01x11 - w*r of the Dinobots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x11 - w*r of the Dinobots

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

I've never seen a bigger or
more weird meteor, Jeff.

And it's headed right for Earth.

-Hmm. I can't get a reading on it.

That meteor's a mystery and a menace.

-I'll radio the Autobots.

They're the only ones
who can save the Earth.

-Well, meteor or no
meteor, Optimus Prime,

it's great not worrying about
the Decepticons for a change.

OPTIMUS PRIME: I always worry
about the Decepticons, Spike.

Autobots, transform.

CHIP: Thanks for comin' so fast.

According to my calculations,

the meteor should hit sometime tonight.

-The meteor could be an energy
source of incalculable strength.

-Then we'd better get to it
before the Decepticons do.

-Affirmative, and we'll take
along some heavy backup.

Wheeljack and Ratchet's
creations, the Dinobots.


I've seen enough!

My finest warriors defeated by
those primitive pea brained beasts!


-We were brilliant in battle, Megatron.

The Dinobots overwhelmed us
with sheer brute force!

-Brilliant, my boron compressor!

The Dinobots bested you
because you had no strategy!

But I have.

We must probe the Dinobots
for their weak points,

and when we have found them, strike.

Soundwave, discover the
Dinobots' soft spots.

-As you command, Megatron.

CHIP: Thanks for lettin' me
tag along, Optimus Prime.

-You sighted the meteor,
Chip. It's only fair.

-Maybe we'll even name it after you.
Metorini Chiparoni or something.

HOUND: Get ready.

It's entering Earth's atmosphere.

-There. I can see it.

-Everyone, take cover!

-Spike, move it!

-Thanks, pal!

-No wonder he's called Ironhide!

-Stay back!

-This meteorite may contain energies
unknown even to Autobot science.

We must analyze a fragment at once.

-I can't wait to get to work on this.

-Meanwhile, Slag, Grimlock, and Sludge,

will guard the meteorite
against the Decepticons.

-All right, Autobots!


-No matter how many times
I see it, it's always outrageous.

OPTIMUS PRIME: And roll out!

I'm pleased with the Dinobots, Spike.

I think I'll have Wheeljack and
Ratchet build two more.

-Wow. Can Chip and I help out?

CHIP: A Stegosaurus is a great
model for the first Dinobot.

But for the second, how about giving
the Autobots a little extra flying power?

A Pteranodon!

-Excellent choices, Chip.

We'll start building them right away.

-Stego-whatsis and Pterano-whosis?

Is there anything you
don't know about, Chip?

-Initiate brain scan.

-Me Slag want to fight enemies.

-Optimus strong, but me Grimlock stronger.

-Me Sludge obey strongest leader.

Always obey.

MEGATRON: I was right!

The Dinobots do have weaknesses.

Slag is hostile, Grimlock
arrogant, and Sludge stupid.

I will use those weaknesses to
turn them against Optimus Prime,

and then force the Dinobots to help
us obtain the limitless energies,

seething within that giant meteorite.

-Uhh... planes?

-Not planes. Decepticons.

-Good! Then me Slag can fight!

-Dinobots, transform!

-Why do you fight, Dinobots?

Because you are ordered to
by your master, Optimus Prime?

I do not wish to fight you.

You are stronger than I,

just as you are stronger
than Optimus Prime.

You are stronger than all the Autobots,

and whoever is strongest, should lead.

-Uhh... me Grimlock stronger.

Me Grimlock must lead.

-Unh! Optimus Prime is leader now.

He will fight if Grimlock lead.

-You Slag like fight, yes?

-Yes! You Sludge, you follow Grimlock?

-Me Sludge follow strongest leader.


-Speak, Dinobots. What have you decided?

-Erh, words make sense.

-Autobot now enemy.

-Optimus Prime will be destroyed!

We destroy Optimus Prime!

-And him, Grimlock, be new leader!

-Hail, him Grimlock!

MEGATRON: Just as I predicted.

The slow witted Dinobots now
serve the Decepticon cause.

[ laughs ]

Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker!

Transport the meteorite to
the place I've selected.

If it please you, o superior ones, might
one as unworthy as I suggest a course,

of action to assist in the destruction
of our enemy Optimus Prime?

