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04x05 - Retribution pt. 3

Posted: 07/24/23 16:47
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

Attention, Acme Agents!

We need all your sleuthing skills to help bust this case.

It's got more tangled ends than five guys with comb-

overs in a twister.

Auntie Em, Auntie Em!

There's no place like home, babe.

Okay, here's the scoop, group!

Dr. Maelstrom, the most ruthless,

dangerous thief Acme ever busted has busted

outta prison! Busted out, see?

This notorious no-good-nick was my first arrest as an

Acme detective. Whoa! Buns of Steel.

Body by Humpty Dumpty.

With my - catch this - then partner,

Carmen Sandiego!

Now, Maelstrom's after Carmen for putting him in jail all

those years ago so Zack and Ivy taied him,

hoping to capture both of them in a showdown!

Boy, were they wrongo-bongo.

Then this scourge of the seas stole the world's only

underwater hotel from well, underwater in Florida,

and planned to use it for his new headquarters.

With a foe this crazed and violent,

Zack and Ivy had no choice but to join forces with

Carmen to stop him.

Unfortunately, that appeared to put our detectives on the

wrong side of the law.


You're under arrest for aiding and abetting a known

thief - Carmen Sandiego.

Chief: Confused?

All right, let's get to it and straighten this case out.

Some restrictions apply, your results may vary.

Clues are for comparison only, member ACME.

Chief: I'll buy a dozen tickets to the Policeman's Ball.

I'll empty parking meters for 'ya for a month.

But work with me on this!

Zack and Ivy helped Carmen because she's our only

chance of stopping Maelstrom!

Okay, okay, Chief.

I'll let your detectives go, as long as Acme absolves my

department of all responsibility.

Oh, done! Deal!

It's a done deal!

Sign it in spit, rub your hands together and noogie

'til you cry uncle! Yuck!

Just let 'em out!

All 'ya have to do is complete a little routine paperwork.

Then you can go.

A little paperwork?


Think there are any trees left in Virginia?


Well, let's get to it, little bro,

or we'll never get outta here.

Right. Okay.

'Ya can't leave until the paperwork's finished.

But I'm gonna help on this case!

So, first I gotta go find something, something,

yeah that, oh I misplaced I'm gonna go. Bye.

Catching up on your homework, detectives?

Yeah I'm writing a hundred times,

"I'll never let Carmen get away again."

Come on, Zack, we've got to trust each other.

Is that any way to thank me for finding Maelstrom's clue?


What happened to you?

Slight failure to fly during my escape.

But a little sprain won't stop me from putting

Maelstrom's reign of terror to an end.

He left this behind.

What the heck kind of flag is that?

I'm not sure.

But that building with the tower is definitely Islamic.

Player, Info-Scan Islamic Architecture a 'sec

Don't let anybody tell you I don't dig you guys,

'cause I'd move the earth for you!

Get it? Waaah!

Okay. Islamic style buildings, with their ornate designs,

originated in the Middle East, but can now be found

from Mecca to the Bay of Bengal.

From North Africa to Portugal and many other

parts of the world.

Keep an eye open for any in your town.

A common feature in Islamic architecture is a minaret,

or prayer tower, like that one.

Wait, Chief, isn't that the same prayer tower

that's on the flag!

Chief: Si, Seniorita.

And it was the minaret of "an Islamic mosque when the

Moors ruled Spain.

What's more, sorry about the pun,

today it's part of the Seville cathedral,

the largest cathedral in Europe.

Zack: And that's a bullring.

A symbol of one of Spain's favorite sports.

Bull fighting!

Maelstrom must be heading to Spain!

But Spain's flag is red and yellow,

Zack, so why is this flag red,

white and blue, like the flag of the United States?

Chief: And France, Australia, Great Britain,

Liberia, Laos, Norway, Netherlands, New Zealand,

Thailand, Iceland, Cuba and Chile, which,

just to mention a few, sport red,

white and blue on their flags, too!

I'm through! Toodle-oo!

Oh-oh! That narrows the country down, doesn't it?

So what else could the bullring mean?

♪ [opera music]

Wait, the music!

That's the Toreador Song from the opera "Carmen"!

