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02x25 - Make Tracks

Posted: 07/25/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Hey, old man, check it out!

Those wheels are rude!

Just what we've been looking for!

Pop the lock.


Hey, crank it up, and
we'll shake this town down!

Hey, look what I found!
A funky boom box!

We bagged a beaut, Winston!
Make with the long green!

I can't count with all that noise!

Six hundred, seven, eight...

There, thats all you'll get!

All right, freeze!

Yeow! Let's get outta here!

Get em, Blaster!

Let me outta here! Help!

You punks are socked
and thats not but!

Drop down that g*n and surrender!

Thanks to you, our crime buster
program's a smashing success!

Let's get back to Sparkplug's garage.

Welcome back, guys!

Any news from Teletraan ?

Not a word. The Decepticons
must be laying low.

I find the city exhilarating, Prime!

We can remain here forever
as far as i'm concerned.

Pardon the cliché,
but I love New York.

Track certainly seems to be enjoy
investigative work, hmm, Huffer?

Yeah, he'd rather hang out
with humans, than us anyday!

For obvious reasons.

At least humans aren't stick in the mud
spinning their treads all day long.

Powerglide! Cosmos! Patrol the
skies for any sign of the Decepticons.

Seaspray, check out the rivers.

Will do, Prime.

Tracks, where are you going?

Out for some invigorating city air.

It's too stuffy in here for me.

Well, don't be gone too long.

Ahh, thats more like it!

All right! Hold it!

The Geddis brothers will pay
primo for that baby.

Out of the car! Now!

Larry, theres nobody driving that car!

My hood! My beautiful hood!

Can't transform!

Wow! Its a mess,
but its still a sports car.

Well, nobody seems to want you,
so that makes you mine!

We're gonna fix you up good.

This is a most disturbing development.

Thanks guys!

Let's see.

Two new tires, carb's probably shot,
front end needs tweaking...

and I can hammer that
hood into shape, no sweat.

I don't know who used to
own you, but you're mine now.

Nobody owned me! I'm mine!

Cat got your tongue?
Come on, chum, wake up.

Oh, man...

Look, I've been shot at, smashed up,
and stolen three times tonight,

and I'm in a most foul humor.
So would you be so kind, please, repair me!

That car... talks!

You've got a mind like a steel trap.

I'll fix you up, alright, but then I'm
selling you to the Geddis brothers.

I promised them a car by midnight,
and they'll pay through the nose for you!

You're not serious!

Hey, you don't make promises to the
Geddis brothers you can't keep.

Anyway, I need the bread more
than I need a set of wheels.

More thanyou need a friend?

First time in my life I try to steal a car,

and I get one with a big mouth.

Where did you procure
auto parts at this time of night?

You want to get fixed up or
you wanna ask dumb questions?

I could always go off and do a couple of
burners, instead of working on you.


Hey, I'm not in the mood to be
lectured by a car, okay?

What the heck is all this stuff, man?

Get me fixed up and I'll show you.
You haven't even seen half of me.

No, don't!

That wire is part of my primary...

Car! Car, speak to me!
What did I do?

It must be this wire...

Ooh, thats better! Thank you!

How come you shut down
when I cut that wire, man?

That's the main cable to my computer!
Without it, I'm just an ordinary car.

Well, lets get you working again!

I wish the humans would learn
to keep their rivers clean!

Oh, looks like more dumping going on!

Well, excuse me!

Nothing here to report, Prime.

I'm just supervising a
little clean up operation.

Powerglide, report in.
Have you turned up anything?

Negative, Prime. Its as quiet as
New York ever gets on a Friday night.

Well, report the moment you spot anything
that even looks like a Decepticon.

Or Tracks. I'm getting worried about him.

No sign of Decepticon activity here, Prime.

Just a little fender bender
on the West Side!

Just our luck! It'll take
hours before we get outta here!

Pour some coolant in it, Huffer!
I'll take care of this mess!

Its gonna take more than one towing
truck to clean up this intersection.

Okay, Mr. -Wheel Drive!
This won't hurt a bit!

If only we all had wings like Tracks.

I bet he wouldn't be
caught in a jam like this.

There you go , man. All better.

And now I suppose you're gonna
turn me over to those car thieves.

I don't know, man. I mean,
you're a pretty cool guy - For a car.

Hey kid, you there?


W-Who's there?

You promised us a car by midnight.

It is now one minute after midnight.

You're late.

I, uh... I, uh...

You gonna learn what happens to bad
little boys who break their promises.

We're gonna go for a little
ride to the river, kid.

Unhand, him!

I said put him down!

I thought those robots
were on our side!

Stand back.

Get in!

They're gaining on us!

- We lost em. - Hardly!

You're... you're flying!

By way of introduction.
My name is Tracks. What's yours?


Well, Raoul, hang on to your body socks!

There they go!

To the warehouse!

This time we really have lost them.

Well, theres no point in
hanging around here.

So we lost em! I don't see
why you're so mad about it.

Because those crooks thought
I was one of the Decepticons.

