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01x21 - Landfill

Posted: 07/24/23 09:09
by bunniefuu







just a little farther

thanks you apart


talk about your closed shades

boy darn good thing those decepticons

can't follow me into the space bridge

he just disappeared i can't locate it

those warp tunnels they use make it

impossible to catch them

another second and i'd be picking them

out of my treads

well as long as i have that technology

they'll always defeat us there's got to

be some way we can go in there blast

that space bridge apart then they can't

use it against us anymore we'd be better

off if we could figure out how the

tunnels work then we could use them for

our own purposes

must be nice to just duck into a tunnel

to get away and come out who knows where

i still say we should blow it up hold on

maybe we can disable it

perhaps we could


all right heavy load you got room for a

few more shovels full

hey wedge listen up

what do you want me to do with this

large beam do you think we need it

yeah we do but don't get ahead of

yourself hightower we're still digging

heavy load i need you over here keep

your shovel on

optimus the build team is calling and

needs to talk to you

put them on


hey optimus it's all done it took a

while but we finally finished building

the arctic link to the global space

bridge good job build team you completed

that section in record time

thanks a lot optimus of course we give a

lot of the credit to wedge as a foreman

he's aces

that's good to hear what's your project


you don't have to worry we're way ahead

of schedule

wedge how about the blueprints for the

south roof

all work and no play makes heavy load a

dull machine

i say we should go check out the battle

zone and get some practice in come on

hightower right behind you

hold on young wedge what about

installing the new arctic link data into

the computer network

i'm bored by that geeky stuff you handle

it okay grimster no sweat i'll take care

of it come on heavy load it's time for a

little battle practice let's do it oh


this won't take long then i can meet up

with the guys at the battle zone

this is rotor i've spotted grimlock and

i'm on his tail see if he leads you to

the terminal yes sir

transform oh yeah

let's see the coordinates for the new

arctic link should be housed in terminal


reprogramming coaxials


data recorded and synchronized

installation completed

it's in there

what is this place

just what we've been looking for

i'll tell you what we should do

we should go in there and blast that

place into tiny little pieces

i got a great idea why don't we just

hack into their system we could find out

where their tunnels lead hacking smacky

i say we go in there and blow the whole

place to oblivion then we don't have to

care where the tunnels leave am i right

half track mind

well that's one way to get in i myself

would have used the door

now scourge has a right idea see what i

mean you got to break down some walls

blow up some buildings destroy these

computers that you clap your voice boxes

uh yes sorry sir

this hard drive would disrupt their

tracking system causing location



let's see how their global space bridge

works now

decepticons move out yes sir

they're destroying the buildings near

the train station

ty which of our teams is closest to that


on it optimus prime the nearest is team

b*llet trains they're prepped and ready

to go dispatching now team b*llet train

report to sector b538 immediately roger

that and

on our way


have a nice trip boys

this doesn't seem right are you sure

we're going the right way oh

this is not good

someone should tell these people they're

going the wrong way


hey what's going on here this is not the

right sector


oh good i'm glad you're here

hey rapid run what's up what's up we

were we just fell 100 feet onto a

crowded freeway i'm getting too old for

this stuff it was terribly unsettling

we were just discussing the malfunctions

in the global space bridge everything in

that tunnel was constructed according to


it should work perfectly i don't

understand it doesn't make sense what

doesn't make sense is that my team and i

were almost made into scrap metal thanks

to your perfectly constructed tunnel

there's no excuse for shoddy workmanship

yeah maybe it's your fault maybe you

don't know where you're going listen you

little why you big pile of junk knock it


rabbit run put a plug in if this is

doing no good

yes sir right away


so we messed up their tunnel now what

now you start some trouble when the

autobots use their tunnel again we've

got them yes sir


roll bar transform

fire blaster

plasma mortar



the decepticons are attacking the city

ty send the brothers and team b*llet

train roger autobot brothers and team

b*llet train code red decepticons are

attacking the urban center this is

sideburn message received i'm taking the

global space bridge to preset

coordinates leaving now

this is eggplant i copy that

10-4 base i read you


all right team no slip-ups this time

take off

i've got a bad feeling about this one


everything seems online and operational

it all looks good there's nothing wrong

with a global space bridge it had to be

something those guys did there's no

reason they should have any problems

with the autobots in transit i'll give

their computer a little tune-up one

they'll never forget



there's something seriously wrong with

that thing

