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01x18 - The Test

Posted: 07/24/23 09:06
by bunniefuu






shark m*ssile attack


megatron has finally given me a mission

worthy of my abilities when i'm through

here this drilling platform will be

totally destroyed and the people of

planet earth will learn that the

predators will no longer be denied the

energy which is rightfully ours tsunami


there's no time that facility isn't far

from here i'll go




a celebratory haiku to sky bites the

light flames rose on butterfly wings

black orange burning i'm such a romantic

who did that

scourge how dare you


what's the matter with you megatron has

ordered me to come here



optimus prime i will not allow you to

destroy this structure sky-bite my

enemies have found me

they surround me and confound me and

with inbound missiles hound me as they

hit the ground around me but with one

astounding bound i shall escape


scourge you're an autobot with an

autobot spark look deep within yourself

and you'll find it use its power to

reject your dedication to megatron's


you can do this scourge i know you can



megatron's influence must be weakening

why else would he attack sky bite


i gave you a direct order skylight that

drilling platform was supposed to have

been totally destroyed what's your

excuse this time

you were betrayed megatron i told you

not to trust those decepticons and i was

right i was prevented from carrying out

your orders by the treasure scourge who

viciously att*cked me

then optimus showed up and the two of

them att*cked me at the same time

scourge says he's on our side but his

actions prove otherwise nonsense his

loyalty to me is unquestioned now then

what have you to report worth listening

to what are you saying that scourge was

acting on your orders when he silenced

this discussion is over

there's something fishy here and it's

not me


right now scourge thinks of himself as a

decepticon but when he scanned that

truck he scanned me as well so there's a

battle going on inside him between

megatron's evil influence and my

dedication to goodness and justice

that scourge is bad news and nothing but

he leads the decepticons does optimus

really think he's going to change all of

a sudden yeah he's just saying there's

still hope for him optimus knows how

dangerous the guy is yes i do but i also

believe that he's rediscovering his true

identity as an autobot what just cause

he's got part of you inside him doesn't

change what he's done what makes you

think he's gonna i think he stopped

sky-bite from destroying that platform

because at least for that moment the

part of him that knew it was wrong was

in control maybe that's exactly what he

wants you to think what's that noise

someone's sending a transmission but i

can barely make it out because the

signal's on such a narrow bandwidth that

means the sender is probably trying to

keep this transmission a secret right

because the narrower the bandwidth the

harder it is to eavesdrop boost the

signal let's see what we've got in

octopus prime mega octane calling

optimus prime i request a meeting

tomorrow morning one on one i'll be

flying the white flag i want to talk not

fight downloading visual over and out

looks like they're sending a

topographical map uploading visual


so he wants to meet sequoia national

park are you thinking what i think

you're thinking it's a setup optimus

it's gotta be i think the decepticons

are confused and that this is a cry for

help i've gotta go huh

all right but if you're going then we're

going to no i'm going alone

if they're willing to make the first

move we can at least meet them halfway


i'm sure this was the location but

there's no sign of him if he doesn't

show up soon

mega octane transform

you said you wanted to talk to me

i'm listening we decepticons have been

at w*r within ourselves fighting against

the evil megatron had planted within us

but now we've won that fight megatron is

no longer our master i see

go on we want to join you and help

protect the earth from the predacon

menace we want to be part of the autobot

team as we were meant to be your actions

prove otherwise you fought us at every

turn why should i believe you we know

now that what we did was wrong and we

apologize we'll do whatever we have to

do to prove our sincerity to show you

that we've regained our true autobot

identities does scourge feel the same

way of course then why isn't he here

he's your leader why send you unlike the

rest of us he takes his orders directly

from megatron if he weren't there

megatron would become suspicious i

understand when the right time comes

you'll all leave together

i knew it the deceptive concentrators


everything is working perfectly megatron

optimus prime is convinced that we want

to join the autobots shall we proceed

