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01x24 - Ultra Magnus

Posted: 07/24/23 10:48
by bunniefuu




i know optimus prime is here

somewhere on this planet called earth

and when i find him i'll claim what is

rightfully mine




you steal as much of the energy from

this refinery as we can hook up your

pumps and start draining those tanks yes

sir yes sir

mega octane activate bumps activating

pumps at maximum capacity

how much longer drain


that oil is staying right here

disconnect those hoses and leave this

facility immediately

now decepticon

empty threats won't stop us you fools

if you fire those weapons here the whole

place will go up in flames

hold your fire guys he's right it's too


okay but we've got to stop them somehow

how are we gonna do that without weapons

we have no choice risky or not

burn what do you think you're doing

hey it wasn't me bro i didn't fire my

w*apon i was just bluffing really

hey guys check out that truck it has the

autobot insignia on it no autobot i know

of looks like that

wherever he is he's about to blow this

place sky-high i've gotta stop it


you there hold your fire freeze stay

where you are who are you identify


enjoy me stop stop

out of my way

inside are you on you're wearing our

insignia who are you anyway

it's rude to ask who someone is without

first introducing yourself

we're the autobot brothers we're

dedicated to protecting the earth

against her foes which is what we were

trying to do before you came along and

interfered protecting the earth you

stood there and did nothing it's your

fault they're getting away what

yeah they're getting away all right

because of you distracting us we're

about to destroy the refinery if we

couldn't stop them and you at the same

time you let them escape are you cowards

or traitors hey watch your mouth pal

either way you're going down


come on boys we'd better tell optimus

about this prado


an unknown autobot and he refused to

identify himself well he had an autobot

insignia there's no doubt about that but

he sure didn't act like an autobot he

almost blew that oil refinery off the

map then he fired on us and talk about

firepower those weapons of his he could

probably take out an army just because

he's got an insignia doesn't mean he's

an autobot i mean look at what happened

the decepticons got away because he

distracted us right and why would an

autobot refuse to tell us who he is


good question

scourge at his decepticons look

that new autobot scared them away

those incompetent cowards megatron

should have centered me on that mission

look it's sky bite what

all right autobots you wanna fight

you'll get one


hi there we've been looking for you we

know you're really not that bad a guy

sky bite really we were just saying the

way you stood up to those decepticons

that was the coolest thing listen i

don't know what you kids are trying to

pull but it won't work

but i uh i don't understand

this is embarrassing

this is amazing i'm very popular i

should get an agent or a manager maybe i

could get my haikus published


ah so you pretend report sketch was your

mission of success no megatron we were

able to obtain only part of the

refinery's energy before being

discovered by the autobots if we had

fought them there the energy would have

been destroyed we took what we had and

we'll go back to get the rest the

decepticons are ready for our next

assignment i'll have a new mission for

you soon you are excused for now as

always we are at your command megatron

your report skybyte yes oh great one i

would have brought you more energy from

the refinery but i was ambushed by an

army of rabid humans and barely managed

to escape

forgive me apologies are unnecessary i'm

sure you made the correct decision

your loyalty is beyond question

therefore i am entrusting you with a

mission of vital importance

i will not fail you

finally a mission worthy of my talents

and when i succeed scourge will have to

pay me the respect i deserve

i'm getting a weird transmission sir

is it one of ours

it's on our frequency but it's not an

autobot i'll amplify the signal gascock

slap up report location megatron has

ordered us to find the remaining o parts

as soon as possible theo hearts

this is a mission of vital importance

contact me at once die what do your

meters show is he telling the truth

negative for stress and the speech

pattern is normal he's not lying and it

looks like he keyed in the wrong

frequency by accident we'd better check

it out contact the autobot brothers

roger coming online now tell them to

find sky bite and keep them under

surveillance but make sure they have an

escape route something's not right here



finally after hours of laborious and

fast-breaking labor i've actually found

a uh rapid duck

rerouting sky bites transmission to

autobot headquarters will lead them

right to us

yes the o parts with a perfect touch

even if they suspect it's a trap they

won't be able to resist such tempting


but what if something goes wrong and the

autobots get the old parts there are no

parts here skylight was given false

information otherwise the autobots would

have known it was a trap so they'll

expect to find only sky bite and our

ambush will take them by surprise

it's time to teach those impudent bots a

lesson i'll never forget especially

their leader optimus prime

it might be a trap but we can't risk

them finding any old parts

we don't know for sure but it seems like

sky bites been set to find them we've

got his coordinates we're on our way ah

there's probably nothing to worry about

that knuckle-brained shark couldn't find

his tail without a road map save it

little brother if megatron gets his

hands on those o parts we could be in

big trouble

you'll be in trouble if you don't stop

blowing exhaust up my intake duct cuz

let me tell you you need an oil change

speaking of stinkers how about the nerve

of that truck we met this morning as

soon as we find him i'm gonna arrest him

and take him in for impersonating an

autobot first we've got to locate sky

bite find out about those parts let's go

