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02x04 - Scavenger Hunt

Posted: 07/24/23 16:39
by bunniefuu


-Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?


















COMPUTER: Destination, General Services Administration vault,

U.S. Department of Energy.

Costly gifts to U. S. dignitaries

are stored here. E.T.A. forty-five seconds.



[SNORTS] uh!?



-Excuse me... maybe you can help.

I'm looking for a...

special gift...


-Never mind.

I'll find it myself.

-Oh, no...

...Carmen Sandiego.

Get the police, the military...


-Cover the fourth floor and the roof.

She's in the vault... Carmen Sandiego...

-Hmm... Not really my color. Oh! That's more like it.

-I've been meaning to get one of these.

-Freeze, Carmen!

-Your escape route is cut off!

-Don't be ridiculous, gentlemen.

Nets are for entrances, not exits.

-Ohhhh! The roof!...

-One baker nine. We have Carmen Sandiego.

-Washington Police are in pursuit.

Correction, computer.

Were in pursuit.


One baker nine, uh,

this is bigger than the police. Over.


-What--... Whoa!

-Cobra Five to Cobra Six. Flank position.

-U.S. military, in pursuit.

-You can't out-fly an F-Fourteen, Carmen.

Put the craft down. Repeat, put the craft down!

-Down it is, boys.

-Cobra Five to Cobra Six.

Where on earth did she go?

-Ivy gets the ball at midcourt!

She drives... airborne!

-Hang time... and... slam.


-Give it up, broski. It's "E" time!

-No way! It's deal time.

If I can make this one shot, I win.

Off the Chiefs head, forty-five degree bank

off the computer,

to the backboard, with my eyes closed.

Nothing but net!

-Time out sports fans.

The only net you two should be concentrating on

is Crime Net! Now get this...

-Last night Carmen Sandiego robbed the GSA vault

in Washington, D.C.

This stolen crown was a gift from...


[VOICE CUTS IN AND OUT] g-g-g-g-gift from--

-Chief, something's breaking in on Acme's frequency.

-Or someone.

-That's better.

Now, I've got a little game that might interest you two.

Here's a clue list. Five things I plan to steal.

Come midnight, we'll see who has the most items.

Till then detectives.

-A scavenger hunt!?

Why would Carmen want to play a party game with us?


-And she stacked the deck in her favor, sleuthmeisters.

-No one could bust all these clues by midnight.

No "one," Chief. But--...

Wow! Great idea...


-Post the clues on Crime Net and get every Acme detective

in the world involved.

-Okay, clue number one.

-Senors and senoritas, me...

gone to take a dollar out of two dice? What!?


-Hey, Armando. What's up?

-Check this out. Ivy minus the "Y"...

-Is "Ive."

-Si. Now don't think "dollar bill."

Think "George Washington,"

the first president of the United States.

-I've gone to take George Washington

out of a pair of dice?

-I still don't get it.

-She could mean, La Plaza Washington del Paraiso...

in Caracas, Venezuela.

-Where there is a statue of Washington.

Right! Paraiso means, "paradise" in Spanish.

"Pair-a-dice," get it?

"I've gone to take George Washington out of Paradise."

Your country gave the statue of George Washington

to Venezuela as a gift.

Armando, you arrange to get it to the Acme safe house

in the Amazon Jungle.

-We'll slam dunk clue number two.


CARMEN: I'd like to stay and egg you on,

but I'm rushin' against the clock.

I'd like to stay and egg you on,

but I'm rushin' against the clock.

What clock could Carmen be talking about?

-Wait! Wait a second.

Carmen said, "I'm rushin' against a clock,"

and you know how she likes to play with words.

"Russian," get it?

-Right! Player, Info-Scan famous Russian clocks.

-One of the most famous Russian clocks

is the Spasskaya Clock Tower at the main gate

of the Kremlin, home of the Russian government.

-Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait!

She said something about "egging" us on, too.

Cross-reference famous Russian clocks with eggs.

This is getting "egg-citing,'' Ivy.


CHIEF: the late Eighteen hundreds,

a famous Russian goldsmith, Carl Faberge,

made beautiful eggs out of gold and silver.

But these masterpieces weren't exactly

the kind of eggs you found down on the farm.


-Talk about Grade-A.

Boy! This beautiful egg was once given as a gift

from the Russian czar to the czarina.

-What do you want to bet, that egg clock

is what Carmen's rushin' for?

CHIEF: Freeze frame! Okay, okay.

