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03x06 - Follow My Footprints

Posted: 07/24/23 16:38
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪


♪ [dramatic music]



How ya doing, boys?

Out for a little spin?

[speaking Chinese]

You heard the man, Carmen.

You are prohibited from entering Chinese airspace.

So just do yourself a favor and set her down.


You forgot to say, "please."

She's going too darn fast!

[speaking Chinese]


Pull out! Pull out!

Carmen, pullout!

Pull Ouuuut!!


Player: Carmen? Carmen?


An Acme agent in Nepal said Carmen was

spotted in Katmandu!

We've been signalling you for - Chief?

[jet sounds]

Whoa. What's wrong with him, Ive?

Turn off that obnoxious video game for starters.

What? U.S. Air Force Reconnaissance Film?

Carmen, pull out!

Pull ouuuut!!

Is that?

Carmen. She's, uh, she never had a chance.

She's, uh, gone forever.

Not Carmen!

Chief, come on, no way she could be -


No more news.

The search was canceled.

She was buried under a million tons of snow.

I'm gonna g-go.

If you need any info access pre-recorded files,

I can't process any more right now.

He's in bad shape, sis.

Before Carmen went bad, she was the Chiefs top detective.

And when you lose someone you care for like that

grieving is natural.

It's so final.

I better close her file.

Bye, Carmen.


Huh? What's going on?

Whoa! Get a load of this, Ive.

Hello detectives.

If you're closing my file I guess something unforeseen

must have happened to me.

She somehow bugged the cancel code so if we ever

closed her file it would activate a hidden message.

What will you do, detectives,

now that I'm gone?

I guess that means you were the best after all.

Or does it?

Even though I won't be there to pull it off myself,

I do have one last big crime to remember me by.

The clock is ticking.

Three clues to Carmen's final caper.

[train whistles]

Not Carmen. -What'll we do now?

How can that be!?!

It's Carmen's attorney.

Lee what's- his-name.

Good day.

I'm Lee Galese and the law can be tricky

so listen carefully.

In the event of the eventuality which has eventuated,

I have been instructed to state the following.

Be it known that under the standard Criminal Empire

Succession Agreement with respect to Paragraphs

through B as expressly set forth therein,

the party of the first part, namely Carmen Sandiego,

owner and proprietor of V.I.L.E.,

hereby causes a contest to be initiated amongst the

party of the second part, known.

The outcome of which contest shall determine who shall

assume all roles and responsibilities of said

estate, by virtue of, to wit,

the solution of three clues of which said contest is

solely and completely comprised.

Thank you for your attention.

I've taken the liberty of extracting my retainer

from the estate.

Have a nice day.

If not, consider suing.

What was all that mumbo-jumbo?

He said, if you'd only listened,

that Carmen left three clues.

And whoever solves the most will inherit V.I.L.E.!


Crime number one. "I'll leave you footprints

near the leaky mountain."

A leaky mountain?

Player, Infoscan... what?

Uhm, maybe volcanoes.

They're kinda leaky mountains.


What? Oh, sorry, uh, I was just trying to figure out where

I went wrong, detectives uh, with Carmen ya know,

I'll get out of your way.

Y-You have work to do.

No Chief, wait!

Don't blame yourself, Chief.

She made the choices that put her in that avalanche,

on her own.

But, you know, if it helps to think about the time you

did have with her, it'll make you feel better about

the good things.

Ya think so? Hmmm.


Carmen's henchmen must be scoping out the same clues.

Abe L. Body was just arrested stealing a truckload of

volcanic ash from Mt. St. Helens.

Carmen's final clues would never be easy enough for a

bonehead like Able L. Body to crack.

Ha ha. Bonehead.


That's not a bad idea, Zack.

What if this leaky mountain isn't a volcano,

but a "Leakey" mountain, as in a mountain explored by

Louis Leakey.

The famous paleontologist!

That's brilliant, Ivy.

Player, Infoscan Dr. Louis Leakey.

Computer: The following information was pre-recorded

at an earlier time.


