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03x02 - The Remnants

Posted: 07/24/23 16:35
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

Ohhh. I love "The Wizard of Oz"!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

And talk abut wizards, this guy,

L. Frank Baum, was a wizard of words!

He didn't write just one book about the Land of Oz!

No, no, Toto.

He wrote fourteen in all!

Count 'em Auntie Em, fourteen!

And I've read every - Ahh!

Chief, will you get out of sight!

We're supposed to be on a stakeout.

I know. I know.

We got a hot tip that Carmen might be after something

here tonight.

Still, I can't help - what, what,

what are you doing?

It's my application for that new Acme instructor job.

In the Hong Kong branch!?

Ivy, why do you want that position?


Look, don't get me wrong.

I love being an Acme Agent.

I just think I'd make a good instructor, too.

Besides, even if l leave, you'll still have "Glamour Boy."

Munchkins: Follow the yellow brick road.

Follow the yellow brick road!

Ivy: Come in Zack, over.

Glamourl? You call this glamour?

I've got dry rot, termites.


Huh? Oh, no!

Shoo Toto! Shoo!


And I just figured out why the brick road is yellow.

Munchkins: Follow the yellow brick road!

Follow the yellow brick road!



Oh, code red!

Something's up!

The good witch is cruising your way, Ivy!

And she didn't do that in dress rehearsal!


Code Red! Let's go, Chief!

Code Red! Oh, my! A red code.

Whoa! -Incoming!


Yah! Oh!


Ivy! Help!

Ahh! Oof!

- I can't get this thing off! Umph! Help!

Hold that pose, Zack!


This is a trip down memory lane you're not taking with me, Ivy.

Ahh!! Oohmph!




Zack, help!

Let's ride!


I'll save you Ive!

As soon as I can find you.

Left, Zack. Right.

No, no, no. The other right!

Go ahead. Back up.

Aaaah! Whoaaa!




Where'd she go?

Looks like this case is gonna take us somewhere over

the rainbow, little bro.



Incoming E-Mail for Ivy!

E-Mail for Ivy!

Follow the bouncing head.

♪ We received your app-li-ca-tion. ♪

♪ At Acme here in Hong Kong.

♪ We 'd like you to interview with us. ♪

♪ If you want the jo-ob!

Sorry it doesn't scan very well.

Yes! Did you hear that, Zack?

I got the interview!

I could be moving to Hong Kong.

But Ivy, you can't!

Why not?

I mean, well, sh**t, uh, we're on a case.

Carmen just stole the red shoes Judy Garland wore in

the Wizard of Oz movie. And then-

Good thinking.

I'll set the interview appointment after we bust

Carmen for stealing those shoes.

Then I'll be a shoe-in.

A shoe-in? Get it?

Yeah, I get it.

Aw. Why so glum Zack baby?

Don't think of it as losing a sister.

Think of it as gaining a bathroom.

And a partner.


I've been meaning to introduce you to our newest

Acme agent.



Chief, he's precious!

Chief, he's a dog!

Oh, how wrong you are flea bath breath.

Lassie was a dog.

Old Yeller was a dog.

But Stretch here is a clue sniffing,

crime busting canine phenomenon!


Yeah, in his dreams.

No, he's just resting, conserving energy,

planning his next move.

But when a case heats up, he's a doggone doggie dynamo!

Hear him hum!


Hot tip coming through!

Carmen's motorcycle henchmen,

Papa Wheelie and Iggy Nition just left this message,

from The Wizard of Oz, high over Mt. Rushmore.

Carmen is definitely on some kind of Wizard of Oz kick!

But what does it mean?

"No place like home."

Whoa, Ivy!

Those presidents all shared the same home.

The White House!

That could be what Carmen's after!

Player! C-Five us to Washing-

Hey! Not so fast, Zack!

George Washington never lived in the White House.


Chief: Right you are, my Hong Kong bound clue princess!

Architect James Hobin didn't complete construction on the

White House until after George Washington left office!

So maybe the clue has to do with only one of these presidents.

But which one?

Zack, Mt. Rushmore's a National Park!

And President Theodore Roosevelt is known for

setting aside more national park land than any other

president before him!

Chief: Yes, among his many achievements our

twenty-sixth president founded the U.S. Forest Service.


