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04x08 - Oh, Holiday Cheese / Change Day

Posted: 07/25/23 09:49
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are "curmudgeon"

And "festivity."

It's the holiday season,
and the city is shining

From all the bright,
festive lights.

Ah, I love this time of year.


Who invited the energy monster?

Everybody loves a little snow
for the holidays.

Narrator: back at
the botsfords' house, they're
getting ready for a party.

Oh! Here it is!
I found it!

The botsford family
cheese platter,

The centerpiece of
the whole festivity!

And I got the gouda.

Your idea for making
cheese the theme
of our holiday party

Is sure going
to make it one doozy
of a celebration.

Hey, t.j.
What are you looking at?

That's the problem.

I wanted it
to snow for
the holiday party.

Well, we may not
have snow,

But we do have cheese.

cheese isn't snow,

Oh, don't be such
a curmudgeon, t.j.

We all would love it
to snow for the holidays, but
you can't force it to snow.

Now, help your sister
and bob make festive shapes.

We have a lot to do before
our party guests arrive.

Oh, I hope I didn't forget
to invite anyone.

Narrator: meanwhile,
at dr. Two-brains' lair,

A certain villain
is on the lookout for
some holiday mischief.

You henchmen
are so thoughtful.

I absolutely love
the giant periscope!

Best present you
ever bought for me.

How did you know?

We bought you
a giant periscope?

Well, I know
how hard it is
to buy me presents,

So I bought
the periscope
for myself,

But I used
your money
to pay for it,

So it's your gift
to me. Thank you!

So...did you get charlie
and me a gift?

Uh, let's see
what the citizens
of this fine city

Are doing
this holiday season.
Up, periscope!

a party.

And it's--

It's full of delicious
holiday cheese!

Gee, boss,
why don't we have
our own cheese party?

It would be a good chance
for you to give charlie
and me our holiday presents.

That's it!
We'll have our own
cheese festivity!

Oh, what do we serve?
Oh, cheese balls?
Cheese dip?

And presents?

Um, I'll make
my special punch.

It's a mix of liquid cheese
and a very special ingredient.


No! More cheese!

Now to come up
with a way to steal

The holiday
cheese supply.

Ha ha ha ha!

What a curmudgeon.

Narrator: later that evening
at the botsfords'...

Who wants to sing
a holiday carol?

Whoo! I do!

I don't.
I want it
to snow.

T.j., Are you still
being a curmudgeon?

I'll take it from here.

Ahem. A curmudgeon is
someone who acts grouchy,
like you're acting right now.

A curmudgeon's attitude takes
the fun out of everything.

I just don't think
the party's going to be
any good without snow.


I have an idea.

Why don't you sing
with us, t.j.? Come on.

Oh, yes!

Ah! Ok, but
I won't like it.

Ok, everyone. On .
A one and a two
and a and a .

Ha ha ha ha!
It worked!

My curmudgeonliness
is totally gone!

That just warms
the cockles of my heart.

It makes me think
we should go on the road
as a singing group.

Let's tour!


woo hoo hoo! Ha ha!

Ooh, yay.

Ahem. Meanwhile,
back at dr. Two-brains' lair...

Now it's time
to execute my plan
to swipe

All the holiday cheese
in the city. Ha ha!

No one could ever guess
what this plan is
in a million years.

Well, it looks
like you just took
your old transport ray

And attached it
to the periscope

So you'll be able to
transport what you see
in the periscope

Right back here
to headquarters.

Oh! That was
a lucky guess!
Let's see if it works.


Oh, happy holidays,
mr. Mayor.

Allow me to help you
with that magnificent
cheese sculpture of city hall.

Huh? What?

I just--

It works!
It really, really works!

Like I knew it would.

Narrator: back at the
botsfords', the par-tay
is getting star-ted.

Ok, cheese dishes.

Say "people." Ha ha!

I just--i just--

I just told the cheese
to say "people"

Because when you take a picture
of people, you tell them
to say "cheese." Get it?

