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01x18 - Grand Prix

Posted: 07/24/23 15:52
by bunniefuu
- This is going nowhere, Guido.

You've got to choose.

- I love you.

I just want to care for you.

I want to protect you.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

- I missed one.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

Must be the cancer.

Bit of a bugger, eh?

(g*nsh*t blasting)

- Dad's dying.

Stomach cancer.

- What's he doing about it?

- Says he doesn't want treatment,

says they can't do anything.

- I'm gonna be introducing you to a man called Dai Lo.

When you meet him, I want you to treat him with respect.

Sometimes we just have to throw away the damn book.

- Whatever you decide, you honor.

(intense music)

- No, I love those guys.

I think they're so funny those.


They crack the kid up.

They crack me up.

- [Della] She was one of the hostesses.

There was a dozen of them.

- Can you confirm that she's Lee Anne Troop?

- [Della] No, I can't.

I booked them through an agency.

(camera flash shuttering)

- [Cameron Voiceover] Why do I do this?

Some people go to work and arrange flowers,

play with children, paint pictures.

(camera flash shuttering)

There are , jobs out there.

Why do I do this one?

- [Guido] So how many people were there?

- Probably a couple of hundred or so downstairs

and there would have been like or so,

like the inner circle guys up here for the after party.

Some, yeah some (mumbles)

building a motorcycle grand prix circuit or something.

- [Guido] This guy the host, is he?

- Yeah, he's the draw car.

Doubt he put his hand in his pocket for it though.

You know who he is?

- [Guido] A bike rider, is he?

- He's Grant Fisher, the next world champion.

- Bike rider.

- Well, we're gonna need to talk to him.

I mean, presumably he was the last person to see her alive.

- Well, you can't assume that.

This was a party.

There were dozens of people here.

- This is his suite.

- Yes.

- Well then.

Why is it that you can't tell me where he is?

- When he wants me to know, he'll call me.

- Okay, well can I get a copy of the guest list please?

- Sure, I'll get it for you.

- Thank you.

- [Cameron] Who called it in?

- [Justin] Her mother did.

Apparently, she called in at : in some distress

and they traced the call back to here.

- : to now, what took so long?

- Answering machine took the call.

Her mother didn't get the message

'til about : this morning.

- So what have we got?

- I'm gonna wait for toxicology.

- Justin?

- A-list party, traces of cocaine on the coffee table.

If you want to think she OD'd, you're probably right,

but I'm gonna wait for toxicology.

- Okay.

So big party, lots of booze, dr*gs.

Everyone leaves, she stays back,

has another line, bad reaction,

phones mum, dies.

- So what, you were doing room service up here last night?

- Yeah, a guy ordered Russian mineral water.

It was about two o'clock.

The DJ guy.

- DJ?

- You know, the shock jock Rob Carne.

- [Eddie] Oh right, oh him?

- Yeah.

- Russian mineral water.

So who else was here?

- It was kinda winding up.

It was the girl in there, a good looking brunette,

the DJ, and Grant Fisher.

- Right.

So at that time, the girl was fine?

- Yeah, no, she was fine.

She was laughing her head off.

He was signing an autograph for her.

- [Donna] So these girls were models.

That's it?

- [Della] That's right.

- How much did you pay them?

- a night.

They all think it's their chance to marry a celebrity.

- Have we spoken to her mother

or is she still hoping we'll bring her home?

- You know, my friends,

there are scum out there I wouldn't wipe my shoes on.

Oh, they plead and they eloquently plead

and their friends in the bleeding heart literati

plead for them that it isn't their fault,

that society, whatever that may mean,

society did it to them.

But this girl,

Lee Anne Troop, for instance, who partied herself to death

at the grand prix function last night,

she's a victim now,

a victim of you and me,

not of the choice she made to behave like an idiot

to say, "Yes, thank you, more please,"

to whatever toxic substance was offered to her

by some smacked out fool with an earring and ponytail.


She had a choice,

as do we all,

and she made the wrong choice

and that's all there is to say about it.

More's the pity.

May she rest in peace.

Look, there is one more thing to say.

The tragic trivial death of this party girl

must not in any way be allowed to tarnish

or diminish the chances of this fine city

hosting another motorcycle grand prix.

