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01x04 - Spychangers to the Rescue

Posted: 07/24/23 12:24
by bunniefuu
hurry up you guys we don't want to get

flatted you

the plutonium energy generators

somewhere in that building it should be

a piece of cake to steal right yeah

let's just get in and get out we gotta

make sure that we don't mess up this

time when Megatron's upset he gets ugly

are we gonna do this or sit around

talking all night let's go

it looks like the coast is clear Optimus

Prime is here I knew you Predacons

couldn't resist the plutonium energy

generator but if you want it you're

gonna have to go through me first

yeah you and what army Autobots

transform I suggest you three leave now

these guys are real pain I'm for letting

a rock right with you so much for

getting in and getting out slammer Tara

you're going down and we're just the

guys to do it

right laser laser what

beep you deflect

ladies plaster Seibert our job is to

defend the building not attack

sorry optimus if the plutonium generator

inside gets damaged the leaking

zirconium gas could corrode our micro

circuitry what don't you think you

should have told me that before I'm

standing right in front of the building

what's with these guys are they gonna

talk are they gonna fight hey fellas now

would be a good time to regroup dark

screams right we better get out of here

huh hold it don't go after them let them

go ah don't worry Optimus I wasn't going

after them I saw hot little red sports

car in the way over here and I just

wanted to see if she's still there I'm

gonna catch you on the flip-flop

you know sometimes that Autobot words

don't I know it but I think you'll be

all right

hurry up koji come on hi sorry I'm late

don't worry it's alright should we get

going I think that's a good idea hey do

you remember that time we rode our bikes

at that construction site dad can we go

there yep they're nice and secure

alright boys let's get going by the way

koji any news on your dad

not yet

don't worry Koji you'll come back I'm

sure this must be hard for you koji

come on boys we got a big day planned

let's get on the road I remember last

time we raced you beat me but today I'm

gonna whoop you huh all right man let's

get this energy generator loaded up and

remember you break it you bought it

okay let's move it out

man I tell you I could think of about a

zillion things I'd rather be doing right

now well forget it

our assignment is to protect that

generator come in extra how do you

mapped out your route gadget

here's a half oculus here we'll head

south bound on Osaka Boulevard just

watch your backs

the Predacons will stop at nothing to

get that energy Ranjit

hey Optimus something is said to me at

the warehouse really bumming me out

and what's that cyber well didn't you

say that if this thing got cracked open

it could melt our circuits yes that's


why oh I wouldn't worry about that

little brother the Predacons don't want

to destroy the generator just let us

steal X bronze right it's much more

valuable to them in one piece stop

bothering Optimus and keep your mind on

your job I'm just saying it's dangerous

the sooner we get this generator to its

installation point the better stay on

course I'll be in touch

you guys want your microchips turn to

oatmeal that's your problem just where

do you think you're going sideburn as

far away from that thing as I can you

guys should be able to handle this oh no

you don't listen pal I'm not feel it

very well I have to go see my mechanic a

lot worse if you don't get back in line

hey cut it out

can I go return a video now otherwise

they'll charge me a late fee

yeah sure is no you're staying we're

sticking together little brother oil is

thicker than water but I got a date

last time I let you guys talk me into

something like this did you stop your

whining all you've done of this trip is


hey you see that that guy is too close

you might fall out or something it's not

me to blast sideburn just calm down

what's your problem it's not gonna crack

for being pumps yeah well I'm not taking

any chances

is traffic is awful maybe there's an

accident up ahead mm-hmm they've just

closed the next exit now we're stuck

here well maybe they'll open it up soon

at this rate we'll be sitting here all

day long oh great now I'm late

what else can possibly go wrong today I


those Autobots are making our job a

whole lot easier if I fallen right into

our trap

I hope those three incompetents don't

mess up what they did the last time all

right we brought up the freeway map

slapper already knows their route there

isn't a computer made that I can't have

just a few more keystrokes and I should

have it

I've created a traffic jam so they won't

be able to move an inch

the goin slapper is closed all the exits

I can almost taste all of that delicious

energy and those tin cans can't stop us

come on man this is takin all day I

should be cruising the beach by now

listen guys I'm starting to get the

feeling this ain't no ordinary traffic

jam starting to smell a Predacon ambush

here I want everyone to stay on their

wheels we've got to protect that

generator is enough for this slapper

boy those two guys sure left in a hurry

you think they're trying to tell us

something yeah maybe it's your friend

let's get the generator Megatron will

really be pleased

should again so you're the reason for

this huge traffic jam right you're sharp

we got it let's go hahaha

right on bro those Predacons already

stole the energy generator bad news boss

we were too late Predacons nabbed the

generator we've got to get it back we

need to surround him to grab the

generator and we can't sh**t there's too

many people hold on you time bring up

the member select board I'm engaging

board right now we're stuck here

are there any out-of-box that can get

through this terrible mess as a matter

of fact the spychangers will be able to

get through hotshot report to the Yutaka

freeway near the Osaka school guard exit

level one priority don't worry I'm on

top of it

trace exertion vehicle we'll be needing

you too that's why they call me Rev cuz

I'm revved up and ready to go crosswise

Autobots need assistance Roger I'm up

for a little action

can you see anything we haven't moved an

inch in 20 minutes no nothing but a sea

of cars I'm afraid oh whoa

how can you do that huh

that is impossible what's going on I

wouldn't try to follow as if I review

you just might hurt innocent bystanders

if we do get out why are you and while

we're on the subject of safety we don't

want to pop open the generator do we die

burns right we don't want to spray sh*ts

and blast that thing open hold your fire

Flattr will you come on I hate to say

this but our hands are tied right now

what a shame too bad you lose you're

getting a little ahead of yourself

slapper transform allow me to introduce


I'm hotshot