Adding over one hundred and fifty million acres to our

national forests.

[animals cheer]

Well, if Roosevelt is our man.

where would he say is "No place like home"?

Chief: I was just getting to that, buttinski.

His home is now a national historic site,

located on Long Island!

Then, Player, C-Five us outta here!


Chief: You're on the C-Five Express from San Francisco

to the largest island in the continental U.S.,

Long Island, New York!

♪ [carnival music]

And you want to talk about your HO

geographical smorgasbord?

Whoa, listen to this. Long Island is bounded by the

Atlantic Ocean, the New York Bay,

the East River, the Long Island Sound,

and it's connected to New York City.

By the world famous Brooklyn Bridge!

Whoa, lady!

Zack: Hey, that's President Theodore Roosevelt!

Chief: Exact-attack Zack!

But you can call him Teddy.

Ivy: ' Like Teddy Bear?

Chief: Bully-bully bulls-eye, yes.

Even though Roosevelt hunted big game animals,

he was also big on conservation.

And once, on a hunt in Mississippi,

Teddy didn't bag a single bear.

But then he had a chance.

I draw the line.

if I shot that little fella, I couldn't look my own boys

in the face again.

Since then, stuffed bears have been called,

Teddy Bears.

Next stop, Sagamore Hill!


Carmen, let's go!


I hate to see you work so hard, detectives.

You know, you really should be enjoying your childhood more.

We'll be enjoying ourselves just fine when we put you

behind bars.








Hang on Zack!

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

But my tongue is stuck!


My tongue is stuck on the gutter!

What are you - ewww.

Your tongue is stuck on the frozen gutter!

Don't you know how dangerous that is?




Oh, no, you don't!




Oof! Umph!

You okay?

[lisping] You know sis, you sure aren't going to find this

kind of action at a desk job in Hong Kong.

[laughs] No, and I'm sure gonna miss your creative ways

of handling a chase, little bro.

Lions and tigers and bears, what's next?

Why do you think Carmen's focusing so much on the

Wizard of Oz anyway?

Player, Info-Scan "The Wizard of Oz" a sec.

Chief: Back in the eighteen hundreds,

when writer L. Frank Baum was ten years old,

not the whole century, just one year.

he was fascinated by the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

But he was also a bit turned off by them,

saying that he would have cut out "all the horrible

and blood curdling" parts.

And when he decided to write modern day fairy tales,

that meant out with the usual genies,

dragons and dwarfs, oh my.

And in with what were then modern characters like

Kansas farm girls, scarecrows and mechanical

woodsmen, oh my.

Ah. Ooh.

I hate to butt in, but you never seem to mind when I do.

Stretch could help here.

Oh Strrrrreeeetch.

[playing horn]

Clue hunt, boy!


He can track Carmen's every move in this room.


Whoa! Check it out!

Zack, that's Carmen when she was a little girl.

It says.

"Carmen Sandiego, on a trip wit the Golden Gate Girl's

School, gives Teddy Roosevelt's Teddy Bear a hug."

And the bear in the picture is the exact bear she just stole!


What is it, boy?

Let's have a look.

I'm off to see the Wizard, Detectives.

Nice work, Stretch.

Player Info-Scan old movie projectors a sec.

Ivy: Hey cool! There's Thomas Edison.

Zack: He's the famous inventor who developed one of the first

movie projectors.

Wait a second!

And wasn't he also nicknamed the Wizard of Menlo Park?

That must be what Carmen meant!

Right, because his inventions were created in -

Menlo Park, New Jersey.

That must be where Carmen is headed.

Zack, you're a genius.

Well, I'm no Thomas Edison, but I do have my moments.

Player, crank up the C-Five.


Chief: Yes, movie buffs.

If you thrilled to Jurassic Park,

you're gonna love this production of spills and

chills from Long Island, New York to Menlo Park,

New Jersey!

♪ [dramatic music]

Okay, let's get busy - Uh-huh, uh-huh.

'Cause this guy, Thomas Edison,

definitely knew how to get busy.

He had over one thousand inventions patented in his

lifetime, including a movie projector,

the phonograph - that's kinda like an antique CD

player - and his brightest of ideas,

the modern electric light bulb.

Even after he failed ten thousand times in just one

experiment, he said:

I haven't failed.

