so I will gladly

Opposite day is
a special day

Where we do and say
the opposite

Of what we normally
do and say.

Once the party

Everything will be
the opposite of what
it normally is.

See, on opposite day,

That isn't
a teeter-totter.


Oh! Oh! Ooh, oh.
It's a totter-teeter!

And on opposite day,
we eat in reverse order.

Ice cream for dinner,
meat loaf for dessert.

T.j.: Cool!

Becky: but the best
part of opposite day
is how we all talk.

Instead of asking for
what you want and
saying how you feel,

On opposite day, you ask
for what you don't want

And say the opposite of
how you feel. Ha ha!

Here. Read this.

"You are not invited
to the worst party ever--

Becky botsford's
opposite day

This sounds like
the kind of party
wordgirl might like.

Could you imagine
if she showed up?
It won't happen.

I can't even think
about it.

Well, i, for one,
hope there's
no crime today

In the entire city
so wordgirl

Doesn't have to
show up anywhere.

Ah, opposite day.
There's nothing better

Than an entire afternoon
filled with antonyms.

Narrator: meanwhile
out at sea...



My sail!

It is fixable.
It can be repaired.

Ha ha ha.
It is fine.

Fine? No! Destroyed!

I must find a new sail
for my boat.

Soon, soon. No, now!


Ok, everybody, listen up.

Welcome to becky botsford's
opposite day extravaganza!

Before we begin, allow me
to explain

The number-one rule
of this party.

You must say the opposite of
what you actually mean.

And if you make a mistake,
there are no do-overs.

So say the opposite.
Use lots of antonyms.

To help me demonstrate
how it works,

Here is bob the monkey.

Now, if I want cotton candy,

I need to say "I don't
want cotton candy."

See? I asked for
the opposite and got
what I wanted.

If you make a mistake--
and say it with me--

There are...

Kids: no do-overs!

Yes! And that's how things
work on opposite day.

Now, I'd like to
officially kick off
the festivities

By wishing all of you
a truly terrible afternoon.

Opposite day!


That's the spirit,


Remember to save room
for dessert. Ha ha!

Meat loaf for dessert!
What's going on?

Trampoline made
for bouncing.

Not bouncing.
Very difficult.

[Shuts off boom box]

Ah! Hee hee!

[Turns on boom box]

I'm having a terrible time
on opposite day.

How about you,

I'm having fun
at this party.

So you mean you're
actually having
a bad time?

[Shuts off boom box]

No. I meant this is
a fun party.

So it's not fun?



Ok, violet...

I'm not sure I understand
how to play this game.

I'm confused.

It's easy. Just say
the opposite of what
you want to say.

So if I'm happy
and it's opposite day,

I should say I'm sad?

Yeah. Because sad is
the opposite of happy.

Oh, they're antonyms!


Did somebody say antonyms?

Scoops did, and then
I repeated it out
of confusion.

Well, let me help.

An antonym is a word
that's the opposite
of another word.

Since happy and sad
are opposites,

We call them antonyms.

Tall and short
are antonyms.

So if I want
to say

How I'm feeling
on opposite
day, instead

Of saying
"I'm having
a great time,"

I should say
the antonym
of "great,"

Or its
opposite, which
is "terrible."

I'm having
a terrible time!


Now you've got it.

The sky is
green. Those
leaves are blue.

I'm having
a miserable time
on opposite day,

And so
aren't you!

Ahh. Bob, you know,
it's nice now and then
to relax with friends

Without being interrupted
by some late-breaking
crime report.

Radio: this is
a late-breaking
crime report.


As I speak, there's
a robbery taking place

Down at the city museum.

Someone has broken into

The fancy sails made
of rare and expensive
fabrics exhibit.

Oh, if only wordgirl
would show up
and save the day.

Are you kidding me.

Ah, let's just
sneak out, fix this,

And hopefully we won't
miss much of the party.

Scoops: hey, you two,
where are you not going?

Don't follow me,

I've got to
go, um, buy
more meat loaf.

If becky wants us
not to follow her,

It means she actually
does want us to follow her

Since it's opposite day.

No, no, wait.

I meant to say please
follow me, everybody.

See? That's what I meant.

No do-overs!
No do-overs!


Field trip!

Oh, brother.



Ha ha. With this golden sail,
I can repair my ship.

I will borrow it.

Borrow? No. Steal!


Yaah! Hyah!

Heh heh.

Narrator: while nocan steals
the golden sail,

The opposite day party
has taken over
the grocery store.

[Soft music playing]

Excuse me.
I would not
like to buy

This can of

Because it tastes
terrible and is
not delicious.

Grocery store worker: uh,
fine, then. Don't buy it.

So here's
a dollar.

What's this for?

Just go ahead and
don't ring me up.

