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04x06 - Nocan the Contrarian / Meat My Dad

Posted: 07/25/23 09:48
by bunniefuu
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Woman: ♪ word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe
we need the living dictionary! ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world
in check! ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up! ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains! ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Wordgirl! ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are "contrary" and "exquisite."

Ahh, saturday morning--

Time to sleep in,
watch cartoons,

Or reorganize your unicorn



Isn't this fun, bob?


Well, that's certainly
the contrary opinion.

I'm having a ball!

Ok, mr. Hoof-n-stuff,

Would you like to live
on the bookshelf

Next to the beautiful
queen rainbow-mane?

Oh, boy, I smell romance!

Or you can live in the cabinet

With the exquisite
archduke wiggle-snout.

What do you say? What's that?

What's that?
Oh, that's a good choice.

I'm a winner!


I was drinking my usual
saturday morning

super-cran cran-a-lot,

And underneath the cap,
it says I've won
the grand prize!

I get to be
mayor for a day!

Mayor for a day!

Can you believe it?

Yah ha ha ha!

Oh, boy. We should
probably tag along.

Who knows what
kind of trouble
dad can get into

Running the city?

Come on, bob.
The unicorns will just--

They'll just have to wait.

Narrator: later,
at city hall...

And so I hereby
declare that you,
mr. Tim botsford,

Shall be the official
mayor of the city
for one full day
Ha ha!

[Car engine starts]

Ah, mr. Mayor?

What is it exactly
that I'm supposed to,
you know, do?

Uh, just keep things,
uh, running normally.

If anyone asks
for something,

Just give it to them--
if it's reasonable.

It has to be rea--
and please,
don't break anything.

Oh. That shouldn't be hard.

Hmm. Mayor for a day.

Ha! Ooh, look at this.

What? Oh. Oh.

Oh. Not my fault!

Uh, well,
totally my fault,

But not a big deal.

I--i owe the city
for one desktop
click-clack thing.

Off to a bad start.

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the city marina,

Trouble is on the horizon.



tiny peasant girl.

I am nocan, hailing
from the distant land
of contraria,

And that makes me
nocan the contrarian!

I'm violet,
from the city,

Which makes me,
I guess,

Violet from the city!

Do you like
my sand castle?
Isn't it tall?

Tall? No. Short!


But it was so exquisite.

Exquisite? No. Ugly!


Now I must locate
the king of this land,

For I plan to rule
this kingdom!

Um, I don't think
we have a king,

But we do have a mayor.

He's that way.

Thank you.

He's that way!

Oh. I can start anew.

Mayor for a day. Oh!
This is too much fun.

Mr. Mayor?

I'd like there
to be a bus stop

Outside of
taco bonanza.

I love tacos,

But it's a long walk
from my apartment.

that sounds like
a reasonable request.

Ok. Congratulations,
hungry citizen.

You will get
your bus stop.

Ok. And how about
free tacos for life?

That's reasonable,

Hold on. No?


On the contrary,

My assistant informs me
that that is not
a reasonable request.

You will have to pay
for your tacos
like everyone else.

Who's next?

Uh, I would like
more crosswalks
on main street.

I don't even have
to check on that one.

Consider it done.

Hello. I think
the city should
give me

Lots of outrageous
costumes for my cats,

Like diamond-studded
kitty jumpsuits

And little, tiny kitten
legwarmers for when
it's cold outside.

Ha! Well, that sounds
completely reas--hmm?

Psst. No.
No? Ok.

Not reasonable.
I'm sorry.

But potentially very cute.

Next! This is going great.

I'm starting to get the hang
of this whole mayor business.

[Nocan grunting
and yelling]

Huh. This can't be good.

Nocan: ah. You, sitting
on that throne,

You must be the ruler
of this kingdom.

I am nocan the contrarian!

Well, hello there.

My name is tim botsford,
and while I'm no king,

I am the mayor
of the city,
just for today.

