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04x04 - Retribution: In Memoriam pt. 2

Posted: 07/24/23 16:48
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪


Chief: In our last episode, one of the most ruthless criminal

minds of our time broke out of prison.

Zack and Ivy deduced that the evil Dr. Maelstrom faked

his death in a prison expl*si*n,

and they were determined to track him down.

But first, there were Acme facts they had to know.

Like, Maelstrom was originally sent to jail by

Detective Carmen Sandiego, back in the days when she

was an Acme agent and I worked as her partner

on my first ever case.

But wanna talk about that body they designed

for me back then?

Uh-uh, let's not go there, not now,

not soon, not ever, not no way, not no how.

Maelstrom's years behind bars made him crave one thing:

a better wardrobe.

No, kidding. Ha-ha!

He wanted revenge on Carmen.

So, when Zack and Ivy figured out where he'd gone

they knew he'd eventually hunt Carmen down.

And they figured they could follow him and capture both

fugitives at once.

Only their plan backfired big time!

Carmen will have to verify my demise for herself and

I'll be waiting for her.

Whoa! Run for it!



Must be the smell of all this dried fish in here,

sending 'em into a feeding frenzy.

Then let's serve 'em a real chiefs surprise little bro.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Open the door and let's find out.





Let's blow this reptile-infested drainage ditch.

Maestrom's planning a rendezvous with his old

nemesis Carmen!

Player, C- us to Folsomstate Prison.

How could this have happened?

Was Maelstrom working alone?

Tell us what precautions you've taken so this won't

happen again.

What's the story, Warden?

Ladies and gentlemen of the press,

I know you have questions.

Now, as you see, we've had to evacuate this entire wing

of the prison due to the expl*si*n.

Our first stop is the rec room

where Dr. Maelstrom met his end.

The bottom line is, we believe one of the most

dangerous criminals we've ever known is buried beneath

five tons of rubble.

And he's gone for good.

Later we can view his cell down at the other corridor.

Sorry Warden, but I'm here to make news, not report it.

And Carmen Sandiego breaking into jail is definitely news.

You ended as violently as you chose to live, Maelstrom.

But your name will mark your resting place.

It's the least I can do for all you taught me.

The challenges you presented to me.

Carmen did come.


Huh? Where'd she go?

Carmen: Expect nothing and be ready for everything.

Too bad he didn't make it.

We could have nailed 'em both.

Ah! But I did make it, children.

And now that I know what Carmen's up to,

I know how to make her pay for all the years she made

me spend in this miserable hole.

Oh no you don't, Carmen!




Zack! Head her off!

[grappling g*n fires]

There are times when solid detective work is more than

a match for your hi-tech tricks, Carmen.


This isn't one of them, Ivy.


Our adversaries' strengths always serve to point up the

weaknesses we need to overcome, detectives.

Retribution will be mine, Carmen Sandiego,

as I first humiliate you, then crush your reputation.

And finally see you in prison

for the rest of your natural life!

I don't get it, Ivy.

Why would Carmen go to all the trouble to steal

Maelstrorn's prison cap?

Maybe she took it as a memento to remember that she

put him behind bars all those years ago.

You know, we have a madman stalking Carmen.

And she doesn't even know he's alive.

Yeah, that worries me, too.

He seems to know her inside out.

And who knows what he's planning to do

when they finally meet.

Then we better find Carmen first and warn her,

little bro, before you eat the clue.

Uh, Player, Info-Scan whatever you've got on fish

and French fries, I guess.

Yes, hi, hello, how are ya, how ya doing,

and now it's time to play things that are the same,

but different.

Whoa! Ah-ooga!

That's not a clue, that's lunch!

Chief: World News update.

French fries are a favorite kid snack many places in the world.

But if you think the only way to eat them is smothered

in ketchup -

Whaaa! Guess again.

Some things are the same, but different.

If you go to Canada you should try French fries

the way the kids there like 'em, dipped in vinegar.

Chief, what we're dealing with is a clue about

French fries served with breaded fish.

I mean, what kind of clue is that?

Chief: Well, call 'em French fries in England,

gumshoes, and the kids there won't know what you mean.

Because some things are the same, but different.

But say, 'I'll have an order of fish and chips, mate,'

and you'll get their fast food equivalent of our

American burger and fries.

