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01x28 - Power to Burn!

Posted: 07/24/23 11:05
by bunniefuu




i still don't understand how the autobot

brothers were able to supercharge during

that last battle

it seemed as if they were absorbing

power from ultra magnus

wow i've never seen autobots do that

before you're about to koji take a look

at this

leave them alone megatron

huh what what's this where's all this

energy coming from what's happening here

i feel like i'm on fire

music channel and send it where you need

it most

sideburn power up

now i'm getting hit


man looks like that extra power came

from magnus i guess the question is

where did magnus get it from we think

the source is something called the

matrix but if that's true the problem is

we don't know how magnus accessed the

power huh i don't understand

we thought that i had sole possession of

the matrix and that its power could

manifest itself only through me

well maybe whoever gave it to you in the

first place meant for the two of you to

share it but the commander of the

autobots is the only one who's supposed

to have it how confusing it is

especially for ultra magnus

ultra magnus's confusion is a weakness

we could use to our advantage leave him

to me i know what to do

go on

i'll arrange an accidental meeting and

then convince him that since we all want

to get rid of optimus prime he should

join us if he declines my offer i'll

turn him into scrap exploiting the

enemy's weakness to assure our victory

an excellent plan very well scourge you

may proceed yes sir

got megatron eating out of his hand

again but not for long


wow i'm still feeling the effects of

that power boost i'm eating up the road

i haven't felt this good since my first

day out of the stasis chamber calling

sideburn respond all right where's that

little red sports car sideburn hello

earth the sideburn yeah optimus wants

you to find ultra magnus as soon as you

can and if you do find them optimus

wants to know asap copy that ty no big

deal i'll track him down in no time and

check your incoming audio will ya it was

hard getting through to you sorry ty i

was enjoying myself so much i didn't

hear you the only way i could feel any

better than i do now is finding that

little red sports car well what do you

know i'm feeling better already hey

fancy meet you here long time no see

great paint job

oh no him again

hey slow down

whoa what's going on here

i could have sworn that car was blue

i better make an appointment with my eye

doctor this is weird how did i power up

again good question since you didn't do

it the power probably came from ultra

magnus which means he must be close by

all i know is it makes me feel like a

million bucks not to mention the way it

makes me look what do you think of the

new color scheme pretty slick huh it um

makes a statement you got that right i

finally look like what i am the hottest

coolest fastest autobot on the road

whatever spins your wheels little

brother but right now we've got work to

do take a look up there

hey that's ultra magnus

problem that obnoxious sideburn what are

they up to now

optimus we've located ultra magnus he's

heading east on the midtown freeway good

we're not sure what magnus is feeling

right now keep your eyes open stay with

him and keep out of sight

sorry optimus it's a little late for

that i'm pretty sure he scanned us the

minute we were in range i'm in pursuit


hey ultra magnus i'm glad we found you i

wanted to thank you for that power brush

you gave me

i'm handling great got lots of

acceleration and dude i'm a whole lot

faster than i ever was before the way

i'm feeling now nobody's gonna catch me

stay away from me

hey wait up dude

i just wanted to thank you for the power

first that's all it worked like a charm

don't tell someone who cares because i


ah come on stop with the tough guy act

for a second will ya what you gotta do

is learn to loosen up

now look optimus prime sent me to find

you he wants to know if you're okay


he's worried about you the only thing

he's worried about is that i'm gonna

force him to give me the matrix and take

command of the autobots if you believe

that then you don't know optimus if you

take that chip off your shoulder and

really listen to what he has to say you

might learn something i know more than

you think i don't know what you're

talking about but if you do know

something the rest of us don't you want

to tell us you're an autobot and

autobots don't keep secrets from one


you don't know anything kid

so what's the word he'll come around

you'll see now what do you mean by that

hey i'm breaking him down he's just got

a bad case of sibling rivalry gee you


that's scourge up ahead

strange i can't sense any of the other

decepticons nearby what would he be

doing out here by himself

uh-oh what's up bro it's scourge

don't worry scourge is no match for

magnus what worries me is that they're

not fighting they just got off on the

main road together you better follow him

and try to find out what's going on


optimus the good news is we're still

telling magnus the bad news is he's got

company he's going somewhere with

scourge stay on them

let's transform

no one can hear us here so let's get

down to business i have a proposition

for you

i'm listening

you and i have something in common we

both want to get rid of optimus tribe if

you'd be open to working together i

might be able to help you you mean work

for megatron

forget about megatron forget about the

decepticons the predacons and the

autobots you and i will destroy optimus

once you have the matrix your powers

combined with mine will make us


i'll deal with optimus in my own time

and in my own way will you now obviously

are incapable of doing it by yourself or

it would already be done you need me

magnus admit it

fate has presented us with a unique

opportunity we can destroy both megatron

and optimus and fulfill our destinies

will you join me no


how disappointing very well i'll destroy

optimus myself but first it's your turn


that's why you made it so easy to follow

you all right then let's see what you've

got twin lasers

hey tough guy can i join the fun

it's not your fight right wrong

hey nice body block bro and prowl too

what are you two doing here when are you

gonna learn that i don't need or want

