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03x09 - Labyrinth pt. 3

Posted: 07/24/23 16:42
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

Okay, listen up, gumshoes.

We got big, big trouble in the Time-Zone!

Zack and Ivy Chrono-Skimmed to the future where they

found Carmen was a world heroine and they were wanted

by the police.

But true to form, Carmen went on to pilfer

the world's most powerful electromagnet.

Very attractive.

Then stashed it with the stolen bust of Roman leader,

Marcus Aurelius and vanished somewhere in time!

Well, Zack and Ivy found themselves behind bars.

Now, let's Chrono-Skim into the Time-Zone and stop

Carmen Sandiego.

Our only chance is to latch onto Carmen's ion-trail

before it fades.

We need the Chrono-Skimmer, Ive!

[speaking French]

Only seconds and we'll lose her trail completely!

Then get ready to rock this joint, sis.

And with a little trick I call "Walking Fido Over the Hill,"

that Chrono-Skimmer will come right to us.

Hurry, Zack.

Kick it!

[speaking French]

Uh, not that it hasn't been a party,

officer, but hey, it hasn't.

Don't look now my little jailbirds,

but you're breaking out of Africa,

latching onto Carmen's ion trail and heading straight

for the highest mountain rang-e in all of Europe.

Ivy: But what year, Chief? What year!?


Chief: Hey, is it just me or -

Ivy: What's happening?

As we head back in time the future chief must be

crossing circuits with his previous incarnations.

Ready to rumble?

Chief! Am I glad to see you.

Where in time have you two been'?

You never call, you never write!

Dinner got cold, then it decomposed.

No time to recap, Chief.

Check the C-Five travel coordinates!

Okay, got it!

Time travel pop quiz, gumshoes.

Who took elephants and , soldiers

across the Alps in the year B.C.?

Zack: That's easy, Chief.

We're talking Hannibal, one of the greatest military

leaders of all time!


And I think we just found him!!


Oh no!

We're going off a cliff!


Ugh! Blech!

With an entrance like that, Carmen's probably long gone!

Uh, Zack, I think Carmen is the least of our worries.


Carmen's gotta be around here somewhere.

We've got bigger problems than her, little bro.

Like what they're saying.

Well, Hannibal was from Carthage,

so he speaks Phoenician.


Set the Translata-Scan on the Chrono-Skimmer

so we can talk our way outta this,

or at least hear how he's gonna do us in.

Who are you, witches?

Do what is done to their kind!

[shouting, coughing]

You'll want a ringside seat for my next theft, detectives!

Carpe diem!

Another sorceress!

Stop her!


They're taking everything away!

Zack: Ivy, this Roman coin must be a clue to where Carmen's

headed with those elephants!

What good's a clue when Hannibal's got the


They've conjured my elephants away!

lvy, remember Carmen stole that bust of Ancient Roman

Emperor Marcus Aurelius?

Yeah, and she just said something like we'd want

"a ringside seat to her next crime."

Well, I'd say some of the most famous "ringside seats"

in Ancient Rome would be at the Roman Colosseum.

I want my elephants back, witches!

What do you want to bet Carmen's headed for the

Colosseum, during the reign of Marcus Aurelius!

You'll use your magic to return my elephants!

Or face the vengeance of Hannibal's wrath!

Okay, okay.

You're not the only one ticked off at Carmen Sandiego.

Catch ya on the flip side.

Let's pack off to track those pachyderms clue hounds!

You're headed down the Alps and on to Rome!

A.D Phase Two.


Hey, there's the Colosseum!

Chief: Sure! You recognize the way it is in modern times.

But when it opened back in A.D.,

it had fancy schmancy marble seats,

bronze ornaments, statues, a cover to pull across

when it got hot.

This place was state of the art.

After that, earthquakes shook its walls and invaders

stripped its treasures.

Though it was medieval Romans stealing the metal

braces that did the worst damage.

Set your Translata-Scan for Latin,

you conjugating clue busters,

the mother tongue of ancient Rome,

the largest city on Earth - in A.D.