If you're talking Louis Leakey, gumshoes,

and I think you are, you have to be talking

Olduvai Gorge, a small valley in East Africa,

where this digger who dug the past did some serious digging.

Dig, dude?

Computer: This concludes the current pre-recorded info.

Wow. The Chief definitely recorded that before he

started grieving over Carmen.

Now, if Carmen's "Leaky mountain" does mean Olduvai

Gorge, what's the part about "footprints"?

Wait! Freeze frame a sec.

What if it's not Louis Leakey at all, Ivy?

But the Leakey could be his wife, Mary Leakey.


She was a brilliant paleontologist, too!

And her greatest discovery's an ancient trail of

footprints found buried in volcanic ash in Tanzania.

"Footprints near the leaky mountain."

It's got to be that trail of the oldest known footprints

on earth!

Player, C-Five us to Tanzania.

We're blazing now!

Computer: This C-Five Corridor from San Francisco

to the East African country of Tanzania has been

pre-recorded for your traveling pleasure.


Zack, look!

Isn't that Carmen's henchman, Archie Ology?

Almost four million years old.

This is incredible.

This is unbelievable.

This is very old.

[air hissing]

[clears throat] 'Scuse me.

Whatcha doing, Archie?

Go away.

Uh, huh?

You're busted, Archie.

Dig this, gumshoes!

Ahh! [coughing]

Hey, Archie! Where 'ya going?!



Not the preferred method of capturing a crook.


I-Ivy Is that what I think that is?


Don't move a muscle, Zack.




Stay calm.

He's probably just protecting his territory.


Don't move a muscle.


Just get me out of here.

I've always hated field work!

Don't worry Archie.

Have we got a nice safe cage for you.

[beeping] Go ahead, Amate.

Zack, Ivy.

We just broke Carrnen's second clue!

We're on our way, Amate.

Record coordinates!

Get to Milan, Italy.

The target is Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of

The Last Supper!

Player, do the C- thing!

Computer: This prerecorded tunnel is bound from

Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, to Milan, Italy.

Chief: Ah, Milan is a bustling city,

and the main industrial region of Italy.

It's also the home of the Milan Cathedral,

one of the most spectacular churches in the world.

It oughta be, it took 'em years to build.

Boy, you wanna talk about overtime?

You'll find Leonardo's "Last Supper" in a much more

humble church, the Santa Maria delle Grazie.

I could say that all day, "Santa Maria delle Grazie,

Santa - Never mind.

Okay, for pounds of pasta and the championship!

Who's the greater artist, Leonardo DaVinci,

who painted the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper,

or Michelangelo, famous for the Statue of David and the

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

It's a me! -No, no, no! It's a me!


Chief: They were arguing about it back then and people

still argue about it today.

Art lover kisses canvas.

More things at eleven.

Mo: Uh, Lars the painting's on the wall.

Right. So what do you need?

Bolt cutters screwdrivers hack-

No! It's on the wall.

Of course, it's on the wall.

This is a museum.

No. It's a fresco.

It's a museum.

No. The painting's a fresco.

No! The paintings a da Vinci, you witless insect!

So how we gonna take it?

We're not!

It's a fresco, and that means it's painted on the wall!

I told you it was on the wall!

Yeah, but who knew it was "on" the wall?

Sounds like badly-in-need-of-a-nose-

job Mo Skeeter.

And Lars Vegas, the biggest sleazebag on the circuit.

Then, speaking of bags, I say we bag them.

My hair! Hey! What's happening?

Got the grappling hooks?

Good idea.

Whoa! Think quick, Ivy!




Lars: Look what you did, Mo!

Mo: Get us outta here!

Oh, no!

Well Carmen, they're not.

Uh guys, I I have something I need to tell you.

How 'ya doing, Chief?

Well, I I want you to know how much I appreciate you!

You two.

And I well, I I couldn't bear it if anything

were to happen to you.

Nothing's going to happen to us, Chief.

And nothing's going to happen to this case if we

don't figure out the next clue.

Okay, okay!

Just be careful out there.

You're all I've got.

Oh, I'm through. Do the clue.

