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02x24 - The Core

Posted: 07/25/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

The rock has fractured!

Stop the drill before
everything explode!

Fool! I warned you
this site was unstable!

I was only trying to help!

Emergency! Emergency!
Decepticons, transform!

We must seal that crack!

I'll glue it shut with quick set silicone!

Long Haul, load those chemicals
into my mixing drum!

Load and Unload.
That's the story of my life, Mixmaster!

Lucky for us, you're on the job,

and luckier still the type
of genius of a chemist!

Heh, watch!

Well it's about time, Scavenger!

Your sensors should have detected
a potential fissure in that rock,

before drilling began!

We could have been blown to oblivion!

Mixmaster, take Scavenger to the surface,

and check all his geologic
analyzer circuits.

We were fortunate this time, Megatron.

Next time, your wild scheme
to tap the core of the Earth,

could destroy us all!

But if I succeed, Starscream
and I will,

- we Decepticons will possess an energy
source richer that any in the galaxy:

the molten might of this planet itself.

It's too dangerous.

The Earth is a sphere like this
boulder, and it too will shatter,

eradicating everything - including us!

You underestimate me, Starscream. Come.

Follow me.

Sure. Right through that solid rock,
I suppose.

Thats the general idea.

What? The rock wall is a
hologram, a projected image.

Designed to hide this secret
from prying optical sensors.

A space bridge to Cybertron.
It is our emergency escape route.

Then if the drill does shatter the Earth...

So be it!

We, will be safe each and
every last one of us.

Hey, Jazz! What's with the mud massage?

Chill out, Gears ! It'd do wonders for all
the pores in your complexion!

Hold on!

Theres supposed to be a river here.

Are you sure about that Sunstreaker?

I can hardly be mistaken about any
thing as big and wet as a river.

Let's backtrack.

There. What did I tell ya?

It's a river alright, but its
been diverted into that canyon.

And look who's enjoying the view.


Okay, Scavenger, your geologic
analyser circuits are better now,

than the day you were assembled.

Let's transform and
return to the base!

Okay, Autobots, move out!


Hey! Where'd the Constructicons go?

Nowhere City.

Attention, Megatron.

Aerial Reconaissance report from Laserbeak.

"The river's been diverted
into that canyon."


"And look who is
enjoying with the view."


You iridium-plated idiots!

You were spotted by an Autobot patrol!

All Constructicons to the surface, at once!

Those Autobots must be annihilated before
they can transmit our location!

Constructicons, transform and merge into--



Now go! Attack without mercy!

Prowl calling headquarters!

I may shatter when i hit,

but the Decepticons will
never find my pieces!

Squash Autobots like mechano ants!

Keep drilling! We must reach
the Earth's core on schedule!


Got to give word of this to headquarters,
or... bye bye, planet Earth!

Catch , hotshot!

Jazz! Dazzle that big
freak with a light show,

while we demonstrate
a little fancy footwork!

Yeah, you got it, Sunstreaker!

I'm afraid Teletraan
confirms our worst fears.

The Decepticon drilling operation
will shatter the Earth.

We've got to stop it.

I hate to say this, Optimus,

but Devastator tips the
odds in Megatron's favor.

Maybe Wheeljack and I have an
answer for that, Optimus Prime:

a dominantor disk to override
Devastator's Circuits.

And bring him under our control!

Devastator... under Autobot control?

Sure! We secretly place one of these
on each of the Constructicons.

When they all join together -

Zap! Our dominator discs
will make Devastator ours.

Probably. We hope.

We'll find out tonight, Chip.

Assemble a commando raiding party.

Okay, Ironhide.
Freeze the falls!

The water-cooling system
for the drill has stopped!

Cease drilling and
get to the surface!

To the surface! Fast!

It's like sh**ting dynametal
ducks in a beryllium barrel!

And I mean, dead ducks.

Perfect, vengeance at last.

Let them go.

What? Traitor!

Why destroy a paltry six Autobots,

when we can eliminate them all forever?

They think they're going to gain
control of the Devastator,

but I have other plans.

Yes, tell me, please.

In due time, Starscream.

