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01x03 - Lick Me Baby

Posted: 07/24/23 15:37
by bunniefuu
- Eddie mentioned you've got a spare room.

- Did he?

- Eddie, I'm not blind.

If you have an interest in Madeline Delaney, that's fine.

But it's personal.

- I know about you.

- Mercia is up to his eyeballs in crap.

He just wants to fling it about wherever he can.

- You know anything about this man?

He's been infiltrating a drug dealer's family.

Sleeping with the drug dealer's daughter.

(dramatic music)

- [Cameron] Sometimes you just wanna have sex.

Even though you know it's crazy.

Even though you know the guy is bad odds.

(ringing phone)

- [Guido] You can run but you can't hide.

Cameron, come on.

Pick up, pick up.

Come on.

- Oh shit.

- [Guido] This is your first and final call

and thank you for flying homicide.

Pick you up in .

- How was your night?

You go out?

Hm, maybe settled for a video and a pizza

with or without the anchovies.

No, maybe a guy flick.

Not a comedy, you have no sense of humor.

- [Cameron Voiceover] Look at this guy.

Hello, anyone home?

Come on Guido, talk to me.

Give a little.

Do you wanna hear about my new boyfriend?

- No.

- Oh, Daniel's not exactly my boyfriend.

We just connected the last couple

of times we met at this club.

(dramatic music)

It hasn't gone anywhere, but something's happening.

- Why are you telling me this?

- I'm sharing.

- Talk to someone who gives a shit.

Rent a girlfriend or something.

(funky music)

- Why didn't you tell me you were working undercover?

- That was none of your business.

- [Officer] Girl in her s, cut up pretty bad.

- [Cameron] Jesus.

- The others on their way?

- Yeah.

Someone was ashamed of this.

- [Guido] What, the jacket over her?

- [Cameron] Yup.

- So let me get this straight.

He hit on you and then he didn't call you?

- Well he didn't really hit on me.

He just let me know he was interested.

- Oh great, now we're talking definitions.

- I might not be home tonight.

- Okay.

- You had breakfast?

- No.

- Just as well.

(rushing wind)

- She could be a sex worker.

- With a backpack?

- Well who says it's hers?

- This place is too far from the main drag

to turn tricks and even if there was a car,

there's still only one reason to come here.

- Yeah, to k*ll her.

(rushing wind)

- What have we got?

- Could be a r*pe m*rder.

Pathologist is on the way.

We'll need to canvas the local pubs and clubs

in the immediate vicinity.

- [Cameron] Ilka Larsen, Swedish passport.

Looks like all her cards are still here.

Probably a backpacker, yeah?

(camera clicking)

(upbeat music)

- Detective Donna Parry.

I was just wondering if you've seen this girl

in here in the last few days?

- No.

- No, thanks.

- Are you sure, take another look mate

and just tell me if you're sure.

- [Bartender] The place has been packed every night.

Anyone could have been here.

- No luck over there but the barman reckons

that the place was packed.

- Are you putting the moves on Madeline?

- Where'd that come from?

- Why?

- What, have you two been talking about me have ya?

- Don't get paranoid.

She's interested.

- Putting on the moves.

I put on the moves, okay.

- Let's get outta here.

(blaring siren)

- [Madeline] Grievous bodily harm's inappropriate.

- [Eddie] Why, he was beating the guy up wasn't he?

- The householder hit him with a baseball bat.

- Yeah, because he was robbing the place.

- We admit to that.

- So what's your client looking for then?

- He wants breaking and entering

and he'll ask for other matters

to be taken into consideration.

- All right, well I'll pull up his warrants

and then we'll see, okay?

- Good, and I'm free for dinner tonight.

- I'm sorry?

- I'm inviting you out for dinner.

- I can't make it tonight.

- Okay.

Bye. - Bye.

- Thursday's good.

- Thursday, fine.

Pick me up at :.

(upbeat music)

- You look weird.

- Shut up.

- Ilka had ice, booze, and ekies in her system.

She was partying.

We've got skin samples from underneath her fingernails

and semen samples.

We're waiting on the DNA analysis.

- Anything else?

- Yeah, according to the pathologist he went berserk.

- We've been to every pub and club in the area.

No one saw her.