What is going on? Am I
on a hidden-camera show
or something?

Ha ha! You
definitely are on
a hidden-camera sh--

Ah, uh, sorry
about that, sir.

You're not on
a hidden-camera
show. You see,

We're having
an opposite day

So we're saying
the opposite of
what we mean

And using lots
of antonyms.

Oh. I know what
an antonym is.

It's a word that
means the opposite
of another word.

But what's an extravaganza?
That sounds like some
sort of tropical fruit.

Becky: oh!
An extravaganza is
a spectacular party,

A big, fancy

Not a tropical fruit.

Not a tropical

Well, you learn
something new every day.

Say, this opposite day
extravaganza is kind of fun.

Let me try.

[Over p.a.]
The food I sell
tastes terrible.

And be sure to tell
your parents about
our high, high prices.

Becky: ha.
You've got it now.
That's the spirit.

[Man over p.a.]
We interrupt this
shopping music

For this important
news story.

The theft at the city museum

While wordgirl is nowhere
to be found.

Where could she possibly be?

And now more music to
purchase cucumbers by.

We're stuck. I can't
change into wordgirl

With all these
people around.

They'll see me!


Call off the party?
But it's so much fun.


Oh, I guess
you're right.

There's no time for
a party when there's
crime to fight.

Becky: everybody, I have
an announcement to make.

I hereby declare
opposite day to be
over, done, finished.

T.j.: Over?

Violet: finished?

Scoops: wait
a minute, everybody.

It it's opposite day
and becky says
the party is over,

That means the party is
not over. Am I right?

Then opposite day


Where are we
not going now, becky?

Ugh. I guess we're not
going to the city museum.


Looks like nocan
the contrarian is back.

This could get ugly.

Tiny peasant children,

That's nocan
the contrarian.

He always does

The opposite of
what people tell
him to do.

He loves

Oh. So every day must
be opposite day for nocan.

I command you, you must
leave me alone right now.

He's playing
the opposite day
game, too.


He told us to leave,
so that means we
should stick around.

No! No! Leave. I don't
need your help.

Violet: he needs
our help.

No, I don't! Nocan
needs no help folding
this giant sail.

Boy: let's help him!

Girl: this
will be fun!
Let's help him!

Quick, while
they're distracted.

Word up!

Hold it right
there, nocan
the contrarian!

Wow. Wordgirl!

Nocan, prepare
for battle.

Wordgirl, help me.

These tiny peasants
keep doing the opposite

Of whatever I ask
them to do.

This extravaganza is
out of control!

It's so annoying.
Nocan can't take
it anymore.

Huh. That's funny
because, you know,
you do that--

You know,
I don't know--
like, all the time!

Looks like you're
getting a taste of
your own medicine.

Huggy, the sail!

My sail!

You really shouldn't
go around breaking
display cases

And stealing
things, nocan.

But I'm only trying
to fix my ship
and sail home.

Just help nocan get rid
of these pesky peasants.

If I tell you how
to get rid of them,

Do you promise
to leave the city

And head back
across the sea?

Yes! Yes!
Right away!

Ok, what you have
to do is...


Oh. Hmm, I'll try it.

Ahem. Peasants, please
help nocan, uh, at once!

Nocan needs you
to stand, um, very close
to him right away.

Ok, mr. Contrarian,
we'll leave you alone.

All you had
to do was ask.

Well, that was easy.

Now it's time
for you to head
home, nocan.

Yes! Ha ha! Home.


Hmm, actually, nocan
can't head back to
the land of contraria

Until he finds a new
sail for his ship.

Hmm, a new sail
for your ship,
you say?


Narrator: so you
used the trampoline
as a replacement sail.

Good thinking.

Thanks. And that
leaves only one
thing left to do.

Ok, everybody,

Time to not
head back to
becky's house.

You don't have
an opposite day

To finish.

[Kids speaking excitedly]

All right! Yeah!

Narrator: well, thanks
for not ending this extravaganza

Of antonyms.

Join us next time for
another boring, unfunny,
and entirely predictable

Episode of "girlword."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's
featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

May I have a word?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "evade."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Yes, tommy?

To evade is to fly
through the sky.

I'm sorry.
That is incorrect.

You might want to
double-check that.

I really
don't need to.

I know
the definition of evade.
Good guess, though.

Anyone else?

Yes, emily, do you
have a definition
for the word evade?

From what I
saw in the clips,
wordgirl was trying

To get away
from stuff being
thrown at her,

Like when you're
playing dodge ball.

So I would say
"evade" means to
dodge or get away.

That is correct, emily!

See, tommy, "evade"
doesn't mean to fly.

Well, it should.

Ok! Congratulations,

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official "wordgirl"
balance beam,

Just like those
fancy gymnasts use.