Therefore, I assume they had dealings
with the Decepticons for some reason.

The Geddis brothers are trying
to corner the hot car business.

But why would the Decepticons
want stolen cars?

Hey, man, you're a car!
You tell me!

Thats it! Raoul, do you know where
the Geddis' house their stolen cars?

- Sure! - Then take me there.

Time to go into cover - as a stolen car.

Where does that bridge lead?

Across the Hudson, to Jersey.

Thats the last of them.

Let's follow them!

Powerglide to Optimus Prime.
I've spotted Starscream!

Good work. Find out what he's up to.

I'll contact Cosmos and have him join you.

Roger, Wilco and Out!

Attention, Soundwave: Uh-oh!

How do you do, Starscream?
Not very well, I hope!

Don't let him get away!

There he goes!

He must be hiding somewhere.

Look out!

Not so fast!

First floor: movie theatres,
shoe stores and fast food restaurants!

I wish the directory could show
us where to find Starscream.

Up there!

Now where's he gone?

So long, sucker!

And you say Starscream flew away
in the southwesterly direction?

He might have been heading for New
Jersey-- and the Pine Barrens.

The Pine Barrens? Whats there?

That's what we're gonna find out,

That bus will take you
back to the city, men.

You'll be paid, when we get back.

What the devil is this place?

That sure is a weird looking building.

Thats the last of em. Five
hundred altogether, as promised, Megatron.

You have done well!

Now, where's our million bucks?

Right here!

Why you dirty double crossing rat!

We are ready to reconvert this final
batch of vehicles, Megatron.

Then what are you waiting for?

Tracks to Prime! Come in, Come in!

Drat! My radio must have
been damaged in that crash.

What are they doing with those cars?

That's just what I intend to find out.

I don't like the looks of this.

I have no desire to be
carved up into Auto-sushi!

Oh not, agai...

Tracks! Tracks, get out of there, man!

Tracks, get out of there!
What's wrong with you?

Oh no. Hey, man,
what are you doing with my car?

What do you mean, your car?

This car is mine, man, and if you're
trying to rip it up for a spare part,

I've got a nasty surprise for you!

Explain yourself.

I got an anti stripping device on this baby
- Called a b*mb!

Disconnect that b*mb,
and maybe I'll let you live!

Right on. Fair enough!

Stop the conveyor!

Tracks! Get us out of here, man!

It is painfully apparent,
we are badly outnumbered!

Lets split!

After them!

Low on power!

Out! I'll handle them in robot mode!

I'm getting disturbingly low on power...

Tracks! Hey, come on!

I'll draw their fire, man!

Hey, you scuzzbombs! Over here!

Hey where you been, Tracks?
We've been looking all over for ya!

He's almost out of power.

Who are you?

No, Sideswipe. Trust him. He's my friend.

So Megatron's reconverting the stolen cars
into vehicles that can drive on their own.

That's correct.

Somehow I suspect
there's more to it than that.

Alert! Optimus Prime!

The Decepticon cars! They're here!

Autobots, let's roll out!

Ratchet, Blaster and I will
hold them off at the bridge!

The rest of you split up and take on the
ones that have aleady gotten into the city!

No, wait! I have something to tell you!

Let 'em have it!

So that's what this is all about!

They don't look all that smart to me.

Ha! Their aim's not too good either.

Maybe, but they've got us outnumbered.


Here they come!

Let us stomp out these cheap imitations!

Inferno, douse that fire!

I'll teach you to mess
with the Chrysler Building!

Nice, and toasty warm!

Boy, talk about lousy sh*ts!

Spoke too soon!

There must be hundreds of them!

At least the Constructicons skipped
when it came to giving them brains!

Skip, nothing! As far as I can
tell, they don't have any brains!

Then they must be run by remote control!

Blaster, start broadcasting
a jamming frequency!

Thats it!

Forget about the Decepticons!
Just aim for the building!

We're your company into
bankruptcy, Megatron!

Raoul? Where the devil is he?

I'll take care of this control center!

Wha--? Hey, let go of me, you creep!

Put me down! Let go!

Hold your fire!

A sensible move, Prime!

You see, I can't guarantee this worthless
human's safety,

unless you surrender!

If you harm one hair on his head,
I'll personally carve you into scrap metal!

Such a touching display of loyalty.

Throw down your w*apon, Prime!

Take him back to headquarters.

They're bugging out!

Tracks, would you care to do the honours?

It'll be a pleasure!

This is all I could fit in here. There's
about more parked out in the street.

We've got to convert them
back into normal cars,

and return them to their owners.

Even with Ratchet, Wheeljack and Hoist
working with me, it'll take weeks.

I sure could use some extra help.

Been great knowing you, man!
If you're ever in town again, look me up.

Some friend you are.

Relax, Raoul. I'll help you!

One things for sure.

I ain't never gonna steal a car again.
You're more trouble than you're worth!

What do you mean?
I saved your life!

And I saved yours! Twice!

Oh ... pipe down and
hand me that socket wrench.