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01x10 - The Priest

Posted: 07/24/23 15:46
by bunniefuu
- These people aren't your enemies.

You don't need to be afraid of the truth.

Let's just take this moment to remember God's presence here.

- This is my sister, Anna. - Hello.

- This is Eddie Mercia.

- The cop?

- Yeah. - Is there a problem?

- No, no, no problem.

I was gonna ask you if you wanted

to go to the movies with me.

- Like a, like a date.

- So you're a journo?

- [Emma] You hungry?

- Yeah, I'm starving.

- Japanese. (voice muffled)

(bottles crashing)

- Shit. (laughing)

- Eddie, I was on the street when I was .

Me and Anna both.

We were in the gear within two years, the whole train smash.

- I don't care.

I wanna see you again.

I wanna know all about you, everything.

♪ When these things beset us ♪

♪ He doesn't forget us ♪

♪ He sends down his love ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

♪ On the wings of a snow ♪

(organ music) (tires screeching)

(intense music) (tires screeching)

(horns blaring) (intense music)

(car crashing)

♪ He doesn't forget us ♪

♪ He sends down his love ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

♪ On the wings of a snow-white dove ♪

♪ He sends his pure sweet love ♪

♪ Sent from above ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

♪ On the wings of a snow-white dove ♪

♪ He sends his pure sweet love ♪

♪ A sign from above ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

♪ On the wings of a snow-white dove ♪

♪ He sends his pure sweet love ♪

♪ Sent from above ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

(baby whining) - I baptize you

in the name of the father

and of the son

and of the holy spirit.

(baby crying) You might wanna

just wipe it down.

May almighty God, the father of our lord Jesus Christ,

who has given you new life through water and the holy spirit

anoint you with the chrism of salvation,

everlasting life.

Just take that.

All right-- (baby crying)

You have become a new creation

and have clothed yourself in Christ.

See in this white garment

the outward sign of your Christian dignity.

- Do you know Alan Destin?

- Yeah, that's him up there in the yellow tie.

(baby crying)

- So what time do you reckon?

- : a.m., thereabouts.

- The clock stopped.

(church bells chiming)

- Excuse me, Mr. Destin.

- Yes.

- Detective Mercia.

Can I have a word with you?

- Mr. Destin's wife was k*lled

in a car accident this morning.

- Oh God, oh Jesus.

- What is it?

- [Man] What's happened?

- I don't know.

- It's Fiona, she's dead.

- [Gavin] Gavin Napier, a friend of Alan's.

Is there anything I can do?

- Yeah, I think you should be comforting your friend.

Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to identify.

- [Alan] Yes.


- Did you know her?

- No, not around.

(construction sounds)

- It's terrible.

- You knew her well then?

- Her husband's a member of the parish council.

- Can you give any reason why she'd want to k*ll herself?

- Who knows why anyone does anything.

It's supposed to be a priest's business isn't it?

Making sense of death.

- Or a cop's for that matter.

- Everything okay with you?

- Yeah.

Never been better.

- Hi, I'm Donna Parry.

- Hi, Anna.

- See ya.

She's cute.

Tidy work, tiger.

(upbeat music)

(intense music)

- Mr. Destin.

I know this is a, it's a terrible time,

but there's just a few questions we've got to ask.

(intense music)

- Maybe you'd like to get a coffee, Mr. Napier.

- Your wife used cocaine, Mr. Destin?

- We found quite a lot in the car.

There was an empty bottle of vodka--

- Well that happens with alcoholics,

they have alcohol.

And coke heads have coke.

- Did you and your wife have

an argument last night, Mr. Destin?

- No we didn't have an argument.

My wife was sick, can you understand that?

Sick in her head.

Sick in her soul.

And now she's dead.

I don't think I should be asked questions like this.

- We're asking these questions because

when someone does what your wife did

it's our job to ask questions, Mr. Destin.

She hadn't had a license for five years,

but this morning she decided to get in the car--

- You mean she k*lled herself without a license?

Well you better arrest her.

God, you characters are good.

Gavin, come on.

- su1c1de, judgment impaired by booze and cocaine.

- So she was an alcoholic.

- A long time.

So was Winston Churchill.

Day-to-day she was functioning, I'd say.

Her liver was hammered but it wasn't a fossil.

A little more knowledge on the body,

(voice muffled) vitamin B, and some middle class edge.

She was a fighter though, she fought it.

detox admissions.

She didn't crawl into a hole just 'cause it didn't work.

She kept going back and back and back,

and only one time it took for more than a couple of weeks.

- When was that?

- About six years ago, according to the clinic,

just before she got married.

Spring wedding, blissfully new we'd for six months.