Paint sold separately.

That's it for
today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: today's featured
words are "feisty" and "retire."

It looks like another meeting
of the evil villain association.

In this room are the most
dangerous villains in the city.

[Overlapping conversations]

[Granny may clearing
throat softly]

Yoo-hoo. Uh, excuse me.

Um, would everyone kindly
take a seat

So we can start the meeting?

[Chatter continues]

Ahem! Hello?

Excuse me?

Hey! Super villains,
pay attention and sit down!

Thank you. Now,
I officially call to order

This meeting of
the evil villains' association.

First order of business...

Butcher: I got
the first order of
business right here.

Granny may:
what's going on? A cake
isn't on the agenda.

Butcher: it is now!
Granny may, this is
your party.

For what? It's not
my birthday.

Well, you've reached the age
where it's time for you
to retire as a villain.

Retire?! You've got
your nerve.

No one tells
granny may when
to retire.


How dare you even think
of getting rid of me!

I'm still sharper
than all of you.

Dr. Two-brains:
yeah, go, granny.
Go, granny. Go.

Nicely done.
I like it!

needle work.

She may be old,
but she's still
quite feisty.

Now, I think it's
time to stop all this
retirement talk

And get on with our meeting

Unless anyone else
has something to
say about my age.

No? Good.

Ahem! Can I
say something?

I dare you.

Let him speak, granny may.

Thank you, butcher.

The evil villains'

"Book of evil
rules and villainous
laws," says

That a villain
must retire

When he
or she reaches
years of age.

What? It says
no such thing.

Where does it
say that?

All right. Ahem.

"At age , all villains
must retire."

Try throwing a net
around that.

That's what
it says.

See? I don't
make stuff up,

At least not
when it comes to
association rules.

Let me see that.

[Reading out loud]

Ooh! Aha! You didn't
read the small writing
at the bottom.

"If the retiring villain
can capture wordgirl

"And bring her to
the association,

The villain does not
have to retire unless
they want to."

Ooh, imagine
the crime sprees
we could go on

If we had
wordgirl trapped
right here.

Chuck: but none of us
have ever been able
to capture wordgirl.

Butcher: well, yes,
you got a point.

Sorry, granny may.
It looks like you'll
have to retire.

But--uh, but I refuse to.

Here is your
gold-plated watch.

Use it to tell time.


[Villains cheer]

Yeah? You can keep
your watch.

Granny may is the only
one who tells granny may

When to retire.

Narrator: later at
granny may's lair...

I have to come up
with a plan to
capture wordgirl

So I don't have
to retire.

I need to tap into
her true weakness.

Everyone has
something they
can't resist.

Narrator: a lot of people
can't resist potato chips.

I know I can't.

Well, she does
love words.

Maybe she has
a favorite book.
Ah, that's it!

I'll use her
favorite book
to trap her.


Wordgirl may be
feisty, but I've got

A lot more years
of being feisty

On my side.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it!

You got wordgirl.
What can I do you for?

hello? Wordgirl,
this is granny may.

Why the phone call? You
never called me before?

Well, I don't know
if you've heard,

But I was forced
to retire

From the evil

Really? I didn't know
you could retire from
being evil.

Granny may: ahem.
Uh, well,

I--i thought
since I'm no longer
a villain,

We could be

oh, really?

Oh, yes, my dear.

We have so much
in common.

Uh, like what?


W-well, we are
both females.
Ha! Yes!

And, well, I just
think an old feisty
lady like me

And a young feisty
girl like you

Could have
a wonderful time

I'm sorry, granny may.

Thank you
for the offer,

But we're really
busy here today.

[Voice cracking]
ohh. Well, right.
O-of course. Ok.

I'll just sit here
alone and rock.

wood creaking]

Oh, well, ok.

But we can only stay
for a minute.

oh, I mean,
thank you, wordgirl.

After we're done
cleaning, it looks like

We're headed over
to granny may's house.


I know. I think she's
up to something, too.

Narrator: later
at granny may's lair,

Wordgirl and captain huggy face
wait for some refreshments.

be nice, huggy.

We don't want her
to think we're
suspicious of her.

She thinks we came
over because she
was forced to retire.


Retire? Well, it
means to stop working.

Like, someday when
we're older,

You and I will
retire from our job
as superheroes.

[Granny may humming]

I hope all my
guests are hungry.

Thank you for
your hospitality.

Well, now that I
had to retire,

I have a lot of
free time on
my hands.

So I thought it
might be nice

To start
a book club.

A book club?

And I thought
I would ask
you first--

You and your
hungry friend--

I'm flattered you
thought of us,

But I'm afraid
we'll have to pass.

Ohh, ok. I was just
looking forward
to discussing

"Princess triana"
with you.