I didn't think ancient Rome was so big!

There must be at least a million people living here!

And I feel like Dorothy in Munchkinland.

Looks like most people around this time didn't run

much taller than five feet.

Get used to a lot of stares.


And our clothes aren't helping either.

Well, like the saying goes, "When in Rome,

do as the Romans".

A stola for me, a tunic for you.

[speaking Latin]

Set the Translata-Scan to Latin.


Oh no, no, no!

Not linen.

For you I have cotton from India, silk from faraway China!

Uh, linen's just fine, thanks.

Zack, pay the man.

Use the coin Carmen gave us.

Uh, oh-oh.

I must have dropped it in the Alps.

Oh, thieves, eh?

Zack, run!

Centurion, stop them!

Boy, have you seen two thieves,

one a giantess, taller than me?


Come on!

Thanks, uh - Lucius.

Glad to help.

Everybody knows old cheese-wheel breath is

nothing but a bully.

Thanks, Lucius.

Catch 'ya 'round, huh?

Ivy, we've gotta warn the Chief.


Yo, what's up, Zack?

Carmen's done something to the fabric of time.

What's a modern yo-yo doing back here in ancient Rome?

Hey, have a relax attack, Zack.

Yo-yos go back to the Stone Age.


Forget the yo-yo!

What we need to figure out is what an electromagnet,

Hannibal's elephants and a bust of Marcus Aurelius have

to do with Carmen at the Roman Colosseum.

Chief, weren't elephants, lions,

and other wild beasts imported to Rome for the

Colosseum games?

Hey! Correctamundo, Mowgli.

The Romans did like to see a fight to the finish.

Thousands of slaves, Christians and gladiators

were k*lled in the Colosseum shows during its heyday.

No laughing matter.

[growling, munching]

Okay, so maybe Emperor Marcus Aurelius -

spends a lot of time at the Colosseum games.

And Carmen's gonna sneak in, using the elephants as some

kind of cover, to steal something from him personally.

Nope. Not. No way.

Marcus Aurelius hated to watch the games.

When he had to go, this ancient dictator would

dictate letters, barely watching the bloody

extravaganza below.

"Dear Sir, Regarding your letter of the Ides of March..."

There they are! - Huh?

By the apartments! Stop, thieves!

Let's go, Zack!

Hurry! This way!


We've got them now!

Gotta hand it to the Romans for inventing these aqueducts.

They make perfect getaways.




Just like Water Slide Park back home!

Except for that Whirlpooooool!







We go back in time more than ,

years and the Romans have hot running water?

Just keep us out of it, Ivy.



This way, Zack!

The water shorted out our Chrono-Skimmer!

Till I can fix it, better not make the same mistake we

did letting Hannibal get his hands on - Whaaaaa!




Stop thieves!


Arrest these thieves!



You have the strength of an Amazon of Greek legend!

Then she'll pay for this intrusion

like the fighter she is.

Take them to the Colosseum games!

Looks like we got off easy, Ive.

We're going to the games.


[imitating Zack] We're going to the games!?

We're going to the games!

Zack! We are the games!

And at the Colosseum they "play" to the death, remember?

Relax, we've still got time to figure out what Carmen's

up to, stop her, and blow this lion's den,

before morning.

Okay, according to what you've told me and my

diagnostics I'd say you guys are kitty litter.


But all you've got to do is find a strand of silver and

I think the Zackmeister here could do some Band-Aid

technology on the Chrono- Skimmer's ion transfer

mechanism. He's so clever.


Well, you better do it by sun up,

because that guy I dumped into the pool

wants to fight me, first thing!

[elephant trumpets] Ivy! Look!


Ivy: Carmen's bringing something in on the elephants.

Zack: But if she wants to show she's the greatest thief of

all time, you can bet she'll make her move tomorrow,

when she's got a full house here in the Colosseum.

Yeah! And we'll be a little too busy fighting for our lives

to be able to stop her.