-Wheeljack calling Optimus Prime.

Please come to my lab and bring
Trailbreaker and Chip. Fast!

WHEELJACK: If this fragment is typical,

the meteorite is just cooking
with unstable energies.

It's liable to explode at any second.

-Not if I can help it!

-If the whole meteorite explodes...

-...There's no telling what might happen.

-Then we must destroy the meteorite before
it explodes and jeapordizes this planet.

And we don't have much time.

Finish assembling the new Dinobots!
I'll be in contact soon!

CHIP: It's hard to believe I'm actually,

takin' part in a dino-design project.

-And now, we'd like our
new Dinobots to, er...

Introduce themselves.

-I am... Snarl!

-Call me Swoop!

-New Dinobots...


WHEELJACK: Snarl reaches maximum strength,

when drawing power from the Sun.

Now for the test.

Bluestreak, Sideswipe, Ironhide, Prowl...

-Stop the Dinobots! If you can.

-Great! I 'm finally gonna get in a fight!

-Tricky, aren't ya, ya Dino-dodo?

-Hang on, Ironhide!

I mean, hold tight!

I mean... Ah, forget it!

Whoa! Look out below!

WHEELJACK: You can stop now!

The test is over.

-In a real fight, we'd have
creamed 'em. M-maybe.

OPTIMUS PRIME: The meteorite
and the Dinobots are gone!

Optimus Prime calling
Autobot Headquarters.

Slag, why did you attack me? You're--

-Me Slag no like question from enemy!

-Enemy? Don't you recognize me?

-Me Grimlock know you. You old leader.

-Leader no more!

-I do not want to fight you,
but you leave me no choice.


This is senseless.

We are friends!

-Goodbye, "friend." You are weak,
so you must be destroyed!

-[ groans ]

Optimus Prime terminated?


Must be...

More stronger than me Grimlock think.

-Then we melt him down now?

-No! Wait.

-Why you Grimlock stop me Slag?!

-Why? Uh, not know.

-Me Sludge not know, too, but
will obey leader Grimlock.

-Traces of Autobot training
remain in... your circuits.

-No talk, or we terminate you now!

GRIMLOCK: Battle over, Megatron.

Now we come to you.

MEGATRON: Splendid, oh
mighty Dinobots! Splendid!

-The meteorite's energies appear
dangerously unstable, Megatron.

-Oh, does that frighten you, Starscream?

Then perhaps you'd better not use
any to recharge your power core.

I'll gladly take your share
for my personal supply.

-Something's approaching.

-It's those dimwitted Dinobots.

-What are they carrying?

-It's Optimus Prime!

Why does Optimus Prime still function?!

-Me Grimlock destroy him when
me Grimlock say time is right.

-Don't believe him, Megatron! Grimlock
will never destroy his former master.

Deep within his circuits,

this Dinobot still has the sentimental
softness of an Autobot sl*ve!

-No! Nooo!!

-Megatron, listen...

Meteorite... unstable.

At any moment... could explode!

-How big a fool do you take me for?

Our work will go on in spite
of your pathetic lie!

-I'm worried, Sparkplug.

I don't know why Optimus Prime
isn't answering our calls.

-Chip, Sparkplug!

Teletraan I picked up the meteorite again!

It's been moved to a different location!

-Can you get a fix on it?

-There. And it looks ready to blow!

But we can't get there in time
to do anything about it!

-We can't, but I know who can!

There is an odd instability
in the energon cubes!

-You've picked a wonderful
time to notice it!

I knew something like that
would happen, Megatron.

But you wouldn't consult with
anyone before choosing your--


-New Dinobots?

Grimlock, Slag, Sludge!
Transform and attack!

Don't let them win, you Dino-dolts!

Destroy them!

Destroy them, I say!

-Megatron! The meteorite!

-I think the worst is over.

The danger has passed.

GRIMLOCK: You Megatron tricked us.

Make us fight good leader Optimus Prime.

Prime risk own life to save us!

Bad Megatron!

-Decepticons, retreat! Now, quick, at once!

CHIP: You're all okay!


-Optimus Prime, can you... forgive?

Me Grimlock was jealous of you.

-The meteorite menace is gone.

Let's roll for home!
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