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01x20 - Serial k*ller: Part 1

Posted: 07/24/23 15:53
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

- It's : in the morning.

- Yeah, so?

- Well, you're not turning into an alky on me, are you?


- Are you my partner or my wife?

All right, missus, what do you want?

Vodka, gin, shop's a lot, no?

- Juice.

- Juice, up the back, I think.

You all right?

- Yeah.

- [Guido] Just want some rye and some brie.

- [Man] Just up the back there, mate.

- Don't f*cking move.

(suspenseful music)

- Guido?

- Yeah?

- Why don't we get some beers for later on?

- What?

- Cold beers in the fridge.

- Yeah, sure, missus.

(suspenseful music)

- Police.

- Freeze.

- Stay where you are.

I'll sh**t.

I'll f*cking sh**t.

- Lower the g*n.

- Lower the g*n.

- Lower the g*n.

That's it, mate.

- [Cameron] Take it easy, take it easy.

- Shut up, get back.

- No, no.

You can use it but I also know you don't want to, all right.

Just take it easy and breathe.

It's all gonna be okay.

We'll figure this out and no one will get hurt, okay.

- Do not move.

- The best thing you can do is lower the w*apon,

place it on the counter and step away, hm.

Come on.

- [Guido] Do not move.

- Is there someone special in your life, is there?

Have you got a wife, a girlfriend?

Because if you go through with this,

you'll never see her again.

You will never see her again.

Do you wanna put her through that?

Think about it.

- [Guido] That's it, mate.

Just listen to her.

- [Cameron] Place the w*apon on the counter and step away.

- [Guido] That's it, mate.

- [Cameron] Place the w*apon on the counter and step away.

- Put the g*n on the counter.

- That's the way.

- [Guido] Gently, gently.

- Now step away.

- Just move away slowly.


Move away.

Move away from the g*n.

Away from the w*apon.

- All right, all right.

- Down on the ground.

- Ah.

Oh shit.

- Good decision, mate.

- Jump on the phone, Cam.

- You got a phone?

- In the corner.

- [Cameron] Okay.

(gentle music)

- There's no b*ll*ts.

(gentle music)

- Neighbor called it in.

Hadn't seen her for a couple of days, gotten worried.

- [Eddie] Everything was like this when you arrived?

- [Officer] Yeah.

- Has it been touched?

- [Officer] No.

(gentle music)

- [Eddie] Looks like she's been laid out for a viewing.

- Sleeping Beauty waiting for Prince Charming.

(gentle music)

Post mortem lividity.

Looks like she's been dead about two days.

- [Eddie] Prescription pills here.

Empty just about.

(gentle music)

- Kristie Adams.

Pan-Pacific Championships.

Commonwealth Games, Olympic Trials.

- How do you go from national champion to this?

- Who lit the candles?

Somebody loved her.

- Who?

Pretty weird thing to do.

(gentle music)

- Sometimes I'd do a bit of shopping for Kristie

or I'd cook her a meal, but I was getting really worried,

because she almost never goes out

and then she wasn't even answering her door.

- You've done the right thing.

Do you know if she has any family at all?

- Her mother died last year.

No father.

She was really all alone.

- Okay.

All right, now someone was here this morning,

possibly only a few hours ago.

- [Neighbor] I was out for most of the morning.

- Okay, do you know if she was seeing anyone, a boyfriend?

- I don't think so, but there was this one guy.

I'd hear him visit her sometimes,

but I never actually met him.

- So you don't know who he is?

Whether or not he has a key?

- No, no.

- [Dispatcher] Sydney West .

- , go ahead.

- [Dispatcher] Sydney West ,

can you attend Sydney Hospital Casualty Ward

in relation to a possible attempted m*rder?

- [Eddie] Have you got more details on that?

- [Dispatcher] All we have is a patient

and a nurse injured.

- Come on, there must be nurses, patients.

What are the odds?

(bright music)

- Excuse me, excuse me.

Don't mean to interrupt, please.

Sorry, sorry.

- Can you tell us what happened?

