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03x01 - The Tigress

Posted: 07/24/23 16:34
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪


The museum guards are right on schedule.




[gasps] Napoleon's army pieces gone!

But who...?


[alarm rings]

Who are you?

[tires screech]

[speaking French]

[tires screeching]

[shouts in French]

No one out-maneuvers Carmen Sandiego.

[tires screeching]

Player: Looks like you have some clever competition, Carmen.




Chief, quick, activate the shield of silence!

Where on Earth have you two been?

We've got to talk to you in private, Chief.

Carmen's at it again!

We know! And we're...

You were right as rain about her recent thefts all

involving famous strategists or strategies!

First she ran to Iran where she ran off with that five

hundred-year old chess set.

A pretty strategic game.

I prefer checkers myself.


Then she stole the w*r maps of General William Tecumseh

Sherman whose famous "march to the sea" helped end the

American Civil w*r.

Chief, would you listen a second?

Then, true to her pattern, last night Carmen breaks

into the Army Museum in Paris,

France, stealing the files and army pieces of one of

the most famous strategists of all time,

Napoleon Bonaparte!


Troops, we have to put a stop to Carmen's strategic -

We've got to [static] Whoa! Woo! Whoa! Woo! Whaatta!

Look! It's Carmen!

Sorry to tel-net in unannounced,

but I didn't steal Napoleon's files and map

pieces last night.

Oh? Then who did?

It's all over the French newspapers.

Someone calling herself "The Tigress" beat me to them.

So, maybe you should retire, huh, Carmen?

Maybe you should have this Tigress character arrested.

And if you can't, Ivy, maybe I will.

How did you steal our tel-net passwordsl?

I'll be monitoring Crime Net,

twenty-four hours a day, Zack.

I want to know what you're doing to put this new

amateur out of business.

Meanwhile, I've left a real stinker of a clue for you

in Paris for our little game.

Au revoir.

Player, we need to figure out what she meant about

a "stinker" of a clue.

Access... uh, I don't know...

things that smell?

I'll take smelly things for fifty, Alex.

Let's see, we have skunks, certain cheeses,

Zack's sweat socks.

Wait! Cross reference smells with Paris.

That's where Carmen said the clue is!

Chief: One of the smelliest things in Paris would be

the Paris Sewer System Museum.


They built a museum about sewers?

Chief: Hey, the Paris sewers are world famous,

not as famous as your sweat socks.

But then the Phantom of the Opera couldn't escape down

your socks now, could he?

The French police say Carmen used the Paris sewers to

make an underground escape last night,

but it wasn't a clean getaway.

Even though she wasn't the one caught on tape robbing

the Musee de L'Armee.

The Sewer Museum sounds like the perfect place to start

sniffing out Carmen's latest clue.


This Tigress character could mean big trouble for us.

There's no telling what Carmen will do to stay in a

league of her own.

Uhm, uh, what was it you two burst in here to tell me?

Um, no time, Chief.

Player, C-Five us to the Sewer Museum in Paris, France.

Break out your berets, bird dogs.

Chief: You're headed from San Francisco,

California to what many call the most romantic city in

the world, Paris, France.

Ah, France, where you'll see the beauty of the world

renowned French countryside, the stunning Palace of

Versailles, and Rodin's sculpture,

"The Thinker."

Now where did I leave my clothes?

Ivy: Hey, it's Napoleon Bonaparte again.

You just can't do France without thinking of him.


Chief: This little guy was one of the world's greatest'

strategists, and was affectionately known as

"Le Petit Caporal."

Zack: That means, "The Little Corporal."

Chief: Exactly.

Because he was...

well, short.

I am not short. I am vertically challenged!


Chief: As a power-hungry commander of France's armies,

Napoleon crowned himself emperor and mcreased his

empire by conquering much of Europe.

But he was finally defeated at the battle of Waterloo by

the Duke of Wellington.


Ooh-la-la! Sacre bleu!



It sure smells like a sewer in this museum.

Carmen would send us here for a clue.

