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03x04 - Birds of a Feather

Posted: 07/24/23 16:34
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪


Ha ha ha!


Salutations schuss boomers!

Oh no!






Chief!? What's up?

Ho-Ho! Sorry about the snow facial, Chief.

Okay, okay. Never mind.

And just hang on, snow shoes!

Because the famous jewel house of the Tower of London

has been broken into, and the Player requested

Y-O-U, A-S-A-P! Okay?




[crash] Oof! Ow!

Zack, are you all right? [crow cawing]



What was that?

Just one of our tower ravens.

They're some of the most famous birds in England, Zack.

And people say if they ever leave the Tower of London

that the English empire is supposed to fall.

That's an old English legend, detectives.

But it looks like we have a new one in the making.

Look here.

Someone, somehow, stole the Star of Africa,

the world's largest cut diamond right out of the

Queen's royal scepter.

The mystery is that no one's been in here since the

jewels were cleaned and locked safely away last night.


Zack, Ivy I'm working on an art forgery case here in

Mazar-E Sharif, and just happened across

Carmen Sandiego.

I think I can nab her, but I can't do it alone.

We're on our way, Waheedullah!

Well, at least you know this jewel theft isn't a

Carmen crime, Inspector.

She's half way around the world.

Player, C-Five us to Afghanistan!

Carmen at six o'clock.

Let's bag her.

Get her!

This way!

Split up!

Why is she feeding the birds?

Who cares.

She's stuck in a dead-end alcove.

Let's get her while the getting's good.

Hey! Watch it!

Get away! Shoo!!



Where'd she go?

Pigeons! Humph!?

She used pigeons!


One of these days you will find out you are not as

clever as you think you are, Carmen Sandiego!



[speaking Pashto or Dari]

Why are there so many white pigeons at this mosque,


A legend here in Mazar-E Sharif speaks of this sacred

mosque and how pigeons of all colors come to roost here.

But within forty days they all turn the purest white.

I just don't get it.

With all the great ancient sites in Afghanistan,

why would Carmen come here just to buy an inexpensive

souvenir lamp?

Go ahead, Chief.

Hot tip! Hot tip!

Another art forgery showed up in Kabul.

You're back on your case, Waheedullah.

I'll check in with you two when I can.

Good luck tracking Carmen.

Oh man, this is tight!


Aw! Just so you two glum meisters don't feel left out.

Here's a little something I call,

shedding light on your case.

Hey, that's Carmen's henchman, Frank M. Poster,

master of disguise.

We busted him just last month, Chief.

And just last night he busted out.

Seems his bird brain cellmate Stu L. Pigeon

helped set it all up.

He communicated with Carmen, sending secret messages from

the prison, using carrier pigeons.

Crime Net intercepted one on the fly.

Hey, cool!

'Ya know, you can tie a message to those birds and

they automatically fly home to deliver it.

Ivy: Hey look!

Even as far back as ancient Greece homing pigeons were

used to send news of the Olympic games

to the outlying regions.

Chief: Whoa!

Small town wiped out by bird droppings.

News at eleven.

Chief, can we see the message you intercepted?

Well nibble on this!

It's only a bite size part of the message.

The rest got, uh, well torn up when we tried to get it

away from Stu's pigeon.

[squawking] Ahhh!


"Hoy meet me?"

Who is Hoy?

And meet where?

Ivy, "hoy" is Spanish for "today."

Maybe the message was partly in Spanish because she

wanted Frank M. Poster

to meet her some place where Spanish is spoken.

Player, Info-scan all Spanish speaking countries a sec.

Ivy: Great.

Spanish is spoken in over eighteen countries.

Carmen could be anywhere.

Chief: Hoy is also the name of an island off the coast

of Scotland.

Zack: Ivy, the jail Frank M. Poster broke out of

was in Ireland, barely five hundred miles,

as the crow flies, from Hoy, Scotland!

Then maybe our jailbird didn't fly too far from the

roost, little bro.

Player C-Five us to Scotland,

and let's check it out!

