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01x33 - Maximus Emerges

Posted: 07/24/23 11:12
by bunniefuu





they must be inside that old temple but

why what are they looking for in there

let's find out scanners on

there they are boost the audio signal

whoever built this place really knew

what they were doing it was constructed

over 2000 years ago question is why

would cerebros be in a place like this

if you wanted to hide something this is

the perfect place

even the tribe used to inhabit this area

left centuries ago

and cerebros are supposed to activate

fortress maximus right but who tells

cerebros when to do it who gives him the

command good question wedge ty and dr

onishi are working on that now but they

won't know for sure until we get him

back to headquarters and analyze his


i think this is it guys

i'm reading the bot's signature that

doesn't belong to any of us it's well

hidden all right it just looks like an

old statue

it sounds like they found it then it's

time to take it away from them

decepticons open fire

hey what's going on here

it's cerebros come on we gotta get him

out of here

keep shoveling a couple of more feet and

we're at it

whoa i didn't know if we'd ever get out

of there

you never have to worry about getting

caught in a cave in when the build team

is with you sideburn thanks wedge you

guys are kind of handy after all

nice of you to join us we know why

you're here hand over cerebros at once

or be destroyed no way you think you got

the gumption come get him what do you

think we should do sky bite

megatron's gone there's nobody to give

us orders anymore

and he didn't leave us any instructions


treated us like dirt but compared to

scarage he was mr nice guy this isn't

the time to take a stroll down memory

lane scourge is in charge now and he and

the decepticons will give us the time of


then we should remind them how valuable

we can be by helping them kidnap the

cerebro sky

hey great idea dark scream

help scourge a revolting thought but

under the circumstances we have no

choice hands him over

good timing dude oh magnus

take cerebros i'll cover you thanks old

for magnus we're much obliged now

don't worry about a thing screw joe

buddy we've got cerritos pretty slick

huh now all you got to do is keep those

autobots busy while we get out of here

you lose autofools cerebros is ours now

well done predacons you finally did

something right

thank you i speak for all protocons and

especially for myself when i say that

it's an honor and a privilege to be able

to help out our friends the decepticons

in any way we can really i thought the

only reason we were helping him is

because we had no other choice isn't

that what you said of course not

you don't sky bite take cerebros to the

command center decepticons attack

wow well that just strips my bolts what

are we gonna do now


optimus cerebros is gone

gone what do you mean the decepticons of

the predacons that's what i mean when we

brought cerebros out of the temple they

were waiting to ambush us they grabbed

him and took off what they didn't know

where he was how they find out you got

me we have to get him back and quickly


do you have any idea how much i went

through to integrate the opacity in the

sphere in order to find him in the first

place i cannot believe that you let him

get away we all make mistakes ty speak

for yourself what are we going to do now

that they've got cerebros optimus

cerebros is the key to activating

fortress maximus if they find a way to

control him they control maximus and

will be history oh no

don't worry cerebros was programmed to

protect earth when that program would

include a command block that would stop

him from obeying an enemy oh poor skirt

looks like he stole cerebros for nothing

i hope you're right die tell the build

team and team b*llet train to keep

searching for cerebros no problem

for now you three are on 24 7 patrol

around fortress maximus

listen up this is no time for fun and

games so don't go chasing after any

little red sports cars you hear me

what's that i think my audio chip is


very funny but i have my ways of getting

you where i want without distractions

weird car that's always following me

hasn't been around lately

guess he found someone else to flirt


hey there she is let me go toe line have

a heart will ya


it's working scourge cerebros is out of

stasis and absorbing huge amounts of

energy the schematic readout show an

operating system a lot more complex than

i expected but at this rate he should be

at full power in a few milliseconds

excellent soon he'll be able to tell us

the location of fortress maximus

that may not do us any good he's got a

command block and a bio signature

recognition program if it's set for the

autobot commander then prime's the only

one cerebros will obey with one

exception huh what do you mean

when i scan that tanker truck i scanned

after this prime as well as a result my

spark shares many of the same

characteristics as his i have little

doubt that the resemblance is close

enough to fool his bio recognition


let's find out cerebros where is

fortress maximus

access granted commencing planetary

search for fortress maximus location

he's responding


i've never seen that before

what's going on what could have happened

that would cause it to light up like

that i think those flashes are some sort

of beacon and the only one fortress

maximus would signal is cerebros he's

transmitting his location

and since the decepticons have cerebrals

they probably know now too what are we

gonna do ty contact the autobots code

red emergency protocol yes sir

excuse me sir you don't mind me asking

have you learned anything cerebros has

given us the location of fortress


my hottest congratulations sir i knew

you could do it

it gets better we've discovered a way to

bypass his command block program

cerebros will do whatever scourge


and once he has activated fortress

maximus my first order would be to

vaporize the autobots three cheers



here they come

this is it guys take them down let's

