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01x31 - A Friendly Contest

Posted: 07/24/23 11:09
by bunniefuu


come on sideburn we're supposed to be

looking for all parts to play video


actually this bad boy is going to help

us find our own parts just watch

that new hickey these old parts are

known to send off a special vibe like

radio waves i developed that particular

device to detect the wavelengths of

hidden o parts well this i gotta see

build team transformed

wedge good to see you what's up dude

how's the search sideburn sort of looks

like you could use some help uh we're

all good man but thanks

actually optimus sent us he thought you

guys could use the build team he

suggested we have a race most o parts

wins okay let's show them what we got

guys right the detector has pinpointed

the frequency to this location

it should be right under here

got it

one point for us

keep trying build team

remember decepticons all we want are the

old parts


give up the old parts autobots right now

or else


not a chance

here's all you're gonna get from me

over here

better luck next time scourge you can't

run away get you on the flip-flop

cowards i must have those old parts


interesting how the old parts it seemed

give out a signal of some sort


i've got a plan


awesome news optimus that device helped

us find another oh part excellent go on

to the next site gotcha

it's very important we find them all

even if we're missing one i'm afraid the

rest of the o parts will be of no use to


all of them are hidden within old

monuments around the world go guys go

find them all koji piece of cake later

just be careful

you say that o parts detector is working

pretty well just like a cybertronic

charm good keep it up no problemo guys

slapper my reputation is at stake i need

old parts and i need them now

right now before scourge and his luggage

minions get their treads on them yeah

you're right megatron doesn't think too

highly of us as it is

now that could get really ugly so how

are we gonna find those o parts anyway

don't forget i have a plan the whole


holy spark and oh part how did you find

one so quick yes you are a genius you

imbecile this is accountability it's a


yes you're amphibious loud it's an

exquisite fake i think of all night

making this beauty

not bad if i do say so myself you want

the autobots to think they're real you

know what sky-bite that's a pretty good

plan yes the genius of the plan is that

these emit radio frequencies similar to

those of the real o parts we'll fool

scourge and trap the autobots all at


sounds good to me


okay this is deep enough can we bury the

thing and go now it needs to look

authentic let's make it a little deeper

now that's what i call digging

sideburn transform


where are you o parts




let's go

find those parts getting closer


we got one

dig here

hey cypher

i bet you guys wish you had one of these


that way crimster the contest is now at

what a piece

not bad huh sideburn yeah not bad at all

tie game not too late to quit

you know my team doesn't have shovels

great work now let's get out of here and

find that next part

oh we want the old parts

what on earth is that commotion maybe

it's an earthquake

those decepticons mess with everything


i can't chase you down so i'll just have

to bring you down

double laser

that'll teach you where time to go


time to head to the next monument for

another oak park

can't stay to chat rotor they're getting


let's stop those plastic tunnels

we almost had um


yeah they teleported away

thanks to rocket boy it looks like we're

going back to the drawing board oh all

that work

this time i can't fail

see i stayed up three nights in a row

making these decoys so we're going to

use them wisely

so we just put them around the ruins

that's right so when the autobots come

to collect these we ambush them and

steal the real parts

just imagine their looks

when they realize it's just a big

trap that's great picture this they'll

look on megatron's face if we mess up


cynical newt the plan's perfect it can't

fail all right but how do we know which

are real with this

my dakota it won't work the decoys send

out too much interference and it can't

locate the real parts

wow you are a genius

let's start over i don't remember where

i put all those decoys this can't be



good that plan was a little frustrating

now i've marked the fix with an s sky

bite slapper how's the search for the

old parts going well now looks like

you've already found some

no no well just a couple of uh


yeah that's right see we haven't found

nothing but knickknacks around here

impressive as usual

i sent something in that third column

over there

well that wasn't too hard there's one

now hey that's ours tell that to


it comes back to me now my purpose on

earth and who i'm really working for i

was scanned a certain gift the ability

to find the opals and the skill to use

them together to pursue my real quest on

earth possession of something much

greater a great and devastating fortress

from which i could rule the universe

heavy load transform

high tower transform



it's a nice day scourge shouldn't you be

rusting in a swamp somewhere transform

step aside scourge we've got a mission a

mission oh i'm sorry does it have

anything to do with

this attack

keep firing don't let him get near the

old part

sword of fury you're not going anywhere

jet booster cannon

why does this always happen when i


ultra magnus transform

that's it scourge is going down

arm laser


we got it now

good work we're up by one move out no

catch you later scourge


i'll get you

fine let him sulk my work is done here

someone's bitter hey since your plan

failed miserably can i have the fake o

parts they're kind of cool no you

incident toad i'm keeping them for yet

another plan


good work build team that's one more

point for us ah come on dude what are

you talking about we all fought hard for

that thing all you did was stand there