Now, if you'd like
to make a request
or ask a question,

Then you'll have to
wait in line over there.

There? No. Here!


Whoa! Falling!

Now I am the mayor,

The new ruler
of the kingdom,

And everyone shall do
what I say!

Well, actually,
mr. Contrarian,

I was the grand prize
winner of the mayor
for a day contest.


Now, if you had found
the winning bottle cap,

You'd be the mayor
for a day,

But that's not
how it worked out.

So could you please
put me down?

Down? No, up!


[People gasping]


Huh? Ok.
Now I'm stuck.

But the view from up here
is pretty nice.


Let's get him
out of here.

Whew. Good catch
back there, becky.

Say, isn't this
chandelier charming?

So pretty and refined.

Some might say
it's exquisite

Because it's
and excellent.

It is exquisite.

I should probably
fix it

Before the real mayor
comes back.

He told me
not to break anything,

And I've already broken
a lot of things.

Hey, maybe
the hardware store

Will have the parts
you need.

Exquisite idea!

I'll go right now.

Oh. That was easy.

Come on, bob.
We've got work to do.

Word up!

back in the mayor's office...

Now I am the mayor
of this kingdom.

What do you peasants want
with me?

Well, since I guess
you're the mayor now,

I was wondering
if you can help me
with my electricity bill.

I want it to be lower.

Lower? No.


Your bill is now
$ million!

Pay me now!

$ Million?

Oh, I am ruined.


Hello, mr. Contrarian.

I was wondering
if we could have
a few more stop signs

Along oak street?

More stop signs? No.


Better yet, you will have none!

No stop signs anymore
anywhere in my kingdom!

Oh, dear,
but that won't be safe.

Safe? No. Dangerous!



On the contrary, nocan,

I'm here to make sure
the city is safe
for all citizens,

And I'm afraid I'm going
to have to ask you to leave.

You want me to leave?

No. Nocan stays!

Well, I asked you nicely,

But I guess barbarians
don't usually respond to nice.



Whoa! Aah!


Ooh. Ohh. Ugh.

This guy's tough, huggy.

I can't figure out
his weakness.

Ha ha!

Our battle continues,
angry pixie warrior.

For your information,
the name's wordgirl,

And you're so
going to lose.

Lose? No.
I will win!


I'm strong!

No! Weak!

I'm fast!

No. Slow!

I'm determined.

No. Spineless!

Wait a minute.

Every time
I say something,

You say the exact

You always have
a contrary opinion.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.
No, I don't!

Yes, you--

That's exactly my point!

You're being contrary.

No matter what I say,
you say the opposite.

I said lose,
then you said win.

I said strong,
and you said weak.

Da da da.

Less talking,
more fighting!

Whoa, whoa, wait.
Hold on, huggy.

No matter what we ask
noncan the contrarian to do,

He's always gonna be contrary
and do the opposite.

Let's let him
win this fight.

Just trust me.

Uh, we give up.

Ha ha! I have defeated
the angry pixie warrior

And her lemur friend.

Back to my castle.

Wordgirl, you
let him get away!


Poor form.

Don't worry,

I've got
an exquisite plan.


Ha! You're back!

What do you want now,

Yes. I'd like you to
raise my electricity bill.

I'd like it to be higher--
much, much higher.

Higher? No!

I will make it lower!

Two pennies a month


Thank you, nocan.
Heh heh!

Um, hi again.

I'd like there to be
fewer stop signs
on oak street

So it will be
more dangerous?

Fewer. No. More!

Many more!

And it won't be

It will be safe,
very safe!

Thank you,
nocan the contrarian.

I would like
very expensive tacos,

Uh, rarely.

Expensive tacos,
but only rarely?

No! I demand you have
free tacos for life!

Nocan! Dude!

Watch this.

Nocan the contrarian,

On behalf of the citizens
of the city,

I would like to ask you
to stay here

And be our king forever
and ever!

Stay? No!

Leave! Nocan!

Ohh. This guy
just hates doors.