make this battle one for the history


decepticons transform


mega update transform roll



very impressive but your traveling

autobot show won't deter us in the least

optimus once cerebros calls forth the

emissary fortress maximus will be ours

what's he talking about what's the

emissary tie what do you think it does i

don't know

today we will become the rulers of the

universe justice and freedom will be

replaced by the power of the iron fist

put it on your wish list scourge

fortress maximus emissary activation


it's not possible so that's it the

emissary is the link between maximus and


it doesn't have any head how can it be

operational if it doesn't have a command

center fortress maximus

there's your answer wedge cerebros

provides the brains maximus the muscle

it's gigantic optimus is gonna need all

the help he can get


it's too dangerous my friends need my

help what do you plan to do

well i haven't quite figured that out

yet but i'm sure i'll think of something

something well i guess you could call

that a plan

with fortress maximus on our side we

can't lose decepticons attack

decepticons confiner mode roger

we can handle both the decepticons and

the predacons we've proven that the

problem is they're backed up by fortress

maximus true what's your point wedge he

doesn't seem to have a will of his own

he only responds to orders

and the only one he's taking orders from

right now is scourge which means scourge

has got to go

build teams


you know what shovel boy is right we've

got a target scourge there's nothing i'd

like better chance time for rail racer

to get into this fight

you autobots are doomed we're going to

demolish each and every one of you

ruination att*cks

magnus transforms


here's the plan you guys helped rail

racer and landfill with scourge i'll

handle ruination

hey freak show you're going down

way to go dude nice sh**ting what do you

say we crash this

yeah sounds like a great idea it's party

time let's do it





i know that laugh but where's it coming



megatron i thought he was gone for good

so did i

that's not the megatron i used to know

you're right optimus megatron is gone


my name is down the tron

call yourself whatever you like you're

still the same jerk

welcome back megatron uh i mean gavitron

scourge said you were gone forever but i

your loyal servant knew that you'd come

back someday so that arrogant blowhard

managed to survive pity i thought you

were vaporized megatron


megatron was completely destroyed

but i took energy from the sparks of my

predacons which combined with the astral

energy of the pyramid led to my rebirth

as a decepticon

now nothing can stop me the universe is

mine for the taking

he hasn't changed a bit great one

wonderful news scourge controls fortress

maximus good news indeed and how

delightfully ironic the autobot's most

powerful ally will destroy them

well done congratulations

thank you sir

well optimus the autobots have finally

come to the end of the road you've put

up a good fight but fortress maximus

will finish you we're not finished yet

optimus optimus

no koji go back get away from here

scourge send the command order fortress

maximus to annihilate them all gorgeous

maximus activate w*apon systems destroy

the autobots

access error access error he isn't

responding what's going on

i thought you said he was under your

control why doesn't he obey it's now or

never attack mode


unauthorized access protocol

i thought he was supposed to be on our

side fortress maximus ceasefire he won't

take orders from anyone now somehow he's

gotten his memory back forget him and

destroy the autobots


oh great now we've gotta fight galvatras

and his g*ng of merry men while fortress

maximus is firing anything

ultra magnus watch out

that was a close one are you all right i

owe you one but nothing's changed i'm

not under your command are we clear

perfectly but right now we have to work

together to win this thing all right as

long as it's not in order

unauthorized access protocol

unauthorized access protocol

never seen such firepower

unauthorized access protocol

unauthorized access protocol

he's completely out of control nothing

can stop him we've got to find a way to

deactivate maximus before it's too late

supercharged triple beam attack

dual rapid fire

fortress maximus is totally out of

control what are we gonna do we've got

to do something and fast i know you can

hear me maximus what you're doing is

wrong you were sent here to protect not

destroy you're one of us one of the good


you have the spark of an autobot


i don't know how but you did it koji you

deactivated fortress maximus

what happened to him

he was about to destroy the entire city

why did he stop

he stopped when he heard the boy but why

i think it's time for our guest to leave

you said it go on take a hike

this isn't over not by a long shot

speaking of long sh*ts this one's for


galvatron you may have a new look and a

new name but one thing hasn't changed

your arrogance is your downfall omega


his deactivation programs kicked in


now the tron

i may not be able to control fortress

maximus but without cerebrals neither

can you



he's just a child a little boy

you have the spark of an autobot

but he might be our most dangerous enemy

you were incredible cochise stopping

maximus like that you're a hero thanks

but i didn't do anything heroic all i

did was yell at him a little die have

any of the autobots located fortress

maximus yet the b*llet trains and the

build team did their best but they

couldn't find any trace of him he's gone

i see it's strange why did cerebros obey

scourge at first and then deny him

access i think his bio recognition

program suddenly

i believe you're on the right track ty

but there has to be more to it in order

to account for what has happened because

i wasn't the one who stopped maximus

koji was but how why did maximus respond

to koji's voice or was it a coincidence

that he stopped at that moment those are

the questions we have to answer if we're

going to learn how to control fortress



