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01x30 - Koji Gets His Wish

Posted: 07/24/23 11:08
by bunniefuu
it's just



take your squad of decepticons and

secure those ruins

previously on transformers

autobots go and protect the ruins

fortress maximus

it's fortress maximus the energon level

coming off this structure is amazing hmm

we're going to have to check this place

out very carefully how did this thing

get here i didn't think it existed that

was just a legend on cybertron you don't

think it's actually for real do you if

this is fortress maximus and we can

figure out a secret it sure would

explain a lot of things i'm going to see

if i can find the decepticons i'll be in


i need to thoroughly investigate this

sideburn i want you your brothers and

team b*llet train to keep the

decepticons away from here for at least

one solar cycle right we'll hold them


take your time optimists they won't get


you heard him boys no one gets past us

for 24 hours roger

hey hold on just a nano optimus aren't

you forgetting about us shouldn't we go

with the other autobots and help them


no wedge i have a plan something to

throw the decepticons off track huh

really what kind of plan is it we have

to make sure the decepticons don't find

fortress maximus we're with you optimus


at last absolute power will be mine with

fortress maximus at my disposal i'll

conquer the entire planet and then the

entire universe let me go and explore

the ruins since scourging the

decepticons botched the mission last

time please allow me to secure the key

to its power cerebros he's got a point

megatron you should allow skylight to go

i think he's the right bot for the job


this isn't like you scourge why would

you want sky-bite to go instead of you

the ruins have some sort of shield that

causes transceiver malfunction it's

preventing us from entering sky bite

seems unaffected by this i see

all right then sky bite i'm entrusting

you to find cerebros i'm counting on you

so don't disappoint me understand

no i mean yes

hold on scourge i just heard that you

told megatron to send chumboi in for the

job instead of us why would you do that

because of something that happened

remember when i tried to enter the ruins

and it charged something in my memory


i remembered our mission from cybertron

to reactivate a fortress that was hidden

here to protect earth's energy from


i believe those ruins are that fortress

and it contains tremendous power enough

to destroy all our enemies

power like we've never seen

then why did you let tuna breath go we

should be the ones that find cerebrals

for megatron turn your receiver up with

that kind of power we don't need

megatron the decepticons would be

self-sufficient you mean we wouldn't

have to follow orders anymore

affirmative without power in our hands

we would be the ones calling the sh*ts

the universe would belong to us my

friend well when you put it that way

that bumbling sky bite is no threat to

us we simply have to get to the ruins

before megatron arrives and then all the

glory will be ours

those two they're up to no good i wish i

could hear them but i don't trust either

of them one bit

i know what he's up to scourges have to

discredit me he acted like he was doing

me a favor when he told megatron to let

me go but he'll get to the ruins first

so that he looks like the hero sky bite

failed you again so i brought you the

ruins personally

well done

once again you succeed in where skye

might have failed you are now second in


i really hate that guy he's always horny

into my glory taking what belongs to me

well this time he's not getting away

with it i'll get there first and find

cerebros what a lovely kind of fish

my father was just about to start

excavating the ruins when he was


that may have been why your father was

captured because megatron thought he

knew something about those ruins yeah i

guess so

believe it or not the fact that the

decepticons found out the location of

the ruins is really a positive thing


there's only two ways the decepticons

could have discovered the coordinates of

the ruins one is the microchip which we

possess the only other possible

explanation would have to be that they

got it from your father right but that

means they forced my father to tell them

somehow true but i'm sure he's all right

i think we can assume he's still useful

to them i hope you're right


i'm home



i really miss you i really loved going

fishing with you


we used to always go fishing on your


you got a really big one

atta boy son here use the net i caught

one dad i really did it


dad wherever you are i hope you're safe

and we'll be together again soon

please come home we all miss you so much


let's see

how in the world am i ever going to

figure out where cerebros is anyway


dr onishi

yes onishi he'll know the secrets of the

ruins i'll just take him with me

i am so pretty at times i amaze myself

ah there he is sleeping like a baby

here you go

the old switcheroo should fool them


this is delicious i'm going to succeed

where scourge is doomed to fail then

we'll just see who megatron wants is his

second in command

who's the baddest chalk around who's the

smartest chalk in town


it's just as i thought those annoying

trains are blocking the underground


can you keep those loser locomotives

occupied while i sneak in another way

while you keep them busy i'll have time

to infiltrate the base wait a minute

aren't you worried about the defensive

shield it made scrambled eggs out of

your cpu last time these goggles will

protect all my sensors the shield will

be useless i won't have to worry about

any hallucinations how do they look very

sharp i'll take care of the trains




they're combining into ruination don't

worry real spike he won't get past us

he's very large we'll have a better

chance if we combine two right let's do

it boys

have you forgotten our last fight you

don't stand a chance oh yeah


if you think you can stop us you're


we'll see who's wrong

with you you look like a train

wreck on it

those guys are really duking it out

i would give anything to be down there

right now why won't optimus let me fight

i can't take it anymore i gotta go

you're not going anywhere you're not

going to jeopardize our mission just

because you want to fight now calm down

and behave yourself be down that's

enough now knock it off you're behaving

like a spoiled bot we have a job to do

and we're going to finish it if you want

to go down there and fight then you're

gonna have to go through me i'm not

moving until you come to your senses

okay it was the heat of the moment i'm

