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04x07 - Who Is Ms. Question? / Lunch Lady Chuck

Posted: 07/25/23 09:48
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens worlds of
possibilities for all children.

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: psst! Listen for the
words "inquire" and "hilarious."

to an outsider, nighttime in the
city can look a little scary.

But you might be surprised
to find out that behind
their exteriors,

These apartment buildings
are filled with people
just like you--

Aspiring villains
in their final class
at villain school.

Hey, they're not people
just like you.

What's going on in there?

I hold in my hands two official
graduation certificates

From the coach's school
for evil villains
and archenemies.

Unfortunately, that means one
of you didn't make the cut.

Oh, please have one
for big left hand guy.

That's me! Invisi-bill!

So which one of us
didn't make it?

Mmm, not so fast.
I'd like to make this

As long and overly
dramatic as possible.

Ahem. Uh, ms. Question?


Will you please stand up?


You're the first person
to find out

Whether or not you earned
your official graduation

Oh, and the decision is,
you did...



to disappoint me.

Which means you are
not graduating,

But invisi-bill and
big left hand guy are.


Hooray for me!
Yay! Invisi-bill!

What? But haven't I
completed all
the assignments?

Well, yes.

So doesn't that mean
I really did pass?

No, it does not.

I mean, don't you
like my name?

Ms. Question's
a world-class
villain name. Love it.

And did you notice
that my outfit has a tiny
question mark stitching?

Yeah. This is

Uh, well...

You're missing
the one thing every
evil villain needs

To take it to
the next level.

And what's that?
A superpower.

Take big left hand guy.

He's got that big left hand.
Isn't that something?

Hey. Thanks, coach.

and check out

He can make himself
Bye-bye! Hello! Ha ha!

and his name is bill,
which is just perfect,

Which brings me to you.

What about me?
You call yourself
ms. Question,

And you certainly
do ask a lot
of questions.

And you don't think
that's a superpower?

No. Just kind of

But what about
my question mark lassos?
Aren't they super?

Mmm, that's not
a superpower, either.

It's more of
a sewing thing.

Listen, ms. Q.,
It's never easy

To cut anyone from
the team, but--

But you just don't
have what it takes.

[Door closes]

Oh! Oh!

How can this night
get any worse?


[Wind howling]

Ohh. Huh?

Narrator: don't worry, kids.
That's not dangerous lightning.

It's just strong enough
to cause superpowers.

Oh! Hey.

Would you mind keeping
your inquiring down
a little?

The new graduates and I
are trying to enjoy
our celebration cake.

Do you notice
anything different
about me, coach?

Mmm. No.

Are you sure?

Do you want
to rethink that?
Well, maybe.


More of
the annoying
questions. Well--

Well, coach, tell me,
what do you think of this?


Who am i?

What am I
doing here?


Ha ha ha!
How do you like
my new ability

To make people
question everything,
even who they are?

Would you call that
a superpower?

Who can stop me now?
Ha ha ha!

Oh. Oh.

How'd I get cake
on my mustache?

But--oh, yeah.

Narrator: the next morning,
at the botsfords',

T.j. Entertains his family

With a joke book he borrowed
from the public library.

Ooh. Gum jokes.
This is a good one.

What did
the piece of gum
say to the shoe?

Uh, I've heard
this one.

"I'm stuck on you!"
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Shoe! I get it.
That's terrific.

Hilarious, right? Ok.
Who wants to hear
another one?

Well, I'm not sure
we have time--

Me, me, me, me!
I do, I do.

What do cats read
in the morning?

Hmm. What do cats read
in the morning?

Come on.
You know this.

Ms. Question:
paper or plastic?

Which one is better
for stealing all the money
in the register?

someone's robbing
the grocery store.

We have to stop her.

Let's review the set-up,
shall we?

What do
In...the morning?

Nobody? Give up?

Mewspapers! Ha ha!

[Both laughing]

That's hilarious, t.j.!
Oh, just--

Um, I just--

Um, I just
I have to, uh,

Go to school

Would anyone
like to
inquire why?

I can't even ta--
ha ha ha!

Man: no, no, no.
That money doesn't
go there.

If you're inquiring
about a job here,

You can't be
messing up
important things

Like where
the money goes.

Why do you think
I want to work here?

Well, you can't.
Not anymore.

Can't you see
I'm stealing all
your money?

Aha! Taking from
the till, are you?
You're fired!

How can you fire me
if I'm robbing you?

Good point. After
examining the facts,

I can tell you're
a creative thinker.

You're back
on the team.

How about I just--
word girl:
hold it right there!

Put down that money
and--did she pay
for the food?

I don't think
she did.

And the food, too!