Ha ha ha!

Oh, you--
oh, good one, honey.

Your sense of humor is
one of my favorite parts
of any festivity.

Festivity? I thought
this was a party.

means a party
or happy celebration,

As in the botsfords
are hosting a super fun
holiday festivity.

Well, thank you,
young lady. Hmm.

Now, go, go and place
my priceless cheese diamond

With the other dishes
so it can appear in
the photograph.

Sweet vanishing roquefort!
What just happened?

Our cheese table.

It's gone!
we've been robbed!

What kind
of curmudgeon would
do such a thing?

No, got it.

I don't understand!

Who would want to ruin
our festivity so much

That they'd take
our cheese?

I have
a pretty good idea.
Let's go, bob.

Dr. Two-brains:
ha ha ha! Ooh! Ooh!

All the cheese is mine! Mine!

This is the greatest
holiday ever!

Ooh, I'm merry as a schoolboy.

Narrator: will dr. Two-brains'
periscope ray ruin
the festivities?

Will word girl arrive
in time to save the day?

Will it be a cheeseless holiday?

Not for me, it won't!

[Laughing maniacally]

Come on, guys, laugh.

[All laughing]

Put your backs into it.

Ooh. Ha ha ha.

I declare this party
officially ruined.

Ain't that the truth?
[All murmuring]

Now, wait a second.

We're not going
to let a curmudgeonly
cheese thief

Turn us into a group
of curmudgeons, are we?

[All murmuring]

Ahem. Don't you see?

Elegant cheese sculptures
don't make the holiday special.

People are what really make
the holiday special.

He's right.

We can't let this ruin
our holiday spirit.

What should we do?

I'm going to start
roasting nuts,

And I'm going to do it
on an open fire!

Good idea.
Maybe we should
sing a song.

T.j., You are now
the opposite
of a curmudgeon.

This party is
back on!

Narrator: back at
dr. Two-brains' festivity...

Ah! Oh, politics.
don't you think?

Oh, yeah.

And, uh,
sports, too.

Oh, I know.
I'm not much of a sport,
but I love athletics.

Heh! What about
the weather?

Uh, I like that.

Yeah. Some party, eh?

Not so fast,

Well, that was
a real ice-breaker.

Sorry to break up

How nice of you
to drop in on my very own
cheese festivity.

You can't just steal
someone's holiday party

And make it your own,

Really? Looks like
I already have. Henchmen?

Oh! Oh!

What is this stuff?

From the makers
of string cheese,
rope cheese--

% Stronger
than string cheese
and delicious, too.

ha ha ha ha!

A little nip
of cheese punch?

I think I'll pass.

Little thick for me.

Good. More for me.

Uh, i--i'm sorry.

I might have been
too quick to judge
your punch.

I'd love to hear
the recipe.

Well, it's
a tangy blend
of cheddar,

Mozzarella, swiss,
and my special


No. Eww.
More cheese!


Hey! You didn't really care
about my punch recipe!

You just used it
as a diversion!

And at this time of year.

Well played, word girl.


You know, now that
I think of it,

I will have some punch.



The reverse button
on my transport ray
will send you out of here.

No! My cheese!

My beautiful cheese
is gone!

Where'd that giant
cheese ball go?

goodness to fruitcake!

It's a holiday miracle!

Let's eat!

as one holiday party starts,

Another festivity comes
to an end.

Since all the jails are
closed for the holidays,

Your punishment will be
watching the botsford family
enjoy that giant cheese ball.

Oh, rats!
I mean mice!

Come on, huggy.
We've got festivities
to get to.

Word up!

Here's your
holiday present.
I hope you like it.

Look, charlie.
Two tickets to
the big football game.

I'm going to hug you.
No, that's all right.

That was one
delicious cheese ball.

Everyone gather round.
We're all going to sing.