- Yeah, some nutter went berserk with a length of pipe.

Tried to injure one of the patients.

- Yeah.

- Triage nurse got between them.

- [Donna] Have you got a name?

- Rick Daniels.

He was admitted last night.

- No, no, I mean the nurse.

- Triage?

- Irena.

They've taken her straight to theater.

- Shit.

- Thanks.

(suspenseful music)

- Irena.

Irena, are you okay?

Can you hear me?

How bad is she?

- [Doctor] Too early to say.

- [Eddie] How bad is she?

- Eddie, Eddie.

Let them do their job.

(suspenseful music)

Have we got any witnesses?

Anyone who saw?

- One elderly patient said she saw a man

running to the fire stairs.

He had dark hair, gray jacket or shirt or overalls.

She can't be sure.

- [Donna] All right.

- [Officer] We're still canvassing.

- How did somebody in this hospital get att*cked?

This ward's meant to be secure.

How does that happen?

- Mate, I've been on the job since yesterday, okay.

My replacement called in sick.

Everybody's got the flu.

- I'm sure the patient that Irena was protecting

would have seen the man.

- Yeah?

- His name's Rick Daniels.

He was admitted last night.

Victim in a hit and run accident.

His room's just in there if you wanna see him.

- This is the guy who you were telling me about earlier?

- That's correct.

- [Woman] Victim of a hit and run.

- [Donna] Mr. Daniels, someone almost k*lled the woman

who was trying to protect you.

You must be able to remember something.

- [Rick] I didn't get a good look at his face.

- Get that straight to the lab.

- [Rick] It was surreal.

And it all happened so fast.

I just didn't see anything.

- Sorry for the news, Eddie.

(gentle music)

Irena must have put up one hell of a fight.

- I'll be up in theater.

- Yeah, but I don't understand why.

- She's still in theater.

- Eddie?

Liam, sometimes.

Sometimes people get caught up

in bad situations not of their choosing.

Real bad situations.

- How old are you?

- [Liam] .

- We deal with crims every day, all sorts.

You're just not one of them.

You're young, you're smart, you've got a girlfriend.

Why are you walking into a bottle shop with a g*n?

What's the story?

- Liam.

You might not think it,

but we don't like sending people to jail.

We wanna help you, but the g*n.

The g*n's what makes it serious.

Yeah, now we wanna try and minimize this,

but we need you to help us.

- You can start by telling us where you got the g*n.

The g*n's the problem.

The g*n puts you in the big league.

Is that where you wanna be?

- I wanna make a phone call.

- Fine.

- Let my girlfriend know I'm all right.

- You're not all right, Liam.

You're so far from all right.

This is.

If you wanna make a call, call a lawyer.

That's what I suggest.

- My father's a lawyer, QC.

- [Donna] Canvas the areas, speak to the main ward.

(gentle music)

- [Eddie] How is she?

- [Surgeon] The neurosurgeon's pleased with the surgery.

The bleeding's been controlled.

- [Eddie] So she's gonna be okay?

- She's doing as well as can be expected.

- Well, what does that mean?

- Well, she's still got a long way to go.

- Well, can I see her?

- No, she's gone to recovery now.

- Come on, mate.

Quick five minutes.

It's not gonna hurt.

(gentle music)

Will she remember who att*cked her?

- Mate, it's a little bit early to say.

(suspenseful music)

- Are you all right?

- I'm going crazy.

You know, crazy.

I mean, there's nothing I can do.

- You should go.

We'll call you if there's anything.

- [Donna] What do you want to do?

(suspenseful music)

- The guy's either a drug addict, all right,

trying to get his hands on some hospital morphine easy

or he's got a personal grievance against Rick Daniels,

the hit and run guy from last night.

- It's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

Connect the as*ault and hit and run?

- Well, it's either that or the guy is just plain psycho.

Look, whoever it is, Irena was just trying

to protect her patient, that's all.

- Eddie.

Are you okay to work both cases?

- Yeah, thanks.

I'll let you know, okay.

- [Donna] Kristie missed Olympic selection

by a hundredth of a second.