- And we've checked out the backpack scene, guys and girls.

- We've talked to five of these backpackers,

two admitted sleeping with her.

Said Ilka made the moves, one night stands.

- How did those guys pan out?

- Well they volunteered DNA samples.

- How are we looking on the Larsen m*rder?

Any chances of a quick arrest?

- It's possible.

Depending on the DNA results,

but there's no guarantee the k*ller's in the database.

- I'm putting an immediate embargo on this.

No statements to the press.

Everything goes through me.

I don't one dead backpacking kid turning into

an Ivan Milat frenzy.

Ilka's mother's flying in from Sweden,

be at the airport to meet her.

- Ilka, leaves her hostel, disappears for a week,

turns up dead half a mile from the same hostel.

We've gotta fill in the missing week.

- [Eddie] Okay, are we done?

- Yeah, we're done.

- It puts me off one night stands for at least a month.

- I just wanna wipe this day outta my mind.

(funky music)

- [Cameron Voiceover] Spend all day working,

dealing with the details of a m*rder,

asking the right questions.

But you're thinking of him, thinking about tonight.

(funky music)


- [Daniel] Good for you?

- Better than good.

- Would you do something special for me?


- What did you have in mind?

- Give Guido a message.

- What?

- Tell him they want the money back.

- What are you talking about?

- They want the money back, just tell him that.

(phone ringing)

- What?

- That'll be Guido.

Are you gonna answer that?

(phone ringing)

- Get off me!

(phone ringing)


(speaking in foreign language)

- Hey look, there's some backpacker's brought

a video tape with Ilka all over it.

We should have a look at it before we go to the airport.

Cameron, you there?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be there.

Who are you?

- That hasn't worried you up 'til now.

- So you're just gonna screw me and leave, are you?

- Tell him.

- [Cameron] Tell him what?

- This was taken the first two weeks after she flew in.

- [Backpacker] Photos.

- You going, you gonna stay?

- What are you guys up to today?

Club house?

- There are folks here we haven't spoken to.

- Yeah, well most of 'em moved on

after she was m*rder*d.

But those two we talked to last night.

They said Ilka had mood swings that she used

to burst into tears for no apparent reason.

I mean she might look like the party girl here

but well, after two weeks people were starting

to avoid her.

- What are you guys up to?

- [Backpacker] Taking photos.

- Time to pick up her mom from the airport.


(ominous music)

You right for that?

They're gonna bring her off the plane through security.

In case the media are onto her.

- What?

- I said they're gonna bring her off

the plane through security in case the media are onto her.

Don't worry about it.

Cases like this can get to you.

(ominous music)

- [Cameron Voiceover] Tell Guido they want the money back.

Is this why you never talk?

Afraid I'll find out your on the take?

(whining jet engine)

I don't even know this guy's last name.

Daniel was right, I didn't wanna know.

(ominous music)

- Freda Larsen?

- Ya.

- [Guido] I'm Detective Martin and Detective Smart.

- Hello. - Hi.

Is that your sister, Miss Larsen?

Is that Ilka Larsen.


- Yes.


- I'm sorry, Freda.

Now come on.

- We know where Ilka's been last week.

She emailed her sister.

I want one of you to make me an art exhibit

called "Lick Me, Baby.

- Where's your partner?

What's here name, Cameron?

- Ilka's sister didn't get through the ID too well.

Cameron's gonna put her up at her place.

- Look, I gotta take statements, okay.

Donna's on her way.

- Where am I going?

- Lick me, baby.

- Is that an offer?

- Bloody art show.

- Can you bring the lights up

on the girls in the lounge, please?

Oh look, really?

Could you have that dealt with tomorrow?

I want more light on her.

Excuse me?

- Yeah, um.

- [Michelle] Who are you?

- Detectives Martin and Parry.

We're after Michelle Bracks.

- I'm Michelle Bracks.

- We just wanna ask some questions about

a girl called Ilka Larsen, Swedish girl.

- I don't know anyone by that name.

- Do you know this woman?

- She calls herself Freda.

I hired her to do the show.

- All right, well she was she working

for you on the th?

- Yes, look if she's made some complaint

I didn't fire her.

She walked out before the evening session.

You interested in art, are you detective?

- I don't go looking for it, but you know what they say.