At least we won't have trouble getting around.

All the streets and building numbers above are posted

here in the sewers.

Hey, check out that display, Zack!


What's wrong with this picture?

It's a Carmen clue, for sure!

A spider and a bill?

"One itsy bitsy arachnid,

ten dollars and sixty-six cents.

Please pay hastily."

Zack, she said "arachnid."

The scientific name for spiders.

It must mean something important, Ivy.

Chief: Transla-ta-scan. Transla-ta-scan.

Arachnids, or spiders, are named for a character from

Greek mythology called Arachne.

Not exactly in my top ten list of popular names.

Arachne wove beautiful tapestries,

but she had a real ego problem.

I'm so-o-o-o-o good!

But when she made a tapestry that was insulting to the

gods of ancient Greece the goddess Athena turned her

into the Itsy Bitsy Spider!

She could still weave, but hey,

she was a bug!


Using "Arachnid" definitely seems to point

towards tapestries.

But every castle and museum in Europe has tapestries

of some kind.

Carmen could be after any of them.

Hey, Ive, what if this ten sixty-six on the bill

doesn't mean ten dollars and sixty six cents,

but the year ten sixty-sixl?

Exactly! The year!

William the Conqueror sailed from France and invaded

England in ten sixty-six!

Ivy, it all fits!

William is "Bill," like this bill.

And ten sixty-six is the year.

Let's hope this guy William the Conqueror was into tapestries.

Chief: Well, he's into this tapestry, gumshoes!

The famous Bayeaux Tapestry is over nine hundred years

old, and shows scenes from William the Conqueror's

invasion of England.

Cool! Kinda like a news video before they had cameras!

Player, C-Five us to Bayeux, France!


She did it to me again.

"Too late.

While Carmen's away, the cat will play.

The Tigress."

Find her!

Search the area.

Ivy: Something wrong, Carmen?

Obviously you two haven't stopped the Tigress yet.

First things first, Carmen.

You're Acme's top priority.

She's headed for the front.


I gave you a chance, Zack and Ivy.

Now I see I have to deal with the Tigress myself!

Come on! The cycles!

She's moving too fast, we'll never catch her.

Yeah, but her henchmen might catch us!

No sweat.

This'll be just like Dirt Bike back at

Acme Training Academy!

Zack: I was sick the day they covered this!



And I may be sick again!


What's wrong?

Can't keep up, boys?








Looks like an apple a day keeps Carmen's henchmen away!

Cute, Zack.

Very cute.

That farmer was sure nice about all the mess.

And his apples are great.

Bonjour, sibling sleuths.

Ah, don't tell me...

Carmen and the Tigress both got away?

But we did bust a couple of henchmen.

Well, get this.

Another one of her henchmen, Ken Dough,

a former baker known for kneading his dough with

martial arts stole a Japanese Katanakake from

Venice, Italy.

A katanakake?

That's a samurai sword stand.

We used them in my martial arts classes.

Well, if Carmen has the stand,

that could mean she might be after a sword to put in it.

You think?

It fits her other thefts.

The strategies of the samurai are world famous!

[speaking French]

Hey, the henchman had two tickets.

He was planning on going to the Chunichi Dragons'

baseball game tonight in Nagoya, Japan.

Wait a sec.

I've been to the Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya.

It's where they house a one-of-a-kind Samurai sword

that belongs to the Emperor of Japan!

Ivy, that must be the one Carmen wants!

Player, Carmen's trail just heated up!

C-Five us to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Trade in your francs for yen, Clue Hounds.

China here we come.

Whoa, cool the C-Five thrusters a sec, Chief.

We want Nagoya, Japan, not China!

You're on your way to Japan, Zackmeister.

But you're going to see plenty of china,

the kind your mother yells at you for breaking.

Because Nagoya manufactures about ninety percent of all

Japan's fine china.

Hope you like coastal breezes,

because Japan's an island nation in the Pacific Ocean,

made up of four main islands,

and oh, about let's see [counting quickly]

over a thousand smaller ones.