♪ Oh, holiday cheese,
oh, holiday cheese ♪

♪ You are so very yummy ♪

♪ Oh, holiday cheese,
oh, holiday cheese ♪

♪ Please get inside my tummy ♪

♪ We like you cubed
or in a bowl ♪

♪ Fry it up,
we like it all ♪

♪ Oh, holiday cheese,
oh, holiday cheese ♪

♪ It's the theme
of our festivity ♪

Hey, everybody!
It's snowing!

Narrator: and so, once again,
the holiday festivities
were saved,

Thanks to word girl,
captain huggy face,
and a whole lot of cheese.

Now, don't be a curmudgeon.
Watch the next amazing
adventure of

♪ Word girl! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "petrified."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.



You buzzed in.
Do you want to answer?


Uh, I'm going
to need you to answer.

I have a feeling
the definition is right
on the tip of your tongue.


All the clips showed
people almost frozen
from fear,

So "petrified"
must mean "so scared
you can't move."

They were almost
as petrified as him.

That is correct, tommy.

"Petrified" means
"so scared you can't move,"

And phil is indeed


You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

It's an official
word girl microphone.


Phil, what's
the matter now?

I'm scared
of public speaking.

But you speak into
a microphone every time
you're on this show.

Oh, my goodness!
You're right!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: psst! Listen for the
words "quandary" and "fidget."

One fine day
at the botsford home...

Ladies and gentlemen,
as you can see,

I hold in my amazing hand
an ordinary coin.

Mr. Coin, we have never met
before, correct?

Thank you. Now, bob,
if you will say
the magic word...



Good trick, t.j.
Where's the coin?

If bob will stop

I'll show you
where the coin is.

The coin was
in bob's ear!


Bob, bob, don't worry.
It was just a trick.

That's right,
because the coin
is in becky's ear!

T.j., That's the same coin
you pulled out of bob's ear.

Is it, becky?
Is it?


Mr. Botsford:
ok, penny pinchers!

Let's get our coins counted,
stacked, and rolled.

Today is loose change day at
the national national bank.

Why does the bank care
about our coins anyway?
It's not very much money.

Well, becky, loose change day
is a way for the bank
to teach young people

How saving a little money
can add up to a lot
of money over time.

I don't know.
It's kind of a quandary.

I would like to save
enough money to buy
a pretty princess bike,

But I also like to have
my money close by so I can
see it whenever I want.

Well, becky,
maybe this will help you
with your quandary.

Every person who makes
a bank deposit gets

A free word girl
coin purse/key chain!

Well, I guess I wouldn't
mind having one--

A word girl coin
purse/key chain?

Bank, here we come!


Narrator: later, at
the national national bank,

Becky, a.k.a. Word girl,
is really, really bored

Because she and her family have
to stand in a very long line.

Thanks for telling us.
Narrator: not a problem.

It looks like bob
can make coins
disappear, too,

As long as it's made
of chocolate.

[Both laughing]

That's what I call

Putting your money
where your mouth is.

Ha ha ha ha!

Loose change day?

Oh, man.
Of all the days
to rob a bank!

I'm sorry. Were you
talking to me?

Uh, yeah.
I was just saying

I picked a bad day
to, uh, cash my, uh,

Meat tax rebate check.

Oh, I know exactly
how you feel, friend.

Long lines can really
make me fidget. Heh heh!

But luckily,
I never go to the bank

Without my trusty
banking survival kit.

♪ Da da da! ♪

I added the song.
It's not part of the--

Let me see.
What do we have in here?

Ah, yes. Here we go.
"Fun coin facts

That will help pass
the time while you wait
in a long bank line."

Hmm. Seems appropriate
enough. Ha ha ha!
Let's see here.

What kind of metal is
used to make a nickel?

What? Ha ha!

No. No,
wood isn't a metal.

The nickel is made
of a metal called
nickel. Ha ha ha!

Huh. I was not aware
of that fact.

How about bologna?
Any bologna in there?

As far as I know,
the nickel is mostly
nickel. No bologna.

Hey, bob.
Do you recognize that man?

