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02x43 - Trans-Europe Express

Posted: 07/25/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Where is he?

Sir, I-I have no idea!

You lie!

I swear by the beard of the Prophet!

I'm looking for Abdul Ben F'-aisal!

You are referring to the greatest
sage in all Istanbul, sir!

I would never reveal his
whereabouts to hoodlums such as you!

I think you will.

Dreymon Street,
behind the urn vendor shop,

next to the mosque of sultan Selim!

Abdul Ben-F'aisal: So, you've come at last.

Megatron: You have five seconds
to tell me the location of—

Abdul Ben-F'aisal: The
Pearl of Bahoudin? I know.

Megatron: If you know so much,

then you know it would
be unwise to refuse me.

Abdul Ben-F'aisal: You have caused
enough damage in Istanbul for one day.

The legends say the Pearl is buried in
the Galata Valley,

near the Alibey River.

Megatron: You have been wise to oblige me.

Abdul Ben-F'aisal: Perhaps.
But...once you have dug up the Pearl,

you may not find it so easy to put back...

Energy readings, Soundwave?

None. The pearl is very
deep, if it is here at all.

Er...This place is huge!

Even with Constructicons, we could
dig for years without finding a thing!

We need a professional archeologist.


Welcome to Paris,

where the most unusual race
in motor history is about to begin:

The Europa !

A donor has offered $
million for charity,

if the world's finest drivers
will race from Paris, France

all the way to Istanbul in Turkey.

In addition, its a cool million
in store for the winning driver!

A last minute decision,
has been announced

that those amazing machines, the Autobots,
will also be participating in the race!

Charities will get an extra
million dollars if we win.

Just a minute! I Object!

These Autobots have computer brains!
They're robots, not regulation cars!

Now, Now, Auggie.
Remember, this is dor charity.

There's only one charity I care about:

ME! I want that million bucks!

Who is that?

Thats Auggie Cahnay,
the top driver in the U.S.

Top mouth!

And he's also the man
Prime sent us to protect.

- Check out his rig.
- Where'd he get that thing? Mars?

Nah. It was custom built for him by
Symultech Industries, that science firm.

Technology is so advanced

Prime's afraid it might
attract Megatron's attention.

Well, what do you know?

That engine of his is made out of
some kind of wierd metal!

C'mon guys!
Let's show 'em what we've got!

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Autobots:

start your engines!

Gaining on you, Wheeljack!

Don't blow a gasket, little guy!

Ha! Didn't think it could do it, eh?

Yeah, but can you keep up
for another miles?

Look out!

That crazy Auggie Cahnay!

Somebody oughta teach
him some manners!

Its early in the race, Bumblebee!

Someone just might before it's over!

This is the spot.

If the Pearl of Bahoudin is
buried anywhere, it's here.

Professor Teranova, if you're lying to me--

Its the only part of the
valley that isn't solid rock.

Now I've done your bidding.
When may I go?

When I feel like letting you go!

Scavenger, prepare to dig!

I have received a report
on The Europa .

The Autobots are participating.

- The Autobots?
- It is of no concern.

Of no concern?
But they could ruin everything!

The finish line is only
miles away from here.

They're right at our doorstep.

But I anticipated their
ill-fated participation.


Make sure not a single Autobot
reaches the finish line alive!

It'll be a pleasure!

Out of my way!

Bumblebee, look out!

I'm getting sick of that
guy's wreckless driving!

It's time someone set him straight!

Then climb on!

Bumblebee: Listen, you! Didn't
anybody ever tell you about fair play?

Auggie Cahnay: I'm gonna
win that million bucks!

Bluestreak: Keep driving like that,
and you won't live long enough to win it.

Not that that would be any great tragedy,
but some decent people might get hurt!

Auggie Cahnay: I got a race to win!

Bumblebee: What a creep.

Come on, Sunstreaker, step on it!

If you hadn't have forced me on to
that detour in Italy, I'd be ahead now!

Neither of us will win at this rate!

And now more of them are gaining on us!

I got a funny feeling about this!

It's Dead end! These guys are Stunticons!

Say hello to the junkyard!

Sideswipe! Hit the brakes!

Now for the rest of those Auto-bozos!

The Black Sea! I must be in Turkey!

Almost in Istanbul!

The race is almost over!

- It is over - for you! - Motormaster!

This is the finish, Wheeljack!

Oh, my aching cylinders...

That sure did the trick.

At this rate I'll be the first
Autobot to cross the finish line.


Smokescreen! He really wrecked himself up!

Got to get him repaired somehow.

Gah! I should have known!

Why not fight?

Sometimes the best way to
fight is just to hang on!

Get off of me!

We can't pound him without
damaging Wildrider!

Wildrider can handle him!

Do what you will! You won't shake me off!

Oh yeah?

This will shake you off!

That got him!

You are an Autobot! You must help me!
The Decepticons--

What...who are you? What... what happened?

Have you ever heard of
the Pearl of Bahoudin?

Getting near the finish, old buddy!

I wonder how the rest
of the guys are doing?

Wheeljack, come in! Wheeljack!

Sideswipe! This is Tracks! Do you read?

I don't like this.
Something must have happened to them!

Tracks! Look, up ahead!

Is it me or are those racers
heading in the wrong direction?

Racers nothing! Its the Stunticons!