Oh. Thanks,
but really,

It was easy
once I realized

He was being so contrary
all the time.

All we had to do
was ask for the opposite
of what we wanted.

I'm back from
the hardware store.

Is nocan the contrarian

The city is all yours.


Now, if I can just
fix all this before
the mayor gets back...

Uh, what is
going on here?

What happened to
my desktop click-clack

And my exquisite

Um...if I told you
an enormous warrior
named nocan the contrarian

Came in, took over,
and broke a lot of stuff,

You'd believe me,
wouldn't you?

No. On the contrary,
I'd think you were
making up a story.

He's telling the truth,
mr. Mayor,

But the city is safe now.

Nocan's gone, and all
that's left to do

Is clean up the mess
he made.

Well, uh...

I guess this room could
use a few more doors.

Narrator: and so,
thanks to wordgirl,

The city is safe
from nocan the contrarian.

Come on, huggy.

We've got some
unicorn-cataloguing to finish.


I mean...crime to fight.


Narrator: and becky botsford
can get back to reorganizing

Her exquisite unicorn

Join us next time
for another ordinary, boring
episode of "wordgirl."


Just kidding.

I was being contrary.

I meant, another incredibly
exciting episode of "wordgirl!"

♪ Wordgirl! ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "crestfallen."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Music playing]



Oh, no.

I just forgot
the definition.


A crestfallen is
a battle that you lose.

that's not it.


Emily, do you know
what "crestfallen" means?

Everyone seems so upset
in the clips.

I think "crestfallen"
must mean sad
and disappointed.

That's it!
I knew it.
I'm so...


Congratulations, emily.
You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official "wordgirl"

Perfect for cleaning up
the garage.

A broom? I thought
it'd be an orangutan

Or a giant rainbow

I'm really crestfallen.

I'm sorry, emily.
What if I threw in
a dustpan?

Better, I guess.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl! ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"nemesis" and "badger."

One beautiful afternoon
in the botsford backyard...

I have to say, becky,

Out of all
the competitions
we've been in lately--

And let's face it,
there have been a lot--

This building
a birdhouse competition

Has got to be
my favorite.

Why, just look
at these rules!

So well laid out,
so informative,
so restricting--

Everything that a set
of rules should be.

Yay, rules!

Wow. You really
love this contest.

Yeah. Ok.

I'm thinking
we should do
traditional colonial.

[Alarm ringing]

Butcher: oh, man! Why do you
bank guys always hit
the alarm when I come in?

Man: but you said,
"this is a robbery."

Ah, listen, dad.

On second thought,
this plan looks perfect.

In fact,
bob and I have to go...

Get supplies,
for an idea I have

To make it even better!

Ooh, what is it?

Uh...i want it
to be a surprise.

Go ahead and start building
without us.

Heh. Come on, bob.


Not to worry,
my bird friend,

I will build it,
and you will come.


Tch. Yeah.

Butcher: aw, come on!
You're going slow
on purpose!

Now, why
would I do that?

So I'll get caught.

Nonsense. I'm no hero.

Whoops. Butterfingers.

Stop right there,

Well, if it isn't
my old nemenesesis,

Ugh. It hurts.

All right.
Which word did I get wrong?

Take a guess.


Uh, nemenesesis?

You got it.
The actual word
is "nemesis."

Oh. Nemesisnesis.

Nemes--you know,
let's just have
our battle now,

And we'll try again

All right.
Have it your way.

Porterhouse piledriver!

Ha ha!
Now it's my turn!

No, no,
it's my turn.

The old
mashed potato

Uh-oh. Were those, uh,
mashed potatoes?

Oh, boy. Hi, pop.


That's right.
Say hello to kid potato.


So what's with the getup?
What are you supposed to be?

Uh, the butcher?

Where's your mask?

I don't like them.
They make my face itch.

No mask? What kind of
villain doesn't wear a mask?

Here. I brought you one
from home.