I'Ve just found ten thousand ways that won't work.


Okay, ten thousand and one.

Pack your deodorant gumshoes,

next stop, home of that hard working inventor who said,

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety- nine

percent perspiration."

Smelly but true.

Looks like the C-Five missed by a mile.

We'll have to walk.


Oh, great.

A dog that won't walk in snow.

Hey! That's Papa Wheelie!


Acme Detectives!

We need to borrow your vehicle!


Watch Out!


Whoa! Hang On tight, Zack!

[dog howls]




Ivy: Hang on tight, Zack!

Aw, we lost 'em!

Where's Stretch?



Easy, boy.

Serious up, Zack!

There's Carmen!



She's ours now!

There's no way outta this tower.

Blast it!

Carmen was never here!

Just a cardboard decoy.

[door slams]

It's a trap!


That oughta keep 'em busy for a while.

We've got the perspiration, and I just got an inspiration.

We'll send a message the way they did it in Edison's day!

Gimme your jacket!

Ivy: Using Morse code for trouble. S.O.S.!

Not bad, little bro.


Thank goodness you saw our signal.

What signal?

This dog dragged me here.

[whimpers, barks]

Okay. Listen up.

While you two were waiting for a light bulb to go off

over your heads, Carmen's been busy stealing

this painting by Monet.

"The Poppy Field in the Holow"

from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Hmm. Poppy field. Poppy field.

Ivy, it's another Oz theft!

Dorothy was waylaid by a poppy field right before she

got to the Emerald City!


So far everything Carmen has stolen

were obstacles Dorothy encountered

on her journey home.

Ivy, wait!

What if that's it?

Player, access the news clipping we saw at

Roosevelt's house.

Chief: The Golden Gate Girl's School was an

Orphanage in San Francisco that Carmen -

Carmen was an orphan?


The only home she ever knew was this place.

until I gave her a home here at Acme.

Zack, if Carmen's following the Oz storyline,

like all her thefts indicate,

she's bound to wind up at her home in the end.

The orphanage!

It's the best shot we've got.

Player, C-Five us to the Golden Gate Girl's School

in San Francisco.

We're Acme detectives.

Mind if we look around?

No. Help yourselves.

There's nothing here.

Place is scheduled for demolition

first thing in the morning.

[cat screeches]

[dog barking]

Hey. Easy boy.

Good evening, Detectives.

Welcome to my home.

I'd offer you something, but the truth is I didn't expect you!

What are you doing, Carmen?

I told you.

A trip down memory lane.

She's stolen back the lost piece of her childhood, Ivy.

I see why you wanted the original Poppy Field.

And the Teddy Bear from your class trip to Sagamore Hill.

But the Ruby Slippers confused you?

Oz was my favorite story, detectives.

And those shoes have the power to take me home.

At least, to my childhood memories.

Yeah, well here's another little moment you'll want to

file in your memory bank.

Your arrest.

[cat screeches]

[dog barking]

No Stretch!

Where'd she go?

Time to go home, detectives.

There's a real storm a brewing.

C'mon. Let's get the stuff she stole.

Uh, now I know how Dorothy felt.





Oh! Ivy!!

The boards are all breaking and I can't hold on!

You've gotta hold on, Zack!

Just to the bridge!

I mean it I can't hold on!

Zack, on my signal, drop!





Well, at least we got the stuff she stole.

But she got away with the orphanage.

You know, maybe it's okay, Ive.

They were just gonna tear it down.


And it is the only home she ever knew, huh?

Only home!? What am I? Chopped liver?

I gave her a home! Acme was her home!

But did she appreciate it? Noooo.

And now you're leaving too? Oh, empty nest syndrome.

Me? Where am I going?

For that job in Hong Kong.


And leave our new partner without teaching him the ropes?

Besides, where in the world would I find a partner

quite like you, Zack?

Hong Kong will be there for a while.

And Mr. Baum was right.

There is no place like home.

[dog barking]



[blows whistle]

Ok, listen up, crime dogs!

Direct from Rio de Janero.


Oh, way, gnarly.

Meatloaf ain't got nothing on the Chief!

I'm a miner, er.



Thank you, thank you very much.

Please don't take my nose.

I say Carmen has been healed.