your help i can handle this myself ah be

a sport will ya that supercharger gave

us is way cool we just wanted to try out

our new powers to see what we can do

you're not too bright are you

very well if you're not gonna leave i

will hey wait come back

a perfect ambush ruined by those two

meddling autobots well ultra madness may

have gotten away but they won't

decepticons destroy them in your dreams

i'm warning you scourge you're messing

with the wrong autobot decepticons

combiner mode

let's power up bro roger

okay decepticons this autobot's ready to

rumble whenever you are

let's do it

you can't say i didn't warn you hey

think you're ready for this i'm not

impressed you're still

magnus was led into a decepticon trap

then when we tried to help him out he

left us to fight them ourselves on my

way ty have ex braun meet us there asap

no problem optimus watch out for magnus

he's still out there


well shucks of course they do they're

little brothers aren't they and anyone

messing with them is messing with me

i do believe it's time for this horse to

power up


i think you get a kick out of this

move bro

okay you junkyard rejects let's see how

you like taking on all three autobot

brothers why have they changed their

appearance and why do they seem more

powerful than usual am i missing

something here

what's up i feel weird you guys all

right what's the matter i wish i knew

all of a sudden i'm exhausted i can

barely stand my arms are like lead

sideburn prowl ex brawn what's wrong

what's that noise can you hear it

autobots it's the sound of your hard

drives crashing i can't hardly move at

all don't worry little brother i just

got to this hoe down and i'm ready to

dance with these boys sorry the first

stance goes to sideburn i want to see

him kick up his heels

i deserted them and now they're in

danger if anything happens to them it'll

be my fault

power wielded by incompetence leads to

nothing but self-destruction

that's enough hold it

howdy rhyme

so he's finally making an appearance

time to transform

thanks brock do you have enough power

left to handle ruination you bet good

you helped cyborg take care of him i'll

deal with scourge you got it

your plan has failed take your

decepticons and leave while you still

can i'll leave but you won't this is

your final stop prime you thought you

might turn magnus against us if that

didn't work then you would take me out

bad idea scourge but it worked you're

here aren't you

oh i'm here all right but your plan is

about to backfire this is your last

warning scourge oh really i'll smash you

to pieces take your best shot

get him


i got you little brother

don't try to move powell i'll be back to

get you in a minute


not even optimus is strong enough to

withstand such concentrated firepower

why aren't the other autobots helping

you where did they all go

this will give you enough power to keep

your systems from crashing so we can get

you back to headquarters what happened

to me

i was feeling so strong and then

suddenly i was weak as a kitten it's all

up to me now huh that strange energy is

flowing through me again

hang on once we get you back in the shop

you'll be good as new

even you can't handle this kind of

punishment your history

oh no optimus is hurt

i've got to keep fighting if scourge

destroys me he destroys the matrix as


no last word optimus very well let's get

this over with plasma g*n


guess your best shot wasn't good enough

actually i saved the best for last

multi-w*apon main battery fire

compression p*stol

burns out cold

the energy within me is growing stronger

every minute

and i know how to use it the decepticons

are going down like me you're a true

warrior optimus so i'll try to make this


oh no what's happening

ultra magnus i thought you had enough

sense to stay out of this

well you thought wrong pal in fact

you're wrong about a whole lot of things

like thinking you could use my rivalry

with optimus to destroy the autobots

this could be a word all changes so

you're going to take us all on by

yourself then you'll be destroyed along

with the rest you're wrong about that


megatron terrorize


so scourge it would seem that you and

the decepticons have done rather well

congratulations i'm

scourge is still his favorite yeah

that's because the decepticons get to do

all the easy stuff let's get out there

and show them where it's gonna stay on




credit cards attack sharks

special delivery for optimus down

admit it the time has come to say

goodbye this isn't over not by a long

shot you got that right

that long shot just became a certainty

some last words anyone

not a chance

megatron yeah why's that because we are

going to win this fight can you believe

this guy you should have been a comedian

optimist that's about the funniest thing

i ever heard as long as our circuits

flow with faith that justice will

prevail you cannot win


disgusting we should destroy him just

for that corny mystic matrix as well

what a jerk nobody likes a cliche hero

i don't know about that if you ask me i

think it's kind of refreshing what's

that glow

the matrix

optimus one day we'll settle our

differences but today we'll fight side

by side together we can beat them





bless them my plan has failed dragon



now decepticons and brett khan's attack


what a shame and things were going so


i don't think there's any reason to

stick around do you

no but i can think of lots of reasons to

get out of here

that must have hurt you we better get

out of here while we still can strangely

enough i was thinking the same thing you

won the battle but you haven't won the

w*r i'll be back

sooner or later i'll win i promise you

wait don't leave me here megatron take

me with you i need to talk to her

until next time


thanks magnus we all owe you big time me

most of all

you don't owe me a thing i was the one

that got you into this mess we'll talk

again soon but right now i've got a lot

to think about

later prime ultra magnus transform

you see i told you ultra magnus was a

great guy

the question is what will he be like

next time he's stubborn as a mule and

he's got a lot of rough edges but if we

let him be and don't push him one of

these days he'll join the team

might take a little time but that day

will come you can count on it