She never got to Atlanta.

It was the turning point.

Her life went downhill from then on.

- Treat it as a suspicious death

until the coroner says otherwise.

- If you need anything, anything at all.

- Thanks, mate, appreciate it.

- [Donna] If we wanna know anything more about Kristie,

he'd be a good place to start.

- [Cameron] Who is he?

- He's her coach, father figure, mentor all rolled into one.

I used to swim the in flat.

Pretty good for a -year old.

- I didn't know they had a pool in Bingara.

- Only when it rains, mate.

Only when it rains.

- Get her up six to eight.

Keep it going.

Kristie used to swim up and down this pool,

, kilometers a length.

She had potential.

- We just wanna get an idea of, you know,

what she was like, friends.

Did you have much contact with her?

- [Frank] I had no reason to contact her.

- Why did she quit?

- She choked up.

She had the chance to go to the Olympics.

Blew it.

- She missed it by th of a second off the world record.

- That is the tragedy.

A split second defines the difference

between a winner and a loser in this game.

Now see that girl, Lara.

- Yeah.

- She's gonna be a champion.

- Yeah, I'm calling about Irena Nedov.

She was in recovery.

- She loses a race, she gets straight back in the pool

and trains twice as hard.

- [Donna] Yeah?

- All right then in that case,

I'd like to speak to the doctor, please.

- Keep that arm going.

Keep it up.

Kristie didn't have it.

She defined herself by her loss.

Got so bad, her mother put her in a clinic.

Come on, girls, keep it up.

- Well, can you tell me when he's gonna be free?

- Kristie was a loser.

Come on, girls, back again.

- This is a recorded interview between Liam Anthony Quinlan

and Detective Guy Martin on October the th.

Time is :.

A person in the room is also--

- Detective Cameron Smart.

- [Guido] Could you please state your full name

and date of birth, please?

- Liam Anthony Quinlan.

rd of March .

- Liam, Detective Smart and myself,

we're making inquiries into an attempted hold up

at the Cellar Bottle Shop.

Do you understand that?

- Yes.

- Now Liam, can you tell us why you went to the Bottle Shop?

- I needed money.

- [Guido] Well, we all need money from time to time,

but we don't shove a g*n in someone's face.

- It's to pay the rent.

We're a month behind on rent

and the landlord is threatening to kick us out.

- Well, couldn't you borrow it?

You know, friends, family?

- Look, we're both in the same business, Sharon.

It's not unreasonable to expect a call

instead of hearing it secondhand from Uniform.

- Mr. Quinlan would like to see his client.

- Interview suspended :.

- Dr. Myles, you were resident psychiatrist

at the Western Clinic until last year.

- Hm, after your phone call, I went over Kristie's file.

- So why was she committed in the first place?

- She had severe depression.

It was always particularly bad about this time of year.

- [Donna] Why's that?

- [Helen] Well, the th of October is the anniversary

of when she missed out on Atlanta.

- That was six years ago though.

- It wouldn't matter if it was years ago.

It was her whole life.

These coaches, they'll take about kids.

You know, , years old

and they will pressure them and pressure them

and they don't care if they break of them,

so long as they get their one champion.

Pity the .

- So Kristie was one of the ?

So does su1c1de fit?

(phone ringing)

- Well, last time that she was at the clinic,

I rated her chances as .

- Yes, can you tell me how she is?

What happened?

She woke up about half an hour ago.

- Excellent.

- Liam, can you tell us where you got the g*n

that you used in the attempted armed robbery?

- My client will not answer that question.

- Liam, you're charged with armed with intent to rob,

which carries a maximum penalty of years jail.

Are you aware of that?

- That's an accusation.

There's a world of difference between making an accusation

and gaining a conviction.

- Yeah, prepared to gamble your son's freedom,

are you, Mr. Quinlan?

Liam, listen.

You're going to jail.

Two years, years, doesn't matter.

Jail is a terrible place, mate.

- I can't go to jail.

Andrea can't be on her own.

- Liam, where did you get the g*n?