Okay, okay, right.

So these are fish and chips and not French fries-

Does that mean Carmen's headed to England?

Uh, her clues are never that easy, Zack.

Chief, what kind of fish is this?

Maybe there's something there?


From it's aromatic bouquet and texture upon the

palette, what we're sampling here is a sterling example

of North Atlantic Cod.

And since England is in the North Atlantic,

I still say I'm right.

Chief: Yo, maybe so, daddy-o,

but when these crazy cod fish get cruising,

you can find them off the coast of Norway,

Iceland and Newfoundland, too!

So, what you gonna do?

Look at this wrapping, Zack.

It's an old magazine story by Edgar Allen Poe.


He's the American writer who invented the modern

detective story.

Now we're getting somewhere.

And this Poe story's called "A Descent Into the Maelstrom."

Think Carmen's somehow referring to Dr. Maelstrom?

Chief: Translata-Scan! Translata-Scan!

Maelstrom comes from the Dutch word meaning,

"whirlpool," a circular sucking effect in water.

Kinda like when you -

[flush] Whoaa!


The whirlpool in this Poe story is actually a famous

one that's really located off the coast

of the Lofoten Islands.

Whoa! Major brainstorm, Ive!

Player, cross-reference this North Atlantic Cod with the

Lofoten Islands-

Chief: Well, slap some worms in my cheek and reel me in!

The Lofoten Islands just happen to be,

catch this, a major cod fishing center in Norway.

Player, C- us to Nor- [alarm]

Hey, hey! Ho-ho-ho!

Whoa! Sleuthamundos! Ho! Hit the brakes!

Hot tip coming in! Hot, hot, hot!

Ooh, somebody get the oven mitts!

Whoa! Call the front desk!

There's a hotel being stolen in Key Largo, Florida!

If it's Carmen we blew this clue by a mile!

Player, C- us to Key Largo, Florida.

We'll handle this.

Chief: All aboard for the State of Florida,

the southernmost tip of the United States of America,

Home of spring break, dude, and the

American Space Program.

Strap on your underwater gear, clue busters.

Florida is America's largest peninsula,

which means it's surrounded on three sides by water.

And you're headed into that wet stuff,

to the home of the world's only underwater hotel.

Whoa! Gives a whole new meaning to the term,

"Room with an ocean view."

Just don't open the window.

Carmen's probably not even in here, sis.

[evil laugh]



This hotel room is reserved, detective.

Then think of this as housekeeping, Maelstrom.

We're here to take out the trash!

I thought you two would be on your way to Norway by now!

How did you know about Carmen's clue?

Instinct, detectives.

I've already figured out Carmen's game.



Unfortunately you keep getting in the way of mine.

Look and see!





Ahh! -Yeee!


Go, Zack!


Dive, Zack!

Chief called for backup.

I got here as soon as I could.

Dr. Maelstrom just stole the underwater hotel to use as

his new headquarters.

He's heading east!

Whatever he's planning, it's going to take every Acme

detective worldwide to stop him!

We've gotta figure out what Carmen's up to with that

whirlpool in Lofoten, Norway.

Player, C- us to Acme headquarters in Bodo, Norway.

Ah, leaving already?

Just when I was just getting into the swim of things.


Chief: Fasten your seatbelts, frequent fliers,

you're on your way from Key Largo,

Florida to the Land of the Midnight Sun,

Bodo, Norway.

The ancient Vikings who once called Norway home would

sometimes bury or sink a magnificent longship loaded

with possessions as a memorial to a fallen chief

which is an honor I can do without!

Acme World Wide is on a standing Red Alert.

We've had reports that Maelstrom is somewhere

here in France.

Every available agent is tracking down leads.

I think we'll have him by nightfall.

Gro, we've gotta find Carmen.

Her clue definitely said she was coming to the maelstrom

in the nearby Lofoten Islands.

But we have no idea what she's up to.

Well, Carmen's henchmen have been quite busy in this area

of the world, since she stole Maelstrom's prison cap.

Look. -Huh?

Why would she arrange for them to steal a truckload of

lumber from a Norwegian mill?

And even stranger, her henchwoman,

Dara Riska, broke into a local museum near the

Storstraum Whirlpool, right off of the Lofoten Islands

and stole a simple postcard of a Viking longboat.