Think about that point for now.

, , .

If you agree--

- It's not even public yet.

How does he know about the girl?

- He has better information than you people.

He pays more.

- Pays who?

- You don't seriously expect me to tell you that.

It's a source.

- Well, maybe you can tell us

where he was at two o'clock this morning.

- Do I have to tattoo this on your forehead?

When I am on air, nobody,

and I mean nobody gets in my eye line!

Who are these people?

- Police.

I'm Detective Smart, Detective Mercia.

We're here about Lee Anne Troop.

- I don't know her.

- (chuckles) You seemed quite the expert in there.

- I know her type.

Now, you know, we are busy.

I've got a show.

Do you mind?

- Five minutes, Mr. Carne.

It's public service.

I'm sure you'd like to help.

- What?

- You were one of the last people to see Lee Anne alive.

- Says who?

- Says the room service waiter

who brought you mineral water.

You, Grant Fisher, Lee Anne,

and another hostess, a brunette.

- Yeah, that's right.

- Well, what happened after that?

- I drank the mineral water and I left.

- [Cameron] What time?

- About five minutes later.

- Do you know where we can find Grant Fisher?

- Yes, certainly.

Call his manager.

And if you want to talk to me,

you call Imogen, hm?

- What state was Lee Anne in when you left her?

- Drugged to the eyeballs, I imagine.

I don't know.

I didn't pay much attention.

- So why do you say she was drugged?

- Well, that's what they're there for, isn't it?

These so-called hostesses.

Coke whores is what they're called, I believe,

and you'd know better than I would.

I've got a show to do.

- [Lee Anne] (moaning) Mom,

(moaning) mom, mom, would you help me?





Oh god.


- She was having an asthma attack.

- [Lee Anne] Pick up, mom!

- [Guido] Missus Troop, I know it's hard,

but in order for us to work out what actually happened,

we need to know if Lee Anne took any sort of dr*gs.

- She didn't, she wouldn't.

I know that's what they're saying on the radio

that she was some sort of cheap,

but they didn't know her.

- The reason that we're asking, Missus Troop,

is because if Lee Anne took dr*gs last night

and those dr*gs led to her having that asthma attack,

then charges can be laid

against the person who supplied the dr*gs.

- She was a good girl.

Maybe, maybe,

why was she left alone?

- Well, if we can establish why someone did leave her alone,

why they left her and didn't help her,

well then we can large them with manslaughter,

possibly m*rder.

- [Cameron] We'll be in touch when we know something more.

(energetic music)

- What's going on?

Who's Madeleine with?

- Judge.

- Why'd she bring us back in?

- We've got visitors.

- This is Justice Paul Bergan.

He's heading an inquiry into organized crime in Chinatown.

- I'm investigating the grand prix circuit proposal

that was launched last night.

It's about laundering drug money.

Now, I want any information that you've got,

guest lists, records of interview,

records of phone calls made from the penthouse,

and anything you've got on this girl who died.

- Well, she is the point of our investigation.

- Yours, not mine.

Make no arrests without clearing it with me.

Miss Delaney here will be assisting me.

Liaise with her.

Now, do you have a problem with any of this,

Detective Martin?

- Why would I have a problem with any of this?

- Your father was at the party.

Now if you find yourself with a conflict of interest,

I expect you to inform me.


Surveillance photos

taken of the guests arriving at the party.

That's your father, isn't it?

- Yeah, and that's Lord Mayor.

- Thank you, Inspector.

(Cameron chuckles)

- Did you know Madeleine was on this gig?

- No.

- Why'd you spring it on Guido like that?

Don't you think he's gonna run to his father?

- I'm counting on it.

Guido's the messenger.

- I'll go and see what they've got.

- Ah, and the girl who died.

Lee Anne Troop just became an afterthought.

- I need whatever you've got.

It'll be copied and returned.

- And signed for?

- You kept this close to your chest.

- Yeah, well the job came with a confidentiality agreement.


- You know, this bloke, your new boss,

when he was prosecuting cops,

they used to call him the smiling assassin.

Does Bill always give you the same answer,

when you're ask--

- I'm fine, end of conversation.

- Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.