- [Guido] Where'd you get the g*n, Liam?

- Look, you've asked that question.

We've given our answer.

Please move on.

- Is that the best you can do?

You're a five grand a day QC.

I could've got that advice from Legal Aid.

- I would've loaned you the money.

If you'd come to me, we could've discussed it.

- [Liam] You don't get it, do you?

You just don't get it?

- Yeah, well I don't get how you can

throw your life away on this girl.

- Yeah, no, of course you don't get it

'cause your priorities are f*cked up.

- My priorities put a roof over your head,

which is more than you seem capable of.

- Oh, get out.

Get out.

Get out, get out.

Piss off.

Get out.

Please get him of here.

You're not wanted here.

- [Guido] Mr. Quinlan.

- The boy can't handle this on his own.

- The boy's a man.

If he doesn't want a lawyer, he doesn't have to have one.

- Are you sure this is how you wanna do this?

You're facing a serious charge.

- I got the g*n from him.

- Your father?

- I went to his house and I took it from his safe.

- Why would a barrister have

an unlicensed handgun in his safe?

- [Guido] Got it from a client?

He's got some pretty notorious clients.

- Well, how much would you have

to pay someone to look after it?

- Well, heaps, but you know,

if it's stolen cash, what do you care?

- So you think the boy's telling the truth?

- Oh, I don't know.

I like him.

- Don't say anything to Quinlan.

Stall him 'til we get ballistics on the w*apon.

Have you heard from Eddie?

(machine beeping)

- Is Nick okay?

- Yeah, he's with his father.

- [Irena] Thank you.

- The person who att*cked you, did you see them?

Did you look?

- Sorry.

I can't remember.

- It's okay.

It'll come.

You're okay.

That's the main thing.

It's all that matters.

- [Donna] A nurse was very nearly k*lled

trying to protect you from this man.

- Yeah, I know.

- We'd appreciate if you could help us in any way.

Anything at all you can remember?

- I've been trying to remember, but there's nothing.

- Mr. Daniels, if anyone has a grudge against you,

if you're frightened, we can protect you.

- Look, it was just a fruitcake

or maybe an addict trying to get dr*gs.

- Thank you, Mr. Daniels.

Hope you feel better soon.

(machine beeping)


By the way, the make of the car.

The car that hit you, do you remember what that was?

- It was a golden Mercedes.

About years old.

- You see, you can remember the make of the car.

Maybe you can remember the guy who att*cked you.

- [Rick] Ah.

- [Donna] Just try.

- [Rick] I've told you, I can't remember.

- You know, you people are unbelievable.

A person can't lie in a hospital bed

in what is theoretically a secure facility

without being att*cked by some filthy,

drug addicted parasite.

- [Rick] It's okay, Rob.

- No, Rick, it's not okay.

You people should be out there

finding the scum that did this,

not harassing the victim.

- Detective Donna Parry.

- [Rob] Rob Carne.

- I know who you are, Mr. Carne.

Could we talk?

What's your relationship to Mr. Daniels?

- [Rob] I've known him years.

He's a friend.

- So you would know if someone held

a grudge against him then?

- Rick Daniels is a successful businessman

and a major supporter of Australian sport.

Now why would anyone have a grudge against him?

They respect him and so should you.

- Mr. Daniels has my full respect.

- [Rob] Good.

- You know, you sound a lot taller on the radio.

Donna Parry.

- There are no signs of bruising

or defensive wounds on Kristie's body,

so together with the pills and the prescription in her name,

she's had various previous attempts

and a history of depression,

my report will read su1c1de, but it gets weird.

Kristie died three days ago and as you know,

somebody's been lighting candles.

They've also been putting water,

fresh water in the flowers including today, I'd say.

- Jeez, the press are gonna love this, aren't they?

You know, devil worshiping necrophiliac.

- The press aren't going to hear about it.

It gets weirder.

We found a fingerprint on a vase in Kristie's flat.

It matches a multiple homicide in Perth five years ago.

Swan University.

Three men, all academics,

bashed to death in separate incidents.

