01x05 - Roll for It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x05 - Roll for It

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

Thundercracker, Soundwave, follow me!

I am the new leader of the Decepticons!

-Those jets sound like they're
gonna land in our laps.

-That's because they are!

-Hey, those aren't jets!
They're Decepticons!

-Run for it!

-Mayday! Decepticons! Send help!

OFFICER: Alright, you
overgrown bolt-buckets.

Halt! We've got you covered.

-My tansistors are trembling.

-Get out of here, men!

-Who needs Megatron?

The Earth's enegy shall be ours!

Soundwave! Prepare the energon cubes!

-Conflict zone ahead.

Autobots, roll!

-What was that?

-Just your friendly neighborhood
Decepticon wreckers.

-Can the chat and start kickin' pig-iron!

-One bash comin' up!

-It sure is.

-Okay, little buddy.

You feel tough enough
for another go-round?

-Sure thing, Brawn.
Let me at 'em!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Cliffjumper! Above you!

-You're about to become instant junk!

-Try picking on a mechanism
your own size!


-Decepticons! Retreat!

-You'll pay for this, Prime!

-Not so fast, Soundwave!

-Transform, you fool! Now!

-Bluestreak, Prowl, follow them.

But don't bite off more
than you can shred.

-[ laughs ] Who, me?

-Come on, Prowl.
-Autobots, roll!

-Some leader you turned
out to be, Starscream.

Shockwave, I must get back to Earth.

There's no telling what damage that fool,

Starscream has done in my absence.

-You'll know soon enough, Megatron.

-Starscream, Thundercracker!

You two look like Optimus
Prime ran you through

a laser-powered trash compactor!

-Megatron! You're still alive!

-Don't sound so pleased.

Now pay attention.

We will attack the laboratory as planned.

The anti-matter formula will
give us the key to ultimate power!

-Wonderful, Megatron. With
your leadership we can't fail.

-Leadership, my sine function.

If we don't get parts to repair ourselves,

we'll conk out before we
get your precious formula!

-Replace your parts
and be quick about it!

Meet me in the desert near the laboratory,

in five billion astro-seconds!

-Have a safe journey, Megatron.

-Greetings, Laserbeak, Rumble.

-Megatron, I-I got news for ya!

Reflector'll be back
soon with the lab report!


-Hi, Chip!

Welcome back!

Chip, Spike, great to see you guys!

-No kind words for me?

-[ chuckles ] well, I've never
met an Autobot before.

Now let me get you
through our security doors.


That was the last bit of info I needed.

Stealing the anti-matter formula,

is gonna be a piece of oil cake.

-Gee, Chip.

What are you? Some kinda V.I.P.?

-Ah, come on, Spike.

-Yes, that's exactly what he is.

-Our anti-matter formula may
be top secret, but without Chip's help,

it would be a mystery to us as well.

-I thought you were
just another pretty face.

-Chip, I asked you to
come by for this.

This diskette will let
your home computer,

talk with old Betsy Brainiac
here anytime, day or night.

-Can't wait to test it out.

CHIP: I've never seen
a bird like that before.

-Hey, that's no bird, I...

It's Laserbeak!

Bumblebee, head for the
underground parking entrance!

-They got away.

They'll contact Optimus Prime!

We cannot wait for Starscream!

We must attack the laboratory now!

-I'll get on my computer and
warn Dr. Alkazar at the lab.

-Prime's already on his way there,

and Bumblebee's gonna
call Bluestreak and Prowl.

BUMBLEBEE: What do you
mean ya can't come?

This is an emergency!

-Yeah, and so is this!

We tracked down Starscream's
raiding party, Bumblebee.

They're munching jets for lunch!

-I don't like the idea of Megatron
getting the anti-matter formula.

He can't be trusted.

-He sure can't, manifold-mouth.

-And niether can the rest of you.

-Let's cook a few crankcases.

-Ehh, you don't have Prime and
Brawn to bail ya out this time.

-Say goodbye to your terminals, Autobots.

-Maybe we shoulda gone
to help Prime after all.



-Unlimited energy is almost mine!

[ Skywarp laughs ]

MEGATRON: This way we'll grab it
before they know what hit them.

-Come on, Dr. Alkazar, acknowledge!

-Hm. The Decepticons are coming
to steal the anti-matter formula?

-The anti-matter formula,
flesh creature. I want it!

-You're too late! I erased it!

-He lies. He uploaded the
formula to someone.

I don't know who, but I soon will.

Let this human go. We seek another.

-Oh, wow! Dr. Alkazar sent
me the anti-matter formula.

I've got to keep it safe.

-Stay clear, Bluestreak!

My battle computer's down.

I'm... [ strains ] helpless!

I must link up with another
on-line computer.

Searching... searching...

This is Autobot
Prowl calling!

I need help badly!

My battle computer is down...

do you read me?

-An Autobot.

Prowl, this is Chip Chase!

Don't worry! I'm assuming control now!

-Well, you sure had me execute
a fantastic move, Chip

PROWL: You think just like
a regular mainframe.

-Thanks, Prowl. I'm doin' my best.

-Please keep it up! We
make a terrific team!

-Get him before he can escape!

-Not so fast!

-I just hope this works.

-Why are you directing
me to take this action?

-You'll see in a minute.

-If they thought
that was somethin',

wait'll they see what's next!