He's always I'm fine.

- Thanks for calling us.

- We're anxious to cooperate.

Grant's on the bridge.

(Grant clearing throat)

- Hi, Grant Fisher.

- Donna Parry.

- Hi, Grant Fisher.

How are you?

- Good, thanks.

- Can I get you guys something to eat,

something to drink?

- No, no, I'm fine thanks. - No, no, I'm fine.

- Sorry to crash your party and everything.

- No, no, no, not a problem.

Something for you?

- We're here about Lee Anne Troop.

- Oh yeah, terrible business.

Della told me.

She was fine when I left her.

- [Cameron] What time was that?

- About quarter past two.

This other girl and I wanted to go party on up at the cross.

- So from : onwards, you were with this other girl?

- Not exactly.

We got down to the car park and she changed her mind

so we decided to split and I came back here

and called a few people.

- So this other girl, the brunette.

What's her name?

How do we get in touch with her?

- You know, I must meet like a thousand models

or something a year, you know?

I don't know her name.

- It's kind of sad.

- Yeah, it is.

- What condition was Lee Anne in when you left her?

- Like I said, she was fine.

- She wasn't drunk, out of it,

hadn't taken any dr*gs?

- No, no.

- Grant's an elite athlete.

He has nothing to do with dr*gs.

He can't afford to.

I arranged the party, not Grant.

- Well, the penthouse was booked in his name.

- Well, we were meaning to speak to you about that.

For public consumption,

it would be better if it was in my name.

The media's only gonna have a field day about this

because it's about Grant.

- Well actually, it's not.

It's about Lee Anne Troop.

(relaxing music)

- [Guido] When did you get back?

- Three weeks.

- Why didn't you call?

- It's been six months, Guido.

It's not that hard to make an international phone call.

You could have called me.

- I didn't know where you were.

- You're a cop.

You could have found out.

- I would have found you.

I want to see you.

- No, we can't.

- [Guido] Tonight, where are you staying?

- I'm not gonna tell you.

Okay? - Yeah, everything all right?

- [Female Speaker] Yeah.

- Madeleine, what's Dai Lo doing here?

- I can't say.

- If Lee Anne's death

has anything to do with a drug trafficking matter,

then we need to know about it.

- Did it ever occur to you

that there might be a bigger picture

than the death of a single girl?

- No, it didn't,

but if you want everything from us,

then it works both ways.

Now, I don't care what your boss thinks he can do.

You don't withhold information

from a homicide investigation.

That's a crime.

- I know nothing about any girl's death.

I left the party early.

- Well, she may have died of a drug overdose.

You supplied the dr*gs.

This money laundering scheme,

this grand prix,

it's gonna fall to pieces.

The thing that pleases me is you're going to look stupid

and there'll be no police protection this time.

Bill Martin's on my list.

- Yeah, that was it,

along with five CEOs, two bankers,

the Lord Mayor, and a partridge in a friggin' pear tree.

- Do you remember the girl, Lee Anne Troop?

- Show me a photo, I might.

There were plenty of girls.

I mean, these are powerful people.

Girls are part of the dressing.

What was it, overdose?

- We don't know yet.

- Bergan's coming after you, dad.

- It'll be a bullshit inquiry, same as the rest.

A few uniformed cross sacrificed

for taking half priced hamburgers.

He doesn't give a damn what happened to the girl.

- Yes, but I do.

- Yeah, but as soon as you get close to someone for this,

Bergan will k*ll your investigation stone dead.

She's his excuse for looking into the guest list.

As soon as you charge someone, his excuse disappears,

so he's not gonna let you charge anyone, is he?

- We'll see about that.

- You're looking well.

How are you feeling?

- Fine.

- So what did the doctors say?

- I don't want to talk about it.

- You shouldn't be here.

- I needed to know if, how you've been,

where you've been, what you've been doing,

what you're wearing under that dress.

Just kidding.

I know you've been to Italy, you know?

I saw the photos in his hotel.

He's not good for you, Soph.

He's bad for you.

- I heard about your father's illness.

I'm sorry.

- I want to make love to you.

- I know.

You have to go.

- Pathology confirms that she died of suffocation,

but it was caused by asthma.

- Asthma and what else?