Then reality kicks in again, she ends up in casualty,

where she had been before.

- [Eddie] When did she do this?

- [Justin] At one time when she sobered up,

after she busted.

- Sad sorry.

- Not a sad story, nasty story.

There were two sets of fingerprints on the cocaine.

One set belongs to Fiona, the other to her husband.

He supplied her with her coke.

- Hey, have you got a minute?

- Depends on what you want it for.

- I know a bit about the woman who k*lled herself.

- Oh yeah? Well about

her husband, actually.

Destin is a former alderman

and now a partner in humongous development.

He cast the deciding vote when council approval was given

for development next to the church despite breaching

half a dozen planning principles.

- You're gonna have to make a bridge

between all that and su1c1de.

- Fiona Destin was the only thing standing

between her husband and bankruptcy.

She brought the money to the marriage,

and she filed for divorce three months ago.

(intense music)

- So it might be worth poking about in his filing cabinet

just to see what his business position is.

- Is your source reliable?

The man's just lost his wife.

- She's solid.

- So you're saying that he talked her into topping herself?

- Yeah, well, if she divorces him

she takes her money with her.

- Aid and abet su1c1de, it's a long bow,

you'd have to draw very carefully.

A-list socialite, violent death.

- Or maybe that's part of her whole scheme.

If she did it publicly, people would start asking--

- It doesn't matter.

She could have done it nice and discretely in the cellar.

People are gonna find out.

The key to it is, why do it so violently?

- It's violent anyway you do it, isn't it?

I mean, su1c1de is an act of v*olence.

- Yeah, but this is angry.

Something has made her mad.

(light music)

Mr. Destin.

- I want to apologize for the other day.

I was out of line.

- Oh don't be stupid.

That's a terrible time.

You must be really stressed.

- Well, thanks for understanding.

- I'm impressed that you're back at work so soon.

- Just for an hour or two.

Better than home alone.

So, how can I help you?

- Same question, only question really,

why did she do it?

- Does it matter now?

- Well yes it does.

When a person dies under suspicious circumstances

the coroner wants to know why.

- Well what was suspicious about it?

She was depressed.

- See that's exactly what we need.

She was depressed.

Why though?

- Who knows why?

Who knows why anybody's depressed.

- I know why I'm depressed,

but she's a beautiful woman,

she's rich, she's happily married,

and she just drives it into a bridge pile on

at kilometers per hour.

I mean, so sad.

- Yes.

- Well, why?

- I don't know.

- Don't, don't know, okay.

Were you seeing other women or a woman?

- No.

- Really?

'Cause I've heard that depression affects a person's libido.

I mean hers, not yours.

- Is that a question?

- No, the question is whether or not

you were seeing other women.

- No.

- So when was the last time you spoke to your wife?

- I went to bed about o'clock.

She wanted to have a night cap.

She didn't come up.

In the morning she was gone.

- And you didn't try to call her?

- In the will does her money go to you?

- I presume so.

Look, I don't think I should

have to answer questions like this.

- You don't, but then you're gonna

have to answer the coroner,

and I mean that's, well,

I mean you found out Fiona wasn't there,

did you call the police?

- Did you try to find her?

- If I called the police every time

Fiona did something stupid.

- Did you ever call the police?

- Early on a couple of times.

Look, I tried for years to get my wife into AA.

She'd go for a week and she'd bust.

- So you tried to get her off the alcohol?

- Of course.

Come, is there anything else?

- The alcohol, was that,

was bought on your credit card.

- You don't know much about alcoholics do you?

Have you ever heard of agoraphobia?

- Yeah, well, right, well she couldn't leave the room.

She couldn't even make a bloody phone call half the time.

She needed the booze and I got it for her.

Worse thing you can do for an alcoholic

is tip it down the sink.

(pone ringing)

- And did you get the cocaine as well?

- I have no idea where she got the cocaine.

(phone ringing)

- Would you both like to come with me, please?

- He's a good man, Eddie.

Imagine what it's like living with an addict.

Now he could have turned his back on her,

but he didn't.

He took what he learned and he used it to become involved

in our work here with alcoholics, with homeless people.

- And the development.

- Sorry?

- He was involved in the development, too, wasn't he?

- Yes, along with two other parishioners,

Gavin Napier and Damien Cole.

- And what about yourself?

- The church, yes.

The money we get from our share

is gonna fund the soup and sandwich kitchen,

and rehab, support groups, and shelter for the homeless.

I can get hit by a bus and it wouldn't matter.

This work's gonna go on being funded forever.

- Paul, maybe you don't know this man

as well as you think you do.

