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01x20 - Wedge's Short Fuse

Posted: 07/24/23 09:08
by bunniefuu





emergency emergency

what's going on ty it's the predacon sir

they're raiding a diamond mine

the diamond mine is located here in


time go ahead and activate the member

select program

roger optimus copy that member selector

computer puts the autobot brothers

closest to the location attention

autobot brothers red alert repeat this

is an emergency respond at once a

diamond mine in antarctica is being

robbed by the protocons stay calm i'm

already on it cutie pie roger that

sideburn and don't ever call me cutie

pie again i won't sorry hi this is xbra

we're on our way

there's an entrance to the space bridge

ahead of us we'll be there in no time

let's do it


what incarnations going on here this is

not good be careful stay back kind of

crazy tunnel is this

huh what in the hey what do you guys

think you're doing this part of the

tunnel is still under construction yeah

didn't you get the memo hey you mean you

guys are the legs transformed


grimlock transform

together they call us

nobody constructs a tunnel like this guy

knock it off you're embarrassing the kid


yes well we almost forgot the predacons

are raiding the diamond mine we've got

to get there somehow hey guys would you

be able to construct a tunnel to

antarctica what are you kidding we can

do that team am i right well you know we

are the best tunnel builders in the

universe if we can't do it it can't be

done we'll build the tunnel for you

under one condition


all right wedge i'm listening what

exactly do you want for building this

southern passage sir i want you to let

us fight we want to prove ourselves in

battle that's your condition yeah that's

it listen we just want to get out of

those tunnels once in a while and kick

some bot

just give us a chance we know we can do

it maybe so but you and your team have

more important things to do we'll still

build the arctic link but we want to

fight the bad guys once in a while too

let us show you our stuff i understand

how you feel but i need your

contributions as builders much more than

as fighters i already have plenty of

those besides you're too young and

inexperienced to lead in combat the real

thing is different than the simulator

with all due respect i know the

difference we're excellent fighters give

us a chance huh

we've gotta get going the predacons are

making off with all the diamonds in the

mine we have to stop them right away

well all right you want it you got it

wedge you and your team take care of

this all right thanks optimus you won't

be sorry for this what are you waiting

for get going now

ty we can't just go like that we're

fighters what about the send-off the

cool things you do for the other guys oh

that stuff you know for first timers

you're very demanding

time's running out should we take it

from the top optimus all right

ty activate the member select program

roger copy that optimus member selector

computer has pulled up the build team

attention build team red alert

emergency a diamond minded antarctica is

being robbed by the protocol heavy road

high tower rimwalk and wedge report to

the field immediately oh man that

sounded so cool didn't it wow this is

just like i imaged it build team ready

lead us into battle huh i just know

you're gonna be a great warrior wedge oh

come on hightower he hasn't even started

yet i know you're a crane but don't

raise his hopes too high it's just

because shovel doesn't mean you have to

dig yourself into a hole what

cybertron are you talking about

knock it off and leave on your

assignments right ty sorry all right

team follow me

they've already finished this section

they're fast they seem motivated you got

to give them that i just hope they can

finish it in time

the faster we build the sooner we can


that's great we're gonna kick you

said a shovel blue those predacons are

going down



wow we racked up a whole mess of these

things huh that's right but the real

reason we're doing this is to lure the

autobots here yeah well then i wish

they'd hurry up and get here already i'm

freezing here we just have to wait them

out although it is taking them longer

than usual to arrive but i figured a way

to netter some points with megatron

once they're here i have a deliciously

devious plan to capture them

i'll trigger an avalanche to bury them

for eternity they'll be out of the way

for good and never bother us again

sometimes i'm such a genius i even amaze

myself it's the perfect plan i don't

know about you guys but i don't think

his plan's so great keep your negative

comments to yourself man he's got good

hearing i promised megatron that we

would capture the autobots and i'm not

gonna look like a fool if we fail this

time he'll never trust us again

you know what it might be too late he's

more interested in the decepticons these


you're right he's been so mean to us


hey fellas if the autobots don't show up

do you think we could keep some of these

beautiful diamonds i don't want to sound

sentimental but it is my birthstone

all right we're true you did it you got

us to antarctica

good work we finally get to fight

against the predacons on the field of

battle hey you trucks this way the

diamonds are over here who are they

come on and give us a hand will ya we're

sure glad to see you guys yeah thanks a

lot we didn't know how we're gonna get

him out of here our pleasure


here we go where are we gonna put all

these diamonds we'll figure it out how

thoughtful of sky bites and transport

trucks for all this loot it's a lot to

carry yeah what a shock he could

actually be nice hey heavy love

yeah another match coming up go ahead

and dump them in thanks you're welcome

isn't it nice how polite they are when

they work together it sure is huh

listen you gearheads what are you doing

standing around sky-bite thanks for

sending these transport trucks to help

us carry all the diamonds those aren't

transport trucks they're autobots what

they're autobots ledge transform

high tower transformer

together they call us

the build team

what who are they what do they want they

told you they were the build team

weren't you listening i heard what they

said before why are they here

