03x01 - Chuck E Sneeze/Swap Meat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x01 - Chuck E Sneeze/Swap Meat

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: listen for the words
"avoid" and "contagious."

Narrator: just another carefree
sunny afternoon in the park.

Oops, wrong script. Sorry.
Ah, here we go.

Alas, life isn't always
one big bowl of cherries,

Even for a plucky
little heroine like ours.

I can beat
evil villains.

Why can't i--ah-choo!--
Beat the common cold?

Time to get the patient
all warm and toasty.

And here's a special
being-sick treat.

Thanks, dad.

Now, you have
to stay in bed

So you can avoid
getting any sicker.

Trust me. I'm too sick
to even think of moving.

That's right, chet.

I'm standing outside the bank,
where inside,

Bank robbery is in progress
as I speak.

Oh, where,
oh, where is wordgirl?


And you better not
get any of that ketchup
on my clothes.

I'll never
get it out.

Just fill up the bag,
and there won't be
a problem.

By the way, soda water

Is really good
for ketchup stains.

You know, I hope
you're going to spend

Some of this money
on a new robbery bag.

That one smells
like salami.

For your information,
I'm gonna use the money

To buy
a state-of-the-art

salami-slicing machine.

Well, aren't we fancy?

Party is over,

Hand over the money.

Never! I'd rather--
wait. Are you sick?

Just because I have
a little cold

Doesn't mean I still
don't have my super powers.


your super powers.

I don't want to get
your cold.

I hate getting sick.

My mother makes me
stay inside for a month

And eat this icky soup.

Hey, are you--
what's the word,

You know, when you
give someone germs?


Right. You're not
contagious, are you?

I'll try to avoid
getting you sick.


Get away from me
with your cold germs.

Wordgirl: come on.
I'm taking you in.

Ugh. Huggy, can I
have a tissue, please?

You know, you should
really go home

And get into bed,
take it easy.

Yeah, yeah.
I know. I will...

Just as soon
as I take you in.


I'm getting
out of here.

I don't want to
get sick, too.

Feel better.

Aw, come on.

Narrator: later, at the ye olde
fancy schmancy jewelry shoppe,

Our evil villain
continues his string

Of daring daylight robberies.

Oh! Sir, your silly sack
reeks of salami.

You don't like
the salami smell?


Chuck: wordgirl,
what are you doing here?

what's that word again,

You know, when you can
pass a cold

From one person to another?


Right. Contagious.

You should be home in bed,
not spreading your germs.

Oh, yeah?

Well, you
should be home,

Not out
committing crimes.


Why don't you both
go home

Before I get your cold
and your horrible salami smell?

Come on, chuck.
Let's go.


Oh, I hate
when this happens.

It's so messy, and you
end up wasting so much.



Ew! Ew! Ew!

Ugh, how revolting...
And contagious.

Germs, go away.
Be gone.

You sneezed
all over me.

Now I'm
gonna be sick,

And I
was hoping to--

You know, when you don't
want to catch something.

What's the word?

to keep away from
or not get.

Yeah. I wanted to
avoid getting sick,

And now I've got
your germs.

I said I was sorry.

You shouldn't
have pulled me--

Oh, not again.


Ugh, here use this
and have it laundered.

, , , . I got it.

I've finally stolen
enough to get

The turbo-charged
super salami slicer.

Ah-choo! Oh, no.
Don't tell me.

Hey, I can't taste anything.

Noooo! I am sick.

Why does everything
always happen to me?

I won't suffer alone.

If I can't enjoy
a deli sandwich on rye

With extra pickles, no one can.

I'm going to steal
the greatest pleasure in life--

Eating sandwiches.

Ok. Now, where'd I leave my
evil-villain gadgets catalog?

Here it is.

The super-duper
sonic boom sneezer.

"Super loud
sonic boom sound waves

"Could drown out a marching band

"And send people flying
hundreds of feet.

Your neighbors will hate you,
or your money back."

How much is it? Whoa.
Hoo, that's little pricey.

Well, the salami slicer
will have to wait.


Woman: chucky,
did you just sneeze?

No, ma. It was--

Think of something, chuck.
Think, think.

A train...on tv.

was that a cough?
Are you sick?

I'm fine, ma.
I promise.

Oh, I got to get out of here
before she makes her soup.

"And then the wicked
witch cackled--"

Did what?

It means,

You know,
a mean-spirited laugh.

Hey, let me get you
some more blankets.

Dad, I don't need
any more blankets.

It's degrees in here.
It's sweltering.

That's it?
I better turn up
the heat.

Tv announcer:
we interrupt this program
with a special report.

If you can see behind me,
there's a man
with a sandwich head

And a giant plastic nose
making a sonic boom so loud

That hungry customers
can't order their lunches.