You see, the cocaine that we found in her handbag

had Alan Destin's fingerprints on them.

It's a possibility that he supplied her with the coke.

- Look, maybe he was reaching

into her bag and he touched it.

I don't know, I just, I can't believe it.

These men are the backbone of our community here.

- Father Paul.

Have you seen Anna?

- [Paul] No.

- She was supposed to look after Nicholas.

It's Wednesday, she always does.

- Oh god.

- I can look after him.

- Would you?

I've got a friend that you can drop him at.

- Mmhmm.

- Could you check her flat as well?

- [Eddie] Yeah sure.

- Great, okay, see ya.

I'll talk to you later.

(keys jingling)

(intense music)

- Hello.

(cat meowing)

Anybody home?


- [Donna] Is that Aunty Anna's cat?

Better feed him, huh?

- [Nicholas] It's a she.

- Oh, sorry, I didn't look. (cat meowing)

So what's her name?

- Patsy.

- Patsy, huh? (cat meowing)

(water dripping)

(intense music)

(cat meowing)

There we are.

She's a good little cat, for a cat.

(intense music)

Maybe we should take you to your dad's, hey, Nicholas?

(intense music)

- My dad's in jail.

- [Donna] Oh right.

- [Paul] You've rung St. Peter's (voice muffled).

This is Father Paul.

I'm sorry I can't take your call just now.

Just leave a message.

- Nicko, what do you reckon

I take you around your friend's place, hey?

- Can I stay with you?

- Sure, hey,

but I have to work, yeah? - this is Father Paul,

I'm sorry I can't-- - What do you reckon?

- [Paul] Take your call just now.

- Let's go.

- Come on, mate.

Just wait in the car for a second.

(intense music)

What's up?

(intense music)

Do you have any reason why she would have called you?

Why she needed to speak to you?

- She spoke to me most days.

It was often more than once.

- Yeah, well,

what about, I mean, I don't wanna

cross the confessional or anything.

- No, no, no.

Nothing confidential.


it was part of her NA program, getting off the heroin.

- And it was working, too.

I mean, she was clean.

- days.

- What happened?

- I don't know, if,

if she's busted it's,

it's a tragedy.

- Yeah.

- It's a pity I wasn't there to take the call.

- Yeah.

- See ya.

(sad music)

- Okay, times up, pens down.

How many you got?


- (laughing) .

- You got ? - I got .

- All right, I'll tell you my words

and then we'll see what you got, okay?

- Okay. - I got exit, chai,

noir, phooey.

- You can't have phooey.

- What's wrong with phooey?

- Heya.

- What's wrong with phooey?

Don't you know what phooey is?

- No. - phooey,

it's a special thing that cops use to catch crims.

A detecting device.

You know, for detectives.

And it also used to be a cartoon character,

Hong Kong Phooeys. - Mum.

- Kung Foo Dog.

- There's no such thing as a phooey is there?

- You remember Hong Kong phooey?

(laughing) Don't laugh

at my words, please.

Listen, I was thinking I'll just stay here tonight.

I'll crash on the couch or...

- Thanks.

- All right.

(light music)

Did I wake you?

You were warned.

Thanks for staying.

She's dead, Eddie.

I can feel it.

She's busted before but this time is different.

And it just feels different.

She would have gotten into a car

she wasn't supposed to get into,

as she was getting in she would have known

that it all felt wrong but she woulda got in anyway.

(light music)

What, what are you doing here?

I mean, what are you doing here in the middle of all this?

Oh man, if I were you I would run a mile.

- I'm not gonna run anywhere, hey.

(light music)


I slept on the couch.

- Any word?

How's she doing?

- It's amazing, she's going nuts on the inside.

Keeps holding it together.

Where we off to?

- Had a call in from Destin's neighbor.

Destin and Fiona had a violent argument at two a.m.

Destin reckons he didn't see her from the time

he went to bed to the time he woke up.

Eddie, I know he's a friend of yours,

but if Father Paul knows something

about Destin needing money for the development,

the more I look into it the worse it gets.

- [Eddie] Have you heard from Anna?

- No.

- Something's happened, Paul.

It's not looking good.

- Addicts are always busting, Eddie.

- No they're not.

That's not true.

That's bullshit.

- Alan Destin was supplying his wife with booze

every time she came outta detox.

How do you think he financed his share of this project?

- That's really none of my business.

- With his wife's money, for instance.

- That's not my place to ask questions like that.

- I thought it would be.

(eerie music)

- Look, Irena's been clean for five years, okay.

She won't even touch an aspirin.

- I can't tell you, Eddie.

Like I said, I'm a priest.

I'm not even a very good priest.

- I reckon you're a good priest.