Attention Acme clue busters, that's you.

If Ivy's right and Carmen is after

this Faberge egg clock, where are on earth

is our next stop? London?

New Delhi, or Moscow?


-Moscow, Russia. Right.

-Now, let's blow this mother board!

-Yes, it's just a global hop, skip

and one Atlantic Ocean from the good U.S. of A

to Russia.

-Ah, Russia! Home of the world famous Bolshoi Ballet.

It's where winter temperatures in Siberia can go

to ninety degrees below zero!

-Whoa! And Russia is some mega-country,

huh, Chief?

-That's not the half of it, Zack.

-At six-point-five million square miles,

it's big enough to fit the Continental United States,

Italy, France and Spain.

Then still have room left over for the British Isles,

Greece and the Canary Islands. Don't get lost.


-Another perfect landing.

-Okay. Over my shoulder, into that trash can,

left-handed, backwards.


-Zack, henchmen.





-Ivy, did you see--

Ivy? Uh, Ivy? Huh!?

-Zack, you make Humpty Dumpty look like Baryshnikov!

-Yeah... but I made an egg-ceedingly great shot.

-Come on. Let's go.

And no more egg jokes!


-Party's over, Carmen.

-The party's not over yet.

Come on! She's getting away!



-Now what do we do?

-Make like our favourite TV action heroes!

-Yeah! Great idea!

Eee- yaaaa!


-C'mere, you!



-Hey, Moe, a leaky faucet.



-Why you! -Ah-ah-ah-ah!

-Come on! The Three Stooges, Zack? The Three Stooges?


-She's headed to the clock tower!

-I've got you now, Carmen!

-Sorry I can't stay, Zack.

-Woah! Wahhh!


-Zack! I'll get you!

Oh! Zack! Zack!!

[LAUGHS] Let's see, that was up the stairs, off the ice,

through the arch and on to the minute hand.

-Ivy, hurry!

-We're too late, little bro.

-I mean, hurry and help me.

-Don't worry.

-Fifteen minutes and the big hand will have you

right back up to the top.

-Ivy! Wait! Wait, okay! Ivy, I'll do anything!

-Anything? Like no more egg puns?

-Okay, okay! I promise big time.


-Whew! I'm a mere shell of the man I was

before that horrible egg-perience.


-Really. If you weren't so...

...egg-tremely punctual, the yolk would have been on me.


-I just don't get it. What's the connection

between the crown from the GSA vault in Washington,

the statue of George Washington...

-And now the Faberge egg?


-Go ahead, Chief.


-Chief, if you wanted one of these Matroiska Nesting dolls

for a souvenir, all 'ya had to do was ask.

-Is it just me or is this doll crowd÷ed?

Okay, listen up. Go ahead, Tatyana.

-Zack, Ivy! I found the answer to number three

and tracked it to this six hundred and ten pound

baby cradle in Vienna!

-Six hundred--... Whaaaa!

That must have been one big baby. Hmm...

-Hey, I know this cradle, Chief.

-It was a birthday gift to Napolean's son

from the City of Paris.

-Napolean was the emperor of France.

And he ruled most of Europe with his wife, Maria Louise.

So, they had to give their son a royal title, too.

They called him--...

-Our little king of Rome. [KISS]


-Great. Tatyana? Get the cradle to the safe house.

Player, quick. Bring up the fourth clue.

We're gonna slam dunk this case.

-South of Cairo, near a river delta, to the east,

lies a monument to the king.

Okay, I'm confused.

-All right. Let's take it one step at a time.

Cairo is the capitol of Egypt.

-And the most famous river delta in Egypt is the Nile.

-Now, go south and you hit Memphis,

the capitol of Ancient Egypt.

-Zack, we should be able to find

a king or two there.

-Whoa, hold your hieroglyphics.

Ivy, Memphis, Egypt is on the west bank

of this river delta.

Carmen said, "east."

-Maybe we're sh**t' against the wrong backboard.

Player, bring up a map of the United States a sec.

-But wait, we're in Egypt, Zack!

-Ah! But there's a Cairo in Illinois, too, sis.

Spelled the same, only they pronounce it, "Kayro."

-And if you go south, you get to...

-Whoa! Memphis, Tennessee, on the east bank

of the Mississippi.

-South of Cairo, near a river delta, to the east,

lies a monument to the king!

There's only one king I know of who lived

in Memphis, Tennessee.

Player, let's rock and roll!