- Nothing else.

Death by natural causes.

No dr*gs, no illegal activity,

certainly no defensive wounds, just asthma.

- Any signs of sexual activity?

- Those tests aren't back yet,

but there is one interesting thing though.

There were scratches on either side of Lee Anne's tongue.

- Oh yeah, what does that mean?

- Well, we're speculating now,

but what it looks like to me

is that somebody thought she was suffocating

and they tried to clear her airway.

Scratches are consistent with fingernails.

- Someone tried to help her.

- That's right.

- So someone knew she was in trouble

and didn't call an ambulance.

- Asthma can look very much like a drug overdose.

Somebody thought she was dying of a drug overdose,

they didn't want to get involved.

- The dr*gs on that table weren't hers.

Those A-list assholes at that party are gonna smear Lee Anne

in order to keep their precious grand prix clean.

- Morning, Your Honor.

I hope you know what you're doing.

I want to go on record that I'm here under protest.

- So noted.

- I've already spoken with detectives from this station.

I don't know the dead girl.

She was (mumbles).

- I'm not particularly interested

in Lee Anne Troop, Mr. Carne.

- [Sharon] Do you know what a ministerial file is?

- It's an order to investigate

direct from the police minister via the commissioner.

- Requires immediate action.

Takes precedence over all other investigations.

Make me proud.

The complainant is on her way here to be interviewed.

She's an asian prost*tute,

goes by the name of Joy Yuen.

Joy claims that she was blackmailed

into having sex with Justice Bergan.

There's some heavyweight players here.

- I'd like to know about your connection

with Mr. Dai Lo.

- None.

- He's behind this grand prix circuit

you so strenuously support.

- Because it's good for the city.

- In fact, you've given it

an estimated $, worth of free airtime.

- Are you accusing me of cash for comment?

- Yes, I am.

- I don't know the man.

- [Paul] This is you, isn't it,

and this is Dai Lo?

And this is the girl who died, by the way.

- So, I was at a party?

Most of the prominent people in the city were there.

- Yes, I know.

- Beat your brains out, Justice Bergan.

I've got nothing to hide.

But you know how this works.

You'll be hearing about this on air.

- I'm sure I will.

- [Donna] Can you tell us what happened?

- You have my statement.

- Well, we have something someone wrote down,

but we need to hear it from you.

- I was on an as*ault charge over a customer.

Judge Bergan said he would help me.

- In return for?

- For sex.

He would tell the jury to find me innocent

and then I had to go to his house.

- To his house?

That's a little naive for a judge, isn't it?

Okay, so how did you get there?

- [Joy] Taxi.

- Taxi companies keep records.

We can check that in about two minutes.

- You're saying I'm lying?

- No, we're not saying that, Joy.

We're just saying we need to check it

and if it checks out, he'll be charged.

- And if he doesn't and someone's put you up to this,

then you'll be charged.

- Good.

You check.

I want you to.

- [Sharon] So what do you think?

- [Donna] Well, if it was at his house,

it's pretty dumb, but--

- [Cameron] I'm inclined to buy it.

It fits.

He thinks Lee Anne Troop's an afterthought.

- Well, he didn't say that.

- This stays strictly confidential.

No one except you two, especially not Guido.

Check the taxis, check the court records of her case.

Take nothing for granted.

- What if her story's true?

- If it's true and corroborated,

we charge Judge Bergan with sexual as*ault

and perverting the course of justice.

- Yes, we can't tell you still exactly what did happen,

but the toxicology reports are back.

- [Mrs. Troop] Toxicology?

- Yeah, the blood tests.

It's absolutely clear that Lee Anne had not taken any dr*gs.

- What they say on the radio is that she--

- It's a lie.

It's a lie.

We'll be issuing a press release.

I can't guarantee that they'll correct the reports.

I'm sorry.

You never know what they'll do,

but I promise you it's a lie.

- Will you stay for a cup of tea?

- No, thank you.

I really can't.

I've got to get back.

- Of course.

- You know what?

I'd love a cup of tea.

- Thank you.

(somber music)

She won this at the modeling school.

She was the best in the school.

- [Cameron] She's lovely.

- She had such a crush on him.