You're a good priest.

(eerie music)

- You k*lled your wife, and we're gonna get you for it.

- Her booze on his credit cards,

his fingerprints on her cocaine.

- And he's the beneficiary in her will.

- And wait for it, he's on with the receptionist.

- Possibly the phone calls have been from receptionist.

- It's enough to give us the search warrant.

(eerie music)

- You coming?

- Yeah, where we going?

- [Donna] Destin.

- Guess who was the second to last call

that was made on Anna's phone,

and then a couple of months earlier down here,

same number half a dozen times.

- [Donna] Who?

- Destin Realty, Alan Destin.

- Are you linking Alan Destin to this missing girl?

Well shouldn't you get going?

What's wrong with you Eddie?

- Nothing, nothing, let's go.

(eerie music)

- Mr. Destin,

this is a warrant to search your house

in connection with the su1c1de of your wife.

- You're crazy, you don't know what you're doing.

- (laughing) We are crazy

and we don't know what we're doing,

but hey.

- Have you seen this woman?

- No.

- Yes you have, hey, on Sunday, in church, you've seen her.

- Oh, yeah. - Yeah, yeah,

that's right.

She called you on Sunday night.

She hasn't been seen since.

- Really?

- Yeah, she used to call you

four or five times a week, actually.

- [Alan] Is that so?

- Huh, nice thing to get in your email.

Found it in deleted items.

- Now I gotta tell this woman's sister

if she's alive or dead, you tell me.

- Well how would I know, she was a bloody junky.

- Was a junky?

- Oh yeah, that's right, she gave it up didn't she?

- Come and have a look at this.


We'll just be a minute.

- We just need you to stay while we continue the search

and then we're just gonna need you to come--

- Fiona's email.

Is that Anna?

(eerie music)

- Who sent them?

- [Cameron] Destin.

- Did you send those to your wife?

These'd tip her over.

Tip me over.

- I didn't send them.

- They were from your email address.

- My receptionist sent them.

- Yeah, Phoebe, sweet Phoebe.

- She found them on my email system.

She got jealous.

- Mr. Destin, I don't give a shit who sent the damn photos.

Your wife is dead and you drove her to it.

We've already got you for that.

Okay, I wanna know about this girl in the photos.

Anna Nedov.

Where is she?

You tell me where she is.

- I don't know.

- Who's the other guy in the sh*ts?

Who's this guy?

You don't know? - No.

- Who took the sh*ts?

Who was holding the camera?

Whereabouts were they taken?

This pool table here.

You don't have a pool table at your house do you?

That's you there, you, there's you, there's you.

- I want a lawyer. - That's you, that's you.

- I want a lawyer. - You were there.

- I want a lawyer.

- Okay, forget about everything else.

You don't have to answer anything else.

Just tell me this one thing.

Is she still alive?

- I don't know, how would I know?

- [Donna] We've been to see you several times about all this

and you haven't said shit.

No look at them, look at them.

Have a--

- Okay, okay, she was seeing all of them.

- Seeing?

- Each of them had been using her before she got clean.

- Well it's a pity you didn't tell us this early.

She rang you not once, but five times.

- Eddie, I was bound by the confessional.

- Who Paul?

Who's each of them?

- Destin, Cole, and Napier.

(eerie music)


♪ For I once was lost ♪

♪ But now I am found ♪

♪ Was blind but now I see ♪

♪ Through many dangers toils and snares ♪

♪ I have already come ♪

♪ Was grace that brought me safe thus far ♪

♪ And ♪

♪ And grace ♪

(crying) (sad music)

- Where were you on Monday night?

- Before you answer that, just ask yourself,

did I make a call on my mobile that night?

Did I pass a security camera?

Did I leave a fingerprint?

A hair, a bead of sweat?

You are a sweater aren't you?

- I was at Destin's.

His wife had just died.

He was heartbroken.

- What are you doing here?

You hear for sandwiches?

Or are you playing the bloodhound or?

- Oh my job (voice muffled) same as yours.

I thought you might have got that.

So what are you charging them with?

Did I help you or not?

- I thought that was an olive branch.

All in good time, Emma.

- I don't think I can wait, detective.

- Get out of here, will you?

The blood matches the blood in the syringe.

It's the girl.

- Blood matches the syringe, it's the girl.

Monday night you were at Napier's playing pool.

- No, no I was at Alan Destin's place.

The bloke needed some comfort.

- And Napier was playing pool by himself?

No, no Napier was, he was--

- With Anna in his pool.

- You remember Anna?

- No. - Yeah you do you,

you lying prick.

You remember Anna.

Don't show him the photos, Eddie.

