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02x36 - Triple Takeover

Posted: 07/25/23 08:57
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Nice work, Astrotrain!

But one head does not belong.

Yes, Blitzwing.

One head has failed to lead us
to victory over the Autobots!

But we this mistake will be corrected!

And soon!

I will lure Megatron into our trap!

Why not let Starscream?

Hah! He's been trying to dethrone
Megatron for years!

He's a failure.

Failure? I have not failed!

I have just been waiting for the right
time, that's all.

And that time is now!

I will get Megatron!

Well, fooling him was easy.

No planet ever lost its orbit,

underestimating the
stupidity of Starscream.

A secret Autobot power
station-- in a sewer?

Straight ahead, Megatron!

We need reinforcements!

But this is our mission, Megatron.

We don't need to share the glory.

Unless... Megatron is afraid?

Megatron knows no fear!

You have failed again, Starscream!

Its a trap!

And this isn't energy!

These are absolute zero...
... degree... molecules-uh!

I know what they are, Megatron,

and the Decepticon who plans
his escape is hardly a failure!

Whoa! degrees below zero in there.

Block that pass! Hit him, Hit him!

Play it low!

k*ll! k*ll, k*ll!

A battle simulation arena.

An excellent base for
Blitzwing Headquarters!

Coach, it's a t*nk! What do I do?


I Win!

You the commander in charge?

I'm... the coach!

Nobone fools Blitzwing!

You are a great military strategist!

You will be my second in command.

Sorry, I've got a contract!

Contracts, like the traitors,
are made to be broken!

Okay, okay, Commander!

Track shows an
unscheduled train.

And there's no engineer!

I'm declare this to be
Astrotrain headquarters!

That's it! I'm retiring! Now!

Run! Help!

Run for your lives!

So who needs you,
spineless plasmaheads anyway?

These are my troops,

but even soldiers need brains.

Astrotrain can fix that.

Soon you'll have the
latest in computer controls.

This is your new office.
Now give me some military advice.

You don't understand, mac.
I only know football plays!

Tell me what's on your mind or I'll
splatter it on the wall and see for myself!

Defense! Zone defense!

Mmm... zone defense.

You stay here at your desk.
Blitzwing will return!

Scrapper calling Blitzwing.

What is the purpose of this highway
maze you ordered us to build?

Its a zone defense, you ignorant fool!

Now get to work or you won't get your
share of the ruling partnership I promised!

I need more strategy!

"The Long b*mb"? (long pass)

Thank you.


Five points, at least!

I must thank my advisor
for such great strategy!

Within as*ault of my long bombs

I'll totally level this city in no time!

Prime says the bombs are
coming from inside the stadium!

We'll stop them at the -yard line!

Autobots approaching!
Assume attack position!

No, Scrapper! Let them through!

Let all the Autobots through!
I want to take them on personally!

Hahah! Wait for me!

Autobots, worth points each!

Now repeat after me:

We, the soldiers of the Astrotrain empire,

will obey Astrotrain and scavenge
the energy for his empire!

No! Collect and process the energy!
In your cars!

Pull your transport cars upto the
pipe and fill them with the oil!

Good! Now harnest the gas!

It's hard to get good help these days.

Scrapper, how big is our zone defense?

Can't tell!
All the others are all lost in it!

All I know is it's big!

And wait till you see the new throne
I've built. Its really special.

Smokescreen, Hoist, come in!
I located the missing Autobots!

Turn right!


Another Left!

And dead ahead!

Begin camouflage!

Intruders! Autobots! Help!

More points for Blitzwing!

I'll find you, Autobots!
Just watch out!

Hey, Astrotrain!
How's your job working on the railroad?

Show some respect
for your leader.

Leader? How do you figure that,

I've got the proof right here!

Where are your so-called troops?

Astroforce, fall in!

Come out and show your cargo!

C'mon guys!

Astrotrain couldn't lead
rats to a garbage can.

Come on, start your engines!
Start your engines!

Good, Good! Come on!

Rev up, rev up!

Collect the energon cubes,
show them what you're made of!

Thats it! Faster!

Faster, you can do it! Thats it! Yes!

Wait! No! Put on your brakes!

No, stop! Thats a...

Water main!

You led me into this trap!!

I was tricked! The Triple Changers!
They told me it was a power station!

You are either lying, or you're stupid!

I'm stupid! I'm stupid!

Megatron and Starscream! They're back!

And so is trouble.

See, Prime, we should have finished those
Deceptions off when we had the chance.

Maybe I can plug this leak.


Here, grab my--

Help me!

Spike, where are you?

Hows that for air conditioning, pal?

Thanks, Optimus!

Hey, Trailbreaker! All this water
is beginning to dampen my day!

Not to worry!
My forcefield will steer it away!

Hey, not bad! We've got our own river!

Too bad it is so polluted!

A little super cooled
nitrogen oughta patch it up.

Scrapper: Victory is ours!

Blitzwing: What do you mean, ours?
You broke my scoreboard!

Scrapper: We built your maze.

Now you keep your part of the bargain.

Blitzwing: What bargain?

Scrapper: You promised us a partnership
in leading the Decepticons.

Blitzwing: Tell you what, guys.

Why don't you go build a bridge
...and jump off it!

Scrapper: Constructicons...
transform into Devastator!

Blitzwing: Hey! No offense, big guy!

Is that you, Astrotrain?

I was about to ask you
the same question, Megatron.

Prime! Out of my way!

Don't waste your time, Megatron.

Incinerating you is of no interest to me.

I'm looking for the
leaders of the Decepticons.

I am the Decepticon leader!

You and Starscream are just a nuisance.

A couple of metallic mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes?! Then feel my BITE!

Prime must be on overload! He--

Shut up!

The Triple Changers are my lunch, not his!

I say Megatron will prevail!

Three energon cubes says you're wrong!

Thundercracker: Make it four!
Ramjet: My money is on Devastator.

Your friends are waiting for you!

I never get involved in domestic squabbles.

I think we'll need a program
to follow the players.

Want to hear victory music?

Hey, partner.

I could uses a little help, buddy.

Yeah ,sure!

Right after I
settled the score with you!

You are next, Blitzwing.

Get this straight:

I am Decepticon Leader.

YOU are recyclable!

Well put, Megatron!

Constructicons are leaders too.

Blitzwing promised!

You try to hurt the Devastator?

Megatron is a wimp!

So is Starscream!

Yes, but I'm fast!

We've got to band together
to stop Devastator!

I'm with you, guys!

No, you're not! Traitor!

I see two traitors here!

Megatron, you're making a mistake!

Starscream's the real traitor!

Don't listen to them, Megatron.

Why not? Are they too close to the truth?

No, Ironhide! They're not sh**ting at us.

Oh, sorry, chief.

I'm just aching to set my teeth
into some Decepticon hide.

What, you mixed their molecules
with the atmosphere?

No. The Decepticon cause
supercedes personal vengeance.

But never forget that I, Megatron,

will always be leader of the Decepticons!

I guess Prime was right.

Megatron took care of
the Deceptions for us.

Yeah, but there is only one
great leader in the universe.

Have a seat, boss.

Thrones are for Decepticons.

Besides, I'd rather roll.