She met him at the track when he raced last year.

She said he smiled at her.

He probably won't remember.

(somber music)

- [Donna] She alleges that you sexually assaulted her.

- Well, it's ridiculous.

- It's a serious accusation.

- Look, I don't have time for this.

Maybe you should speak to one of my assistants

and make an appointment.

- This is a police matter.

We don't make appointments.

You should know that.

- So you're taking the word of a known prost*tute?

- Madeleine, have you been asked to represent the judge?

- No, I haven't, but it's obvious--

- Then stay out of it.

- Okay, thank you.

Ask your questions.

- Maybe you'd prefer we did this in private.

- Well, maybe if I had something to hide.

Ask your questions.

- All right.

Joy says that you summoned her to your house on the th.

- No, she came to my house with a bowl of soup.

I certainly didn't summon her.

- Soup?

- She'd appeared before me on a charge

that should never have got to court.

I directed the jury to find her not guilty.

She wanted to say thank you.

I told her it wasn't necessary.

- She says she was inside your home.

- It was raining.

Her cab had already left.

I told her she could wait inside while I phoned another cab.

- Okay, and was there anyone else home?

- I live alone.

- You let a known prost*tute into your house.

That was rather naive, wasn't it?

- Guilty of human decency, certainly.

- [Donna] How long was she there?

- About half an hour.

- What did you do for half an hour?

- Waited for a cab.

We talked.

I felt she wanted to change her life.

I gave her some practical advice, some contacts.

- It's a pity you don't have a witness to confirm that.

It's your word against hers.

- I put pressure on Dai Lo

and suddenly one of his prostitutes is making accusations.

He's clearly trying to undermine the inquiry.

- Well, he's clearly doing a good job.

- Soup?

- [Cameron] He says you brought him soup.

- This is ridiculous.

Do I look like a cook?

- Come on, Joy.

Help yourself here.

You tell us who put you up to this

and we'll guarantee that you won't be charged.

- I'm telling you the truth.

(horn blaring)

- [Guido] What's going on?

- Hop in.

- What is that?

- Breakfast.

His Honor Judge Bergan's been in touch.

He wants a meeting.

- Well, what's he want?

- Whatever he thinks he can get.

- Guido.

- Madeleine.

- Thank you for coming in.

I think it's best that we do this alone.

Miss Delaney is a member of the commission.

- Guido is a member of my family.

- Take a seat please.

I think it's time we began working together.

We have a common interest, a common enemy.

- Do we?

- Organized crime is spreading from Chinatown

into city and state government,

legitimate business,

and into the police force as you know.

Dai Lo is at the center of it.

I want him and so do you.

- Why would I want him?

- Well, he's going to k*ll you.

When a Chinese gangster buys someone, they stay bought.

You broke the rules.

You k*lled two of his men.

You were present at the death of his son.

You need protection

and I need a corrupt cop, someone on the inside.

- Be very careful who you call corrupt.

- [Paul] You're dying, Bill.

You're a sick man.

- Not so sick I can't teach you a few bloody manners.

- I can offer you immunity from prosecution.


I need your help.

- Well, there's a difference between us.

I don't need yours.

I can handle Dai Lo myself.

- What corruption is he talking about, dad?

- He wouldn't know corruption

if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.

I've never seen so many damn books in my life.

- What's he talking about?

- I don't know.

What's the point?

Now that he's here, anybody doesn't do anything by the book,

he calls them corrupt.

- I'm gonna help you with Dai Lo.

- No, guy, no.

I want you to stay clear.

I'll handle Dai Lo.

- Anything?

Hm, has he now?

Just what I wanted to hear.

Thanks, mate.

All right.

See you in a bit.

- Eddie! - Hey.

- Listen, you got a minute?

- I'm on my way out, mate.

Make it snappy.

- Okay.

Listen, I wanted to,

it's not work, it's not work.

It's personal.

- All right.

- It's about Donna.

- Mate, I don't think I should get involved.

Honestly, okay?

- Yeah, shouldn't get involved, sorry.



- Hey, I might (mumbles), yeah?

- Great.

- Stupid.

- [Candice] It wasn't me.

- The drinks waiter has identified you.