"Princess triana
and the dragons
of nottingswash"!

Ah! I did not know
you liked this book.

Ha ha. But, uh,
you're not staying,

So maybe I'll
discuss the book
with the drapes.

Oh, well, have fun.

We'd better get going.

For instance, I
could ask the drapes
how they felt

When princess triana
went off to fight
the dragon family

By herself.

Chapter !

I thought that was
quite feisty of her,
didn't you, wordgirl?

Yes. I was so scared
when she went into
that dragon cave.

Oh, I know. So what
did you think

When princess triana
met her cousin,
lady celestial,

And claimed
she didn't know
the princess?

No, but she was
just pretending
so the dragons

Wouldn't harm
princess triana.

Really? I don't
remember that part.

Are you sure?

Oh, I'm positive.
I'll show you.

It's right here
in chapter--



Oh, no!
Old lady perfume.

Huggy, we've
been tricked.

Now, let me get
my sweater,

And we'll be on
our way.

[Laughing sinisterly]

I got you.

Here you go.

If you want a job
done right, get
granny may to do it.

Hey! Now she
doesn't have
to respire.

Wordgirl: you mean "retire."
"Respire" means to breathe.

Right. Retire.

Granny may: well,
as you can all see,

I won't be
needing this anymore.

I am so happy I don't
have to retire.

Oh! I think I might
just have to give
all of you a hug.

Come here. Hugsies.


You did it
all yourself, honey.

You brought us wordgirl
when no one else could.

Granny may:
thank you, two-brains.

Now as long as you
have wordgirl,

I might as well do

A little pick pocketing
in the park.

Dr. Two-brains: huh.
Where's my wallet?

Hey! Granny may

Her gold-plated
watch back.

Dr. Two-brains:
oh, she's good.

Pretending to be sentimental
just to steal a watch?

Ooh. That is
one feisty lady.

What should we do
with wordgirl?

Maybe you should
watch her while we
go on a crime spree.

Sounds fair to me.

Well, it
doesn't sound
fair to me.

Let's see what it says
in the book, shall we?

Uh, hey, uh, look,
they're trying to escape.

Dr. Two-brains:
don't let them get away.

Sirloin slam!

Let's get out
of here, huggy.

We've got to get
to the park

And stop granny may from
her pick pocketing spree.

Excuse me, sonny.
Could you bend over

And hand me
my ball of yarn?

Uh, sure.

Here you go.

Give that man back
his wallet.

Wordgirl. Oh!

I knew those guys
would mess this up.

And they wanted me
to retire.

Uh, I think you made
a mistake, wordgirl.

This sweet old lady
wouldn't steal my--hey.

That sweet old lady
stole my wallet.

Ha ha! Finders keepers,

I forgot what
a feisty competitor
you are, wordgirl.

Feisty. Good word.

Yes. It means
full of energy.

Something feisty can
also be difficult.

Granny may is full of energy
and hard to beat.

And so am i, so
that makes both of us

Feisty competitors.

But it turns out
that I am feistier.

Back to the association
you go.



Ohh. Mm. Granny perfume.

It smells so good.

Thank you, wordgirl.

So what's
the standard tip, %?

Oh, no, please.
Superheroes usually
work for free.

Narrator: a few days
later at the jail...

Chuck, what are you
doing here?

I lost the coin toss.

They want
the gold watch back.

All right. I know
when I'm beat.

That's right. You may
have beaten wordgirl,

But you'll never beat
chuck, the evil
sandwich making guy.

I am sharper

Than, um, um,
very sharp.

Hey, he's over there.


Sharp as a butter knife
is what you are.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: and so
we retire this episode.

Be sure to tune in
next time for another
exciting adventure

Of your favorite
feisty superhero--

[High-pitched voice]
♪ wordgirl ♪

Women: ♪ wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm
beau handsome,

And this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play
for even greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "evade."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, mr. Handsome.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which
one shows the definition
for "evade."

Ok, emily,
it's all you!

I have to go
with number one.

Mrs. Botsford is
evading huggy.

That's correct, emily!
You've won the bonus round.

Huggy, show her
the special prize.

It a "wordgirl"
portable windshield.


Sorry about that, huggy.

Uh, see you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Captain huggy face,
show us what "irked" means.

That's right. "Irked" means
to feel annoyed or bothered
by something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record]

[Techno music playing]


♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

Kabrina: my favorite word
is "creme brulee."

I like that word because
it sounds really fancy,

And I just love saying it.

I've never tried it before,
but I'm sure it tastes
really good.

Creme brulee.
Creme brulee!

My favorite word is "fabulous"

Because that's what I am.

I'm pretty.

I have good grades.

My friends tell me I'm fabulous.

My teachers and my parents are,
like, the number-one people

That tell me that I'm fabulous.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!