with the next stage of the plan

very well we'll set up the next meeting

and play them for the suckers they are

sooner or later they'll trust us enough

to tell us everything we want to know

correct which means they'll also tell

you the secret location of their

headquarters which you shall then


pretense and betrayal this is no plan

for our warrior once their monitoring

devices have been destroyed we'll be

able to steal energy from virtually

anywhere on earth giving us the power to

destroy them


megatron's behind this sure is sh**ting

no matter what that decepticon told you

i don't think they are decepticons

anymore i think their sparks have

rejected megatron's evil influence and

that they're autobots like us

maybe but if you ask me this whole thing

smells like a steaming hog drop on a hot

day they might not have changed at all

until we know for sure we can't let our

guard down i agree there's no way to

know whether they're working for

megatron or not look we'll stay alert

and if they make a move against us we'll

handle it meanwhile i say we give them a


well all right then on one condition one

condition what do you mean what do you

have in mind sideburn well the only way

to know what the real motives are is to

do some motivational research we'll give

them a test a test come on sideburn

we're not mind readers what are you

talking about

i've got a plan it's absolutely


you really think these guys are gonna

show up don't worry they'll be here who

knows maybe being on our side really is

what they want

first let's find out if they can pass

the test

here they come now

they're right on time

they don't look very friendly to me calm

down little brother let's see what

they've got to say


optimus prime told us we could join the

autobots if we could prove that we were

being truthful what would you have us do

not much you can start by cleaning up

this forest what we're warriors who

specialize in combat we know nothing

about menial castes like cleaning

look you want to convince us that your

autobots right well our primary mission

is to protect the earth in any way we

can and cleaning up the environment is

one of the most important


spread out and clean the forest

yes sir

this is fun i'm not gonna miss one leaf

yeah i could do this all day long i just

love being outdoors especially in this

beautiful forest

and we're through this place we'll be as

clean as a whistle

happy yeah

help out well it sure sounds like

they're enjoying themselves yeah the

question is for how long

hey wait a second what's wrong sideburn

where are you going you can't leave now

oh no look

no wonder sideburn took off like that

talk about bad timing this could ruin

everything hey there little red sports

car wait for me

don't forget why we're here we shouldn't

be here in the first place we're

autobots now remember act like one if

you don't cool it you'll blow the whole

mission i knew his temper would be

trouble someone else should take command

until he learns to control someone like

you no of course not i wish they might

hear you it's great meeting another

nature lover beautiful forest huh i

think it's time we showed our new

friends that we're all on the same team

so let's help them clean up around here

including you sideburn me

you're kidding right careful there's

just a couple of leaves there

astonishingly cleaving the forest now i

know they're trailers

i got

if this is all an act they're pretty

good actors no kidding i'd say optimus

is already convinced they're for real i

think his connection with scourge is

clouding his judgment we gotta find a

way to make him see that they're phonies

not to worry boys by the time i'm

through with them they won't be able to

hide anything from anyone

keep moving keep moving no speeding obey

the traffic laws move along please you

there slow down

you mustn't ignore the traffic laws you

might get

hurt here's another one take it away

movor all right rotara i've got it


i'm so glad we get to refill what we

destroyed before

yeah right save it pal the autobots are

too far away to hear you

man these guys are tough they're still

going strong i sure didn't expect them

to last this long maybe your plan wasn't

so foolproof after all


gotta hand it to them they've been

working their tails off

maybe optimus was right all along what

well they've been at it all day and

completed every job we gave them right

yeah which is exactly what megatron

would have told them to do in order to

convince us that they're on our side

isn't that right sideburn

i've never seen a bunch of bots work so

hard all i know is that when something

seems too good to be true it usually is

what do you think of them now guys

i think they passed the test don't you

they didn't complain and did more in one

day than we could do in a week if it's