And although it's one of the most modern countries on

earth, a world leader in technology and finance,

the Japanese still try to maintain respect for the

ancient ways of their ancestors.

Children are taught to respect their families,

and that hard work and discipline,

just like the ancient Samurai believed,

will pay off in the long run.


Not this time, Tigress.

The prize is mine.


What's wrong, Carmen?

Cat got your tongue?

Looks like you missed me.

Looks like you missed the point.

And it looks like you've met your match.

"This tiger lives in a place for the Byrds,

especially those dressed formally."


Bird spelled B-Y-R-D.

Of course.

Admiral Byrd.

The first man to fly over the South Pole.

And the birds in the South Pole who appear to dress

"formally" are penguins.

Not very clever, Tigress.

ZacK: Nice night for an arrest, Carmen.

You had your chance, Zack.

This is strictly between me and the Tigress now.

And I'm keeping her clue all to myself.

[blows whistle]

Whoa! Stop! Thief! Somebody...

Ah, what are you standing around for?

Did she leave a clue?

No clue, Chief.

And it looks like she's given up on our case.

All she cares about is a face-off

with that Tigress person.

Oh, so close and yet so what?

What are we gonna do now?

I guess we just let her go do what she's gotta do.



[hovercraft whirring]

So, we meet face-to-face.

It's bleow out there, Carmen.

Why don't you come in where we can get acquainted.

The victor and the vanquished, eh, Carmen.

You haven't beaten me yet, Tigress.

That's where you're wrong.

How did you know I was coming here?

I never gave you the Tigress' clue.

You didn't have to.

We made it up.

You? You're the Tigress?

What's this C-Five journey to the South Pole that just

showed up without you telling me,

or I... but... you... why... whoa...

Why am I standing here feeling like my I.Q.

has more zeroes in it than the old Japanese Air Force?

Chief, we tried to tell you what we were up to but we couldn't.

Carmen had access to listen in on our transmissions, remember?

Bravo, detectives.

I always knew you were good, but...

you've outdone yourselves this time.

Well, you gave us the idea, back when you started

stealing items that had to do with great strategies

and strategists.

Luckily we broke all your clues in record time and got

to the scenes of the crimes before you.

Then we put the item you were after in protective custody.

And I made sure you saw the Tigress leaving the scene.

Hey, hey. Check it out, Chief!

I made these carbon dioxide powered booster boots.

Just push this trigger and instant Michael Jordan!


Haha! Cool, huh?

Why the South Pole for our rendezvous, detectives?

You always have some escape up your sleeve, Carmen.

So we baited you into the middle of the most desolate

place on earth: Antarctica.

Except we brought a few friends along so you

wouldn't get lonely.

The perfect strategy has just put you behind bars.

Well, 'lil bro.

We finally did it.

We captured the Great Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah, with a little help from the Tigress and our

greatest strategic plan ever!

Congratulations, detectives.

But you've made one "strategic" mistake.

Oh yeah?

And what would that be, Carmen?

Never let the enemy know your secrets.


Lower the ramp! -She's escaping!

Lower the ramp!



"When it comes to the strategy of winning,

detectives, a tie or a split decision simply won't do."

We had her, Ivy!

I can't believe it!

We had her and she got away again!

We did everything right and still she found a way!

Well, we didn't get Carmen, but at least,

as the Tigress, we got all the stuff she was gonna steal.

'Ya know, Ivy, The Tigress, what a great alter ego.

Thanks, Chief.

But why did you choose a tigress?

Eh, if it were me, I'm thinking something more exotic.

Like, uh, I don't know, you know. I mean...

Oh, boy.

There's definitely a "Can I go undercover with you next time?"

speech coming on, Ivy.

I got it. "The deceptive dachshund!"

Or maybe "the cunning kangaroo rat."

My favorite, of course, would be "The aardvarkanator!"

I'll be back!

I... where'd you go?...

Oh well... Ah, or the riddling rattler.

or the Lounge Lizard.



Player: And if you haven't done it better by nighttime?


♪ [theme music]