- Do the public just walk around

or do they actually talk to the girls at all?

- The girls don't talk.

Although eye contact is a part of the interactive

nature of the piece.

- I suppose licking 'em is outta the question.

- Ilka Larsen's dead, Miss Bracks.

- Yeah, m*rder*d.

- When?

- Well the same night she walked outta your show.

Why would she do that?

- Christ, is this my fault?

Look, she moved in with me.

We were, involved.

She kept calling Sweden, I had to get her outta the house.

Told her it was over, she walked outta the show.

Christ, she'd still be alive

if I hadn't kicked her out.

- All right, so she went back to your apartment

after the show to get her things?

- All she had was a backpack.

I had someone bring it down to the gallery.

- We're gonna need to see all the security tapes

from the day the show opened

and Miss Bracks it might be worth mentioning

to the girls that they shouldn't

be leaving here alone at night.

- Oh, thanks, detective.

- [Eddie] What exactly are we looking for here?

- [Donna] Returns, anyone who came back for a second look.

- This is a Guido theory, is it?

- It's worth a try.

- What have you got on Michelle Bracks?

- Born here, based in Europe,

has a rep for outrageous art.

Does shows like this all over Europe

and "Lick Me" is the latest.

- Hey, I got a stack of volunteers out there.

- [Eddie] Yeah, what are you doing, selling tickets?

- You got something against free enterprise?

- I've got somewhere to be, guys.

- Hey, bingo.

This guy's a second time visitor.

- [Guido] Yeah, he looks familiar.

- [Eddie] Yeah, Paco.

- [Donna] Who's he?

- The sleaze runs the all night liquor store.

- He's an art connoisseur.

- He's more suspect.

- [Donna] Well, only hours left of tapes left to go.

- [Cameron Voiceover] You're freezing up.

Do something, tell someone.

Is he out there?

I wonder if they're watching me.

(sirens blaring)

Did you and Ilka use each other's names much?

- It was a joke we play.

You know for the teachers or the friends.

But she used my name here because she missed me so much.

- You were close?

- Until Ilka flew out here, we've never been apart.

- Why did she come out on her own?

- She made herself.

Being a twin drove her crazy, you know?

She resented it, she.

Everyone treats you like you're one person.

No, Ilka and Freda like it's one name.

So she had to see who she was without me around.

This is why I think she acted so extreme.

She wanted to experience as much as she could.

- And the thing with the artist?

- Ilka was not promiscuous.

Ilka was just in the wrong place.

(funky music)

- Can I as you a question?

Do you make a habit of asking guys out?

- I'm sorry if I misread the signals.

- No, you didn't misread any signals, just.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- So where do we go from here?

- I like you, okay.

I do.

But it's this job of mine.

It's a relationship k*ller.

What can I say?

- Don't worry, yeah.

I never commit on a first date.

(phone ringing)

Damn, sorry.

Madeline Delaney.

Jeremy, you what?

My god, stay where you are.

Call the police.

Actually, cancel that.

I'll bring my own.

- I'm Detective Mercia.

We received a call from?

- Jeremy Oberon.

- Jeremy Oberon.

- We're not this kind of hotel.

- [Jeremy] Madeline!

- Jeremy.

You bloody idiot.

- Her fantasy was to handcuff me to the sink.

And she was lying on the bed and she had some kind

of attack and I couldn't get to her so I called

the hotel doctor and I called you.

- All right.

Well where are the keys?

- Here you are.


- Very fancy.

- [Jeremy] Thanks, mate.

- She's dead, by the way.

- Paco, you sleazy little bastard.

That's four times.

- I think we oughta talk to Paco.

- [Donna] He's got no priors for sex offenses.

- There's our girl.

She's bold enough to stand there naked.

She's scared enough to hide behind her sister's name.

The thing is the psycho who makes eye contact with you.

He gets turned on, he follows ya home.

He doesn't care whether your name's Ilka,

or Freda or Freda Ilka.

- Where have I seen that name before?

Freda, Freda.

It's one of the names I pulled off the blackboard

in the pub that me and Eddie canvased.

Here look, cr*cker, Doone, Freda.

- Found it.

- She might have played pool with her K*llers.

- The agency called about :.