wait if i'm not mistaken that dancing

shark having a nervous breakdown on the

iceberg is sky bite he's megatron's

second in command you are correct i am

sky bite the second in command of the


man that guy's got some good hearing

doesn't it he should be your target




sky bite you don't know who you're

messing with

hold it oh yeah i've got jazz of my own

oh no listen don't worry about me

just get this guy will ya

look at them i've got their leader and

paralyzed with fear predacons rip them

apart and show them no mercy

i'm not so fast you've got to get by us

first and that's not going to be easy




that's sword strike

you've got them on a ropes boys keep it



leave wedge alone get out of here

save yourselves forget about me

nobility is nauseating

time to say goodbye

listen to me you've got to stop this

he's just a kid don't allow me to teach

him the penalties of w*r look i'll tell

you our secret in return for his safety



you see we're the builders of the global

space bridge and i have the map right


let wedge go and i'll give you the disc

a disc why that's an excellent idea

all right stop let them go that's enough


the game is over and megatron will be so


great job skylight i'm sorry i ever

doubted you who needs scourge in the

decepticons when i have you

thank you megatron


all right bring the schematics to me



i'm coming wait heavy load you'll be

committing treason against the autobots

don't do it

i have to do it to save wedge's life hey

be careful will ya that guy's really


i think he's flipped a switch

that's good now just place that disc on

top of the rock in front of you

if i leave the disc here how do i know

you're going to let him go i guess

you'll have to trust me

now use your tongue to retrieve it


the ice will stick to my

do what i'll tell you and get the disc

all right i'll get it just lighten up a

little here goes

blizzard blast fire

optimus prime transform

boy are we glad to see you heavy load

you can't just hand over that disc to

them that map is our lifeline

i had no choice optimus yours your siren

or it doesn't belong rest assured

optimus you're not going to spoil my

success let's transform

take this


you're amazing come on you guys we've

got to get that disc back now

what's the matter with you guys why are

you just standing there we've got to get

that disc before the predacons grab it

it's right over there

follow me guys let's stick together

right uh wait wait a minute you don't

have to get it

here boy

there's our edge over them we have to

analyze it now go and get it back for me

how many transformers does it take to

capture a flightless bird

i'll just zero in that's it famous one



check this out you might find it



this is a map of the global space bridge

i'm sure megatron would love to see this

sky bite your efforts are appreciated

in that case it's only fitting that the

decepticons take it from you i tire of

you if you don't return that disc

immediately we'll take it by force

that's right

you want to fight

all right you guys zero in on your

targets scourge let me fire come on man

i'm all geared up for battle and if i

don't do something soon those gears are

gonna rust come on just one shot

hey that's not fair he brought an entire

army maybe we should rethink this yeah

well it's been fun but we gotta go now

that's our guys

where do you think you're going where's

your pride in being part of team

sky-bird that kid must have really

kicked his head hard i don't remember

signing up for his crew i didn't i think

i was sick that night

they want to play we'll play fire

stop it you three you're embarrassing me


they're so busy fighting amongst

themselves they forgot about us they

both want credit for retrieving them so

what are we gonna do now wedge just

stand here all day and watch these

goofballs fight each other we're gonna

go and get that map back i don't care

what it takes come on let's go hold on


what is it prime our secret's on the

line a good commander remains calm in

combat analyze the situation coolly

before responding

and heavy load i understand your leader

was in danger but do you think you did

the right thing surrendering that map

well i have a confession the map i gave

him is bogus really are you sure

oh yeah and if they decide to follow

that map they're gonna be in big trouble

it's a map of the sewers good thinking

oh no what he's going to take them on by


right that's enough now give it back no

don't he's got a lot to learn about

keeping his cool under pressure

give me that map i'm not letting go

until you give it back look around

you'll notice that i'm a little busy

right now so

that's it

now i'm really mad

i'll get out of here kid cram pencil


get out of here let me help you


you're right back where you belong

as long as i have it i might as well

check it out

oh look there's an entrance nearby how


this is just too perfect i'll use their

system to travel to megatron and report

the news


there it is

everyone follow me

i guess we showed scourge whose boss

after all yeah we'll have the last laugh

right those guys are such losers come on

let's go

they found the entrance decepticons we

can't let them get away i don't want

them reporting into megatron yes

sir now hold on let them go it's all

right you don't understand heavy load

it's because of me they have the map if

i don't get it back i'll never forgive

myself don't worry i have the real map

it's right here see they have a fake

are you kidding me

what's this this smells funny this can't

be right kevin

this is awful that can't be the real map

wait a minute was this whole thing a


optimus prime transform

let's give our friends a chilly


blizzard store fire



well you got your battle today just like

you asked for you guys still have a lot

to learn about combat but if you don't

actually do it you'll never get the

experience you need so just forget about

what happened today

right now we depend on you for

construction but with teamwork you'll be

super warriors in no time

we'll get to fight again that's great

we'll be even better this time

wedge reminds me a lot of those diamonds

he's a little rough now but with some

work a little discipline a little


with a little polish he could shine and

become a valuable fighting autobot one