Chief: Strap on your bagpipes, crew birds.

You're headed north from Mazar-E Sharif,

Afghanistan to bonny Scotland.

And fire up that video camera, shutter bugs.

You wouldn't want to miss a shot of Scotland's beautiful


Maybe a sighting of the legendary Loch Ness Monster.

Zack: Whoa, what's with all the birds, Chief?

Chief: Hoy, Scotland is a virtual birdwatcher's paradise.

There are over three hundred different species on record.

Spread your wings and catch a down draft my fine

feathered cluebirds.

You're coming in for a landing in Hoy, Scotland!


Sure is a wild and desolate spot.

Ivy, look!

No one double crosses me.

What's she doing up there?

I'd say she's birdwatching.

Go get that net, little bro.

She's not getting away this time.











Surprise, Carmen!

Whoa! -Ahhh!

Nice going Zack.

You were supposed to catch Carmen in the net, not me!


Fishing's not my best sport.

We may have lost Carmen, little bro,

but it looks like Carmen lost this.

A Birder's Handbook?

And she was reading a chapter on birdsongs.

But why?

And what's it got to do with the lamp from Afghanistan?

Player, we need to figure out why Carmen's suddenly

interested in birds.

Do a topical Info-Scan on, I guess, "Birdsongs"?

Yo, Doctor Doolittle.

'Ya wanna talk to the birds?

Well, there are almost ten thousand species in the

world today.

And if you wanna chat on- line with 'em,

you gotta learn their lingo.

Because, birds talk to each other using calls,

to alert their homies, help them fly together in the dark,

signal where there's food, or warn of trouble.

Seems every kind of bird's got a different language.

You want an apple? You want an apple?


Chief: The woodpecker's song is the tapping of his beak.

And the grouse communicates by the drumming

sound of its wings.

Whoa, Chief.

We're gonna need an ornithologist to help us

figure out what kind of bird Carmen wants to communicate

with, and why.

Ask and you shall receive.

Oh my! Yes!

Look at that razor-billed Auk!

Honk! Honk!


Oh, hi, I'm Chester!

Want a sunflower seed?

Chester, we're trying to figure out where Carmen

would be headed if she had a sudden interest

in bird calling.

That's easy, Ivy.

The best place I know to go for bird calling is the

Leonard J. Waxdeck Bird Calling Contest.

In fact, the contest prelims are going on today in

Piedmont, California.

Then let's kick it!

Player, C-Five us to Piedmont, California!

Chief: On your beaks bird dogs!

We're migrating from Hoy, Scotland to

Piedmont, California!

♪ [rock music]

California is the home of the world's tallest trees,

the giant redwoods, the California condor.

Chester: Oh, they're quite cool.

Ivy: But aren't they almost extinct?

Yeah. Don't you remember back in nineteen eighty-eight,

Ivy, they captured them all so they could

breed them in safety.

Chester: And with a wingspan of up to nine and a half

feet, they're the largest flying land bird in North America!

Ah, who's running this bird show, Chester, you or me'?

Thanks, Chief, I'd love to!

Yeah, but well, now I know why they tell you not to

work with kids and animals.


Chester: One of my favorite birds is also the smartest

in the world, the raven.

Once two ravens mate, they stay together for life.

And a raven's favorite pastime is playing tricks!



[laughing] He fell for it again!!!

Ivy: We saw flocks of ravens at the Tower of London.

Chester: Right.

And the legend says if they ever leave the tower,

England will fall.

Chief: Well, relax because that's not likely to happen.

All those ravens' wings are clipped regularly

so they can't fly.

But you can, and your next stop is Piedmont, California.

It was Carmen Sandiego!

Carmen Sandiego just stole the tapes of our bird

calling contest!

Call the police!

It was Carmen Sandiego!

Looks like you were right on the money, Chester!

There's her Hovercraft!



Ivy! Hang on!

Nice serve, Chester!

Indubitably, Zachary.

Uh-oh! We've got company.

Hang on!

We've gotta lose Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum!