I know that I know him,
but I don't know from where.

And did you know that
the word "dime" comes

From the latin word
"decima," which means
"tenth part"?

Oh, yeah.
That's, uh,
interesting, yeah.

I know! Oh, uh,
pardon me, sir,

But your fake mustache
appears to be slipping.

Oh! Uh, heh heh!
Thanks for that. Uh--

Excuse me, sir.

You seem to be
really fidgety.

Is something

Well, if I knew what
"fidgety" meant, then maybe
I could answer your question.

To fidget means to
make small movements
with your hands

Or feet when you're
feeling nervous.

You know, to be
kind of wiggly.

Ok. I was fidgeting
because I'm in a hurry

And I don't like waiting
in a long line! Oh!

I do know you!

You're the butcher!

Ok, there's my deposit.

Thank you very much,
and here's

Your word girl coin
purse/key chain.

Oh, yes!
My very own word girl
coin purse/key--

Hey, buddy!

You're lucky
I don't know karate.

Pardon my impoliteness,
kind sir, but I have
important business.

"To home it may confirm,
this is a hold-up."

I presume you mean
"to whom it may

It's a standard

This is a robbery!
Now give me all your money!

That's a standard
bank-robber greeting!

Oh, so this is
a robbery?

There you go.
Oh, yeah, and throw in
one of those key chains.

Oh, this thing's
a coin purse, too?
[Alarm blaring]

Aw, come on!
You didn't read
the p.s. Part of the note!

Uh, ok.
"P.s.--No alarms."

I really have
a quandary.

Our rules say I have
to press the alarm when
we're being robbed,

But you say you don't
want me to, and at
national national bank,

We really care about
our customers' wishes.

Oh. So you'll
turn off the alarm?

Come on, bob.
We have to stop him.

Word--oh, wait.
We need a place
to change.

no, bob, not that
kind of change.

We need to change
into word girl and
captain huggy face.


[Blows whistle]

Wienerschnitzel shackle!

Sweetbread barricade!

All right, everyone
into the vault! Let's go!

Come on now.
In you go. Let's go.

Hey, you, too, little girl,

And bring that pet beaver
in with you. Let's go.

All right. Now, somebody
will come let you out

After I make my getaway.
Don't worry.

Wow! The bank's vault!

See, kids? Here's where
they keep all the money.

We sure are getting
our money's worth out of
this visit to the bank.

"Money's worth."
Good one, dad.

Oh! Ha ha ha ha!
I don't get it.

Hey, what's with all
the fidgeting, becky?

Well, the butcher is
out there robbing
the bank,

And we can't do
anything to stop him

Because we're stuck
in a bank vault.

There's nothing
to worry about.
Word girl will save us.

Not if I'm stuck in
a vault and can't

What's that, becky?

Ta da! While
we're waiting
for word girl

To show up
and save the day,

Let's learn some
more coin facts.

Ok. Did you know
the first coins
were used

Over , years ago
in a place
called lydia,

Which is now
in turkey?
Whoa! Huh?

Don't worry, dad.
I brought my own
banking survival kit.

Now who likes
coin tricks?

Ha ha ha!
Thank you.

Oh, well, maybe the police
can save the day.

[Police radio, indistinct]

Hey, sarge,
what do we do now?

Usually word girl
shows up and saves
the day by now,

But I'm the police
sergeant, so I should
probably do something.

Problem is,
I don't know what.

Wow, that's quite
a quandary.

Maybe you should talk
into that thing.

Yeah. Good idea.
Ok, butcher. We
have you surrounded.

Butcher: yeah? So?

Oh. Uh, well,
you better
come out now.

Or what?

Or I'll...ask you
to come out again.

Gee, when is
word girl going
to get here?

Uh, sarge?
Your finger's still
on the talk button.

Whoops. Ok, butcher.
Forget that
last thing I said--

The part
about word girl.

I was nervous
and fidgety,

Forgot to take
my finger off
the talk button.

Ah, don't worry about it.