No, I don't--
I don't want it.

Here, take it.

Take it.

No. Pop,
stop badgering me.

Kids. They think
they know everything.

Tell me about it.

Look, pop. Can we
talk about this later?

Kind of in the middle
of something here.

Yeah, hello?

Sure. You don't have time
to talk to your father,

Who's come all the way
out here to see you.

Tch, tch, tch.

Oh, pop!

No, no, no.
I mean, to me,

It didn't look like
you were doing so hot.

But what do I know, huh?

I'm just an old man
with a potato
on his chest, right?

Oh, pop, come on.
Not now,
in front of my...


She's my nemesis.

Other than the fact
that we fight
each other,

We get along
pretty good.

Pretty well.

Right, pretty well.

I don't believe this.

Getting along
with a superhero?

Come on, let's go.

But, pop!

I said, let's go.

Oh. Fine!

The old spud skidoo!

Mountain of mutton!

Oh, hey, listen.
Sorry about my pop.

He can be a little, uh--


Yeah! All right, pop!

Sorry again.
See you later.

Good luck.

Man! Potatoes
make a mess.


This is what
you left your home

And your family
behind for?

Aw, pop, come on.

Forget it.
I didn't come here
to bother you.

I came because,

Well, I guess
I always dreamed
that when you got older,

You and I would
rob stuff together,

Be a real criminal duo.

I even had a name
picked out for us.

Are you ready?

Meat and potatoes.

Notice I put your name

Oh, pop, that's nice.

I'm really touched.

I have to say,
after seeing your
performance today,

It looks like I came
in the nick of time.

You really stink.

Yeah, not so touched

What do you say,

Be the meat
to my potatoes?

Oh, well, uh...

Yes or no?

Well, it's not
that easy. See--

Yes or no?

Quit badgering me!


Yeah. It means to
pester or nag me,

To ask me again
and again to do something.

Where'd you learn that?

From wordgirl.

That's it.
It's worse than I thought.

You need my help, son.

Yeah, pop...

It's settled, then.
We're a team--

Father and son,
meat and potatoes.

Pop, I don't--oh!




Ha ha!


back at the botsford house...



Becky, bob,
I'm so excited to see
what you have got.

Got? Right!
The birdhouse!

Yes. Uh...
Well, dad, uh,

We didn't really
get any materials,

But I did walk around
with bob, and, uh,

We came up with
a ton of ideas!

Heh heh.


I always say ideas are
the construction materials
of the mind.

So what you got?
Lay it on me.

Uh, right now?
You want to know
what my ideas are

Right now?

Yeah. Fire away.

Oh! Uh...ok.

Well, uh,
bob, little help?

A man
with a pointed head...

Looking at the sun
through his fingers!



I love it!

It's original,
and originality is one
of the grading categories.

[Alarm ringing]

it's the jewelry store.

Uh, dad, bob and I
have to...uh...

Run out and get materials
so we can start building
the pointy-headed man

Looking at the sun
through his fingers?

Hurry back, hon.

I can't wait to show you
the bird-sized pool table
in the game room.

Right! Thanks, dad.
Come on, bob.

Oh, hey there, buddy.
Almost fini--ooh.

Hey, everybody.

So, you're who, now?

He's meat,
and I'm potatoes.

we're meat and potatoes.

You heard it here

I'm so honored.

You should be.
This is our first
robbery ever.

One day, you'll be able
to tell your grandkids

That you were here.

Highly unlikely.

Come on,
stand up straight.

We're making history here,
and you're slouching.

This is my natural
posture, all right?

Since when?

Hold it right there,
butcher and, uh,

Kid potato.

Ah, ah, ah.

My son is here
no longer the butcher.

He's not? You're not?

Yeah. Well, actually--

No, he's not!
He's with me now.

Together, we're
meat and potatoes.

He's no longer
some pushover

You could just defeat
and take to jail

Over and over
and over and--

Yeah. Yeah.
All right, pop,
we get the idea.