-And now he is right here on our stage,

ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Elvis Aaron Presley.

Let's hear it for him.

-Elvis was the first major rock and roll star,

and had one hit record after another.

-Hey! That's the pink Cadillac

he once gave to his mother.

-And there it goes!

-But that's not his mother!

-Come on!

-Hey! You Acme detectives, stop her!


Elvis' airplane!

-No time for sightseeing, little bro.


Ivy! The plane!

-I told you, not now, Zack!

-Not that plane!

That plane!


-Oh no, she's getting away!





-Oooff! Uughhh! Aaaaa....

-You okay?

-Sure. The ground broke my fall.

-Hmm... Hey!

I gotta ask you, now, is this the real me or what?

Uh-huh, thank you very much.

-Chief, get serious.

-There's only more minutes 'til Carmen's midnight deadline!

If we don't stop her...

-Good news, gumshoes! Lose the blues, hah!

-While you two were trying to jailhouse Carmen,

another Acme detective saved the last item!

-Wow! That's "The Birthday" by Marc Chagall.

CHIEF: One of the most loved artists of the th century!

-Story is, Chagall forgot his own birthday

until his fiancee knocked at the door

with a birthday bouquet.

-Happy birthday, Marc.

-And it inspired him to paint exactly what

he was feeling at the moment.

A masterpiece.

-Birthday... birthday...

wait a sec!

Player, Info-Scan a list of all the stolen items.

-Ivy, do you see what's the same

about all the stolen items?


-Player, bring up Carmen's criminal dossier.

-And looking at her file. I think I...

...just figured out what Carmen's up to.

-Player, C-Five us to the Acme safe house,

and alert the other detectives.

-So, these are the only routes anyone could use

to get into the area.

-What are these marks here, Armando?

-Oh! The local Matis Indians string gill nets

for fishing.

Motor boats would get caught up in them

if they tried to pass.

-It's Carmen! k*ll the lights!

-Surprise! -Surprise!

-Happy birthday, Carmen.

-How did you ever know?

-We pulled up your dossier and realized today is your birthday.

Very clever.

Stealing a few world famous gifts

to give yourself, Carmen.

-Then having us get the rest,

and bring them together in one spot so you could

steal them all before midnight.

-I knew you'd figure it out detectives.

-Well, here's another little present

to make the surprise complete.

-You're missing the point, Zack.

The surprise is on you.



-Hang on to her cuffs, Zack!

-Don't let her get away!

-Thanks for my gifts, detectives.

Sorry there won't be cake and ice cream.


How does she always do this?

-She cut the ropes!

-Gah! We'll never catch her now.

-I got it covered, amigos.

-All right! Let's go catch a thief!


-Which way did she go?

-Let's split up.

-Ivy, cut to the right!

Get her to go down that tributary.


-Trust me!

-Quick thinkig, Zack, remembering those nets.

-Birthday's are fun, aren't they, detectives?

-Glad you think so, Carmen.

'Cause you're gonna spend your next twenty

birthdays behind bars.

-Get your hands in the air where we can see 'em!

-We don't want any pop-off, flip-up, flame-on

escape tricks this time.

-I know both of you all too well to need an

escape like that tonight.

-Noooo! Ungh!

-Guess you don't know me well enough, Carmen.

I'm still here.

-Oh, I know you better than anyone, Zack.

-I remember when we crossed paths in Africa,

how you hated reptiles.

Like the one over... your right shoulder.

I'm not fallin' for that old

"snake over your right shoulder" routine, Carmen.

I'm way too smart for--...

Whoaaaa! A snake!

-Next year the clues won't be so easy.

-Ivy! Help! There's a a snake!

-And I can't--... [SPITTING/COUGHING] I

can't swim when I'm scared!

-Zack, stand up.


Humph. I knew it was shallow.

What? I... I did.

Ivy, wait! Wait for me!

-We did pretty good, amigos.

We beat Carmen at her little party game.

-And we got everything back. So now, let's hit the road.

-Uh, thank you. Thank you very much.

Uhm, I'm drivin'. It's my mama's Cadillac. Uh-huh.

-Sorry, Elvis, I'll drive.

-Why can't I drive?

-'Cause you don't have any arms, Chief.


-Whoa! Uh, wait for me!

-I just wanna ride.

I just wanna, hunka, hunka speedin' love!

Call Graceland!

Elvis has left the auditorium! Uh-huh.

-How did you know for sure Ivy would go

for the Faberge egg instead of you, Carmen?
