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04x06 - Timing is Everything

Posted: 07/24/23 16:51
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

[cannon blast]


Cannons and soldiers and tourists oh my!

I love Appomattox!

The history, the big names.

We're talking the spot the American Civil w*r

officially ended, when General Robert E. Lee.


surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant.

I love this!

Yeah, there are Civil w*r artifacts all over

the place, Chief.

But which one is Carmen after?

Any action down there, Ivy?

It's hard to see with all these Civil w*r actors around.

And I hate this disguise!

I've got the truck in position, Mason.

Now remember, Carmen only wants that year old sofa.

Don't you worry a wit, Ante Bellum.

I didn't spend the last seven years in jail not to

learn my lesson.

Always look out for A-number-one.



Carmen'll be fit to be tied.

He was trying to steal the sofa!

Someone stop him!

[siren] Oh!



Ack! How could you ever be a woman of action

in this dress?

Go left, no right.

Uh, wait! No left!

Now where is Mason Dixon with that historical sofa?


I'm sorrier than a sinner in a Sunday school, Carmen.

Forgive me.

Ante: They're on to us! Carmen! Somebody!

Get me outta here!

I'll deal with you later, Mason.

Now, stay put until I clean up your mess.

You've blown my whole caper!


The only difference between you and me

is a little twist of fate!


I'll show you I can handle this my way, Carmen!

It's Carmen's time machine!

Come on!

Ivy, let's follow him with the Chrono-skimmer.

If he wants to prove he can steal that sofa,

he could be headed back to April th, .

The day the Civil w*r ended?

Any good Southerner knows, it would give him the

perfect cover!

I have a dream.

Chief: Good thinking Zackmeister!

Before the ink was even dry on the surrender documents

at Appomattox, the Northern officers celebrated their

victory by turning into an unruly swarm

of souvenir swipers!

Even the famous General George Custer ended up with

one of the tables used to sign the surrender papers on.

And they say he rode off with it on his head.

. Right on the button.

There goes Custer now.

Oh man!

The ion count indicates Carmen's time machine never

came down in this era.

I was wrong about Mason's plan.


Look out! -Huh?







Chief, what's that?


I may be totally time warped,

gumshoes, but records seem to indicate that while we

were gone, Carmen's hcnchman,

Mason Dixon, somehow became Acme's number one target.

What are you talking about?

Where's Carmen?

She's now Mason's sidekick, second fiddle,

goon, flunkie, gopher!


Whatever Mason did with Carmen's time machine

somehow changed history!

He's now the world's greatest thief and the head

of V.I.L.E.

And from the looks of his crimes,

he's no Carmen Sandiego.


I'm in charge now, Player.

Fun and game time is over.


Where on Earth is Mason Dixon!


So, you mean we thought Mason' Dixon was going back

to to steal that sofa, but he really went off and

changed something somewhere else in history?


And because we were back in at the time,

we weren't here to be changed by whatever he did.

Holy amnesia, Zack man!

Talk about new world order!

In this new reality, Carmen and Mason Dixon don't even

know who you guys are!

Then, until we can figure out what moment he did change -

And can go change it back -

we gotta do everything we can to stop his reign of terror.


Chief: Hot tip! Get your hot tip!

Carmen Sandiego has just broken into the Virginia

Museum of Fine Arts!

Police are in hot pursuit.

Zack: All right! At least some things haven't changed!

Player, C- us outta here!

Chief: ♪ Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton. ♪

And y'all will be, 'cause you're headed from

San Francisco, California, east to, well, the South!

Richmond, Virginia to be precise.

Alright, men, listen up!

During the Civil w*r, when the United States wasn't

exactly united, the city of Richmond was the Capitol of

the Southern Confederate States of America.

The good old C.S. of A.

And it was the home to the White House of the


Where the Southern President, Jefferson Davis, lived.

Whoa! Two separate nations!

Ha! Who knew!

Zack: Yeah! I forget sometimes that a little more than

a hundred years ago, America actually fought against itself.

Yup. Same way I forget why then President Abe Lincoln always

wore that big stovepipe hat.



Kidding, I'm kidding!

His hair wasn't really like that.