Let's watch.

May I help you?
Yeah, the--

Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry.
What did you say?

Give me a number--
ha ha ha!


Doesn't that
beat everything?

Tell me, mr.--
What's your name?

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy.

Ha ha! Really?


So, I see you're
making it impossible

For anyone to order
a sandwich.

Any particular reason
for this unparalleled

Yes. My cold is so bad

That it's wrecked
my taste buds,

And if I can't taste
a deli sandwich,

Then I don't want
anyone else to, either.

Well, that's mature.

Bob, we have to get
out of here and stop him.

Now, honey, what
can I do for you?

Hey, how about some
movie magazines.

Actually, dad, I need
some things from the store.

Hmm, "chicken-soup-scented
bubble bath,

Ancient triptephanian mouthwash,
talking thermometer."

Why, honey, it's going
to take me forever to
find all these things.

Well, I guess
I'd better get started

After I change into
some dry clothes.

Your mother
is downstairs
if you need anything.

Got to pull it together
and stop chuck.

Word [coughs] up.

back at the local grocery,

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

Continues his unusual
in-store promotion.

grocery store shoppers.

At the deli counter today,

We have an ear-splitting
sonic boom.


Kid, I like
your style.

I couldn't buy all
this free publicity.

Plus, you've increased
earplug sales %.

You're hired.

But I don't want to work.
I just want--

What's that word
when you want to get even?

The word
is "revenge."

Wordgirl, what are you
doing here?

You're sick.
You should be home in bed,

A little chicken soup.

We have chicken soup
on sale on aisle .

I'm here to stop you
from causing
a public disturbance.

You started it.

If you hadn't given me
your contagious cold,

I wouldn't be sick
and wouldn't have to stop

Other people from
enjoying their sandwiches.

You could have avoided
getting my cold
by simply--

By using hand sanitizer,
aisle two.

Actually, chuck,
you could have avoided--

Ah-choo!--My cold by not
committing any crimes.

Yeah. I guess
that's true,

Oh, but then how else
could I afford

The turbo-charged
salami slicer?

Huh, miss smarty pants?

By working
for me.

Now I don't even have
enough money for that

Because I spent
all of my money

On this giant--
Nose machine.

Couldn't you find
a less expensive
nose machine,

One that's
a little smaller?

This one is so big.

It's obviously
designed to disturb

Much bigger places,
like a concert hall.

But they hardly ever
serve sandwiches

At mozart concerts.

A deli is the best place

To find people who
want to eat sandwiches.

Look. We're both
too sick to fight
right now,

So let's just
make it easy and go
to the police station.

Never! [Coughs]




Oh, yeah? Take this.

Ah-choo! [Coughs]


You're welcome.

Huggy face: ♪ oo oo

Holy cow! It's a brand-new
turbo-charged salami slicer.

You're even shinier
in person,

And your blades,

They're so sharp,
and look.

You even have a compartment
for salami scraps.

Hey! What's with the bars?

Those bars belong
to the paddy wagon

That you
just walked into.

Huggy ordered it
backed up

To the grocery store's
delivery door.

Nice work, huggy.

Paddy wagon? But you
can't send me to jail.

They have all those inmates
there with all those germs,

And you have
to share sinks,

And then I'll never
get over this cold.

You're going home.

You're being released
into the custody
of your mother,

And you'll be
under house arrest
for months.

House arrest?

Wait. My mother
knows about this?

Oh, I'd rather
share a dirty sink.

She's gonna make me
eat that soup.

Oh, wait till she sees I went
outside without a sweater.

Oh, no.

Reporter: and so another
sinister plot foiled,

Thanks to the work of wordgirl
and captain huggy face.

It was nothing.

not again--choo!

Cold remedies
on aisle .


Mommy is going to take
good care of you

While you're
under house arrest.

I made a whole vat
of chicken gizzard soup.


I know how much
you love that,
little chucky-boo.

Narrator: well,
guess there's no way

For chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

To avoid that soup.

Tune in next week
for another exciting episode


Anybody got a tissue?

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word is "hurl."

To give you a clue, here
are some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the correct meaning
of the word.

Oh, butcher,
will you never learn

That your meat att*cks
are no match for wordgirl?

She's invincible.

Ok, but who can
define the word?

"Invincible" means

Can't be destroyed by
anything, unbeatable.

Well, yes, emily.
That's correct,

But that's
not the definition
we're looking for.

The butcher--what a totally
lame opponent for wordgirl.

And he calls himself
a villain?

No, emily. You can't
define "villain," either.

The featured word
is "hurl." Any guesses?

Yes, tommy.

"Hurl" means
to throw or fling,

Like the butcher does
with his lame meat.