I did a massage.

- Yeah, cut to the chase.

- Look, I never touched her, all right.

She said that she was happily married.

She'd never done anything like this before.

She just wanted to play and have some fun, you know.

That's why I ended up being a sl*ve.

She was on the bed and that's when it happened.

(light music)

- I reckon that's the husband.

- Shit.

- Why don't you grab your jacket?

- [Jeremy] Yeah.

- And get out of here.

(light music)


Detective Mercia, I spoke to you on the phone.

- Ah yes.

Yes, thank you.

- I'm very sorry.

- How was she found?

- From what we can gather, sir,

she had dinner in the restaurant downstairs.

And she came up here and went straight to bed.

- Was she alone?

- Yeah, she was alone.

Room service found her here.


So when you invite a guy out you don't do things

by halves do you?

- It was a nice thing you did.

A few hours ago I was gonna invite you up

for a coffee.

So you could have proved this theory

of yours about not getting involved.

(light music)

- Maybe some other time, eh?

- Yeah, maybe.

- What'd you get at the club?

- I found a bar maid who recognized Ilka's photo.

She was there all right that night.

And the guy who was called cr*cker, he's a plumber

and his name is Chris Doone.

- Well Rubin and Jason Doone.

They must be brothers or cousins.

Chris Doone.

Three years ago aggravated as*ault on a young woman.

Got six months.

- Bring him in.

(ominous music)

- [Cameron Voiceover] Can you believe I had sex

with this guy?

Daniel Crane.

Kilo disco ape.

- Who's he?

- Just another case.

- Daniel Crane.

- Yeah, got charged with shifting currency off shore.

Got a quick fine.

Don't suppose you know anyone in the white collar crime mob?

- No, I could make a call.

What are you looking at him for?

- Maybe nothing.

Maybe something.

- I'll see what I can find out.

- Doone brothers are here.

Really appreciate this, guys.

- Yeah sure, no worries.

- Just in here.

- Grab a chair, mate, anywhere.

- This isn't gonna take long, is it?

There's places I've gotta be.

- Yeah, no, no, no.

We won't hold you up, mate.

You're doing us a favor.

- [Cameron] Jason, there's an art gallery in Gurner Road.

Have you been there lately?

- No.

- It's got an exhibition on

at the moment called "Lick Me, Baby."

- I never heard of that.

- Chalkers full of naked chicks, mate.

- [Jason] No one told me.

- Well, what we're just gonna ask.

There's a young lady that was att*cked last week

and we're just trying to work out her whereabouts.

- att*cked, what r*ped or?

- [Guido] Yeah.

- Is she okay?

- [Guido] Well we can't say but were you

at the Inferno Pool comp?

- Oh yeah.

- [Guido] Okay, and were you there with your brother?

- Yeah.

- [Guido] And was this girl there, have you got that photo?

- Ah.

- She might have been there.

- Okay, she might have been.

Look if you're not sure just say so

we can ask some of the others.

- No, she probably was there.

- Yeah, she probably was?

Did you talk to her?

- I mean I could of.

- All right, well do you reckon she talked

to anyone else?

- Um, she could've.

- Yeah, and what, she talked to your brother?

She talked to Chris?

- Um, she might have done.

- [Guido] What time did you leave do you reckon?

- Um, I don't know.

- Closer to :, closer to :?

- Closer to :.

- [Guido] Okay, all right with your brother?

Did you leave with your brother?

- I dunno.

- Well you either did or you did not.

I gotta fill out this, mate.

- Uh, yeah, yeah, I did, I did.

- Okay.

Well that's great, Jason.

- [Eddie] Well, you know that the girl was att*cked.

- I don't know anything.

Some chick gets att*cked, so your talking to me.

- Well, we know that the girl was in the club playing pool.

And your name was on the blackboard along

with a few others.

I mean who are we supposed to talk to?

- Well, you know I can't tell ya anything.

I had a few beers, I played some pool, that's it.

- [Eddie] All right, after the pool comp?

- Where was this chick att*cked, anyway?

Because nothing happened in the club.

- Yeah, yeah let's just concentrate

on the club for the moment, okay?

After the the pool comp finished,

you know the music started pumping,

the place is filling up and things got

a bit boisterous, is that a pretty fair description?