Honest, Abe!


Whoa! Picture me on a penny!


It's Carmen!

A henchwoman?

And since she doesn't know who we are,

we can get her to lead us to her boss Mason Dixon!

Come on!



Quick! Give me your coat!

My coat!?

Who are you?

[approaching siren]

Don't worry, it's not your best colour anyway.

Look! There goes Mason Dixon's henchwoman!


Let's go!


Come on!

Wait here.

Ivy, this is great.

She's actually taken us inside Mason Dixon's

secret headquarters.

Mason: How dare you bring complete strangers

into my headquarters.

I'm telling you, Mr. Dixon, they are two very sharp

criminals who helped me get away from the police.

Ivy, he's checking to see if we really have arrest records!

Well, what do you know.

These two hoodlums are pretty nasty characters, Carmen.

The Chief thinks of everything.

If you want you can use them to help me steal the Hunley!

We've found Mason Dixon's stronghold, Chief.

But so far he's only showed up on a monitor.

Any luck finding the moment he changed in history that

made all this possible for him?

I've got Josha and every whiz kid at ACME working round

the clock right through lunch but it could take

hours, gumshoes.

Player, Mason Dixon plans to steal something

called "the Hunley."

Do a quick Info Scan.

The Hunley was a Confederate Navy Submarine!

Ivy: Wait a minute.

There were submarines back in the Civil w*r?

Chief: Well, not like we have today with sonar and missiles

and Denzel Washington.

But this Hunley was a honey of a tub,

built out of an old iron boiler.

Hey! What happened to the hot water?

We've gotta have more power, captain!

Chief: Human power, that is, because that's what

moved this sub.

And it was just one in a long line of early

underwater vessels.

But the Hunley was the first one to sink a ship using a

new w*apon, the torpedo!

Unfortunately, it sort of uh,

blew itself up at the same time.

Uh oh. Here comes trouble.

Stay close and nail Mason Dixon.

Welcome to the team.

Mason says we're about to make history together.

Charleston Harbor, , here we come.

That's Mason's target.

And what's the plan?


Well, I have to plan on getting caught.

I almost always get caught.

Man, she is gonna really need our help if she's gonna

build up her confidence enough to ever

take over V.I.L.E. again, Ivy.

Blast it!

There are too many guards.

Trust us, Carmen.

Careful planning is the key to success.

Yeah, we have an old, uh, acquaintance who was

a master at this.

We'll show you all her best tricks.

Well, howdy, y'all.

I'm here with a present from General Robert E. Lee himself.

For doing such a fine job.

He sent y'all some coffee!

Real coffee!


Open her up!

Lemme smell that coffee.

Huh? Sand?

What!? Hey!

He's stealing the underwater boat!


Come on, boys!

Don't worry!

Those are single shot muskets.

It'll take time to reload!


Theirs are already loaded!

[muskets firing]



[muskets firing]

Well, they stole our secret w*apon!

Blow a dam to stop 'em up river!

Get word to headquarters!

Man, my arms are so tired from turning that hand

cranked propeller.

Now I know why they invented nuclear powered subs!

Come in, Mason.

We have the Hunley.

Good Work.

Then phase two is about to commence.

Phase two?

When you get to these time coordinates camouflage the

sub and wait for me.

Ivy, the Chronometer says we just went back in time two

years to Hampton Roads, Virginia,

I know this place.


We'll gather some branches for camouflage, Carmen.

Player, quick!

Info Scan Hampton Roads in .

Never mind Info[Scanning, gumshoes!

Something strange turned up during our ion search

through time.

Did you find the moment Mason changed to become head of

V.I.L.E., Chief? -Not yet.

But it seems before you two joined the Dixon

Delinquents, Mason took his own jaunt through time.

Here he is committing a robbery around Gettysburg,


Zack: Why would he steal a wagonload of shoes?

Zack, haven't you heard, shoes make the man!

Or in this case they made the battle!

Southern soldiers, many of whom had been fighting

barefoot - Owee!

- went to Gettysburg looking for shoes.

Turns out the Union soldiers were there, too.

Must have been a sale.

This led to a battle that hadn't been planned at all.