Yes. Congratulations, tommy.
You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won--

An official wordgirl
-foot paperclip.


Hey, that prize
is as lame as the butcher.

See you
next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Announcer: psst. Listen for
"forgery" and "magnificent."

Narrator: it's a night
of culture

At the elegant
garfunkel gallery,

Where all of high society
has gathered for an art auction.

So, violet, when do
they auction off

The famous lost statue
that you wanted to show me?

It's coming up next.

Here. Look.
Isn't it magnificent?

It's beautiful,
but, well, what is it?

Well, it's not really
anything, in particular.

It's just a shape,

And it's been lost
for over years.

Huh, and it suddenly
just turned up now
at our town auction?

I know.

We're really lucky to
get to see it in person.

Wonder what kind
of art collector

Would want to sell
something so magnificent.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Horst meyer's
"statue of limitations."


Hmm, that's strange.

Oh, nothing.

I've seen so many
pictures of the statue,

I guess it just looks
different in real life.

We shall start
the bidding at...
$ !

$ , .

I hereby
withdraw my bid.

Very well.
Do I hear , ?

, . I got a bid
of , .

, , , , ,
, , , ,

, , ,
, Here,
, , , sold!

Thank you.


Our thanks to
mrs. Von hoosinghaus

And to our gracious
seller--the butcher.

How you doing?

What's he
doing here?

I invite you all to return
for tomorrow night's auction

To see what other
magnificent items

The butcher puts
on the block.

There's a lot more where
that came from, folks.

Since when does the butcher
collect art?

We'd better take
a closer look.

What's he doing?

Ok. Let's
just be patient.

He's bound to reveal
his evil scheme at some point.

All we have to do is
stay hidden until he does.

[Hiccup hiccup]

Hey! Who goes there?

Or we could go
with plan "b."

Hold it right there,

what are you doing here?

I might ask you
the same thing.

Well, you might, but you
might not get the chance.

Pastrami attack!

Ha ha ha!

That'll teach you
not to try and steal
from my art collection.

I'm not here
to steal from you.

I'm here to foil
your evil scheme.

Which was
what again?

No. You got it
all wrong, wordgirl.

I don't need crime
now that I've learned

To appreciate
the beauty of art.

Why, just look at all
these long-lost works
that I've collected.

The "phone elisa,"

The "venus
de flytrap,"

And mickey angelo's

Aren't they magnisifent?

I think you mean

As in splendid
in appearance or
exceptionally beautiful.

What did I say?
You were
about to tell me

How you stole all
these works of art.

I was?
But I didn't.

Well, how else
would a criminal
like you get them?

Yard sales.
Oh, come on.

You expect me
to believe
that you found

All these priceless
works of art
at yard sales?

Yeah. I also found
this cool air hockey table.

Yeah, but--

These works of art have been
lost for many years, right?

Yeah, but--
and many years is
a really long time, right?

Yeah, but--
so, I wasn't even
born back then.

There's no way
I could have stolen something
before I was born.

Yeah, but--
I don't know.

Looks like the only
criminals here

Are you and fuzzy face
over there.

That's right.

You broke into
my warehouse,

And now you're calling me
a crook with no proof.

Now get lost
before I call the cops.

Ugh, all right,

But we'll be keeping
an eye on you.

Something about
all this stinks.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at wordgirl's
secret spaceship hideout...

Hmm, everything
seems to check out--

The "phone elisa,"
the "venus de flytrap,"

Even the "dave."

They've all been
missing for years.

I've got to think
about this.


Maybe he's making friends
with all those rich art patrons

So he can steal their wallets.

Narrator: that's
a magnificent theory.


no, not really.

Just switch scenes

Narrator: fine.

Say, that's pretty good.

While our heroes
are getting creative,

The city prepares for night two

Of the garfunkel gallery's
art auction.

Tonight's rare art piece

Is pedro pequeno's
"guy with a goat."

Long thought
to be lost forever,

This piece
is on auction,

Thanks to the generosity
of the butcher.

Hi again.

Magnificent, but--

What? What is it?

Oh, I don't know.

Does this picture look
like that statue to you?

I guess. I mean...

There's the guy,
and there's the goat.

But--i don't know--
it's something

With the texture
or the shading.

Something just
doesn't seem right.

It's browner?
Maybe it's just old.

Let us
open the bidding.

Do I hear--

$ . !

Perhaps you would
have better luck

Bidding on some
of the items available

In our vending machine.

Now, do I hear , ?

, , , ,
, , , , ...

Going once,
going twice, sold

For $ , , . .

Violet: something
just doesn't seem right.

That's it. The butcher
is forging works of art.

Word up.


Ladies and gentlemen,
this statue is a forgery.

Why, thank you.