The same fingerprints were at each crime scene

and now he's turned up here.

- [Eddie] Same as the vase.

- [Sharon] That's right.

(phone ringing)

Chief Inspector Kostas.

- So hang on a minute.

You're saying that a serial k*ller

from Perth five years ago--

- What?

- Was in Kristie Adams' room sometime in the last few days?

- That's what we're saying probably today.

- Changing the water in the flowers?

- [Man] That's right.

- [Cameron] We've got a serial k*ller.

- And he probably didn't k*ll Kristie Adams.

- Thank you.

You spoke to Frank Wallace this morning?

You'd better get back to that pool.

(suspenseful music)

- This is that Perth guy, isn't it?


Fingerprints on the vase.

(suspenseful music)

- We've got an active serial k*ller.

(suspenseful music)

(camera shutter clicking)

Maintenance guy reckons that the pool's been closed

to the public for a week now.

The only people who have been through here

is Frank Wallace's training squad.

- If this is the guy from Perth, which it is,

how does he come into contact with an Olympic hopeful?

- Is that a trick question?

- Dr. Myles.

Yeah, hi, it's Detective Parry.

I'm gonna need your help again.

- [Helen] Been through all the case files

of the people who were at the clinic when Kristie was there

and there is a man that fits the profile.

- Fantastic.

- But I shouldn't be doing this.

I'm guessing.

- Hey, we need you to guess.

He's k*lled four people.

- [Helen] His name's Gavin Sheppard.

- [Eddie] Good, Gavin Sheppard.

You got an address?

- [Helen] No fixed address.

- Was he close to Kristie?

- They were friendly.

- [Donna] Lovers?

- Possibly.

Gavin could be very charming.


I've been in this business years and of all the people,

he's the only one that's ever frightened me.

- [Cameron] So he's violent?

- He att*cked another patient because he touched Kristie

in a manner that Gavin felt was inappropriate

and he broke both his arms.

- [Donna] Do you have a photo here at all?

- No, we don't keep them.

It's a matter of privacy but I can give you a description.

And he has a tattoo on his forearm.

- [Donna] You got a pen?

- It's a gray parrot with a pink chest.

- That sounds like a bloody galar.

All right.

If Gavin Sheppard believes Frank Wallace,

or any of the others for that matter,

had harmed Kristie in any way, caused her to commit su1c1de.

- Well if I were them, I'd be very concerned.

- The men that were k*lled in Perth.

Two tutors and a lecturer were all connected

to a young female student who committed su1c1de

after failing an exam.

Find out how close Gavin and Kristie were

and check all the psych wards in all the hospitals.

- [Donna] Should I check tattoo parlors, too, yeah?

- And tattoo parlors.

And check every single person

that she knew especially older men.

Anyone that Gavin might think

would've contributed to her su1c1de.

- Medical and social security records

don't have anything on Gavin Sheppard

for the last five years.

Like he's disappeared.

- Or a new identity.

- [Sharon] I want you two to wind up Liam's case

as quickly as possible.

I want you on this case.

k*lled three people in Perth.

This bloke is not finished.

- Send her my regards, all right.

- Liam said half an hour.

He was going to borrow the money

and he was coming straight back.

That's what he said.

- I'll arrange for you to see him later.

- [Andrea] Thanks.

- It's all right.

Hey, Trace.

Do you think we can get Andrea a cup of tea?

It'll be all right.

It's crazy but it'll be all right.

Let's go and see him.

- We know Liam's a good kid, Mr. Quinlan.

We just don't wanna see him go to jail.

- [Cameron] Eight months, huh?

- [Andrea] Yeah, yeah.

- [Cameron] Well, you look great.

(phone ringing)

- Didn't you know Andrea was pregnant?

- Kid's life's one mess after another.

- But the woman he's chosen is the woman he's chosen.

I mean, God help the man who stands in the way of true love.

- Guido.

- Excuse me.

- Ballistics are back on Liam's g*n.

- You're kidding me?

- No.

- While we're waiting, has Liam ever been

like member of a p*stol club or target sh**ting?