Whoop-de-do. Toodle-oo.

I think he's making progress, Ive.

He seems to be putting Carmen's demise behind him.


And he's getting back on his feet,

back to business.

I don't have feet, but I appreciate the thought.


I definitely think he's turning the corner.

Okay. "Quite a feat to turn the tide."

What does this clue mean?

Well, the tide is caused by the pull of the moon's gravity.

But what would you steal?


You know how Carmen loves to play with words!

What if the "feat" really means feet.

And who's famous feet were once on the moon?!

Okay, I'm gonna step off the LEM now.

That's one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind.

Zack, Ivy.

H-Hey, it's Michelle, wassup?

I'm down here at and there's been some strange activity

spotted on the lunar surface!

Whoever this nut case is has some kind of souped-up

rocket and -

Ivy, I'll bet you anything it's Sara Bellum!

She cracked this clue ahead of us and is after

Neil Arrnstrong's footprints!

Player, C-Five us to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

And this controls thrust vectors.

Kinda like a live-action video game.

But we don't even know if the C-Five corridor can send

us to the moon.

And even if it can, you know it's not accurate enough.

We could wind up on Vulcan!

Did some tabulating, Gumshoes.

And, uh it's not good.

Even if I drain the hard drive,

compress the data stream, fire up the

hyperinter- dynalasertransmometer,

and establish a sub-ether connection with the laser

reflector, thcre's still only a small window

of opportunity.

How small, Chief?

Well, you have exactly sixty seconds on the lunar surface

and if I miss bringing you back by one millisecond -

Millisecond?! That's it! We're not going!

C-Five launch in , , , ,

, -

Cut! Cut! Stop! No, no! Wait, wait!

You're right, I I can't sanction this.

Abort mission abort mission!

, , ! Launch!

Chief: Zack, Ivy, we gotta rethink this!!

You're on your way , miles to the lifeless,

airless, waterless moon!

Oh no!

What have I let them do!?

Well, okay, she's not here. Let's go home!

There she is, Zack!

I sure hope the Chief is paying attention, Ivy.

We've got less than a minute before he needs to energize

the C-Five and get us out of - Whoops!





Well, well, well.

You're along way from home, Zachary.

I go where the crime is, Sara.

Maybe you didn't know that about me.

No matter.

I have already got the memorial plate!

But you don't have that footprint, do 'ya, Sara?

And that's what you need.

I have it now!

T minus .

Now, Zack!

We have to have her in custody when the C-Five kicks in!


T minus .

Oh no!

Chief Chief, come in!

Ivy, he's not listening!

Ten, nine,

He'll come through for us!

He's got to!

eight, seven, six,

Chief! We need you!


Hey! Stop right therrre!

Sara Bellum, you're busted!!

I'll never let another crook get away like Carmen did!

All right!

You're back to your normal self!

Yup. Now let's go home!

Woo-hoo! That was great!

Chief, did you see us zipping around with those jet packs?

We were on the moon!

I am looking at two of the finest detectives I know,

and two of the best friends I have.

Aw, it's good to have you back with us, Chief.


You know, losing Carmen really hurts,

but it's going to be okay.

There's one last thing we should do, Chief.

I think it'll help us all finally get over our loss.

Goodbye, Carmen.

I hope you've found some peace.


Look, Zack.

What's this?

"Look up?"


I'm truly touched, Detectives.

Nice to know my successors really care.


You beat out all my henchmen,

so you get to take my place.

If the occasion should ever really arise.


Oh, there you are, Carmen!

That's right, the old foolish Chief crying like a

baby over somebody playing a great big trick on him.

Well, I don't think it was clever.


Oh, yeah?

Well but, uh, that doesn't mean that I won't see you

behind bars as soon as possible, Carmen!


Carmen: I just love it when you get so emotionally involved.

Ha ha ha! Zack! Ivy!

We're back on the job.

Do not let her get away!

Warning, warning, Will Robinson!

Do you hear me!

Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga!

I want her caught!

No parking in the white zone!



Whoa! Hup! Ho!


