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01x13 - Hope for the Future

Posted: 07/24/23 07:50
by bunniefuu



ty contact the autobots and tell them to

meet me here right away i'm all over it

optimus no problem

proud sideburn x brawn

too bad i was planning on going to the


figures that's the last place you saw

the little red sports car the only place

we're going is headquarters now move out


seriously dude one of these days you

gotta come down to the beach with me

it's like sports car heaven down there

and zillions of them everywhere you look

sorry little brother this whole house

don't cut into that damp salty air i'll

take the dry heat of the high desert or

a crisp mountain breeze anytime i get a

move on keep your paint on

the spy changers are next hot shot

optimus wants everyone to come back to

headquarters for a meeting right away

give us a minute will you we've got some

predacon butt to kick first hot shot

transform let's do it guys roger that

hot shot

right behind you crosswise transform

you predacons just never learn do you

well here's another lesson for you don't

mess with the spy changers wars


you can run but you can't hide ironhide




let's play ring around the predacon

spy changers prepare to fire they're

running circles around us i'm getting


fire blaster

it's all over gas skunk oh yeah yeah


there's plenty more where that came from

time for a knockout punch initiate

piggyback attack right let's move



feel the power of my center laser



our work is done here we're coming in

great team b*llet trains on their way


what's your eta rail spike two minutes

or less

hey we were supposed to practice our

single file link up maneuver today

sounds good to me we'll do it on the way


here we go initiate single file link up


on my mark separate and jump for it

the predacons have been giving us

problems ever since they got here but

nothing we haven't been able to handle

so far but as long as they've got dr

onishi they have access to information

that could give him a big advantage do

you ever think you'll be able to find my

dad our sky spies are searching for him

24 7. we'll find him i promised you that

the day he was taken the day it all


good morning i'd like to welcome all of

you we're here from around the globe to

share in a unique and historical event

my friends right now the greatest danger

to planet earth is the wasteful and

improper use of our resources it's

imperative that we find a solution to

this problem


what's happening

i am megatron leader of the predacons

and future ruler of this galaxy the

predacons are in need of energy and

there is one amongst you who knows the

location of every energy source on earth

you dr onishi in the transmissions we

intercepted you were described as

earth's foremost expert

i'll tell you nothing predacon megatron

it's time for us to leave dr onishi

hold it right there get away from him




but i'm not going alone

not even the doctor can resist a

predacon psychoprobe he's unwittingly

become megatron's most dangerous w*apon

they're holding the doctor at their

secret command center if we look at what

the predacons have done in the past we

might discover clues about its location

what is it koji what's up i was thinking

about the microchip we found in the

indian ruins well what about it koji my

dad used multiple encryption codes maybe

there's another level with information

that could help us fight the predacons

it is possible

i thought going to those ruins was gonna

be a pleasure trip man was i wrong

you seem to know an awful lot about this

place yeah i used to come here every


with my dad

you explored it together yep i haven't

been here in a long time but i used to

know almost every inch of this place

that tunnel therein will soon become a

trap from which they'll never escape

shock missiles will get rid of those two

once and for all

wait koji

if that sound is what i think it is

we've got to get out of here


buckle up koji and hold on gotcha

hand it over pal that's stolen property

your delivery to megatron has just been

canceled it's not stolen i found it


whatever you are

last warning sky bite this box is going

with me wrong answer

optimus the box

got it

so megatron used the action in metro

city to distract us while sky bite was

carrying out his mission here whatever's

in this box must be pretty important go

ahead koji open her up and let's have a


what is it koji

hey well i'll be switched there was

something hidden in the frame the

question is



sky bite hasn't beaten us yet but he's

sneaky clever and dangerous and he'll do

just about anything to carry out a

mission yes and when he went after the

device hidden in that sports car he

almost succeeded


transform you choose to ignore my

warning booster powerfest

well it's been fun playing with youtube

but recess is over

shark m*ssile

happy murdering

my beautiful red sports car don't worry

i'll save you

now that i've got a device

this device contains enough power to

recharge all our fuel cell will convert

its energy as soon as i reach the

command center think again hoss

this little chunk of energy is going

with me


yeah here we go

made it

hold your position ex-brawn why what's

up optimus i think i know a way to get

rid of that device

optimus prime transform hello sky bite

there's nothing you can do optimus i beg

to differ optimus prime battle mode

expert switch into robot mode and throw