Oh, I love this opera.

♪ Toreador, be on your guard! Toreador, toreador. ♪

Maelstrom wants to ruin your reputation.

So, maybe he'll steal the opera "Carmen" by Georges Bizet!

And blame it on me!

Then that explains the tricolor flag.

It's from France.

Because one of the original scores,

in Bizet's own handwriting, is on display at the

Paris Opera House!



Sometimes I just get carried away.

Hold on!

Maelstrom may be in Paris, but we can't walk out the

door 'til we finish this.

You'll really have to get over this obsession for law

and order if you're gonna work with me, detectives.


You're working with us, Carmen.

And actually, if we use the C- we're not technically

going out the door, Ivy.


Player, C- us to Paris, France.

Chief: ♪ Now C -ing from Williamsburg, ♪

♪ Virginia, in the to the City of Light, Paris! ♪

Boy, I don't even sound this good in my shower!

I look better though.

Check it out fact hounds! Eiffel Tower!

At feet high, this was the tallest structure in the

world when it was built in .

Zack: Whoa! Chief, I'Ve ridden the tallest roller coaster

in the world, in Blackpool, England.

At feet it would take about . of them to reach

as high as the Eiffel Tower!

What a rush that ride would be!

Sacre bleu!




Looks like a train fire in the Paris Metro.

More like something fired from the Metro by Maelstrom

and Bilge!

Hang on!

[beep] [expl*si*n]


[tires screech]

[speaking French]

I'm not gonna let Maelstrom get away with ruining

my reputation like this.

He took the Carmen score.

But he left this clue behind.

[speaking French]

Now this makes ya look bad.

They think you're stealing the score.

Sorry about this, boys.

Ugh! Whooooooa!


Is this cab taken?

[evil laugh]

Blast! We missed them!

Hah! Speak for yourself!

I just planted a homing device on them.

Come on!

[blows whistle]

Zack: He turned left, toward the River Seine

and the Eiffel Tower.

This is Maelstrom.

Put Tower Backup Plan into action.

They've made us!


He has a couple of elevator changes

before he gets to the top.

We can still catch him.

They're on their way!

Show them Paris the way they've never seen it before.




Good diversion, Maelstrom.


But not good enough!


Forget him!

Carmen took off.

This way!

Hang on!



Grab the tower, Zack!




Why can't we ever do these foreign countries

like other tourists!

From the safety of a bus!?

Ah, man!

There's Carmen!

They went into the river!

Prepare to dive!



Someone's escaping up onto that barge!

Well, it's not Bilge!



Zack? Ivy? No!



[coughing, sputtering]

Whatever plans Maelstrom had in his hideout,

he didn't want me to find them,

did he, Bilge?

You'll pay for this, Carmen!



[speaking French]

Let's get outta here!

Well, this clue Maelstrom left in the museum seems to

point to the San Diego Mission in California.

But it's a -year old church made of adobe


If Maelstrom tries to steal that,

it'll just fall apart!

Another perfect choice!

He'll make it look like I've stolen it and become

as vicious a criminal as Maelstrom.

Player, do a global search on "San Diego" to see if

there's anything else with that name he might be after.


I found a piece of one of Maestrom's files!

It's called Icecap. Looks like a computer simulation

of some kind.


I'd say Maelstrom plans to melt the ice pack on some mountain.

But why?

A flood like that would cause an environmental disaster.

He has another file named Flood and Gilgamesh?

Huh, never mind, it's just gibberish.

Wait! I know that name.

You do?

Uhm-hmm. From Comparative Cultures Class.

Divine intervention tells a man to build a ship,

and take his family and various animals aboard

before a flood destroys the world.

Sound familiar?

Ah, the story of Noah and the Ark,

in the Bible's Book of Genesis!


But there's also a similar story in the Babylonian epic

of Gilgamesh written almost , years ago.

Hmm. It looks like the Sumerians,

Hebrews, Greeks and Babylonians all tell flood

stories of one kind or another.

Okay, maybe there really was a huge flood in the region,

but what's this gotta do with Maelstrom's plan?

Well, Noah's Ark is thought by some

to have floated to Mount Ararat in Turkey, and -

Wait, wait, wait, are we saying that Maelstrom is

after Noah's Ark?

