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01x27 - The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus

Posted: 07/24/23 10:51
by bunniefuu


what does he want why has he come to

this planet

ultra magnus is an exceedingly powerful

autobot he seems stamped from the same

sheet of steel as optimus prime

he could be dangerous there must be a

way to use him to our advantage

he may be an autobot but he doesn't work

and play well with others what do you

mean by that

he seems to have a problem with optimus

prime as well as the autobot brothers

which we might turn to our advantage

megatron i think we could convince ultra

magnus to see things from our viewpoint

if we could talk him into fighting with

the decepticons he'd be the perfect pawn

to help us get rid of optimus prime hmm

yes it's the most interesting idea and

since you thought of it you're going to

make it happen thank you sire i will not

tell you i'll give you one more chance

you'd better make it work if you fail me

again you can count on me sire ultra

magnus is just as good as here


i wouldn't start celebrating quite yet

finn boy


today i get the matrix and take over

from optimus prime

this whole ultra magnus thing is so

uncool believe me koji he's more than

uncool he's a complete threat to our

mission here on earth hey do you think

maybe he's as strong as optimus prime

ex-bron well probably they are brothers

and all

i still find it a little hard to swallow

let's see if prime is older than magnus

then i guess it's true that little

brothers just aren't as smart as big

brothers i mean look at you expert are

you nuts

i'll have you know i was first in my

class for theoretical mechanics back at

school on cybertron and who fixed your

energon intake last year

take it easy you just remembered that

the next time you come to me for repairs


we finally located him watch for any

suspicious moves this guy's no



no you don't

no no don't sh**t i'm just bringing you

an invitation from megatron that's all

invitation huh for what there's nothing

he could invite me to that i'd want to

attend listen closely ultra madness

we're all more or less brothers under

the armor but some of us are more equal

than others our destiny our fate is to

rule the universe and we think you can

help us do it any of this interest you

may be

the biggest thing standing in our way

happens to be optimus prime go on

we don't like him and we know you don't

either if we work together perhaps we

could manage to get him out of our way

master megatron has his eye on you and

thinks there's a place for you and our


this is an energy-rich planet and you'd

be earning a large share of its


it's going well megatron can't help but

be pleased then i could take my place at

his side

everything is exactly according to plan

yes sir

wonder what the big pow wow is all about

i'll tell you what he's a traitor i

could smell it all over him i don't care

who he's related to you can't trust

anyone these days

so what do you think sounds like there

could be some advantages but what if

i've got questions about all this that

would be answered all right then go

ahead and set up a meeting this predacon

is dumb as dirt he thinks i'm going for

it i'll just string him along until i

get all the information i need megatron

was right about you you are a bright one

just come with me please

ultra magnus transform

now megatron will see that i'm the

sharpest shark in the fish t*nk of evil

see that they're laughing like a pair of

old friends looks like you might have a

point you sure

loosen up bro sometimes you just gotta

follow your intake come on pedal to the

metal let's roll

you three

are you out here digging up some bait

fish face baits do not debate

you did this of course not you flying

clown you're the one who set up this

meeting the question now is what are we

gonna do you are coming along with us

pal then we're gonna have a nice long

conversation about how you and these

predacons have so much in common


ultra magnus you set us up for the

decepticons scans why are you here this

is my assignment

maybe trump thought you might need some


really and truly megatron was concerned

about my safety so he sent them

i'm so touched

don't get a knot in your fuel line kid i

just want to find out where megatron is

optimus i've lost contact with the

autobot brothers they haven't checked it

and there's no answer when i call what

was their last location they were doing

surveillance following ultra magnus into

the park then sector c4 ultra magnus

they've missed two scheduled check-ins

assigned team b*llet train to do an

immediate search

locating team b*llet train emergency

proceed to sector c4


brothers were definitely around here

according to my latest readout you're

right they were here but where are they

now this is very strange you think

there'd be some sign of them but there's

nothing not even a trademark


don't worry autobots you'll be taken

care of after ultra magnus and i

complete our business i suggest you

remain quiet

wait old from magnus you gotta think

about what you're doing

ready to meet megatron guess so slapper

you're in charge

thanks a lot how come i always gotta

babysit there's no sign of them keep on

looking if we find anything we'll call

immediately thanks railspike and be


ty i'm joining the search effort i need

you to maintain communication between

the teams

roger i won't let you down


it seems the autobots had followed ultra


if we hadn't been there something might

have happened to skylight

i don't think ultra magnus trusts us

quite yet

go on so i think we need to test whether

he's trustworthy or not

what do you have in mind


hey sky nibble we're gonna walk all day

or what almost there

skylight report

i'm bringing him in

so ultra magnus i hear you'll be joining

the decepticons

yeah that would be my plan but first a