The moment of glory is almost at hand.

When the Autobots
attack, we shall be ready.

Some strategy. Can't we do something
more clever than just stand here and wait?

Silence! Standby and...!

Now strike their main force!

Starscream, Thundercracker,
Skywarp, take off!

Constructicons, transform, quickly!

Here we go, Wheeljack. Good luck!

My digital units are
crossed, Chip!

Put me down, Devastator,
and attack the Decepticons!

Yes, Optimus Prime. I obey!

Whaaat ??

Retreat! Retreat!

It works, Wheeljack!
We did it! We did it!

Come on, chief! Let's finish them off!

There's no need.

They're trapped and they have
no water so they can't drill.

Let's get back for repairs
and mop up later.

Your strategy, eludes me Megatron.

We're prisoners and we've
lost our most valuable asset.

We've lost nothing!

I allowed the Autobots to believe
Devastator was in their power,

but with this electronic disruptor

I can nullify their control
and bring Devastator back under my command.

And at the moment they least expect it--

Devastator will turn on them
and destroy them all!

Why didn't you tell me!

I wanted you to believe
the battle was real.

You're such a rotten actor you
couldn't fool a Saturnian simpleton.

I've stored enough water to cool the drill
for its final thrust to the Earth's core.

I still think it's too dangerous!

Simpering coward!

I've been right about everything so
far, haven't I?

Y-y-yes, and I forgot.

If anything goes wrong, we can always
escape through the space bridge!

You've thought of everything, Megatron.

I always do.

He did it. He welded the
perimeter of your micro circuit.

Of courses i did it.

I can perform flawlessly to within one five

hundredth thousandth of
a cybertronic mini-inch!

The Decepticons have
somehow resumed drilling.

Let's move out!
We've gotta stop that drill now!

There's nothing like watching the enemy
through Devastators eyes, eh Starscream?

Battle stations!

The Autobots are in for
a memorable catastrophe.

Theres the drill! Destroy it, Devastator!

No, Devastator!
You will destroy the Autobots, instead!

Yes! I am a Decepticon!

The Dominator disks aren't working!
Devastator is free of our control!


You're finished!

Now, Devastator!
Exterminate the lot of them!

Earthquake! The drill's
nearing the Earth's core!

Got to get Devastator
back under our control!

Its our only chance outta here!

Careful, Wheeljack!

You could overload his circuits
and could fry his logic chips!

You were right! He's out of control!

No! No!

Stop! You're one of us!

The drill's gone berserk!


You and your stupid plans!
Everythings out of control!

All Decepticons to the Space Bridge!

No! No!

The space bridge is ruined. We're doomed
, just like this whole worthless planet!


Not, if we can stop the drill
before it penetrates to the Earth's core!

Funny. We just came
to the same conclusion!

No, Starscream!

We're all in this together now.

What's your plan, Prime?

Here's our dominator disk control box.

Give Chip and Wheeljack your nullifier,

and they'll try combining frequencies
to bring Devastator back under control.

Yes. Then we'll use
them to stop the drill!

Don't do it! It's a trick!

Devastator! Devastator! Helllp!

I do this only for the
benefit of my Decepticons.

It grieves me that you may also profit.

W-what... hit me!

Follow me! You've got work to do and fast!

Only two minutes to the core!

Two minutes, till the Earth dies!

Constructicons, transform to
Devastator and stop that drill!

Okay! Lets show em
what were built for!

Look, guys, if we don't make it,
its been great being part of the team!

Hey, we're not scrap iron yet.
So don't get drippy!

Now, lets transform!

Ten seconds.

One second!

Are you all right, Chip?

Yeah, I... I think so.

The drill stopped!

It's Devastator!

Well, what have you
done with noble Megatron?

I'm afraid mister nobility is
busy saving his own neck!

Wrong! He withdrew to fight
Autobots another day!

You haven't heard the last of Megatron!

What's the matter, Chip?

I guess I was hoping Devastator
might join the Autobots for good, but....

...that's probably just a dumb old dream.

Hang on to your dreams, Chip.

The future is built on dreams.

Hang on.