all right with optimus it's all right

with me we're going back on patrol

cleaning up this canal wasn't easy but

we did it it's sure hard work but

helping to beautify the city makes it

all worthwhile can the act with you guys

the autobots can't hear us down here

roll bar they could be monitoring us

right now let them

we're all tired scourge a little fresh

oil will fix you up here keep your oil

i've had it up to here with this

ridiculous plan i know i should never

have agreed to it and now i'm through

playing the fool it's time to attack no

i'm sure we've convinced him by now if

you don't control yourself you'll ruin


you've proven yourselves to be autobots

you're welcome to join us

what serving the autobot cars will be an

honor and a privilege thank you optimus

no thanks necessary come on i'll take

you to our headquarters your secret face

that's right

the global space bridge is the only way

to get there

you see it worked yes optimus prime is

even bigger for me than i thought

this is my chance to show megatron that

i am his most loyal and valuable

follower i will destroy those traitors

and the leader of the autobots in one

fell swoop

well now what do we have here

decepticons consorting with the enemy oh

dear what a shame megatron will be so

disappointed that i had to destroy you

this is perfect if we blow that pest of

a predacon sky by the way optimus and

the autobots will believe anything we

tell them good thinking let's do it say

goodbye you traders



now we'll show you that the pentagons

are as much our enemy as they are yours

optimus especially that groveling

obnoxious secret sky bite mirage attack

well i'll deal with you later

come back here you coward

i didn't think the mechanic could ever

be able to fix my car after the beating

it took from those robots but now it's

running as good as new

no scourge wait

i've got to stop him flying fast

why did you get in my way without your

interference we would have eliminated a

dangerous enemy along with the driver of

that car are you willing to sacrifice a

human life for the sake of destroying a


of what consequence is the life of one

human when compared to an enemy's

destruction what did you say i apologize

for scourge he didn't mean it in the way

it sounded he's so eager to exterminate

the predacons that he gets carried away

enough this fast is over farce if he

means what i think he means no we had

him eating out of our oil pans and now

everything is ruined don't worry once

we've ripped optimus to pieces we'll

download the location of their base from

his data banks don't do this scourge

you're a fool optimus it was your own

need to believe in us that allowed us to

blindly do what we really are

the compassion spawned by your autobot

spark makes you vulnerable and weak and

that weakness will now be your undoing

on the contrary scourge compassion is

the autobot's greatest strength perhaps

i did allow my hope to cloud my judgment

but that mistake is about to be


calling autobots calling autobots this

is a battle protocol return to the canal

asap it turns out the decepticons are

still evil after all optimus is taking

on all six of them what did i tell you i

knew it was too good to be true the

decepticons are armed to the teeth if we

don't get there soon he's in big trouble

right pedals to the metal guys

battle mode


let's see if you can fight as well as

you lie

what the raj att*cks

looks like we got here just in time

let's help him hold on look


what is that that's the heat generated

by optimus's cyber matrix he's at

penultimate power

you chose to play a most dangerous game

but now the game ends you lose


i've never seen optimus at full power

before he's incredible it looks like we

can sit this one out

enough scourge transform

until next time optimus

fight you cowards

after what's happened here i may never

be able to trust them

but megatron i caught them in the act

they were talking to optimists as if

they were old friends and then they

viciously att*cked me they're traitors i

tell you you brainless fool as usual

you've ruined

oh everything brainless is not painless

i owe you all an apology you tried to

warn me and i let you down i let my hope

and optimism about the decepticons

override my better judgment hey come on

those guys played their parts perfectly

heck even sideburn was convinced they

were on the up and up and nobody's

blaming you optimus right guys course

not it was my fault it was my idea to

test him and that gave them the perfect

opportunity to get us to trust them just

because we made a mistake doesn't mean

we should stop hoping that they'll

change we're with you big guy i

uh will wonders never cease optimus is

speechless guess there's a first time

for everything

thanks guys thanks a lot

hey he's talking again i knew it was too

good to be true