- You guys got a law against having a good time now?

- What about the girl?

What time did she leave?

- [Chris] About :.

- Was she by herself?

- Oh yeah.

- [Eddie] You seem pretty sure about that.

- Well, she was putting it 'round.

And I was quite surprised she left by herself.

- What, you weren't interested?

- Nah, she was a slag.

So have I finished helping you

with your investigations, or?

- Well, actually you could really help us out

and submit a DNA sample.

That'll eliminate you completely.

- Yeah, no I don't think I'm gonna submit

a DNA sample.

- [Eddie] Why not?

- I don't trust you bastards.

You've probably got a lot of back cases

you'd like to clear up.

- So have we got any ID?

Samantha Church, yeah okay.

- Well he definitely stinks that Chris Doone

but gee Guido, he hasn't even been to the art show.

- Don't start, you!

- How many hours of security tape did we watch?

The Doone's didn't even go near the place.

- We think the brother's gonna give him up?

- Not unless we've got more than we've got.

He's more scared of Chris than he is of us.

- Well that's a catch- isn't it?

We can't get a DNA sample unless we arrest him

and we haven't got enough to arrest him with.

- It's for you.

- Mercia.


- You're being cute with me, are you?

- Huh, what?

- Well I do you a favor asking questions about

this money launderer of yours.

- Yeah?

- And somebody at Southwest Command tells me,

no proof but they reckon that this Daniel Crane character

is directly involved with the disappearance

of three people.

Now did you know anything about this?

(ominous music)

- No, no.

- Fair enough.

Detective Sergeant Jack Theilen says

if that there's anything that he should know,

you should give him a call.

- All right.

- Otherwise, back off.

You don't wanna mess with this guy.

Okay, they reckon he kills people for a living.

All right?

- [Cameron Voiceover] During the day, live by the law.

Keep it locked inside.

When the night comes and you wanna go out to let it go.

Let it go.

- [Donna] He might not have k*lled Ilka

but we spent hours on those tapes

and he's all we've come up with.

Let's give him shit.

- So what do we think he's done?

- Don't know, but he must have done something.

Plan C.

- Plan C?

- [Together] I think you know why we're here.

- Yeah, I like plan C.

- Is that all right?

- I've always liked plan C.

Especially when we've got absolutely nothing

and know absolutely nothing.

- It always helps.

You gonna film this?

- I hope you're not nervous.

- No, no.

Hey how'd you go with Madeline the other night?

- Good, we got into handcuffs and massages.

Ended up in a hotel room.

- Really? - Hey Paco.

- Mr. Mercia, Miss Parry, what's with the camera?

- Oh, don't mind me mate.

- I think you know why we're here.

- Shit.

- What you honestly thought you'd get away with it?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Oh, well that's you, and that's you,

and hey what do you know, Paco.

There you are again.

Four times, bucks worth.

That's eight hours perving on those chicks.

- There's no law against culture.

- Hey mate is the two-ie still on special?

- Hey try the Railway, it's just down the road.

- Thanks.

- So come on, how'd you come?

You come in and help us with our inquires.

- Screw you, I want a lawyer.

- Gonna need backup.


You're just making this harder for yourself.

- Get stuffed.

- Look, I don't have time for this.

Are you coming out or not?

- No!

- Well, fair enough.

We'll have it your way.

- Hey, hey, hey stop that!

- If you won't come out I'm coming in, Paco.

- [Paco] You're bloody mad!

- Looks really good, keep it up.

- Just call her off.

- She's a castrating feminist.

- [Paco] Aw, shit.

It was an accident, okay.

I had to throw her outta the car.

- Yes?

- She tried to up the price on me.

She went berserk in the car.

Look, it was self defense.

- This would be Samantha Church, dumped

in the middle of the road.

Presently in St. Jude's operating theater?

- Yeah, she woulda k*lled me.

- Ugh, self defense my ass.

- I'll cooperate Mr. Mercia.

Just call her off!

Those burglars down on the river front.

Check out Tiny Maroney's back shed.

There's g*ng chopping stolen cars in Besamy's garage

and that warehouse job.

Oliver was getting at them, that BAS thing.

It wasn't my idea!

- [Donna] Get in the back, you little shit!