and catch it look sideburn don't be a


guess it's finders keepers


at least they're finding the o parts

optimus what is it koji

my dad wants to talk to you about his

research right away he thinks he's found

something thank you tell your father i'm

on my way


according to dr onishi we should find

another old part around here

sounds okay but where

way up there hey you've got the eyes of

an eagle kid i'll just lift you up on

the crane hook

piece of cake got it

oh one more for the build team all right

terrorize zlatan coming coming coming

slammer you're about to witness an

acting force i'm going to pull off the

biggest hopes of my career

i'll tell them dollars that they are

that the old parts they've been

collecting up to narrow all my fakes

then you better tell them fast because

they just collected another one and

they're about to leave what yes i must

act quickly i'll say that theirs are all

fakes so they'll trade them to me for

the all parts i've manufactured

don't leave

you're all part is a fake what do you

say it's me

that's weird

this one's emitting a different signal

entirely looks like yours just might be

a fake

wait how do i know mine's the fake

oh i bet you would

sky bite that look bad are you okay man

i'm fine you don't

that thing gave me a concussion

wait a minute don't pass out on me i

can't deal with these guys one on one

let's give this other one

this one's got an s on it


i'll be taking that

so you thought you had a genuine opera


end of the road

look out below



don't worry about them shark the real

parts here

actually not the real ones down there

then uh what's this

that my slow friend is the fake then why

did you give them the real one i didn't

you half with a tanker it was an act a

beautiful award-winning act and you were



i can't believe i fell for that this

thing looks absolutely authentic here

sure looks real you know it's almost

like these pieces go together hey i was

right this whole part's real hey give it

back i found that one first you know it

nice try wedge but i'm gonna say no

yeah oh part your mind that is so unfair

no it's not finders keepers let's go

guys it's a tie

good thing there's only one more of

those to find

wedge it's only a game yeah i know


i'm sorry megatron the mission to seize

the old parts would have been more

successful if a certain fishbrain had

not interfered

put that wretched sky bite on visual

please don't be angry megatron it's

really not my fault if you metal further

your cat food


attention public service announcement

for all those not in build team don't

start by removing the blocks at the

bottom of the pyramid i think they know

that heavy load

i hope so

hey wedge how's this sound you work

another side of the pyramid that way

your blocks won't crush us sounds good

to me

oh yeah

last one i win i win i win i am the


sideburn the game's over admit it

are there no more o parts not for now

this is all we need

which optimus told me to safeguard them

my storage is the most secure among us


cheer up sideburn check out who's here

i'm so glad i made it all the way to

egypt nothing but sand and pyramid

sweetheart i knew i heard something it

was the motor of a candy red jeep i

haven't seen a red car in so long i know

i've heard that voice

you before buckets that was my love

that's too bad gearheads i've got a

score to settle with you not without me

megatron terrorize



i'm on my way ty

forget the old bars i'll take you with

this vampire

come on we'll blast those little bars

right out of their clutches


that's not a good solution

i'll show you all what i'm really made

of i'm gonna make optimus and the rest

of the autobots prouder of me than ever



is this your

the oh wedge

why don't we make a little deal you give

me all the old parts and i don't turn

him into scrap an excellent plan sir

this isn't a game scourge wedge

quite right lover boy this is not a game

and time is running out fast this is

terrible we fought so hard for those o

parts and in their hands the results

could be devastating prime what do we do

this is something i never counted on the

o parts could be very destructive in the

hands of the predacons

it's a tough choice prime but as for the

built-in we're behind you thank you

these are our three o parts is he giving

up i don't know hope not autobots

we must decide whether to surrender the

eo parts which we have struggled to

obtain or to risk giving up the spark of

a comrade and a friend for me friendship

is always more important even if it

means that the o parts fall into the

clutches of evil

are you sure prime

i agree friendship comes first here are

the o parts i have thank you cypher

why is everybody so kissy kissy down

there where did all the fighting go

all i can see is optimus

he seems to be

carrying the old parts over to megatron

yeah there's no way you would ever do

that but maybe we could steal the real

parts right now i was thinking the same


first i just run into him holding these

then i'd switch the parts

sky bite stop

i've got you this time

and now i can't tell real from fake


nothing wrong sir optimus now go all

right combine into omega prime

omega prime ready for combat come on


thanks guys you again go home propane


time to rock and roll boys

right on power up

bat boosters


another time autobots


well what are you standing around for

tactical retreat

this one no this one

too late i'm positive the real oh parts

are safe what you are yeah you seem to

have marked all the fake ones with an s

you are so busted sky bite

well better be going now


nothing ever seems to work out does it

wow hey wait for me are you all right


thank you i mean well you know you would

have done the same

dr onishi believes that together these

new parts will form a ring

he says that the key they create will

give us access to a brave new world

have a feeling you're right optimus

we'll know soon enough

i hope he's correct too but i just don't

know is it a blessing or a curse