we've got company

what do you mean my sensors show this

road's clear for the next 10 miles

there's this real high-tech gadget

called a rear-view mirror you might try

using it sometime well what do you know

it's that truck from the refinery and it

looks like he's trying to pass us fat

chance there's no way a truck that fake

and go faster than we can

is there from the looks of him he's got

more horsepower than a stampede nerd a

wild buffalo

wow make that two verse

listen whoever you are i'd take you in

right now but we're on a mission so get

out of the way fools you're headed

straight into an ambush what the

decepticons use sky bite to lure you

into a trap they have no idea where the

o parts are hey why should we listen to

you we don't even know who you are all

you have to know for now is this like it

or not your mission ends here stun laser

feels like every circuit in my mainframe

is overloading

my systems aren't responding feels like

they hit us for the million volts

where am i this truck's carrying us

around like we're toys in the name of

the autobots i demand that you unload us

optimus may put up with your whining but

i won't it's time for your afternoon nap

sweet dreams


now to find optimus prime


hex brawn sideburn you all right

i'll know in a minute half my systems

are fragmented i'm still rebooting i had

a wonderful dream about a little red

sports car real beaut stop daydreaming

and run a systems check as soon as we're

operational we're out of here

i've left a trail for the autobots that

will lead them to sky bites but before

they find him they'll have to go through

this canyon the perfect place for an

ambush they won't stand a chance if that

new autobot from the refinery shows up

we'll get him at the same time i don't

think so


who are you

not that it's any of your business but

i'm from cybertron and i'm an autobot

your ambush has failed decepticons now

i'm the one you'll have to fight you're

facing the most powerful autobot in the



what this mysterious autobot h*jacked

all three of you he hit us with some

kind of high-energy beam that scrambled

our circuits and knocked us out did he

say anything about who he is or why he's

here no but he sure knows who you are he

called you by name he said sky bites

transmission was a ploy to lead us into

an ambush but maybe he's just saying

that to keep us from finding him we

won't know what's really going on until

we get to sky bytes location you three

aren't going anywhere return to base oh

we haven't completed the mission yet

your mission's aborted i want ty to

check your systems for residual damage

i'll find sky bite and as for that

hijacker if it's who i think it is i'm

sure he'll be there waiting for me


it must be ultra magnus he's the only

one with that kind of power i thought he

was still on cybertron

he was almost chosen to command the

autobots but i was chosen instead and

was given the power of the matrix after

all these eons

could that be what he's come for


the autobots think you decepticons are

their most dangerous enemies but you're

nothing more than cowardly weaklings

your day of reckoning has come i don't

think so

we may have failed to ambush the

autobots but you'd be kind enough to

provide us with a new target


by the time we're through with him the

only place he'll be going is a recycling

bin he'll need a metal detector to find

all the pieces

you should have remained on cybertron

ultra magnus i'm afraid your stay on

earth is going to be a very short one in

fact it ends right now


what makes you think i need anyone's

help i can handle you weaklings all by

myself arrogant fool

destroying you would be a pleasure


if you think you could take us on all at

once you're wrong let's show him guys

the only thing you've shown me so far is

a fireworks display well the show's over

decepticons welcome back to reality

decepticons combined


you may be lousy fighters but at least

you're good for a laugh you ever thought

about taking your act on the road

glad you liked it because it's the last

thing you'll ever see

optimus prime transform

battle ball


so i finally found you pulse cannon


my flaps are missiles up so are my

altitude controls

use your powers while you can optimus

you won't have them for long

octopus is as strong as ever what we do


we'll just get rid of both of them at

the same time you saw what magnus did

when we combined until we know more

about his powers it would be foolish to

take them both on at once you might be

right very well we'll return to the

command center and ask megatron what he

knows about this new autobot decepticons

return to base


good to see you magnus it's been a long

time you were handling the decepticons

just fine by yourself but i thought i'd

give you a hand just for old time's sake


magnus what's this all about don't play

the innocent with me you know exactly

what this is about otherwise why did you

come here instead of sending your

autobots i'm here because i know we have

to talk to resolve some of the issues

from our past

but my main reason for coming is to

invite you to join us to become a

permanent member of my autobot team

join that group of incompetents and take

orders from you they're an even bigger

fool than i thought but you're an

autobot i don't understand

it's really quite simple i'm here to

correct a mistake

when the autobots were sent to stop

megatron the matrix chose you as its

inheritor chose your being to empower

with its energy chose you to command the

autobots as cybertron's most powerful

warrior i should have been given that


and now the time has come to claim what

is rightfully mine either give me the

matrix or else i'll take it from you by

force even if i have to destroy you in

the process what



a few inches away

i can't wait to see the look of

scourge's face when i walk in with them

the very thought of it inspires me to

write a new haiku mission accomplished

his master's phrase resounding well done


finally i found them oh yes come to sky

bite little parts

just an old b*mb that never went wrong

until now

that's gonna leave a mark