Word girl, have you ever
wondered why you dress up
and fight crime?

Not really, no.
And isn't it
a little strange

That your best friend
is a tortoise?

Monkey, actually,
and it's not strange
at all. He's the best.

Aw. Have you known
each other a long time?

Let's see.
It's , , ...
Should I just
go ahead and go now?

Oh, yeah, sure.

I mean, no!

No more questions,
ms. Question.

You're coming with me.
Oh, am i?

Am i, really?

Ha ha ha ha!

Who are you?
Who am i?
Word up?

Am I good or what?

Wow. You really botched
that one up, word girl.

I'm afraid I can't
let you work here.

later, as t.j. Entertains
his growing number of fans,

Becky is in no mood
for jokes.

T.j.: Your laughter is
like medicine to me.

Is this your first time
as a crowd before?


So, how about that
gingerbread man, folks?

"Can't catch me.
I'm the--" right.

What's the deal
with that guy?

What is his deal?
T.j.: Does he ever
step in gum?

Oh, not now, bob.

I'm trying to figure out
a way to defeat
ms. Question.

Plus, I know all these jokes.
I took that joke book out
in second grade.

T.j.: Save it
for the end, people.

hilarious? No.

I don't think
those jokes are hilarious.
I mean, they're funny,

But hilarious means really,
really, really funny,
and I just don't see--

This guy is really,
really, really funny!

Oh, well, there you go.

I just wish I knew
where ms. Question was
going to strike next.

This is much better
than the other thing

We were going
to do today--go to
the museum to see

The new "question
mark of socrates"
on display.

Oh, yeah! That's the pin
that socrates wore
in ancient greece, right?

That's the one,
at the museum.

But why are we
talking about it?

Let's keep listening
to this hilarious
comedy show.

Who cares about some
incredibly valuable
question mark?

Am I right?

You know who would care
about that?

No, no, I'm not telling a joke.
I'm really asking.

And the answer is
ms. Question, that's who.

But we still need a plan.

I have an idea, bob.
Word up!

Is stealing the pin
going to be this easy?

Who's going to try
and stop me?

Huh? Huh?
Uh, uh, the museum
is now closed.

Um, if you'd like
to inquire about
that artifact,

You can come back
during regular
hours, young lady.

Why can't I
see it now?

Um, well, gosh,
that's just not
the way

We do things here
at the museum.

Isn't the point of a museum
to show people things?
Of course, but--

So why does it close?
Why does it close?

Uh, that's
a good question.
And who's to say I can't

Take the "question mark
of socrates" home with me?

Does it belong to socrates?
To the museum? Does anyone
really own anything?

Hmm. These are
tough questions.

I will have
to inquire with
my supervisor.

Why do people keep
saying that word
"inquire" around me?

What does it even mean?

I'll answer
that question!

Word girl?

To inquire is to look
for information

Or to ask questions.

You inquire a lot.
In fact, if you wanted,

You could change
your name

To "miss inquire."

Ha ha ha ha!

That wasn't funny.
Word girl: yeah.

Word girl, this nice young
woman was just inquiring
about our newest piece.

Oh, she wasn't just

Ms. Question wants more
than information.

She wants to take
the "question mark
of socrates,"

But she can't have it.

Don't you remember
what happened the
last time we did this?

Just one second,
ms. Question.

First I have
a question for you.

Oh? What is it?

What time is it

When an elephant sits
on your fence?

What time...
When an elephant...

Hmm. Hey,
what are you--

Time to get a new fence!

[Rim shot]

[Both laughing]

That's an oldie,
but a goodie.
I love it.

And speaking of time,
why did the girl throw
a clock out the window?

Why did she
do that?

What am I
missing here?

She wanted to see
time fly!

[Rim shot]

Ha ha ha!

Who knew word girl
was so hilarious?

And now it's time for me
to fly! Hi-yah!

Do you really want
to mess with me?

Now, there will be
no horseplay, girls.

Narrator: will word girl forget
who she is once again?

Will ms. Question get her hands
on the "question mark
of socrates"?

Wait a minute.
This question thing
is kind of annoying.

Why is everybody in such
a hurry all the time?

I mean, what's the rush?
When's my snack break?

Why do I ask
so many questions?

Who am i?
Is this poetic justice?

It sure is.

Where are you taking me?
Do you know who I am?

Should I call
the police? Is there
anybody listening?

Still asking
questions, huh?

Narrator: and so ms. Question
is left to inquire

How her plan to steal
the "question mark
of socrates" was foiled,

And she'll have plenty
of time to find answers
in jail.

Hey, word girl, if she wants
her time there to fly by,

Maybe she should try
throwing a clock out
the window, right? Ha ha!