I've been fidgety
lately, too.


Yeah. This business
has taught me

That most villains
aren't all bad.

Interesting theory,
deputy, but
if it's true,

Does that mean
we're not all good?

Is your finger still off
that talk button?

[Both laughing]

Narrator: meanwhile,
inside the bank vault...

Oh, what should I do?

I'm in an awful
quandary, bob.

Oh. A person is
in a quandary

When they have to make
a hard decision
about something

And they don't know
what they should do,
like in this situation.

If I decide
to turn into word girl
and stop the butcher,

Everyone will know
my secret identity.

But if I don't, we're all
going to be stuck in here

And the butcher is
going to get away.


I think you're right, bob.
We have no choice.

I guess everyone
will finally know
who we really are.

[Draws deep breath]
well, here we go.

Great t.j.'S ghost!

You're making
that coin float
in mid-air!

Am i, dad?
All right.

Thank you.
I really thought
it was magic.

Yeah, me, too.
That kid is

That's it.
I've got it!

T.j., You and dad
are going to resolve
our quandary.

Music to my ears.

Heh heh heh heh!


Huh? Hey!
What's going on
in there?

Becky: there is
a magic boy in here

Who can make money appear
out of people's ears.

Yeah, right!


Mr. Botsford:
yeah. Wow!

You should come in here
and see this for yourself,
person out there.

Oh! You know,
I could use a friend

Who makes money come
out of my ears.

That would be
a real time saver.

Whoa! That's amazing!

Now show me
how you can make money
come out of my ear!


How'd you do that?

Maybe there's more
in there! Do it again!
Do it again!

Becky: word up!

You do impressions, too?

Sorry, butcher.
That was my little trick.

Word girl!
Word girl!

Thank goodness
you're here!

what took you
so long?

Yeah, well,
I was stuck somewhere.

Butcher: oh, yeah?
Well, I hope you remembered
to bring your appetite.

Beef bouillon blitz!

Oh! Oh!

Not a bouillon fan, eh?
Well, how about this?

Steak tip typhoon!

Yipe! Huggy!

T.j.: Hey, butcher!
Want to see
a magic trick?

Watch me catch
all these coins
in one hand.

Now, you'll never
be able to do all that.

Oh, yeah?
Want to bet?

A gentleman's bet.
I don't believe in gambling.



Ha! Now that's what you call
throwing money around.

Wish I'd said that.


Hey! Oh!

This is what I call
throwing money around.

Narrator: heh!
Good one, sort of.


Narrator: later...

I can help you
over here.

Can I have your
deposit slip and
bank book, please?

Sure thing. Allow me
to get it out of my trusty
banking survival kit.

Ok. Where is it?

Sweet saltwater taffy.
Where is my bankbook? Heh!

Now I'm that guy at
the front of the line
who's not ready.

I'm sorry, everybody.
Ha ha ha!

I'm just now putting on my--
it's not in here. Oh!

Narrator: and so,
as loose change day
resumes in full swing,

Mr. Botsford finds himself
in another quandary.

But if you're looking
for more nonstop action
and fidgety fun,

Then join us next time
for another exciting episode
of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word!"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

you correctly defined
the word "petrified."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "petrified."

What's your answer,

Violet looks petrified.

She must be scared
of talking in public.
The answer is number .

That's correct.
You're our bonus round winner.

Show him
what he's won, huggy.

Your very own stage to perform--

Hey, where's phil?
We better look for him.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Captain huggy face,
show us what "sheepish" means.

That's right.

"Sheepish" means to feel
a little embarrassed
and bashful.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record]

[Techno music playing]


♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is

I like to sing because
you can sing anywhere.

I like to sing,
personally, in the shower

Because you can just sing
whatever and no one can
make fun of you.

"Scrumptious" is
my favorite word.

"Scrumptious" to me means,
like, I guess when you're
eating a food or something

And it just tastes,
like, delicious.

My favorite food is bagels,
and bagels are very scrumptious.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