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01x06 - The Secret of the Ruins

Posted: 07/24/23 07:45
by bunniefuu






megatron terrorized

i know those blasted autobots are nearby

i can feel them hiding amongst the

trucks and buses of this pathetic little

mud ball called air

come forth my petticons lash out the

cowardly autobots


oops i forgot i'm not a real skunk i'm a

predacon all right then gas skunk attack

this is dory dutton reporting live from

the scene of the latest predacon


according to eyewitnesses predacons have

been searching the streets for any sign

of the autobots well since they've gone

to all that trouble i'd hate to

disappoint them ty who's currently

available checking now optimus

member select program


the autobot brothers are on standby

patrol in the southwestern region i'll

try to contact them right away proud we

have a situation here we have a

situation of our own what exactly do you

mean we haven't heard from sideburn all

day and he's not answering on his normal

frequency he took koji to explore some

old indian ruins so we're checking to

make sure they're okay what's up on your

end we've got predacon trouble in metro

city again team b*llet train is a lot

closer to the city than we are let us

know if they need any help meanwhile

we're gonna look for sideburn and cozy

let's go experon good luck prowl let us

know when you find them ty get us a

location on the b*llet trains okay prowl

was right they're scheduled to arrive at

the downtown station in a few minutes

rail spike we need team b*llet train for

patrol duty

asap predacons have been sighted in the

midtown area i do that guy all three of

us will be arriving at the main station

in about 60 seconds rapid run did you

copy that transmission gotcha ty but

your rails bike a whole minute to get

there you better grease your wheels i

bet you i can beat you there by 30


in your dreams pal how about you

midnight what's your vga estimated time

of arrival at the metro city main depot

in approximately 42.3 seconds

reach at the station guys let's roll

on track

this is not a fight emergency please

move back from the boarding area these

b*llet trains are currently unavailable

sorry to delay your commute home folks

please be patient there will be another

train arriving in 10 minutes

midnight express travels

i'm just trying to do my job it is

somewhat of an emergency i'll be out of

your way in a second i want to see an

emergency where do you see what happens

to me if i'm late getting high that was

a nice paint job sorry excuse me

midnight the predatons are in the other

direction you're going the wrong way

goodness i'm all turned around my


lead the way why didn't i think of that

come on i'm right behind you

this is starting to get good we couldn't

miss those guys if we tried

gas g*ns smoking with your acid breath

they can't see us they can't fight back

when i get through with those guys

they'll be lucky to find their way back

to the train station in a few seconds

they won't be able to see anything

it's an ambush

what's the matter real spike skunk got

you done

have a taste of your own medicine

reflector mine's locked

yo rail spike i do believe your aiming

mechanism is getting a little rusty

those mines are going in the wrong

direction your rookies are so impatient

keep watching you might learn something

thing but this is ridiculous go breathe

on somebody else before we barbecue

is she

gotta hand it to you old timer that was

a pretty slick move

something about this doesn't smell right

you mean gas g*ns breath it is pretty

terrible no something's wrong

but our guys won they defeated them

easily perhaps too easily what with

their target usually they try to steal

energy to convert into energized cubes

but not this time so what was their real

motive good point they could be up to

something we don't know about and use

this as a diversion exactly time but



ah yes


while those foolish autobots are being

distracted by the other predacons i'll

be able to find what we're really after

what i'm looking for is hidden in a

secret chamber within some old ruins

which should be in this immediate

vicinity but i've seen nothing around

here except lizard sand and rocks


unless i miss my guess

that doorway is the entrance to the

ruins and that means that the rest of dr

onishi's instructions must undoubtedly

be correct dr ronisi has secret

information which could make me the most

powerful being in the universe i must

extract this information

yes if this information actually exists

but are you sure that he's telling you

the truth he didn't tell me anything i

projected his thoughts with the

psychopro at 90 000 volts per probe he

won't last very long what a pity

i don't care you fool with this

information i can rule the universe

understand yes

i'm sure you're right as always good to

find where it's hidden we must increase

the power of the probe and transpose his

brain impulses into on-screen imagery

then no matter how hard he resists we'll

know where to look for it precisely one

of the images that are most important to

the good doctor will appear on the

scanning screen so one of them is bound

to show us the secret location of the

information that he's trying to hide

from us

now doctor your innermost secrets will

be exposed psycho probe increased power

gotta resist

he's still fighting us these are merely

surface images they're meaningless

he's stronger than i thought very well

psycho probe increased power

ruins secret chamber

an isolated region like that would be a

perfect hiding place search those ruins



now at once and when i return the

doctor's secret will be ours

thanks to megatron's diversion i'll have

plenty of time to find the secret

chamber and whatever it contains and if

i succeed in bringing megatron the key

to universal supremacy our voyage to

this planet would have been worthwhile

no it couldn't be

why'd you want to come all the way out

here it's in the middle of nowhere i'll

bet you there isn't a cherry red sports

car within a hundred miles of this place

koji hey sorry about that sideburn we're

going to the old pyuma ruins it

shouldn't take long now pie humor is my

favorite there's nothing funnier than a

pie in the face right no pyum is the

name of a tribe

they were native americans who lived

here hundreds of years ago they

mysteriously disappeared around the time

that columbus discovered the new world

but if they disappeared how does anybody

know who lived there

my dad was the one who figured it out he

knows more about them than anyone

hmm sounds kind of interesting all right

then let's go have a look


where are the other autobots did they

figure out what we're up to or is this

merely a coincidence

it doesn't matter either way i'll have