Come on. That was hilarious.


Join us next time
for another colossal,

Exciting adventure
of word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "silhouette."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


The one thing
all those clips have

In common is word girl,

And she's a superhero.

She's a super superhero,

So, obviously,

"Silhouette" is another word
for a super superhero.

Sorry. That is incorrect.
Anyone else?


Is it
a regular superhero?

Sorry. That, too,
is incorrect.

Based on the clips,

I think it's
the outline
of someone

Or something
that appears
all black.

That is correct,

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

It's an official
"word girl" movie screen.

Project movies on it and have
your very own home theater,

Or just make funny silhouettes.

Ha ha ha ha!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: hey, kids,
today's featured words are

"Disorderly" and "famished."

Another beautiful day at school.

Becky botsford and her
classmates are gathered
for an assembly,

And there's an air
of excitement in the, uh, air.

settle down, please.

Bob, acrobatic tricks
at school assembly are

Please take your seat.

That hairy kid should be
on the olympic team.

Now, as you know,
we are here today

To honor our beloved
lunch lady,

Miss o'brien,
who's retiring
after years--

Yes, years--
of loyal service.

So let's hear it
for miss o'brien.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Children, I've enjoyed
preparing lunch for you

And your parents
and your grandparents

And your great-grandparents
and your great-great-

so now,

As I pass the spatula
to the next lunch lady,

Let me remind you, no matter
how famished you may be,

Don't be disorderly
in the lunch line!

And most importantly,
don't ask me what's in
the fish sticks.

Believe me,
you don't want to know.


Well, my.

That was exciting,

But not nearly as exciting
as our next special guest--

Our city's
district attorney,

Mrs. Botsford.

Hello, kids.
I'm district attorney botsford,

Becky botsford's mom.
Hi, becky.

Hi, mom.

As district attorney,
I'm responsible for making sure

Villains who've committed
crimes go to jail.

But I've also got a new plan
to help criminals return

To a law-abiding life
by getting honest jobs.

So without further ado,
allow me to introduce
your new lunch lady.

I prefer
"lunch fellow."

Chuck, the evil
sandwich-making guy!

Oh, this is going
to be a disaster.

How many times have
we arrested him?

Oh, this day can't
get any worse.

Oh, and, becky, you left
something at home.


Narrator: the next day,
becky and her classmates
line up for lunch.

Whoa, that looks delicious.

Yikes, I'm famished.

Peanut butter
and jelly?
Don't mind if I do,

Though I still don't
trust chuck.

We'd better keep
a close eye on him.

Chuck: may I help you?

Can I get
a ham and cheese?

A ham and cheese?

Oh, I'll give you
a ham and cheese.

Here you go.

Oh, it's a pleasure
to serve you.
Come again soon.

Huh. That was

Uh, may I have
a peanut butter
and jelly?

You betcha!


How about your
little aardvark there?
He looks famished.

[Stomach growls]


Wow! You really love
my sandwiches.

This is the best job ever,
and for once in my life,

I just know tomorrow's
going to be even better
than today.



Ha ha ha ha!


Thanks, mr. Lunch lady--
lunch fellow.

Your sandwiches make
lunch my favorite
class of the day.

Oh, I'm blushing.

Hello, chuck.

Chuck, I just want
to say you're doing
a great job.

You know, maybe mom
was right about chuck.

Maybe all he needed
was another chance.

There is, however,
one thing I'm
concerned about.

That kids will go home
and toss their dinners
in the trash

Because they can't
hold a candle
to my sandwiches?

Yes, but also you need
to wear a hair net.

No, that's ok.
I'm very clean.

I shower twice a day
and I take a bath
every night.

I'm sure you do,
but the law requires
that everyone who works

In the school food
preparation industry
wear a hair net, so here.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

It kind of pinches!
It kind of pinches!

Oh, chuck, get
a hold of yourself.

There's no need
to be so disorderly.

It's too uncomfortable!
I won't wear it!

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm sorry you're sorry
to hear that.

Well, I'm sorry
that you're--look,

Either wear a hair net
or you can't work here.

Oh, really?
In that case, i--i quit.

Ha! Lunch lady--i mean,
lunch fellow out.

You guys blew it.
Best lunch person ever.
I'm done here.

Narrator: a little later,
chuck lets the crusher
tell everyone

What he thinks about
the hair net rule.

This is exactly why
we did all those drills,

Line up
and file out calmly.

When the alarm sounds,
there must be no
disorderly conduct.

[Alarm blaring]

What's that, bob?

Someone's playing
four square

Without observing
world playground game
association rules?

We'd better check it out.
Word up!

Game over, chuck!