over it don't pop a clutch

mega octane better keep those trains

busy i have to look around and figure

out what makes this place different who

gets too hungry our seafood

was with the ocean and always looks


who always bothers with robots he hates

sky bite the sky bite

that's me he should keep his day job

who's the baddest shark around who's the

smartest shark in town sky bite what's

the matter with him doesn't he realize

that if he goes around singing like that

the autobots will catch him catchy

little tune don't you think optimus


did you really think i would let you

have the secret of the ruins scourge you

don't let me do anything i'll take what

i want not this time leave here while

you still have the chance

that's it just remember that you asked

for this rhyme when i'm done your own

autobots won't recognize you

prepare to be pleasant

what was that

is there someone else here



they're gonna be fighting for a long

time i'll never get near the ruins i

guess i'll have to regroup and come back

another time


that scourge he always has to go and

ruin everything for me


what's the idea i put my money in

already you didn't pay enough i paid the

full fare


you let him through what's going on

around here how come he didn't have to

pay anything that isn't fair fine you

tell him he can't go through

sky bite

sky bite

there's something i want to ask you

yes what is it dr onishi was abducted by

megatron the doctor's my father your

father that's just terrible i need you

sky-bite will you help me rescue my


i really feel bad for this kid but what

would megatron think

listen shortstuff don't you know that i

am sky bite

i'm second in command only to megatron

i'm the meanest smartest evil robot

shark in the entire universe

i don't believe that at all because you

have saved us in the past i know that

you can be nice and that you have a good

heart please won't you help me get my

dad back now don't be saying those

things about me you're going to ruin my


wait a second can you at least give this

to my father for me what is this some

sort of human trick no it's a lure my

dad really loves to go bass fishing

today is his birthday and i wanted to

give him something he would really like

well that's very thoughtful kid but i

don't take kindly to the whole fishing

thing if you know what i mean you just

hold on to that till later

he would have really loved it

we used to go fishing every year on his


that's so beautiful hey would you knock

that off it gets to me i'm very

sensitive oh all right i'll do it you

mean it you'll actually give it to him

freeze hold it right there

why didn't you tell me they were coming

and four transform transform

skye bye what were you fixing to do to


uh nothing

we won't allow you to harm an innocent


we were talking about his father koji

was he trying to kidnap you too uh no

really he was being nice take that you


you're too late sturge probably has

doritos already

don't count on it


the ruins are gone

they disappeared

but they were right here what happened

where did they go

you did this you hit them away somewhere

no i didn't maybe they just transported

somehow to another location liar you're

going to tell me what you did with them

tell me i'm going to slice you up like

so many scrabblets sword of fury

this is your last chance

shark missiles

your attack is pathetic what now i'm


sideburn can i give you some assistance

yeah we got it but i'm concerned about

optimus he's heading over toward

fortress maximus

oh yeah the fortress may be in danger

i'll go check it out

thanks pal right now he's somewhere in

the subway and good luck check i'm on it

i'll go find optimus you take care of


face you plan to insult me all day or

are we gonna fight terrorize though oh

how embarrassing what's that crazy shark

doing now you thoughts are gonna pay

cody hold this

is this thing




put that

away it's no match for my w*apon

yeah let me whip up a little sandstorm

for you

tell me where the ruins are i don't hear

you optimus


hey pal weren't you told you shouldn't

play with sharp things arm cannons

i came here to protect fortress maximus

let's combine and take this guy already

all right let's do it


you think



sideburn power up

extra power up

prowl power up

let's knock this guy for a loop come on

boys let's go we'll hit our target with

one blast fire


dad daddy

koji it's you

dad are you all right is it

just another dream

you're really here dad sky bike rescued

you and brought you here i can't believe


leave him alone listen skype i just

saved my father's life what did you say

it would have been nice if you told them

that earlier sky bite rescued him that's


well not exactly you should have told us

that earlier if we'd known that we

wouldn't have att*cked you

sorry man our mistake yeah i reckon we

all owe you an apology

no listen let's just forget the whole

thing okay

wait a minute that looks like doctor


scab you're a traitor ah it's a big

mistake let me explain


transform explain it to megatron

wait a minute listen to me you've got it

all wrong

hi there dad hi koji

welcome back

i've missed you so much daddy

son you can't imagine how happy i am to

see you again happy birthday

i'm so happy that you're finally here

welcome back dr onishi

who is this

dad these are the autobots that have

been fighting the predacons and

decepticons to save the earth i want to

thank you all for looking after my son

it was nothing doc you see kogi's like

one of us


nations these fire meetings back in the

face what about the plan something's

happened i'll tell you about it when i

see you on my way

you know something i really have to

admit it it was ingenious to hide

fortress maximus in a building like this

yeah and even optimus didn't know where

we hid it so he didn't have to lie to

the decepticons that's true but it's

just a matter of time before they figure

out that it's here

what have you done sky bite done well

you see i borrowed dr onishi to help me

with the ruins i didn't expect him to be

taken by the autobots you stupid bundler

i'm so sorry megatron i didn't mean we

were just about to get cerebros when the

autobots jumped us we were outnumbered

in all the confusion they grabbed after


so is that what happened sky bite

oh yes sir exactly now that we know

where the ruins are we no longer need dr

onishi i suggest the predacons and

decepticons join forces in order to find

cerebros why are you sticking up for me

something smells fishy

i just saved your fins you owe me big

time skylights believe me you'll pay

good ideas

join forces and locate cerebros nothing

can stop us now