(light music)

- What's up?

- A few days ago I was told you were corrupt.

(ominous music)

- What did you say?

- You're my partner so I'm giving you fair warning,

but I have to take this to Costas.

(ominous music)

- I've got the DNA in on Ilka.

- You talk to me.

Yeah, before you go to anyone you talk to me.

- I've run this past the national data bank

and it's not what we thought, it's better.

It's not one guy, it's two.

Two sets of DNA.

So it's either father and son, or brothers.

- Chris and Jason.

- [Donna] Exactly.

- I don't like this, it's too good.

It's too easy.

- The first DNA didn't register on the data base

but there were two matches on the second DNA.

Two unsolved murders.

Lisa Cosgrove, and Sarah Year.

Both sex crimes.

- My money's on Chris.

This time he's cut his brother Jason in on it.

- You've got enough there to ask

for a listening device on the Doone boys.

- [Donna] Yep.

- We'll get them for Ilka

and then you can go after then for the other killings.

- But why waste time with listening devices?

Why not just go and arrest 'em

and get the DNA, why not?

- Guido, we only get one shot at this

and if we screw it up they're gonna walk.

- Hey, we're not gonna screw it up, okay!

We know it's them, let's just get them.

- We don't have to, they're out front with a lawyer.

They wanna give DNA.

- We met Freda at the pool comp at the Inferno Night Club.

we all had a few drinks and she said,

she liked to party.

She was coming onto both of us.

Jason took her in the dunny and gave her a root.


I watched, when Jason was done she asked me

if I wanted to have a go.

So I gave her one.

- Oh, this is bullshit.

- I think my client should be allowed

to read his statement without being interrupted, detective.

- That's when she got real excited and she dug her nails in.

Still got a scratch.

Then we went back to the bar

and we had another drink and she left by herself.

- And you expect us to believe that, Chris?

- Well believe what you want.

It's the truth.

- What's your brother got to say?

- Oh, he'll say the same.


- It's crap, it's all crap.

- You know, detective you really had to be there.

I mean, some girls bang like a dunny door

when you get.

- Hey!


- You're suspended, detective.

- What the hell was all that there?

- They're gonna use that bullshit story

to negate the DNA evidence in court.

- No they won't.

DNA's all we've got.

If that gets negated it won't even get to court.

- Shit.

- I know where this is coming from.

You're thinking Matty's sitting in Costas office

feeding Matty the frigging lines.

All right, so who says I'm corrupt?

- Him.

(ominous music)

- Shit, you're gonna hear my side of this.


First we're going back in there,

we're gonna finish the interview, yeah?

I'm gonna have to do some fast talking

so this bloody scumbag lawyer doesn't issue

a formal complaint against you.

Come on, let's go.

(ominous music)

- Don't you wanna know if I'm wearing a wire?

- And you'd let me check that out, would you?

When'd you get this message for me?

- The other night.

- Tell me it's not the new boyfriend.

- I met him a couple of times.

The third time he came back to my place

and that morning he gave me the message.

- Afterwards?

- Afterwards.

- You slept with a psychopath, you know that.

(dramatic music)

I didn't take any money.

They just think I did, you know.

- And who were they?

- I.

- Okay, fine.

Why use me to give you a message?

Okay, why did they do that to me?

- It's look what we can do to your partner,

imagine what we can do to you, that sort of thing.

- If you've got nothing to hide

then let's go and see Costas.

(ominous music)

How do you expect me to believe anything you say

when you tell me nothing?

- You just don't want to be a part of this.

- I'm already a part of this!

Okay, I'm the used part.

I've got a score of my own to settle now.

(dramatic music)

If I'm you're partner then I'm supposed

to be prepared to take a b*llet for you

so am I your partner?

Am I your partner!

- Once upon a time there was this guy.

He was pretending to be someone else

and he walked into a nightmare.

- Are you always up so early?

- Only when I can't sleep.

- You know they released Ilka's body today.

So, I'll fly back tonight.

- Would you be willing to help me?

- How?

- We'll make those bastards believe

they hallucinated the whole thing.

(ominous music)

- I don't think Chris Doone is dumb enough

to fall for that kind of bullshit.

- We don't show her to Chris,

we show her to Jason.