Explorers, including American astronaut,

James Irwin, has even gone looking for the Ark on Ararat.

Yup! Some even say they saw it frozen in a glacier.

Maybe Maelstrom wants to thaw it out if it's really there!

If it exists, the Ark would be the ultimate

lost ship in his mind.

And he'd keep its discovery from the world.

Info-Scan update on the name, San Diego.

Chief, I found it!

Chill a second, Josha!

But I found - -I'll be there!

He found something.

Fine, but what's the update, Chief?

There is a naval supply ship called the San Diego,

and it's currently berthed in the port of get this

Mersin, Turkey!

Gotta go! Bye.

And Mt. Ararat is in Turkey!

Come on, we have to stop that maniac before he starts

his own flood!

Player, C- us to Mersin, Turkey!

The ship's band is giving a concert.

We're in luck!

Yeah, if you like brass bands.

No, Zack.

We're in luck because the crew is ashore and we can

search the ship for Maelstrom!

Come on!

Wait, what does that music remind you of?

♪ [band playing Habaniera] Halftime?

Hey, that's not a band tune, it's the Habaniera!

Why are they doing a song from the opera, "Carmen"?

Maelstrom's lame idea of a joke, no doubt.

It's the stolen Bizet score!

Come on!

Maelstrom: Do I feel a breeze coming up?


You always did like to wreak havoc and run, Maelstrom.

Someone's stolen the ship!


Come on! This way!

Now to set my prize free from its icy prison.

Huh? Where's my-

Carmen: Gloating to yourself is one of six

warning signs that you're a psychopath, Maelstrom.


Carmen: Looking for this?

How did you get that?

[firing darts]


I told you a long time ago you'd become a thief, Carmen.

But you didn't believe me.

Well, now witness a crime greater than any

you ever dreamed of.

Don't fire that, Maelstrom.


There's the difference between us, Carmen.

You spend so much time with your precious little plans

trying to make tidy entrances and exits,

that you forget why we are really thieves

in the first place.

To take what others have.

Period. End of career description.


I do it for the mental gymnastics.

The challenge of -

Oh spare me the twisted philosophies, Carmen.

You've got a serious problem, you know that?

And the sooner you realize you're no better than anyone

else who steals, for fun or a profit,

the better off we'll all be.


[evil laugh]

Three, two, one, blast off, Carmen!



[evil laugh]



You're busted, dude!

Let Carmen go! Now!

You want her?

She's yours, if you're any kind of pilot!

That maniac!

Hold her steady, Ivy!


It takes two to tangle, detectives.




I owed 'ya one for the Eiffel Tower!

Come now, Carmen I'm not such a bad sort!

Just ask the police when they catch you and have me

to thank! [evil laugh]



Huh? -Chief!?





Just like old times, eh, Chief?

Yeah, and the old body's just what it used to be.




I don't think the Chief can swim!

Can't swim, you're right!

We lost her again, Chief!


Ah, she was ours and we lost her!

You can't arrest me now!

It was to be mine!

All mine!

Chief: Ah, we lost Carmen, but we stopped this maniac and

I found out something really important.

What's that, Chief?

This surprise I had for you may not be much good for

detective work, but it makes a great sushi bar.


It was really strange working with Carmen

for a change, huh, little bro?


You think maybe we had any kind of positive influence on her?

I mean, ya think she'd ever change her thieving ways.

Chief: Who, Carmen? Forget it!

She's a thief!

She' never come back to the side of truth and justice!

Never! Mark my words! Never!

She'll never have anything to do with Acme again as

long as she lives. She's -

Uh, never say never, Chief. Look.

Carmen: In the words of a famous American writer,

William Faulkner:



Carmen: If you can.

You both did an excellent job finally

putting Dr. Maelstrom behind bars.

So now you're going to take us both

on a nice relaxing vacation.

To see all the places we had to race through

while we were on this case.

Who said anything about you going on vacation?

But those travel photos, your passport!

Right, I'm going on vacation.

You two still have paperwork to finish,

explaining your criminal behaviour in four corners

of the world.

Ivy: Ah, Chief!