little test if you don't mind fine all


right now the other ones are lost the

b*llet trains are among those who are

searching for them destroy one of them

and you will have passed the test do it

what a lovely assignment for mega trying

to give you with all your power it

should be no more than me a child's play

no of course not

well i didn't see that one coming

things are starting to get a little

complicated around here

megatron there's a way to use the

captured autobots to our advantage yes

wouldn't it be amusing to get optimus

prime involved in this too

all right scared you have my interest

we let optimus prime know where they're

being held false information of course

and we set a trap



ty any luck tracking down the autobot


optimus prime the decepticons have your

precious autobot brothers

what where you can find them at this

location they haven't been harmed yet


we've done everything but call them like


sideburn here boy answer up ex bron

yo proud

ali ali alton free

you can destroy the train of your choice

you have all the equipment you'll need

for this right would you like me to take

some pictures




how am i gonna handle this

megatron is an absolute utter genius

wouldn't you agree i guess admire the

sheer beauty of making optimus prime

search for the autobots where he'll

never find them but where we will find


it's so sweet when he shows up the

decepticons will bounce that's pretty


yes that's why megatron is so amazing

this is too much i can't let him get

away with it

time's wasting go pick your train hey

hold on where's optimus prime supposed

to be going when he heads into this

cunning trap you set sector h12 we could

go see it later if you like

all right let's go check it out oh yes

let's rock and roll

i am so looking forward to this


ultra magnus what are you doing here you

seem a little wound up

turn around and sh**t the other way

how dare you lie to me that's the price

of doing business pal i have to tell you

i feel that i have been used very badly

ah sky jump i'm sorry if i hurt your

feelings turn code tsunami blaster



what's going on optimus is headed

straight into a trap sector h12 go help

him right on our way what about you

magnus i've got a little unfinished

business to take care of magnus


these are the coordinates but i've got a

very bad feeling

optimus prime is in position all teams

combine for this one

decepticons fire

twin lasers

what's the matter

if i resist they'll take it out on the


brothers attack

rail racer

rail racer i thought one of you trains

was supposed to be destroyed terrorized

would you care to do the others

cyclone blasts


that was nice work guys

hey wait a minute where's sky bite he

said he wanted me to check out the

autobots and see if they had any spare


oh that's sweet you can always use an

extra trimodulator

ultra magnus just double crochet i knew

it i hate when that happens

oh yeah don't mess with me

we're burning daylight here guys come on

but i thought you betrayed us no chance

there was something i was working on and

you guys just kind of got in the way

what do you mean

look the only reason i pretended to join

the decepticons was so i could get some

information how to get a hold of

megatron huh there's no time to explain

crime's in trouble well now see that's

kind of part of the whole confusing deal

here for later right now we've got some

business to take care of but i thought

i mean i thought you said you didn't

like optimus prime i don't i want to see

him taken completely apart and that's

why you're doing a rescue you asked too

many questions we got to hit the road

come on


hey move little tin can we've got an

appointment hey there cutie i wish i had

more time i'll see you later hey there

go all the talking cars on that truck i

wonder what's up maybe they're all being

taken away for good to some kind of

talking car junkyard never to be seen

again i should be so

lucky prime can you stand up


give us the autobot brothers

i don't think they're here


what do we do now prime i've got to find

the autobot brothers hold it

the autobot brothers are right here

ultra magnus

autobots transformers

don't worry optimus we've come to get

you out of here

prime you okay yes expert i'm fine

what's magnus doing here

i have my reasons and trust me you'll

know what they are soon enough

ultra magnus


ultra magnus you


too much noise

not enough fighting cutter beams

arm laser

super turbo

punch blaster

you know we could help out it's not like

we have anything better to do when

you're right you're right try this on

precise exhaust backfire

combustion missiles

twin dragon bread


no leave them alone megatron

what what's this what's happening to

ultra magnus where's all this extra

energy coming from what's happening here

i feel like i'm on fire

use it channel it send it where you need

it most

sideburn power up


now i'm getting this electron power up

d2 brow power up supercharged



what was that felt all right to me

look at that


omega prime transforms



well fellas we really kick tail pipe yes

thanks to ultra magnus

i've never seen a power boost like that

what's the source where did all that

power come from

hey don't look at me optimus

i think you did it me what are you

talking about

whatever you're trying to pull it's not

gonna work crime i'm gonna get you i


could we possibly be sharing the matrix


hey what do you guys want now can't you

just leave me alone

hey magnus chill out buddy we just

wanted to tell you thank you for saving

us with that power boost big time

you got the wrong autobot


now why shouldn't i melt you into slag

well really the plants themselves were

perfect absolutely logical if only it

had been for that traitor ultra magnus

everything would have just worked enough

of your sniveling excuses you're going

to pay for failing me you miserable rest

of that waste of good programming

