01x15 - Fire on the Mountain

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x15 - Fire on the Mountain

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

-[ jet engines roar above ]

TRAILBREAKER: Maybe I'm just
spinning my flywheels,

but those jets look sickeningly familar.

-They're Decepticons, Trailbreaker.

I'd recognize their slimey
contrails anywhere.

-Hey! Wait up for me!

-Thundercracker, attention! Transform!

-No Earth-made steel is
gonna be strong enough.

-I'm in charge here, and if I say
it's strong enough, it is!

-Great workin' with ya, Starscream.

-What do ya mean working?

Looks more like stealing to me.

And I'm talkin' steel.

-Out of my way, you Autobot lackey.

-What took you so long, Trailbreaker?

It's fightin' time.

-Correction, Autobot.

As far as you're concerned,
it's losing time.

Heh, that's what I call
bringing the house down!

[ laughs ]

-We're too late, Trailbreaker.

The steel stealers are long gone.

-Aw, hexagonal nuts!

We better roll back to
headquarters and report.

OPTIMUS PRIME: It's puzzling.

Why did the Decepticons,
take those steel beams?

Any thoughts, Bumblebee?

-Just one, Prime. Spike,
launch the satellite.

-One Skyspy comin' up.

If the Decepticons are
cookin' up something,

we'll zero in on it soon enough.

legend is true, Megatron.

This pyramid rests on a shaft,

leading down into the Earth's molten core.

-Then if the rest of the
legend is accurate...

I will soon be master
of the Crystal of Power.


[ laughs ]

Starscream, bring me the w*apon frame,

you and Thundercracker made
from the stolen steel.

I hope it is stronger than your
customary resolve in battle?

-Don't question my strength or the
strength of this frame, Megatron.

It will serve!

-Forgive me, Starscream, you
have done an excellent job.

For now the power of Earth's fiery
core will serve the Decepticons.

-The Skyspy's over the Andes
mountains in Peru.

Uh-oh, it's picking up a weird
energy reading in those ruins.

-Excellent, Laserbeak.

It seems we have an
intruder, but not for long!

-What happened?

[ Indecipherable chatter ]

-What is it?

-A star?

-The power that destroyed
it came from the ruins!

-The ancient gods have
returned to punish us!

-No, grandmother, the
ancient gods are history,

but if the Crystal of Power
has been rediscovered,

we have much to fear!

-Ah! The crystal is superb.

The power of absolute destruction is mine!

-You mean ours, don't you, leader?

-Yes, of course.

I have you to thank for this
worthless w*apon frame.

-Don't blame me.

Thundercracker swiped defective steel,

Not I. It was his fault.

-You lie, Starscream.

-Silence, you fool.

-You and Starscream remain
here to guard the crystal.

Skywarp, watch them.

See they do no further damage.

-[ laughs gleefully ]

-There is a mining town nearby.

We'll find enough metal there to build
a workable w*apon frame for the crystal.

Any who stand in our
way will be demolished.

-Keep pounding, Sideswipe.

He'll turn up soon.

-He better!

It's cold enough to freeze the
ailerons off a titanium moosebot!


-It's Skyfire!

-Skyfire, are you warm
enough to transform?

-I... I hope so.

Thanks, Wheeljack.

I'd just about had it with
the deep freeze treatment.

-Head back to Autobot
Headquarters on the double.

You've gotta pick up
Brawn and Windcharger,

and fly to the Andes mountains.

-Brawn, Windcharger, there's a
Decepticon formation below.

-It's that traitor Skyfire!

-You sure you two don't need my help?

-We've got it covered, Skyfire.

You check out the mysterious
energy readings in those ruins,

and when you get back...

-We'll let you play "kick the can"
with what's left of Megatron,

and his merry machines.

-Okay, Windcharger, let's go!

-The Autobot jet is afraid to fight.

-Wrong again, you dipstick tape deck.

-We just didn't want him to spoil our fun.



You're next, you airborne garbage bucket!

-You must have a blowout
in your logic circuits.

There's no way a midget like you
can handle the mighty Megatron.


I think old Laserbreath may have a point!

Let's peel outta here, Brawn!

-And miss all the fun?

-Remind me to discuss your
definition of fun sometime.

I'm contacting Skyfire.

Too close for comfort.

Come in, Skyfire.

-Read you loud and clear, little buddy.

I'm switchin' on my afterburners.


Hey, that's m*rder on my audio receptors.

-You're celebrating too soon, Brawn.

Finish him, Soundwave.

-Windcharger, Skyfire,

I hate to say it, but if you
don't get me out of here fast,

there won't be enough of
me left for spare parts!

-Prepare for oblivion!

-Brawn, come in!

WINDCHARGER: We've only got
one chance, so be ready!

-Believe me, Windcharger,
I'm the readiest!

BRAWN: Looks like Laserbeak's ready, too!

-I'll take care of this, personally!

-All right, guys, this is it.

SKYFIRE: , , , ...

-I'm comin', Brawn, baby!

SKYFIRE: ! Blast off!

-Thanks, guys.

If either of you'd been
one astrosecond later,

I'd have been a pile of piston dust!

SKYFIRE: [ laughing ] What are friends for?

-Speakin' of friends...

let's go back to headquarters
and rustle up a few more.