that device as high as you can gotcha


now it's mine

activate powerstream targeting mechanism

locked on power stream fire

using the water from your power stream

work to perfection optimus but

underwater sky bites more dangerous than

ever i learned that the hard way

you really got in over your head that

time optimus

how's your backstroke

i can't beat him here


as long as i miss target the ship is

safe this is my domain optimus once

you're in shark-infested waters you're



get away from him sky bite target

torpedo blast



playtime's over

the ship is returning to horizontal



where's your poetry now sky bite i'll

write a special haiku once i finished

you off didn't i tell you to stick with

limericks now try my fist of steel


a few minutes later his target signature

disappeared from our sensors which means

their base might be underwater we'll

find it and save your dad and then it's

bye-bye predacons

if we could get a handle on the

predacon's overall strategy we might be

able to figure out what they'll do next

one of their strategies is finding out

what our weaknesses are and exploiting

them like my ineffectiveness underwater

and like sideburn chasing after every

little red sports car he sees you're

right that's how they lured him into

that trap and kidnapped him i'm afraid

your friend isn't feeling very well if

you ever want to see him again

come alone and meet at the location of a

map otherwise

of course optimus will come his friend

is in danger what's going on

you're going down megatron

lightning laser


it's payback time fish breath have a


blaster yeah eat blazer loser

targeting signature gas skunk fire

eat photons

give it up megatron

hold on little brother we're going



power stream



metal piece

megatron's weakness is his ego he thinks

he's infallible and that makes him


yeah like the time he planted that bug

on mirage he was sure that mirage had

switched sides for a while there we

thought so too

you said you wanted to teach the spy

changes a lesson this is just the device

to do it with

here that's the remote detonator

nice toy

i'll invite those backstabbers here and

then boom


no it's not a trap the pentacons aren't

anywhere near here there's nothing to

worry about i get it he's using hand

signals for a countdown three




double crosser

why'd he do that because he was only

pretending to be a traitor to the spy

changes you fool

i don't understand how did he get away

with it

i had to act like a traitor because of

this well no wonder they had a bug on

you all this time

not anymore

it's a good thing mirage found out about

that listening device the predacon's

ambush backfired on them as usual don't

get complacent hotshot sometimes we just

got lucky when we were looking for skids

they almost took us out

hey watch that you guys it's raining

rocks out here weird i wonder why

good question cyber i'll go check it out


that's not fair he's ignoring the laws

of gravity come on guys let's get out of



well look who's here i should have known

every credit card

that ambush was well planned how did

they know we were going to be here maybe

they found out that skids is infected

with the racing bug and figured we'd

come here to look for him what a

brilliant deduction

spread out we'll have to catch that rock

or it'll crush us



the autobots are in trouble they need me

i've got to help them

in just a few seconds you autofools will

be flattened my servos are starting to

overheat now my hydraulics are redlining

we need skids where is he magnus is he's

crossing the finish line right about now

no skidz is the spark of an autobot

he'll be here in your weakened state one

blaster by dual dragonfire should finish



the only one that's finished here is you

megatron you're just in time skids

take a rest guys

welcome back skids as for you megatron

you're welcome to leave now couldn't

agree more happy trails megatron

take a hike

go on get out of here i'll be back

after losing so many battles you think

megatron would have learned his lesson

but he's just as dangerous as ever and

seems absolutely determined to destroy

the autobots listen as long as we've got

optimus on our side megatron doesn't

stand a chance

we almost got them at the cave of the

dragons they fell for that story about

the giant robot hook line and sinker

that was a plan they got a taste of

their own medicine more importantly what

we found in that cave could turn out to

be the key to defeating them once and

for all

i'm ready when you are optimus good

cause the show is just about to start

time for our big entrance let's do it

hey look he's coming out

astonishing absolutely spectacular

this guy's seriously large

don't retreat capture him and bring him

back to megatron then get going you want

to try and capture that thing go right

ahead we're outta


optimus what are here doing here this

giant robot is a protector of this land

and i won't let you take him leave now

while you still can

optimus prime battle mode


you may have tricked us but you can't

defeat us right by the cards gotta go

see ya bye now have a nice day

hey something fell out of its head


it's an oh part what was it doing in

that statue

could that be what they're after hmm

that's a good question real spike

if megatron is searching for the o parts

we had better find the rest before he

does maybe the o parts can help us find

dr onishi i hope so ty