Well, not anymore,

All right. That's it.
Pop, enough.

I'm not gonna let you
badger me

Into doing something
I don't want to do.

Hey! You used
the word "badger."


Yeah, thanks,
but I'm on a roll here.

Right. Sorry.

Look. I'm not
moving back with you,

And I'm not joining you.

Meat and potatoes
is your dream, pop,
not mine!

Well, doesn't that
just beat all?

the gratitude,
I ask you?

Where's the sense
of family?

Look. Look.

That guilt trip's
not gonna work anymore, pop.

You can't badger me,
you hear?

Just in case it hasn't
been defined yet,

"Badger" means--

I defined it before!

Oh, you did. Ok.

It means
to pester someone.

You're the pest.

Hey! That's it.
You're going down.

Sorry, but, you, too,

Oh, yeah?

Well, not this time,
you hear?

I don't need to be
badgered about this,

And I don't need to join
meat and potatoes!

Because I'm your greatest
nemesis, you hear?

Me! The butcher!

Kielbasa crusher!

Potato pie pow!



My sciatic. Ooh.

Kielbasa are hard
to get out of.

Yeah, pop?
You mean it?

You see me moving?

Listen, son.

It may not always
seem like it,

But I'm really
proud of you.

You are?

Sure. I just wish
I got to see you
a little more.

Aww, pop,
why didn't you
just say so?

Well, I don't like
to badger you.


Well, looks like you two

Will be spending some
quality time together
after all--

In prison!

Actually, that'll be
kinda nice.

I'm not touching
that one.

So, this is
gonna be great.

You and I can be
cell mates.

That'd be great,

Narrator: and so, once again--

Hold on! Hold on!

What about the whole
birdhouse story?

Narrator: oh, right.

In all the excitement,
I kind of forgot. Heh heh.

We'll have to hustle home
before my dad gets suspicious.

I just have to think up
an excuse.

Narrator: uh, yeah.
Well, that worked out well
the last time.

Quiet, you.
Word up!



Hey, dad,
sorry I'm--whoa.

Yeah. Not to badger you,

But do you have
those building materials

So we can finish
this thing?

Frankly, I'm starting
to get a little nervous.

Yeah. Um, well, dad,
actually, i--

Hey, where's bob?

Bob! Right!

Oh, boy. Uh...

Oh, there he is.
Hi, bob.
Hi, bob.


So, now, becky,

What were you saying
about those building

Oh, yeah.
Well, see,
we were--


Huh! That's perfect.

Great idea, guys.

My house,
although stately,

Was missing that
down-home birdy touch.

Right! That's just
what we thought.

Well, go ahead,
finish her off.


[Birds chirping]


Wow is right.

Looks like it's a hit.
Great job, honey.

Thanks, dad,
for being so supportive.


You're no kid potato.

Oh, thanks, honey.
Kid potato?

Uh, long story.

Narrator: and so, once again,

Wordgirl and huggy
defeat their nemesis
the butcher,

And for the first time,

They defeat his badgering dad,
kid potato.

Whoa. That's a lot of birds.

Uh, yeah.

join us again next time

For another scintillating
episode of "wordgirl!"

♪ Wordgirl! ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for
even greater prizes on...

The bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Take a look
at these pictures,

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "crestfallen."

[Music playing]

Give it a shot, emily.

means to be sad
and disappointed.

I think
it's number two.

Huggy definitely
looks crestfallen.

That's correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner!

Show her what she's won,

[Audience oohing]

and yells]

It was the world's
biggest bottle of bubbles.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is "orange" because
it's my favorite color.

I mean, like,
I have orange sneakers.

I have orange posters
at school.

I have orange binders and books.

I have orange shorts
at my house.

There's just too many things.

I can't even explain them all.

My favorite word is "harmonica"

Because I have one and I love to
play it.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Captain huggy face,

Show us what grimace means.

That's right! Grimace is
the kind of face you make

When something hurts.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]