to get rid of them to complete my

mission this is the end of the road for



megatron wants us to keep these guys

busy as long as possible

let's use the try laser attack come on


slapper terrorize


start scream terrorized

fried me oh yeah your laser hit me so

hard i thought my gas nozzle was gonna

fall off

frozen by my own freeze beam how


team b*llet train wins again way to go

rapid run what do you say we kick these

guys out of town


so my plan seems to have worked at least

three of the autobots have been kept

occupied here in the city but there's

optimus prime why isn't he

we have to figure out what megatron's

real plan is and fast if they are trying

to distract us from whatever they're

really up to who would megatron use for

a secret mission

good question ty sky bite would be the

logical choice he's ruthless and very

clever you're right i'll log on to the

global autobot net maybe one of our guys

has seen him

this is it the pioma ruins but you might

have trouble driving in there it's a

real labyrinth a maze of tunnels with

hairpin turns

no sweat

how did your father ever discovered this


it's his job sideburn that's what

archaeologists have to do sounds like

interesting work that is if you can't be

an autobot

sounds like the autobot and the human

are the only ones who know about this

place once i've gotten rid of them

there'll be nobody here to stop me


first we have to find the secret

entrance to the inner chambers there it


what's the hole for it's kind of like a

keyhole the key is over there you put

this in here

the really interesting part is inside

you seem to know an awful lot about this

place yeah i used to come here every


with my dad

you explored it together yep i haven't

been here in a long time but i used to

know almost every inch of this place

that tunnel therein will soon become a

trap from which they'll never escape

my shark missiles will get rid of those

two once and for all

wait koji

hey what's the matter what is it

sideburn i think we've got company

if that sound is what i think it is

we've got to get out of here climb



these ruins are absolutely fascinating

and it's so quiet and peaceful it's just

what the doctor said i needed to get

over my irrational fear of being chased

by talking cars

i could have sworn i just heard a car

oh there i go again imagining things

what would a car be doing down here in

these ancient indian ruins

it's the talking car

and guided missiles but they didn't talk

you're right this place is a maze the

pioneers built it that way to confuse

intruders well those missiles don't look



that was a close one

mayday i repeat this is a mayday

we're under 50 feet of solid rock it

won't go through from down here


hey it's never too late to teach an old

skunk new tricks

see you wouldn't want to be you major

hookup midnight nice sh**ting

i see that i'm going to have to take

care of your b*llet train buffoons


helper megatron

you three should have been thrown back

into the gene pool now out of my way no


now autobots let's see how you do

against the real opponent

you'll soon discover that all your

powers combined won't be enough to

defeat me do you talk this much all the

time or only when you've got two mouths

actually my two mouths have a much more

useful purpose

shall we fuse gentlemen not yet we've

gotta wait for the right moment

not one autobot has reported seeing

sky-bite anywhere on earth optimus look

that's a made a signal on koji's

frequency he's out of those ruins with

sideburn if i use the global space

bridge i can be there in a few minutes


now that those two troublemakers are out

of the way i can finish my mission

according to the information we stole

from dr onishi's mind the secret chamber

should be hidden behind a wall inscribed

with a hieroglyph matching the one i'm

projecting right now

that's it shark spike

aha that receptacle at the top of the

stairway must be where the information

is hidden

once we learn the secrets it contains

the predacons will become the most

powerful beings in the universe

and i will have more power than i could

have ever possibly imagined second only

to megatron

i don't think so

i don't understand how did you know i

was here i called him sky bite right

after we got out of that tunnel my dad

showed me all the secret passageways the

pyumas used for emergencies sky bite you

were sent here for something but what

these ruins hold no interest for

predacons what is megatron after

my orders

were quite clear now out of my way

i always knew i was good i just never

realized how good

megatron i've got the container from the

chamber and the secret information


my plan worked perfectly my job is done

lucky for the three of you i have urgent

business elsewhere

however i would like to add just one


where are you right over here


what a shame i have to leave now we'll

finish this some other time

we thought you wanted us to walk those

guys and he's a divisionary tactic to

obscure the actual objective got any

idea what he's talking about i don't

return to the east unless you want to go

on fantasy

twice rail racers back on track

i've stolen it now i just have to

deliver it to megan

skye all right pull over that's stolen

property your delivery to megatron has

just been cancelled sideburn transform


this box is going with me

oh well wrong again oh

optimus the box


got it

so megatron tried to lure us into the

city while sky bite was carrying out his

mission here looks like we got plum

lucky optimus if kogi and sideburn

hadn't been out here they would have

gotten away with it

what i don't understand is what you two

are doing out here my dad and i used to

explore these old ruins together

we humans think we know everything

but the earth still holds many secrets

that will be revealed only to those who

are willing to search for them i want to

do that dad i want to be an

archaeologist just like you

thanks son those words are one of the

greatest gifts you could have given me


how did the predacons find out about

this place

and how did skyvite know how to find the

secret chamber

somehow they must have gotten that

information from your father but what

exactly were they after

whatever's inside that box must be

pretty important go ahead koji open her

up let's have a look


what is it koji

it's a photo of me and my dad from the

last time we were here

that's it nothing else hmm a photo like

that is great sentimental value but why

would your father leave it in a place

where it would be so difficult to find


well i'll be switched there was

something hidden in the frame i've never

seen this before

it looks like it's part of a computer

you're right it's a microchip so that's

what megatron was after

my dad must have wanted to keep this a

secret the question is