Yeah, what's Carmen gonna do,

build a boat using the lumber in that picture reference?

[speaking Norwegian]

All right! Good work, Gro.

We're on it.

Ivy, you were right.

A replica longship, built exactly like the one

in the postcard.

What is Carmen up to?

Get out of sight, little bro.


Looks like someone's taking us for a ride.

Look! Maelstrom's prison cap.

And the maelstrom itself!

What's she doing?

Like the ancient Vikings, who honored a great man by

burying his possessions in his longboat,

little bro, I'd say Carmen's about to do the same

for Maelstrom.

Glad you could make it, detectives.

Now come aboard with me while I bury memory within

the whirlpool from which he took his name.


You don't need to bury his memory.

Maelstrom is - Whoa!

Oof! -Oof!

Ivy, you okay?

Maelstrom: Nice weather we are having, Carmen.

Memories and whirlpools!


Maelstrom, you are alive?

Which proves you're no match for me,

as a detective or a thief, Carmen.

Ivy, we gotta do something.

Maelstrom's here!

Maelstrom: I left you a real clue to what I'm planning,

back in my prison cell.

But in your sentimental incompetence,

you passed it by and took my cap instead.

You are not worthy to dedicate the memorial to the

greatest thief who ever will be!

I'll do it myself!

Ivy! Come on! Get up!

I'm giving you one last chance to meet my challenge!


Rise to the occasion, Carmen!

Or sink like a stone! [evil laugh]



Sink like a stone! [evil laugh]



Open the main sail!

Without power we'll go down!

Now you're going down, Carmen.

No! Maelstrom's after me.

His whole plan is somehow to get back at me for arresting

him ten years ago.

Then maybe we can arrange adjoining cells

when we catch him.

Put me in jail, detectives, and he'll find some new

target for his aggressive anti-social behaviors.

She's got a point, Zack.

Without me you won't have a single lead.

Oh yeah?

And what lead do we have now?

I saw the clue he left me back in his jail cell.

I'm your lead.

Ivy, maybe we have a shot at stopping him.

So, what would you think about working for Acme again

under our custody?

To stop Maelstrom again I'd do almost anything.

The clue in Maelstrom's cell was the picture of a

courthouse pinned to his wall.

Yeah, I saw that!

What was it about?

Whatever Maelstrom's planning next is going to take place

in Williamsburg, Virginia.

That's a city where they've reconstructed more than a

hundred and twenty th century buildings.

Why would Maelstrom be luring you there, Carmen

There's only one way to find out, detectives.

But let's be careful.

He isn't doing it for the fun of the game anymore.

Player, C- us to Williamsburg, Virginia.



How do you stand that C-, detectives?

Ah, you kinda get used to it.


Humph! Well, now here's a rowdy and disorderly bunch.

To the pillory!

Old fashioned public humiliation of the stocks

and pillory is almost too good for you, Carmen.

But it's a start.

Well, look at that!

Look Marge! Isn't that Carmen Sandiego?

If you think the loss of your dignity is hard,

Carmen, wait until I destroy your sterling reputation as

"The Thief With A Conscience."

I'll see you in prison again,

if it's the last thing I do!


You'll see me from prison.

Unless you come up with something brilliant here.

Well, you were right about witnessing a piece of

history, Harry. Carmen captured.

Get out the camcorder. Come on!

The game has just begun.

And you are guaranteed to be the loser.

Why aren't the cops here?

Why did someone put 'em in the stock?

I can't believe I'm having my picture taken with

the Carmen Sandiego.

[evil laugh]



It's coming loose.

[tourists chattering]

Come on, Carmen!

You never did like being in the public eye.

Freeze, Carmen!

Stop! All of you!


Police: You're under arrest for aiding the escape of

Carmen Sandiego!

Chief: Good news, crime busters!

If Carmen Sandiego can turn over a new leaf and work for

ACME again, absolutely nothing is impossible.

In fact, the way things are going,

in a few years I might even consider retiring to a

little laptop in the south pacific,

while Chief Carmen cleans up crime.

President Carmen fixes the economy,

and Santa Sandiego slides down our chimneys

to give us our toys.

The possibilities are awesome.