Take the Translata-Scan sub-system.

lt'll translate anyone within shouting distance, Ivy.

I'll keep looking for some silver

to use as a conductor wire.

[crowd cheering]

What's going on?



It seems Marcus Aurelius has seen fit to choose some

other opponent for the female warrior.

Well, whoever they send in should be better

for me than him!

Hey, Ive!

Oh! Ouch!

[crowd laughing]


Oww! Oh! Oh!


[crowd jeering]




[crowd cheering]

Oww! Oh! Oh!

If we don't want to end up as part of the lion act,

this has to seem like a battle to the finish, Zack.

Okay. Ready or not -






Would you please make it look like you're really trying?

I am really trying!


Finish him! Finish him!

Zack, get up!


Ha ha! Caught 'ya napping!


Chase me, Ivy!


Just like when we were little kids.

We'll give them a show.


By Juno!

This girl thrashes armed men with her bare hands!

Hey, you know mom would never let you get away with that!


And I would of told dad whenever you did that!

[chanting] Finish her! Finish her!

Ivy, what do we do?


Don't finish her!

Emperor I'll buy her!

She'll make an excellent sl*ve and bodyguard.


You will return in the champion's round.


And you have been bought to fight again.

Now, I shall have a fight.


[chanting] Finish her! Finish her!



'Scuse me! -Huh?

[growling] Ahh!


Oh no!



You'll pay for this, boy!

Later, dude!



Silver, silver.

Something silver to use for the - Hello.

The stolen bust!


Latex, like you'd use for making a rubber mask!


[chanting] Finish her! Finish her!

Yahh! -Whoa!

A tribute in honor of my winning goddess of strength!

[crowd cheers]

Psst! Ivy!

Zack, I got a silver necklace!

Quick! Repair the Chrono-Skimmer.

I don't know how long I can keep this up before I get a

thumbs down from Marcus Aurelius.

You mean Marcus-not-reallyus.


Carmen's impersonating him, Ivy.

She used the stolen bust to make a latex mask!

Why would she-

And look at the velarium!

Hey the sunshade!

It's not made of cotton like it should be!

Last night!

Carmen must have used Hannibal's elephants to

climb the Colosseum steps and help her install

whatever that is.

Now for a show these Romans will never forget.


Carmen's stealing the Colosseum!


She got away!

The electromagnet must be powering her vehicle.

But we'll never get down there in time to stop it!

Ivy, remember how the keystone of an arch supports

the whole wall?

Zack, you're a genius!


Get back!

No! Not my time machine!

Barely enough power for her to get home, Ivy.

And she won't be taking anything with her.

I'm afraid I could only save you so many times in my

disguise as Marcus Aurelius.

Get her!


This game you lose!


Where'd she go? -Stop her!

For a second there I thought Carmen had lost it.

Come on, little bro, that's not Carmen's style.

The only thing Carmen lost was her shot at being the

"Greatest Thief of all time."

We must have just missed her.

Next time, I swear, Carmen won't slip through our grasp

like this, Chief.

Don't be so hard on yourselves, Gumshoes.

You saved the Colosseum for future generations and

returned the stolen items to keep the past,

present and future on track.

Hey, if you were any better, you'd be, well, me!

And I - ahhh!

And what is that?

Oh, Carmen's idea of a joke, Chief.

A joke?

You go get her, detectives.

You you bring her in.

I don't care what it takes.

Use all the ACME personnel and equipment!

Use the credit card!

You bring Carmen Sandiego in! I don't care what it takes!

Use all the ACME personnel and equipment.





Chief: Divide the year B.C.

into the alps, ad the coefficient of snow plus

pachyderms, and it equals what?

Pencils down.

Ivy: It equals Hannibal, one of the most

famous generals of all time.

Chief: Yes, the Carthginian general

who took his army across the alps on elephant.

Scrub a dub dub, wish I had a tub.

Wow, stay away from the travel agent

who dreamed up that little junket.