I think it's pretty
forgeriffic myself.

No. It's a forgery.

That means it's a fake,

A copy designed
to fool people

Into thinking
it's an original.

Wordgirl, this is
a very serious claim.

Do you have
the real lost statue?

Well, no.

So, what is your proof
that this statue
is a forgery?

Uh, the proof is--

Something just
doesn't seem right.

The proof is that something
just doesn't seem right.

Can you be
more specific?

Huh. It's
kind of browner.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this girl and her monkey

Have been
following me around

Making up a lot
of wild stories

About me and
my art collection.

Can't a butcher
get any peace?

All right.
I'm the police
commissioner here.

that's a lucky break.

Not really.
I just happen
to love art.

Now, what's
the problem here?

Forged art works.pesky superheroes.

Wordgirl, if you
don't have any proof,

I'm going to have
to arrest you for
harassing the butcher.

Oh, that's all right,
mr. Police conditioner.

Well, no need
to arrest word girl.

All I ask is that she
and her monkey friend

Be banned
from this gallery,

tomorrow night,

When I will
be auctioning off

The rarest
and most valuable piece
in my collection.

Do you hear that,

You're not going to set
foot on these premises

Tomorrow night
for any reason.

If you do...

Ugh, come on, huggy.
Let's get out of here.

Don't worry.
We'll catch the butcher.

All we have to do is get
close enough to those artworks

To figure out
what's wrong with them.

Word up.

Narrator: it's night
of the garfunkel gallery's
art auction.

Ooh, there's a fancy-pants
billionaire art collector

Nobody has ever met before.

Gee, he sure does look familiar.

Come to think of it,
so does she.

No? Well, my mistake.

Anyway, the bidding
is about to begin.

Tonight's item is
the most rare and precious

In the butcher's collection--

The long lost abstract piece
by the artist zell ginzburg

"complicated smush."

[Gasp] "smush."

The bidding
will start at...

[Gasp] oh.

$ , .

Do I hear ?
Thank you, sir.

Do I hear ?
Holy smokes, . Million.

. Million, . Million,
. Million, . ,

Million, . , . ,
. , . ...

Do I hear . ? No?

. Million, going once,
going twice,

Sold to the gentleman
in the very dapper suit

With the impressive
paddle skills.

Sir, please
come forward.

Now, will that be
cash or cash?

"Would you take an iou?"

No, sir.
I'm afraid we cannot.

Now, how do you
wish to pay?

Say, wait a minute.
I know this guy.

I thought so.

It's wordgirl's friend
captain squishy face.

You're not
supposed to be here.

And neither am i.

We're here to expose
your evil plot.

This statue
is a forgery.

Oh, come on.
For the love

No. Listen.
I'm sure of it.

I'm telling you,
this statue
is % real,

With no
artificial colors
or preservatives.

Uh, nothing.

Wait a minute.
That's it.

Is that police
convectioner here?

It's commissioner,
and, yes, I am.

I want these two

No. Wait. It's a fake.

It's browner and lumpier
than it should be,

Oo oo
and it smells
really good. What?

Just come along

I've got it.
It is a fake.

Huggy, plan number .


He's eating
the "smush."

I knew it.

The butcher has been forging
these art works.

They're all
made out of meat.

All right. All right.
Hold everything.

Sergeant henderson.
Yes, sir?

Get me a cr*cker.

Yes, sir.

That's pure
chopped liver.

Boys, arrest
the butcher.

But, wait.

Magnificent work,

We never should
have doubted you.

Captain huggy face's
stomach gets some
of the credit, too.

Narrator: so plan number
is for captain huggy face

To take a bite
out of a statue made of meat?

First time we
ever had to use it.

Narrator: and so, wordgirl
once again saves the day

By exposing the biggest art
forgery in the city's history.

Join us again next time

For another magnificent episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this
is the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "hurl."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Bring it.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "hurl."

Ok, tommy.
Got an answer?

Tj is demonstrating
a classic hurl,

Similar to the butcher's
hurling meat att*cks.

Number .
You are correct.

You've won
the bonus round, tommy.

Huggy, show him
his special prize.

Aw, man, that's lamer
than the paperclip.

Indeed, it is.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up.

♪ Wordgirl

My favorite word is "animals"

Because I have pets,
to start with.

I have dogs, cats.

I have a pig, two birds,
two rats, and two goats,

And I have hedgehog
named prickly ainsworth
longfellow iii.

My favorite word is "teacher"
because I have a lot of teachers

And I love all my teachers
and they do a lot for me,

And I love them,
and they love me.

♪ That's my favorite word

It's time for another great
moment in wordgirl gadgetry

Captain huggy face,
show us what pensive means.

That's right! Pensive means
to think a lot about something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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