-Now this is a human after
my own central processor!

-Let's get out of here!


-Chip, for a human being,

you make one heck of an Autobot!

-Finally, I've located the
anti-matter formula!

MEGATRON: Starscream.

An outside computer now
holds the formula we seek.

I will transmit the coordinates.

Get the formula. Bring
it here immediately.

-Ravage, eject.

Operation: retrieval.

-Oh no, Decepticons!

I've memorized the formula,
so once I rip this up,

there's no way the Decepticons
can learn to make the anti-matter!

You're too late, Ravage!

The information's already
been destroyed!

-Excellent, Ravage!

SPIKE: Dr. Alkazar's lab!

I thought we'd never get here!

-They got Chip!

RUMBLE: If ya try anything stupid,

your little friend is doomed!

-And even if they don't,
you're doomed.

[ cackles ]

-Autobots, transform for action!

Now here's my plan.

-Arrogant flesh creature!

Did you think you could
hide the anti-matter formula,

inside your primitive brain?

-Formula extracted, Megatron.

But you can't use our
research for destruction.

It's... it's wrong!

-Get rid of the boy.

The time has come to create anti-matter!

-Where's Mirage?

-Sorry, chief. I was just getting ready.

-Uh, So were--was we! I, that is, me
and my two, er... holographic twins!

-Fine. Now let's begin Operation
Anti-matter. And be careful.

-Hey... I don't remember
seein' that...

Now what's that?

MIRAGE: Good question!

-Who said that?

There's no one here!

I must have static in my rectifiers.

MIRAGE: Now that's the smartest
thing you've said all day!


Hey, what's goin' on?

-Now, Soundwave. Activate
the master computer!

Amazing! I've generated

The key to our conquest
of the universe!

Bring the energon cubes!

-No, I won't let you!

-Increase power to maximum potential.

And I thought I ordered someone
to get rid of that boy!

-With pleasure.

MIRAGE: Hold it right there!

-Who said that?

HOUND: We did.

-We did!
-We did!

-Blast them!


-Boy, am I glad to see you!

-Your reunion will be shortlived!

-Stick it in your optic
sensor, garbage can!

-Okay, guys! Let's haul cylinders!

-Stop them! They must not escape!

-Hey! Where'd they come from?

-Chip's safe, Prime! It's your game now!

GROUP: Autobots, roll!

-Come on, guys!

we've gotta get those anti-matter
cubes before it's too late!

-It is too late.

[ laughs menacingly ]

[ coughing ]

-Autobots, we've suffered losses,
but we've not lost the w*r.

For the moment, we will return
to headquarters for repairs.

Autobots, transform!

Roll out!

-[ laughs ] The destruction of
the Autobots is now at hand.

Powered by anti-matter
energon cubes,

I will reduce them to dust molecules.

-Gosh! You guys look
like the guests of honor

in a -car pile-up!

-Dad! You and Ratchet. You've gotta
put'em back together again! And fast!

[ groaning ]

-You guys are in pathetic shape!

-Oooh. That's a very
sensitive junction.

-Ah, this is my fault!

Megatron would never have
gotten the anti-matter formula,

if I hadn't memorized it!

-There's no way you could
have erased your brain.

Anyway, I got a much
better use for it.

There's a little project I'm workin' on,
and I think you two guys can help.

MEGATRON: This time none
of the Autobots will escape.

Total victory shall be mine!

[ indisctinct conversation ]

-Hey, everybody, listen up!

Teletraan just picked up the
Decepticons! They're on their way!

-I don't have to tell
you what's ahead of us.

They've got to be stopped and
we're the only ones who can do it.

-They're within attack range!

-When we're done with them...

...They're gonna wish they'd
never been assembled!

-All right, bro, let's go!

-Okay, big noise! Let's see
how tough you are!

Hey, check out this move!


-The one thing you show-offs
are forgetting is...


-[ screams ]

-Hey, I get the feeling our jet
judo needs a little more work!

-Oh? What makes you say that?

-Thundercracker! The
anti-matter, quickly!

-Beware, Autobots.

I am about to transform into the most
powerful w*apon in the universe!

-I am about to transform the
Autobots into atomic particles.

-Hey, get me outta here!

-I am invincible!

No one can stand against me!

No one!

-Nail 'im!


-All right, guys, it's now or never.

-Then let's do it!

-At last! The extermination
of Optimus Prime!

-Okay, Prime, let's hit it!

-Skywarp, help!

STARSCREAM: Get the anti-matter g*n!

-You little fool! You're no
match for Skywarp!


-For that I'll blast you first!

-Not if Wheeljack's invention
works you won't!

TELETRAAN: Computer override accomplished.

New target selected.

-Spike! We did it!

-What's going on?

I'm not in control
of my own wishes!


MEGATRON: Skywarp, you fool!

Teletraan has overridden your reflexes,

and my anti-matter's
reaching ignition temperature.

I've got to get rid of it
before it destroys me!

We've been cheated of our victory!

Decepticons, retreat.


-Congratulations, Chip,
you saved the day.

You're a hero!

-I am? I did? Really?

-You sure did.

-You may not be an Autobot,

but when you rolled for broke back there

you sure could've fooled me.

-We're proud to have you as our friend.

One small boy came between
me and mastery of the universe,

but soon revenge and
victory will be mine!
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