Hey that shoe's mine. -No, mine.


Okay, so it wasn't actually a shoe fight,

but it did wind up being one of the most important

victories of the w*r for the North.

Chief, if Mason took the shoes,

does that mean the battle might not take place,

and the South might win the w*r?

Wh Wh Whoa!

Hold everything, Sis.

I just remembered what's so important about this place.

Hampton Roads!

It's the site of another famous battle,

of the Monitor and the Merrimac!

Chief: And it takes place today, March the th, !

Good seats still available.

Zack what if Mason's trying to do things that will

change the outcome of the Civil w*r?

Then he's probably gonna use the Hunley to try and sink

the Monitor and strike a decisive blow for the South!

Do something, gumshoes!

Stop him before - What!?

Ugh! Huh?

Poison Ivy!


Carmen, where's the sub?

Oh, Mason arrived and took it.


Because we think he's trying to change the outcome of the

Civil w*r!

We have to stop him!

Stop him? We can't!

Carmen, think!

If the South wins, the United States would remain

two completely separate countries!

sl*very would still be legal!

All of history, from the Civil w*r forward,

would change!

Just because Mason Dixon hasn't thought this through!

Well, then if we're going to stop him,

we need a plan.

I like the way you're starting to think, Carmen.

The Hunley's got a rotary drive shaft.

We need something to freeze it.

How about this?

It's now or never!


Come on, turn the blasted thing!

Ivy's not coming up!



The Merrimac!

And the Monitor!



[cannon fire]



Whoa! [gasp]


[cannons fire]

Confounded Yankees!

Mason, don't attack the Monitor!

Stay outta my way!

This is between me and that Union ironclad!

The Hunley was sunk by its own torpedo!

You've got to abandon ship!

No! No! Let me go!


My greatest crime ever will not be ruined!

The South will rise!

I'm gonna use my time machine to bring back

a nuclear sub and finish this w*r right!

Things might have been different if I had been the

one who ended up in charge of V.I.L.E.

Mason: Get me ashore!

Once when Mason and I were trying to steal a Rembrandt

in Amsterdam, I got caught and sent to prison.

Mason got away and went on to run V.I.L.E.

A simple twist of fate, I guess.

That's it!

That's the same thing Mason said back at Appomattox.

Chief, download the time coordinates from an

Amsterdam robbery when Mason really got sent to jail

and Carmen escaped from police.

We're gonna bring back tanks and jet planes.

What the - Amsterdam?

How in blazes did we - [whistle blows]

Are you two trying to hornswoggle me?



What's going on?

Mason changed history to become head of V.I.L.E., Carmen.

You have to meld with your past incarnation and get

history to play out the way it's supposed to!

Come on!

[police whistle]



Carmen: Mason, this way. Follow me!

Forget it, Carmen.

That's where the cops are!

Grits and gravy!

Oh! Let me go!

Oh, why didn't I stick with Carmen's plan?

That takes care of this time loop.

Now, back to Appomattox to stop Mason from ever taking

Carmen's time machine in the first place or this whole

thing will repeat itself!


Go left, no, right!

If we go left we'll miss him just like we did last time,

little bro.

Uh, like I said, go right!

I'll show you I can handle this my way Carmen!

Stop him before he gets into the time machine!

What in blazes - Oh!

Let me up!

Let me go!

Woo hoo! We did it!

We stopped him and got history back on track,

little bro!

That means the shoes at Gettysburg,

and the Hunley Submarine are all back where they belong

in time.

Now, go catch Carmen! Fetch!

No! Lemme out!

And you're going back to jail, Mason.

Hey, hey, check it out, I'm on the net!

Ha! Nice website!




Carmen: things will be back to normal.

Hey Zack,

what are you doing with the Chrono-Skimmer?

I figured it was time for a tuneup,

but it's stuck.

It only goes back in time ten seconds.


Hey Zack, what are you doing with the Chrono-Skimmer?

Like I told you before, it only goes back in time

ten seconds.


Hey Zacko, whatcha doing with the Crono-Skimmer?

I just told you, nothing, I'm not doing anything

with it, okay?

Sheesh, what's his problem?