decepticon you're in for it now

wait that could have been the first step

for the rest of my life

something's really wrong with that

bridge of ours

freeze deceptive creeps

uh pardon me officer but we're trying to

pour some fresh concrete right now sorry

but get me out of here



oh no he caught it and that was the last

out of the inning

and what is rapid run doing on the field

anyway no blue sports cars chasing me

here in the mall


that's ridiculous


that couldn't be the new subway line

could it

i can't stop


somebody make it stop

it's like a maze that goes in circles a

sort of never-ending loop this isn't

funny i'm getting motion sickness my

gyro's spinning



megatron terrorize

their own global space bridge are you

sure they can't show up here they'll be

tied up in that tunnel for a long time

and when they finally get out they'll be

nowhere near us

we can help ourselves to all the energy

here and they can't do a thing this is

exactly the opportunity i've waited for

with this energy we can really put your

plans into motion


the system's really malfunctioning all

of our operatives have been sent to the

wrong destinations place is completely

different than what i programmed this

doesn't make sense

didn't build team run a diagnostic on

that tunnel

there's nothing wrong with the

construction of the tunnels perhaps

there's something wrong with the


oh it looks like someone's been

tampering with the main computer link

where's the readout coming from from the

main terminal building

wedge i just received an urgent

communication time there is something

wrong with the tunnel huh we've been all

over this tunnel with a fine-tooth comb

and there is absolutely nothing wrong

with our work you're right construction

is absolutely up to cove wait the



optimus we're heading over to the

terminal building to repair the damage

roger heavy load good luck

oh just up the cons don't let them pass

no sir

nothing's going to stop us from getting

inside that terminal

final mode


not again

brakes aren't working on this hill


hang on your goggles kids the sand is

too soft for my tires


this is too much where am i



shoulder thrust

and double


laser slam

fire blaster

time to go home decepticons


all right move in

looks like this terminal's been tampered

with here's the culprit

that should take care of it

the tunnel should function properly now

those flagging decepticons changed our

computer data

i'm sorry i had no idea

we were all fooled now we have to get

our team back optimus prime red alert

come in optimus prime what is it ty big

trouble the decepticons are raiding the

north energy research facility

so that was their plan our tunnel was a

diversion so they could steal the power

from our north facility those other

att*cks were a ruse to get our energy

hey why don't we take the arctic link

huddle we just built that way we'll be

able to take them by surprise yeah now

that it's up and running great idea

heavy loads autobots let's roll out

destination the north energy research



you wouldn't believe the places they

sent me i can't wait to get my hands on

him i'm just glad you guys found me

thought i was gonna be stuck in that

desert forever

listen everyone i'm sorry about what's

been happening with the tunnel but it

was tampered with and we found out the

problem this time it will take us to the

correct destination


all right let's go in and take the


what's that



you're expecting the abominable snowman

you should know by now not to count us


well this time i came out at the right

location and not a moment too soon they

figured it out

battle protocol



they recovered a lot sooner than i


that's right and i don't take kindly to

you messing up my work you're getting a

slice of this


man if i knew it was gonna be like this

that'd have brought my skates

what do you want me to do

i'm all right just destroy those medals

of autobots

we'll take care of this full of trains

combined into rail

right hold on a minute why what's the

matter wedge i want you to let us take

care of this the space bridge is our

responsibility and when they messed with

it they messed with us right it's

payback time besides we're better

equipped for the ice than they are

what do you say optimus it's a matter of

honor for build team they'll handle it i

hope so

guys it's time for us to combine oh man

they're going to transform in a landfill

whoa oh yeah this is gonna be good


cool they're really putting on quite a

show look at that traction


i have to do better than that megatron

if you want to hit me

and a super shoulder attack


i'd say they have the situation under

control they're a heck of a wrecking

machine i will destroy you

you can't win

leave megatron alone no problem here's a

little something for you

don't get up on my account single laser

next time

you've settled the score on all accounts

i just hope i was able to make it up to

you for all your trouble

mm-hmm but i still feel bad about all

you've gone through well don't i was out

of line before it wasn't your fault it

was sabotage build team is the best you

guys should be proud

thank you and i'm sorry about losing my

temper back there me too let's forget

the important thing is that we worked

together to stop the decepticons it just

took a little teamwork


this technology is really unbelievable

you know when it's working properly

there's nothing better you can say that

again now let's go home