Anything like that?

- Detective, I'm a barrister.

Don't try and back door me.

I have no idea where Liam got the g*n.

- Of course, I'm sorry.

You guys are amazing barristers.

You know the way you question people.

How do you do that?

We should take lessons.

You should take a course.

- I don't know.

It's not a big deal.

- [Guido] Yeah, yeah, maybe not for you but for me it's.

- The important thing is

to make the witness feel comfortable.

Ask a few innocuous questions upfront.

Put them at ease.

- So like you got all your tactics worked out beforehand.

I thought you'd have to think on your feet.

You don't do that at all.

- I know the framework but then I improvise within it

until I see the witness as relaxed.

Listen, how much longer is this gonna take?

- Not long, I promise.

Can you go and check, see how Liam's doing?

- Yeah.

- So, you just like relax 'em

and then you bang, bang, bang, bang.

You hit 'em with the big questions.

- I hammer and keep hammering until I get a result.

- Mr. Quinlan, ballistics confirm that the g*n

Liam used in the bottle shop this morning

is the same g*n used to k*ll a young security guard

in armored vehicle robbery months ago.

How do you respond to that?

Liam says he found the g*n in your safe.

Or can you explain that?

- He's lying.

- This man, Jarrod Harding, was convicted.

Was convicted for that armored vehicle robbery.

Now he's doing four years.

Four years in Long Bay.

He was your client, wasn't he?

- Yes.

- Jarrod Harding, your client,

shot and k*lled a young security guard during that robbery,

but we've never been able to find a w*apon,

but now we have.

- Am I under investigation here?

- If we can tie this w*apon and Jarrod Harding,

we can get him for m*rder.

Did he hand you the w*apon to look after?

- No, he didn't.

You know as well as I that I wouldn't knowingly

be in possession of an illegal w*apon.

He handed me an envelope.

- But the g*n was in it, wasn't it?

- I have no idea what was in it.

- What'd you think was in it?

Can opener.

- So when you opened the safe,

was the g*n just sitting there in plain view?

- No, it was in an envelope.

- Right.

And was the envelope opened or sealed?

- It was sealed.

I had to tear it open.

- And could you tell just by looking

at the envelope what was inside?

I mean, by the width and the size for example.

- Yeah, it was just a thin manila envelope.

- Okay.

- Mr. Quinlan, if you can tell us

did Jarrod Harding handed you this g*n,

we can nail him for m*rder.

If you don't, we can't help your son.

We can't.

What, you gotta think about it?

- Jarrod Harding gave me an envelope under privilege.

- Jarrod Harding.

Jarrod Harding shot dead a security guard

who has two little kids at point blank range.

And this is the kind of man.

This is the kind of man that Liam, your son,

is gonna be living with for the next three years of his life

unless you decide to help him.

- Jarrod Harding did not give me a g*n.

He gave me an envelope.

- [Man] Don't f*cking move.

- It's just a precaution.


Hey, it's just a precaution.

Don't worry 'bout a thing.

- I remember.

He had short, dark hair and was about my height.

- You sure?

- Yup.

- Gonna find this guy.

(phone ringing)


(gentle music)

- [Donna] Rick Daniels was hit my a gold Mercedes.

- This was a hit and run.

Gavin's after him.

- [Donna] So what's Daniels' connection to Kristie Adams?

- I don't know.

- I'll get on to taxi companies.

Someone may have picked him up after he dumped the car.

- Yeah, hi.

Yeah listen, I want round the clock guard on Irena Nedov

and Rick Daniels' room, okay.

No visitors.

No one goes in or out without security.

All right, thanks.

- Sir, I want more officers.

We need to setup a taskforce.


- The Mercedes definitely hit Rick Daniels.

We matched clothe fibers from the bumper to his clothing.

- What's Rick Daniels connection with Kristie?

- He's been an ongoing sponsor

of Frank Wallace's training squad

since before the Atlanta Olympics.

- Did he harm her in anyway?

- Maybe he didn't need to.