We've got somethin' big on our hands!

SKYFIRE: Okay, everyone,

Buckle up for safety.

Next stop: Peru!

Prime, if my sensors are in sync,

Megatron's headed for a
mining town just up the road.

-Good luck at the Inca temple!

-Thanks. I'll take all I can get!

-Autobots, roll!

-[ Chuckling ] I'm too darn big
to sneak around like this.

-[ crowd screaming and shoting ]

OPTIMUS PRIME: I'd say Decepticons
are in the neighbourhood.

BRAWN: I sure hope so.

Me and Windcharger got a score to settle!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Welcome to the club!

Let's get 'em!

-[ screams angrily ]

-Now, Autobots! Finish 'em off!

-Just what I always wanted.

Let's see how Megatron likes
a dose of his own medicine.

Now that was a kick.

Bring that back, you birdbrain!

-No one does that to me
and continues to function.


-Roll for it, Bumblebee!

-You have saved my life.

I thank you.

BUMBLEBEE: Hang on, kids,
it's not over yet!

-These evil creatures.

They are the ones who stole
the ancient Crystal of Power.

-Watch the birdie, Laserbeak.

-What's this Crystal of Power?

-I will take you to it.

-Skywarp, I have created a steel
alloy suitable for our w*apon frame.

MEGATRON: Leave Starscream
and Thundercracker,

to watch the crystal and come immediately.

-How dare you assign
me to guard duty, Megatron?

I am Starscream the mighty!

-Have a good time playing
crystal nurse, Screamer. Byyyye!

-This secret passageway
leads to the Inca temple.

-Ravage, eject.

Operation: elimination.

-I must destroy their new w*apon.

even without our new w*apon,

I can fry your circuits extra crispy.

Megatron would love it.

But that geeky Starscream
would take all the credit.

On the other hand, if I let
you wreck our new w*apon,

Megatron might blame Starscream,
which would make me very happy.

-Thundercracker! You putrid traitor!

So much for the Autobot intruder.
And as for you, traitor,

from now on you will do exactly
what this geeky Decepticon tells you,

or I'll report your treachery to Megatron,

and he'll have you melted
into welding rods!

-Skywarp here, reporting for duty.


We now have all the steel we
need for the w*apon frame.

Onward to victory!

For our friends, a little
going-away present!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots, weapons ready.

Commence firing!

-[ villagers cheering ]

-Are you sure this leads to the temple?

-Yes. I have come this way before.

MEGATRON: Starscream and Thundercracker,

Skyfire is an excellent catch.

In fact, once we rewire his logic
circuits, he may even become one of us...

And far more valuable than the two of you.

-Bumblebee, look! It's
Skyfire, and he's hurt!

-[ laughs ]

MEGATRON: Perfect! Absolute perfection!

-Unbelievable, Spike.

-There's more energy here than
in ten cybertronic energon smelters.

-The ancient ones knew many things.

-I wish one of those ancient
guys was here now.

This circuitry's way beyond me.

SPIKE: Just what we need.

A visiting Decepticon.

-Keep workin', Spike! I'll keep him busy.

-Bumblebee, be careful!

-[ wicked laughter ]

-Uh, Brawn?

-Autobots, prepare for battle!

-[ snarls ]

I'll give you a battle you won't forget.

-[ laughs ]

Such is the fate of all who oppose me!

-Fate schmate.

It isn't over yet, Mega-bum.

-Decepticons! Melt them down!

-Let 'em have it!


I can't hold out much longer!

-There! I think I've got it!

-I hope so, because...

I'm sure getting it!

-Skyfire, you're okay!

-Never better.

Thanks to you.

-Come on, guys. There's
a battle out there!

-Then let's get involved!

-Skyfire! All right!

-Optimus, old buddy, this
is what separates the,

Autobots from the robot chickens!

-Ain't no one callin' me a robot chicken!

-No one does that to my buddy!

-Watch it, you fool!

-You're washed up, Starscream!

-Kiss your magnifusers goodbye, Autobots!

You'll pay for this, Skyfire!

-Guess again, Megatron!


-Decepticons, retreat!

-What's the matter, fearless leader?
You and Starscream look real geeky!

Maybe the Autobots aren't
such wimps after all!

-Does he have to make that awful
thunder noise? I've got a headache!

And they call themselves Decepticons.

I shall be avenged, Autobots.

I shall return!

-Do you think Wheeljack's
invention will work?

Without the crystal to
regulate the energy,

the whole mountain could explode.

-With Wheeljack's inventions,
you never can tell.

-Okay, Skyfire...

let's cap this energy gusher.

SKYFIRE: Wheeljack, you did it.

If I could see you, I'd shake your hand.

-Hey, guys, that's our cue!

WHEELJACK: Thanks, Auto-buddies.

You know, it sure is nice when one
of my inventions actually works.

-Yeah, well, it's not that we
had any doubts, Wheeljack.

-But you don't suppose we could...

-Get a fast ride back to town?

BUMBLEBEE: We're on our way.

-And when we get back home,

I want Bumblebee to meet
my brother's convertible.

We call her Juanita,

and I think the two of
them will get along just fine.

BUMBLEBEE: Awwww, shucks.
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