You are gonna remember, remember without the photos.

Do you remember her?

Do you remember Anna?

- Yes, yes I remember Anna.

I remember her.

- Because Napier said he was with you

and Napier was in the pool.

- I was at Destin's.

- Do you remember the pool?

Remember that.

- These aren't Monday night.

- Were they?

They weren't last night were they?

Were they?

No, you know why they're not last night

'cause she didn't f*ckin' live to see last night did she?

'Cause you three scumbags k*lled her.

You see that girl there?

You see that girl?

See that blood?

That's her blood on that pool table right there.

(voice muffled) f*cking photos mate.

You have a good look at them.

(phone ringing)

- [Cameron] Excited?

- Bitch.

- Okay, so you were at Destin's on Monday night.

What time did you come home?

- About midnight.

That's right, that's what your wife says.

- Of course she bloody does.

- Yeah, she also says that you came home,

you came in the back way, went straight to the pool room

where she heard other voices.

But the poolroom's out of bounds for her

so she took a sleeping pill.

- Hmmm, sounds like your wife's turned bad on you.

- How did they pay you to get

the development through council?

Was it cash or--

- It was, it was all fair dealing

and had the blessing of the church.

Do you think Father Paul would be involved in a dirty deal?

- Not if he knew.

I don't suppose you rushed out to tell him

that you were g*ng banging a choir girl.

- Maybe you should ask him.

- It's Anna's blood.

We've got DNA.

That's here blood all over your pool table.

- She cut herself on a glass.

She was pissed.

- Well that's a lot of blood.

Must have been a big cut.

Did you take her to casualty?

- We were too drunk, we put her in a taxi.

- No you didn't.

We checked with the cab companies.

- Well we must have flew her there or she walked on water,

I don't know.

- We've got the blood.

The wife heard them, isn't that enough?

- Maybe not, not without a body.

If they stick together.

- Okay, we've already got Destin on the su1c1de.

Is there a trade maybe?

Excuse me.

- Hi.

Paul told me that you have Napier here.

- Yeah.

- Hi Irena, I'm sorry about your sister.

- Look, I know Napier.

I spent three weeks with him on the Gold Coast once.

And he's violent.

Three weeks for $,.

- Did Anna know that he was violent?

- I told her but sometimes it just doesn't matter.

Sometimes you just need it too much.

- And the other two?

- Oh I think it will be Napier.

This lady arrested me a couple times.

All your colleagues know about my past.

And I'm, I'm sorry.

- Irena.

I just heard about Anna.

I'm really sorry.

- Thank you.

(sad music)

- They know.

Irena, she's, she's quite a woman.

Class act.

(sad music)

You sure you're good enough for her?

(sad music)

Found her sister's blood in Cole's car.

Took it to the detailers, can you believe it.

(intense music)

- Good stuff.

(intense music)

(door banging)

Thanks, mate.

Okay, we know that she was k*lled in Napier's pool room.

Now my guess is that it was Napier, okay?

- A bit unpredictable, a bit prone--

(voices muffled)

- We've got blood matches to say

that she was taken away in Cole's car, we know that.

Now by tomorrow we're gonna have the DNA evidence

that prove that you were there.

- You're already going down

for four or five years for Fiona, okay?

Now you're going down for m*rder, yeah?

You are.

Now what-- - m*rder who?

Show me the body.

- Shhhh, there's a window,

and it's only open this wide to do yourself a favor.

- Personally I hope you don't do yourself any favors.

I hope you go down for life,

'cause that's what you're looking at, mate,

you're lookin' at life.

- It was Napier.

Napier k*lled her.

He bashed her with an ash tray.

- Why'd he k*ll her?

- She tried to leave. - Why?

- Where did you take her?

(intense music)

(sirens blaring)

- Oi, stop.

(intense music)

(construction sounds)

- I helped her get clean.

She fell in love with me.

- What about you?

- I loved her.

Despite myself.

I should have stopped it earlier but I couldn't.

- These bastards, you couldn't give them up either.

- Jesus.

- I'm a priest, Eddie, I don't know how to be anything else.

(eerie music)

She rang to ask if I'd changed my mind.

I knew that they'd offered her heroin before.


- And even still you let them into your church.

(eerie music)

(sad music)

(metal clanking) (sad music)


- Are you crying, Mr. Cole?

Did she cry?

On the pool table? (crying)

♪ On the wings of a snow-white dove ♪

♪ He sends his pure, sweet love ♪

♪ A sign from above ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

♪ On the wings of a snow-white dove ♪

♪ He sends his pure sweet love ♪

♪ A sign from above ♪

♪ On the wings of a dove ♪

(upbeat music)