He says that at :, you were alone in the hallway

and Grant Fisher went back into his room.

- Well, that's not true.

We left the apartment and went down to the carpark together.

When we left, she was fine.

- How much is he paying you, Candice?

- Nothing.

- No, of course not, what's him?

What's her name, Della?

She's the one that handles the money, isn't she?

What's she promised you?

- Nothing.

- [Sharon] What do you want to do?

- I want to bring him in.

We've found Candice.

We've spoken to her.

- What did she tell you?

- Nothing.

And you and I both know

I'll never find a money trail between you and her.

- I didn't pay her.

- Yeah, right.

We've still got the room service guy,

but by the time this gets to court,

you'll have got to him too, won't you?

I mean, you don't even have to

put your hand in your pocket, do you?

These grand prix people, they need you clean.

They'll pay whatever it takes.

- I want my lawyer.

- Sure.

We'll call him in a minute.

You'll be fine, won't you?

You're too important to too many important people.

So your mate, Rob Carne,

his story's gonna stick.

Lee Anne Troop's just gonna be remembered

as some teenage groupie who got trashed

and OD'd in a hotel penthouse.

- Tell them she had an asthma attack.

- It's too late for that now

and you know people like Rob Carne

don't change their stories.

You're from Blacktown, aren't you, Grant?


All the way from Blacktown to Monte Carlo.

Lee Anne's from out that way.

It's probably why she was such a fan.

- I didn't know she was.

- What was your first break on the way to Monte Carlo,

the first step?

- Winning the Philippine grand.

- That launch last night,

that could have been Lee Anne's first win.

She deserved that chance.

You turned your back on one of your own.

(knocking on door)

- Cameron.

We've got a problem.

- What do you think you're doing?!

I expect you to consult me before any charges are laid!

- If the guy wants to confess, what am I meant to do?

Ask him to hold that thought--

- No, what I expect you to do is consult me!

- Is that what's happened?

Has he confessed?

- He's just about to.

You can watch if you like.

- We need to talk.

- Are you Missus Troop?

- Yeah, I am.

- Okay?

- They tell me you're gonna be the next world champion.

Is that right?

Are you?

- Yeah, I am.

- Why?

I mean, I believe you,

but why?

What's the difference between a world champion and also ran?

Come on.

You know.

What is it?

What makes a world champion?

- You've got to want it.

- I'm sure they all want it,

so it can't be that.

What is it, luck?

- No.

- No.

Of course not.

So what is it?


- Character.

- Yeah.

You've got that, don't you?

- I thought I did.

- No, you do.

Tell me.

- I tried to help.

- I know.

Pathology showed marks on her tongue.

You thought she was choking, didn't you?

- At first.

Then I thought it was dr*gs.

And I kept trying to.

I swear to god, she was turning blue.

She only had two or three breaths left in her.

I panicked.

I ran.

- You're going to be charged.

She lived another minutes.

She rang her mother.

Can you face her?

You okay to do this?

Missus Troop, this is Grant Fisher.

He was with Lee Anne the night she died.

- I'm sorry.


- Good work.

- Oh, well done.

You people just put crime fighting back five years.

- It's just like Bill said.

We charge Grant

and Bergan's excuse to squeeze the guest list disappears.

- I don't understand you people.

- That's right, Madeleine.

You don't understand us.

- Yeah, and we're not finished yet.

We're following through on Joy Yuen's accusations

and when we corroborate them,

your guy's gonna find out - Cameron--

- That Lee Anne Troop is more

than just a-- - Cameron, Cameron--

- What?

- Joy Yuen's gone missing.

We've been round to her flat.

Everything's gone.

Uniforms are out looking for her at the moment.

(telephone ringing)


- Well, it's good for your guy, isn't it?

- When?

Who called it in?

Be there in .

Looks like somebody's k*lled Dai Lo.

Let's go.

(telephone ringing)

- Martin.


You sure it's Dai Lo?

Yeah, I'll be there.

(tires squealing)

(camera flash shuttering)

They found his body?

- [Justin] No, it's missing.

- Possible m*rder w*apon?

- Drag marks start over there

all the way down here.

(faint speaking)

(suspenseful music)

- Dad!




What's in the drum?!


(rock music)