Maybe Gavin just needs to think he did.

- Kristie Adams.

She fails, she commits su1c1de.

Gavin drives a car into Rick Daniels.

He fails to k*ll him.

He tries to finish off job in hospital.

Irena gets in the way.

He moves on and kills Frank Wallace.

So who's gonna be next?

- You better find out.

- When was this?

Have you got an address?

Thank you.

Taxi driver picked up a fare late last night

near the car park.

Took him to the old waterboard buildings.

(suspenseful music)

- Gotta have this entire area sealed off.

Let's get Carmody down here.

Get the whole team down here.

Okay, Jeff.

I'll speak to anybody that was in the area.

Any residents, factory workers, whoever.

All right, somebody must've seen Gavin.

- Gavin's got a mobile.

- Hang on a second.

Hang on a second.

Subscriber checks.

Call charge records, right.

He's got a phone, right.

Check it out.

(suspenseful music)

- Eddie.

He's a cleaner at the hospital.

- Yeah, Gavin works inside the hospital.

I want increase security on Rick Daniels

and Irena Nedov's rooms, okay.

Yeah, Irena Nedov.

Well if he thinks that she can identify him,

she's in danger, isn't she?

- Uniforms are on the way.

Increased security on Irena Nedov and Rick Daniels.

Nobody goes in.

Okay nobody.

- [Gavin] I'll get onto it.

- I just loss my father.

Now I'd give anything.

Anything at all just to have another day with him.

I can't change that.

But you can.

We're gonna need a full unambiguous statement

that Jarrod Harding gave you the g*n.

- And Liam doesn't do jail time?

- I can't promise that.

You're a barrister.

You know the law.

Liam's still gonna have to go in front of a judge.

- Do you want Jarrod Harding or not?

- We can give Liam a letter of assistance

advising the presiding judge that he cooperated

with this investigation.

It carries a lot of weight.

- [Guido] Balls in your court, Mr. Quinlan.

- I need to know that Irena's okay.

I want you to go to recovery and check for me, please.

- [Doctor] She's fine.

We're very pleased with the progress.

- No, no.

I need you to go to recovery and check.

I want you to check.

I need to know that she's okay.

- I'm looking right at her.

She's smiling and happy and beautiful.

We've moved her out of recovery now.

Let me put her on.

You can talk to her yourself.

- Hi.

- Yeah, hi.

Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Never better.

- [Eddie] Okay, good, good.

- [Irena] I love you, Eddie.

- Me too, I love you, too.

- Here he is.

- Okay now, the pulse, the blood pressure,

the temperature, everything's normal.

She's going to be fine.


- Okay, we're coming there now.

All right, I'll see you, bye.


(suspenseful music)

(alarm blaring) (suspenseful music)

- [Man] I warned you people.

Who let a cleaner get in here?

(alarm blaring) (suspenseful music)

- [Donna] It's not her, Eddie.

It's not Irena.

(suspenseful music)

- Oh my God.

- Oh God, are you okay?

What's going on?

- I'm okay, nothing.

Oh my God.

- I'm fine, I'm fine.

It's all right, I'm here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Okay, baby?

You go.

(alarm blaring)

- She's not to be left alone for one second.

You understand?

Not for one second.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- We'll get good behavior bond.

I won't let you go to jail.

I'll tell the judge the g*n came from my safe.

I'll testify that it was my actions

that put you where you are now.

We'll clear this up.

And then.

Anything you want.

- I want you to get to know Andrea.

- Of course.

- [Donna] Crime scene have sealed off Rick Daniels room.

There's no doubt it was Gavin.

- Okay, check cleaning contractors.

- Yup, already onto it.

I've spoken to security and they say there's no way

a cleaner could've gotten past them.

He's a chameleon.

He got in as a security guard.

- [Rob] The one time near cracks in the moment,

throw it all away.

First her career and then by herself.

Well not my business.

Not me.

su1c1de is the ultimate act of a loser.

If you think that's harsh, so be it.

I don't apologize for that.

I'm Rob Carne.

Lines are open.

(upbeat music)