We show her to Jason, he's the weak link.

And we never, ever, say the word m*rder.

- This is police harassment.

I want my bloody lawyer.

- You smell that Guido?

That's sweat, I think someone's worried.

- Yeah, well not as worried as you're gonna be

after the lineup.

In you go, Jas.

Won't be a minute.

- Remember, it's as*ault not m*rder.

- Never say m*rder, write it on the back of my hand.

- Two minutes.

- [Jason] I'm not saying nothing without me lawyer, mate!

- Don't worry, I'll talk you listen.

We're gonna charge you and your brother

with the r*pe and attempted m*rder of Ilka Larsen.

- What are you talking about?

- That noise won't get yourself outta this one, buddy.

- What's this crap about lineup?

- I don't know, we might have a lineup, who knows?

We might even have a witness.

- Bullshit, man, bullshit!

Just let me out the door.

- Jas, look at you mate, you're a mess.

Yeah, your so full of dr*gs you wouldn't know

what happened that night.

People are harder to k*ll than you think.

- I'm not saying anything without me,

just let me out the door.

- All right, Jas.

Calm down and we'll go.

Do you want a coke?

- Yeah, yeah.

- [Guido] All right.

- Let's get a coke. - Okay, great.

- Let's grab a coke, let me out.

- All right, you gotta be calm now.

- I'm calm, let's get a coke.

- Jas.

(ominous music)

- Oh god, I've gotta talk to Chris.

- [Guido] We're ready to go, Jas.

- Look, I'm, I'm freaking out here.

- [Guido] There's not gonna be a line up, mate.

Call your lawyer off.

- I've gotta talk to Chris.

- I told you to shut up.

- Mate, she's alive, she's not dead.

They're talking about charging me

with attempted m*rder.

- You're starting to piss me off, all right.

- I saw her!

- [Chris] Who?

- [Jason] The chick, her, she's alive!

- [Chris] She's dead, they're playing with your head.

- [Jason] No, but she's in there.

- [Chris] I'm gonna bloody smack you in a minute!

The girl is dead!

- [Jason] Maybe we only thought we did her.

Maybe it was only like, in our heads.

- [Chris] f*ck the bullshit, all right.

- [Jason] Mate, we were on everything that night.

We were on speed, ice--

- [Chris] You listen to me!

I know what we did.

When I left her she was dead.

- But just suppose she wasn't dead

and they've had her in hospital

and now she's in there.

- [Chris] Shut up, she's dead!

- Bring them in!

(dramatic music)

- What did you tell them?

What did you tell 'em?

- [Jason] I didn't say anything.

I didn't, it's all right.

It's all right Chris.

- [Donna] Hello, Chris.

How you doing, mate? - I'm having a good day.

- [Donna] Come on outta the car.

- No, I don't think so.

- We wanna have a little chat with you.

- [Chris] Hey!

- [Guido] Jason, how are you doing?

- [Jason] Chris!

- What are you doing?

- [Jason] Chris, Chris!

- You're gonna love prison, Jas!

- [Jason] Chris!

- You're gonna love it!

(radio chatter)

- It's over.

(ominous music)


- You're working late.

- I heard the news, some good results?

- Yeah well, until some lawyer gets him off.

- Bloody lawyers.

- Hm.

What are you doing on Friday night?

- What did you have in mind?

- Well, no dead bodies and none of your twisted friends.

- So massage and handcuffs are out of the question, then.

- We could play it by ear.

(light music)

- I thought you didn't get involved.

- No, what I said was I didn't want

to get involved.


(light music)

- Who is it?

- It's Guido.

Is Freda gone?

- Yeah.

- Brought you a beer.

Thought you might need one.

- Thanks.

You're not staking the place out, are you?

- Ah, just taking a look.


- I don't need a sheep dog.

- Yeah, well you were the one that bought into this.

(light music)

- He'll come back, won't he?

- Yeah, he's a professional.

He's got a job to do, he'll come back.

(light music)

Changing the locks?

- Yeah.

- You want a hand?

- [Cameron Voiceover] You hang around guys all day

but you can't get too close.

They'll use it against you.

- You know how to use that thing?


- [Cameron Voiceover] You just wanna meet someone

who won't give you up, won't give you up.

(funky music)