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02x46 - Kremzeek!

Posted: 07/25/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Aren't you finished yet?

We need those electrodes
for the energy magnet!



Attention! Attention!

Systems malfunctioning!


You better do something, before we--



Yes, Kremzeek! You will be my ultimate
w*apon against the Autobots.



Kremzeek. Kremzeek.


Kremzeek. Kremzeek. Kremzeek...

This circuit trap should
hold it for a while.

Thrust! Prepare for flight!

Kremzeek... Kremzeek!

Soon, my little friend!
Soon, you will be released!

Autobot headquarters dead ahead!


Kremzeek. Kremzeek. Kremzeeeek!

Alert! Sensors detect
intruder at main entrance!

Give me a visual, Teletraan .

What in the world?


What the heck's that?

Maybe this will slow it down,
so we can find out!

That thing scrambled their circuits!

Just keep away from me!

There you are!

Whoa, never fool around with electricity!

Thats it!

Back! No! Aaah!

Cut it out!

Hey, Smokescreen! Cool it with the smoke!

It's not me! It's... he!

HIM? Him who?


Oh no!


This isn't the time for jokes, Sparkplug!

What joke? I'm savin' ya!

It's an insulating compound that'll keep
that little creep out of your circuits!

Let's see how well it works!

Got you!

How are we ever gonna to catch that guy?

Worry about it later.

First we've got to insulate
the other Autobots.

Bumblebee, Blaster, Inferno!

We're the only ones
left to stop that thing.

Spread out and search the whole compund!

It's here somewhere,
and remember: it likes electricity!

What I want to know is:
Where did it come from?

Are you kidding? Its practically got
Megatrons finger prints all over it!



Ohh...What's the use?

You can't catch the thing,
You can't hold it, You can't sh**t it!

And its wrecked just about all our gear!

But at least we've still got--

Teletraan !

. equals pi on square r
plus two blueberry cookies.

Shut it down!

Alert! Alert! Evil Martian flangoes
invaded supermarkets across the planet!

They have come to steal Earth's ammonia.

What in the world?

Choco rations down grams!

Where is it coming from?

Its on the Autobots' wavelength!

Have they all gone nuts?

Oh no!

He jumped into the screen and
he was, like he just went there!

Say what?

He could have ridden Sky
Spy's transmission beams

straight to whatever
place it's observing!

Where did he go?

Off-hand I'd say... Japan!

Rocket mode, Omega Supreme!

Rocket mode: Ready.

We'll handle this. You see if you can
get any of the Autobots reactivated.

Get us to Japan fast!

All transmissions from Autobot
headquarters have ceased.

My little Kremzeek must have
blown their bits out of them!

Its time to ready the energy magnet!

This is it! This is where we saw him go!

Now all we have to do is find the little--


Omega Supreme! He's not protected!
Omega, blast off ! Now!



We'll fix Omega, as soon as we can!


That guy's starting to get on my nerves!


Grab on!

Yo, Prime!
What do we do when we catch that wierdo?

We'll worry about that when we catch him!

You mean you don't have a plan?

Who's had time to think of a plan?
Hang on!

Kremzeek. Kremzeek. Kremzeek.

Faster, Prime, faster!

Slower, Prime, slower!

Wait for me!

Sea Scraper in position.

And the energy magnet?

Fully operational!

Then let's test it out!


Where did he go now?

Kremzeek. Kremzeek. Kremzeek.





Oh, brother...

After him!

Come on out here, you short circuit!

Shibuya Manufacturing Corporation?

Talk about a bull in a china shop!

What's going on here? Oh! The Autobots!

I am Dr. Sōji Yoshikawa, chief engineer.

Verrrry honored. ...YOU DID THIS?!

No! Er, no, Doctor.

There's a creature made of
pure energy... in there.

You... crazy?!

Look, it's real simple!


We've got to stop it before it turns your
whole factory into a junkyard!

Maybe radio waves will affect him.

Radio waves are my department, Doc!
Just tune in to the right frequency!

Kremzeek! No! No!

Hey, whats he doing?

Get out of there! Got you now.

Blaster, what are you doing?

I'm gonna fry that little creep,
with my own juice!

Good thinking! No, bad thinking! Stop!

Why did you do that?

Your power will only feed the creature!
Make him stronger!


Oh, here comes that sinking feeling...

Oh, man!

Kremzeek. Kremzeek.

Kremzeek. Kremzeek...



No way we're ever gonna
stop all those Kremzeeks!

Is there any way we can get them reunited?

Perhaps, yes.
But how to convince them to do it?

Convince them! Thats it! Yoshikawa-san!

Take us to the nearest power station!

Ready to commence test!

Activate the Energy Magnet!

Engines are cutting out.
We're just drifting.

What the devil?

Sensors indicate, all ships
are now without power.

And that power is now stored in
our undersea batteries!

We will drain this planet dry!

Hit the switch.

There! If that doesn't get their
attention, nothing will.


Kremzeek. Kremzeek.

Here they come...

Oh no...


Cut the power!


Maybe this wasn't such a good idea!

Maybe we can flush him out of the city.

Hit him with all you've got, Inferno!

Well, that worked like a charm.

Prepare for a Longer Range Test!

Tests! Tests! Tests!
Let's light this candle!

After him - Aahh...

Getting low on power...

So is everything else!

Suddenly, this makes sense.

Megatron must have created that
creature to keep us busy!

While he built some kind of...
energy magnet!

Blaster! Can you get a fix on it?

Its miles offshore!

If we could get there in time...

We don't have any time!

We've been beating our brains
out fighting that critter.

Hey! Why not let Megatron deal
with him for a change!

Yeah, but how?

Over there!

Lets zap him straight to the energy
magnet with that antenna!

Blaster... you finally came up with a plan.


C'mon C'mon!


All tuned in, Prime.

Here he comes.

Hit it, Blaster!


Soon, all of this wretched
planet's power will be mine,

and nothing can stop me!


I think it worked.

There it is!

Looks like the Decepts have already split!

Yes, it can be done with this equipment.

What in the?

That thing is made of energy,
and although energy cannot be destroyed.

It can be, ... dispersed.

But-But he's kinda... cute.

Cute? Nuts!
We've got to get rid of him!

Affirmative. He's too dangerous.

But... but hes--

He does'nt belong in this world, Bumblebee

It has to be done.

All right, let's get this
over with quickly.

Ah, can't look!

He's gone... isn't he?

I will help you reactivate your
friend, Omega Supreme.

We are very grateful, Yoshikawa-san.

Yeah! Now that,
that little creep is outta our hair,

maybe we can start getting
things back to normal!

It may have been a little
creep, but you know what?

I can't help missing him somehow.

- What the...? - Kremzeek!

Oh no!!

Kremzeek. Kremzeek.
Kremzeek. Kremzeek.