They must have gotten Sideswipe and the
others, and now they are after Auggie's car!

Let's make ourselves scarce!

Boy! They sure gave him the road!

Tracks! The Decepticons are
two miles past the finish line,

digging up something called
the pearl of Bahoudin!

This is Professor Teranova speaking!
You must believe me!

It could cause worldwide
disaster,if he succeeds!

We must stop him! Bluestreak out!

Oh, great! And theres only
three of us left to do it!

Come on.
We gotta win the race now!

Four Autobots down, three to go!

Forget about them for a moment.

The race is nearly over.

Find Auggie Cahnay
and take his car!

So help me, if one more of those
metal maniacs gets in my way...

That does it,
and I'm not takin' it anymore!

That's right, 'cause we're taking your car.

I'm picking up high energy readings!

Hey! There's something glowing down here!

Dig it up! Bring it out!

A few moments, the pearl of Bahoudin

and mastery over this
entire planet will be mine!

What the--?


Open up! I'm driving!

Why? So you can win that race?

No! I just want my car back.

That means helping you
people stop the Decepticons!

Alright. Get in!

Your computer brains may think you're
sharp, but watch what a real driver can do!

Almost to the finish line! We're gonna win!

Don't stop for anything!
We've got to get to the Decepticons!

Hey! Look who's behind us!

Auggie? What are you doing here ?!

I'm trying to help you, bozos!

And the tension is growing
here in downtown Istanbul,

as the first group of racers
approaches the first finish line!

It's the Autobots Tracks
and Bluestreak and...

and why, Bumblebee's with them!

Little Bumblebee neck-and-neck
with the other two Autobots,

as we near the end to the Europa !

And here they come!

And, why - American driver Auggie
Cahnay is driving Bluestreak!

This is most unusual!

And it's over!

Very nearly a three way tie there,
but I think Bluestreak was the winner!

And they should be heading
back here any moment.

As I say...

Uh... we'll just uhm...
wait... for the winners to return!

At last! The pearl of Bahoudin!

Well, well. The last of the Autobots.

You're just in time!

Cooking up another sleazy scheme
eh, Megatron?

Whats that? Something the
Easter bunny brought you?

You fool!

This is the power core of a weather
controlling machine from Cybertron.

The machine which housed
it was destroyed and

the core had been buried
for millions of years.

It was dug up in the th century.

When exposed to the
atmosphere, it wen't berserk!

Cities were destroyed,

so a Persian seer built this pure gold
protective casing for it:

The pearl of Bahoudin!

To build a machine to control its power,

I needed an energy resistant metal.

Symultech solved my problem for me,

when they invented
an incredible alloy.

Symultech! But my engine was built--

Yes! The superpowered engine of your car

is made of the metal I need.

When I melt it down and use it to build a
new controller for the pearl of Bahoudin,

I shall be master of the very elements!

And of the planet Earth as well!

The heck you will!

Stay out of my car!

Cover him!

Stunticons! Attack!

Hit the dirt!

Stay away or I'll reconstruct you!

You won't catch me here!

This is hopeless! We've gotta hit
'em in their weak spot!

Bumblebee, they don't have a weak spot!

Wait! Sure they do!

That... thingamajig!

- Bumblebee!
- Gimme that, Mega-mouth!

The pearl!

Stunticons! Constructicons!
Get the pearl!

I'll attend to you later!

Thats what you think!

It's hopeless!
There a dozen of them and only three of us!

Yeah! But we got the pearl!

So what?

Didn't you hear Megatron
say how powerful it is?

Yeah, but he also said it was dangerous!

Could it be worse than this?

All right, Megatron!

Clear out of here now,
or I'll open this all the way!

Do you think I am so easily thwarted?

Stunticons, unite!

The Menasor will get the pearl back!

Take cover! Quickly!

Get: Pearl!

The pearl!

The pearl is lost!

The storm will go on forever!

Everyone - follow me!

Menasor will destroy the Autobots,

and we'll wait at our undersea headquarters

while the storm wipes humanity
off the face of the earth!

Come on, you big bully!

Bluestreak, let him have it!

Such senseless v*olence!

Open fire!

Do you think that will really hold him?

Off hand, I'd say...

... er, not at all!

Menasor: Crush! Destroy!

That no good Auggie!

I knew he'd run out on us
if he'd got a chance!


No escape!

Well, guys, its been great knowing you!

Hey, good going, Auggie!
You knocked them cold!

Were we wrong about you, Auggie!
Right, Bumblebee?

Bumblebee! Come back!

Not way! I gotta put that
pearl out of commision!

This better work!

Where is the blasted thing?

Bumblebee, are you okay?

I feel like a lost kite though!

Bumblebee, you sure saved the day!

Yes, but did anybody stop
to think about the race?

What do you mean?

Megatron must have arranged the whole
thing to get his mitts on Auggie's car.

That means no money for charity!

Oh, that creep.

I should just keep this thing
for all the trouble I've been through,

losing my car to save you and all...

but... see that you get
a good price for it.

With any luck,
we'll get more that million for it.

Yeah, way to go, Auggie!

- Auggie?
- See you around... maybe.

Well, as night falls, here in Istanbul,

we're hoping to have that interview
with the winners for you...

uhm, sometime soon, I... hope...

Somebody want to go out
and grab us some dinner?