Oh, that's what you think.
This baby's on timer,

And I'm the only one
who knows the secret
password to shut it off.

Uhh! Fine.
What are your demands?

I want a hair net
that doesn't make
my hair hurt.

Narrator: uh, I don't think
it's possible for hair to hurt.

Well, what do you know?
You're just a voice.

You could be bald,
for all I know.

I'm assuming
you've already tried
the hair net emporium,

Hair net world,
and hair nets ahoy, right?

No. I didn't
even think to check
the hair net district.




Why must you t*rture me?

Now, that's luxurious.
How does it look?

Uh, super.

Really? Wow!

My mom always said
I was handsome.

You got your hair net.

Now disable
the crusher, please.

No problem.
Let me just type in
the secret password.

Chuck? No.

Evil? No.

Sandwich? No.

Making? No.

Guy? Well,
that's all I got.

Are you serious?
How could you forget
the password?

I don't know.
I thought of it earlier
today when I was at home.

Was it on the bus?
Maybe I was home.

Look, just stay here
and keep trying to think
of the password.

Huggy and I will
retrace your steps
and look for clues.

Woman: charles, is that you?

Charles? That could be
the password.

Woman: charles,
I'm talking to you.
I'm famished.

You were supposed
to make me a sandwich,

Then watch my stories
with me.

Hello-o! Chuckleberry?

that's got to be it.

Out of the way, charles,
or should I say...


Hey, that's my mom's
special nickname for me.

But is it the password?
Let's see.

Chuckleberry. No.

[All screaming]

Does your mom have
any other pet names
for you?

Uh, no, not that
I can think of.

Oh, come on, huggy.

We'd better keep
trying to figure out
that password.

Pull over!

Oh. All right.

You want an old-fashioned bus
versus superhero drag race?

Because you got it.
Here we go, baby.

No, I don't want
to race. I need
to get on the bus.

Do you have exact change?

Look, if you don't
let me on,

An entire school is
going to get crushed

By a giant
sandwich press.

I need exact change.


settle down.

Quit being
so disorderly.

Uh, do you know what
"disorderly" means?


It means rowdy
and out of control.

No one on this bus
is being rowdy
or out of control.

That lady back there
was, uh, moving
her lips too fast

While she was
reading to herself.

Right. Listen, did you have
a passenger earlier today
with a sandwich for a head?

Look, lady,
I got a lot
of passengers

Who fit
that description.


Hmm. "Sandwich

That's got to be
chuck's magazine.

Maybe the password for
the crusher's in there.

Let's go! Word up!

My magazine.
I must have
forgot it on the bus.

All right, let's see.
Contents? Recipes?

Oh, no!

Oh, we're running
out of time.
Think, chuck!



Oh, the crusher!

Keep looking
for clues, will ya?

what are you doing?

what do you mean,
you're famished?

"Famished" means
extremely hungry.

I should know by now,
you're always famished.

What are you doing?

There's less than
a minute left!

Why aren't you
trying to figure out
the password?

Did you know bologna is named
after a place in italy?

Man, I got to visit--

[All gasp]

Oh! Oh!

Come on, chuck! Think!
What's the password?

Oh, yeah. I know.

The password is...


are you kidding me?

Computer voice:
oh, yeah.


I did it!
I'm a hero!

A hero?

Mrs. Botsford:
hello up there!

Word girl!

Would you grab chuck
for a second?

I think there may be
a better place to use
his talents.


Two-brains, party of one.

Hey, cookie, what's
the special today?

I'm famished.
Here you go.

Grilled cheese.
My favorite.

Ooh, with a toothpick.

Talk about classy.

Narrator: and so, once again,
word girl and captain huggy face
save the day.

Gee, I'm famished
from all this narrating.


Mmm, that's good.

Anyway, we'll see you soon,
loyal viewers.

In the meantime, try not
to do anything disorderly
while patiently awaiting

The next thrilling episode
of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Great. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "silhouette."

What's your answer,

I can only see
the outline,
or silhouette,

Of dr. Two-brains.
Number one.

That's correct,
which means you're
our bonus-round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy--

Your very own parade!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Captain huggy face,
show us what "robust" means.

That's right.

"Robust" means to be
really strong and healthy.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record]

[Techno music playing]


♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is
"shish kabob."

It's a kind of funny word
and a kind of random word,

But I love it because
it sounds really funny
in my mouth

And I love to eat
shish kabobs.

I love everything
on them.

And I like saying
shish kabob funny,
like "shiish ka bahhb"

[Low voice]
and shish kabob.

[High voice]
shish kabob.

♪ Shish kabob ♪

It's just a very funny word
to say and I love it.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