Slow down!

I don't feel so good!

Watch out!

Watch out!

Ivy! Don't look!

This is gonna be bad!!


Waaaah! [crash]

Don't anybody move.

Look! A glockus gull!

Chester don't!!

[immitating gull call]

Whoa! Ahhh!!


This day couldn't get any worse.

It could, and it did.



My favorite magnifier broke when we fell out of the tree.

But it looks like it'll do the trick any minute.

Hey, it's the Chief!

Cheerio, mates!

This update just in from Scotland Yard.

Turns out, Carmen's henchman, Frank M. Poster,

had something to do with that Tower of London

jewel heist after all.

Say. You three look kinda tied up at the moment.

Keep filling us in Chief.

I got it covered.


Seems Frank here impersonated one of the

workers who usually cleans the Queen's coronation crown.

But the Inspector said the diamond was still in the

scepter after the cleaners left, remember?

Frank couldn't have stolen it.

Good work Ivy!

Chief, if Carmen broke Frank out of prison with the help

of Stu's homing pigeons I bet he's one jailbird who

can fill in a few blanks on this case.

Player, C-Five us to Stu L. Pigeon's jail

in Limerick, Ireland.

You blokes are the detectives who put me away.

Why should I talk to you?

Because the warden said you were being paroled next week.

and we think you know something about the Star of Africa.

Stu, help me out here.

Uh, what's that bird 'ya know,

that one that likes to play tricks?

Oh, that's the -

Let Stu answer, Chester.

Zack, what are you doing?

I think I may have just solved our case.


Help me out, Stu.

Uh, the name of that trickster bird,

it's black, it mates for life, it's, uh -

'Ya mean, the raven?

That's the one!

And tell me, what kind of feathers are these?

Raven feathers.

Raven feathers. Exactly!

Two raven feathers!

You wanna know what I think, Stu?


We know the night Frank M. Poster broke out of jail,

he disguised himself as a member of Garrard's cleaners.

And because he knew he'd never be able to get the

diamond past the Royal Guards,

Frank simply loosened it from the setting and

returned it to the display case.

Then when we arrived to investigate,

a funny thing happened.

I was buzzed by a raven.

So, you were buzzed.

There's hundreds of ravens at the Tower o' London.

But at the Tower of London all the ravens have their

wings clipped so they can't fly away, Stu.

You mean that raven in the jewel house wasn't one of

the ones that lives there?


And look!

There are two names on this cage,

but only one raven.

I say Frank snuck Stu's other raven in and left it

behind to steal the diamond for Carmen.


You are good.

But Zack, if you're right and Carmen planned the whole thing,

why was she thousands of miles away in Afghanistan

getting that lamp?

Because being thousands of miles away was the perfect

alibi for her almost perfect crime, Ivy!

Hmm, s'cuse me, but if the raven stole the diamond,

does Carmen have it now?


Back in Scotland, Carmen said something about being

double crossed.

She was waiting for the raven to show up,

but it never did.

Because Stu here had his bird double cross her.

That diamond would be a real nice nest egg for a crook

like you when you get paroled next week, eh, Stu?

Nice theory.

But you can't prove a thing, bird brains.

Zack, Ivy, remember how ravens mate for life?

I know who can lead us to the missing diamond!

Okay, Chief, activate the Acme tracking signal.

Acme satellite on-line, gumshoes!

Fly to your mate!


Whoa! She's right there!

The diamond's practically in our hands!


Here birdie!

Here birdie!

It's Carmen!

Well, if she wants the diamond,

she'll have to go to jail to get it!

Quick thinking, Ivy.

But as they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


[cawing over loudspeaker]

That's a raven feeding call!

She's luring them away!

Oh no!

Thanks for helping pull off the perfect crime, detectives!

She did it!

She planned the perfect crime and got away with the

Star of Africa!

Not quite, Chester.

We foiled the perfect crime.

She got away with my lucky magnifier.

The Star of Africa!





[immitated bird calls]

Thank you. -Thank you.

[crowd cheering]