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01x09 - Along Came a Spider

Posted: 07/24/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
Too round.

Too orange.

Too... normal.

Yeah, that's the one!

Let me give you a hand with that.

Oops, my bad.

So, the purpose of this "Halloween"
is to disguise yourself

in order to frighten strangers
and extort sugar and fuse... nuggets.

You say that like its
a bad thing.

The most important part of a Halloween
is picking just the right costume.

It has to make a statement.
And it must get people's attention.

Beautiful, isn't it?
- Yeah.

What is it?

I have no idea.
- Optimus! Elita- !

Get your fan belts in gear!

Sentinel, you ever stop
to consider there's a reason

why organic planets
are off-limits to Autobots?

You're not getting cold landing pads now,
are you, Optimus old buddy?

Aren't you just the least bit curious
to see a real Decepticon ship?

Think of the history!

Forget history! Think of the energon.
Those bots hoarded the stuff.

We find that ship and we are
set for the rest our lives.

Which we could all end up spending
in the cyber stockade if we're caught.

Alright, fine, we get it
if you're too scared.

Somebody's gotta keep
you two walking malfunctions

from getting in over your heads.

We never get in over our heads!


You hear that?

Sounds like it came from
down that tunnel.


What's got you
so jumpy, boss bot?

Just a ghost...
from my past.

Nice scare, big guy.

But you're gonna need
a bigger bedsheet.

Velcome! I am Count Dracubot.
I vant to drink your motor oil.

Hey, guys! I finally found something
big enough for my ghost costume.

Bulkhead, where
did you get that sheet?

It was just draped
over some house.

Weird place for
a bedsheet, huh?

That's not a bedsheet.
That's a fumigation tent.

Really? Wh-What's a
"fumigation tent"?

So where's your costume, Sari?

Uh-uh, it's a surprise!

In fact, I've got a lot
of surprises planned.

Whoa! Take it easy, big guy.
Just a little Halloween fun.

Somehow I think when the AllSpark
powered your key,

it had something more in mind
than Halloween fun.

You really shouldn't use it
unless it's absolutely necessary.

Hello? How necessary was it
to use your axe on a fake spider?

I got a good feeling about this.

Any cycle now,
we're gonna be overflowing

with rich, AllSpark infused
energon-y goodness!

Did you really just say "energon-y goodness"?
- Shh, shh!

I think I hear something.

Over here!
- Where's it coming from?

That way!

Look out!

I take it back. This stuff
isn't so beautiful after all.

Behind you!

Forget it, Elita. Your power
won't work on an organic!

Who said anything
about my power?

I think we've just been
officially outclassed, Sentinel.

I'm beginning to see why
organic planets are off-limits.

No amount of history
or energon is worth this.

Let's go.

Come on, guys,
we've come this far!

Give me one good reason
why we should leave.

How about three?

Go! I'll cover your retreat!


Optimus! Check out my costume!

Ooh, look at me! I'm Optimus Prime!
I'm scared of spiders!

That's not what I sound like.

Is it?

Last chance to
join us, boss bot.

Thanks but, uh, I'll pass.

Just be careful out there, alright?

Don't worry, I'll keep
these two out of trouble.

Transform, and roll out!

Couldn't resist.

I-I don't know.
It looks kinda... spooky.

I know, isn't it great?

Just remember, it's all pretend.

Now remember, as soon as the
door opens, you say "trick or treat".

Bulkhead, Bu-Bulkhead...

- What?

Big, black, fangs, legs.
Lots of, lots of legs!

I don't see anything.

Trick or treat!

Hey, you guys forgot to say...
What are you pointing at?

It was all... then it went...
there were legs! It was black!

First time trick or treating.

I'm telling you, I saw something!

We're being followed!

What a scaredy bot,
you're worse than Optimus.

Am not.


B-Besides, I know of
the difference between

a fake Halloween decoration,
and a real giant spider!

Wait, say again, Bumblebee?
What did you see?

A giant spider.

You know, eight legs, spins a web,
crawls up walls, the whole deal.

Hey, have you been listening in
on our commlinks, this whole time?

Stay where you are,
I'll be right there.

Elita? Sentinel!


A Decepticon warship.

Sentinel? Elita?

Energon cubes.

Huh, what do you know?
Sentinel was right.

Odd, I've never seen
oval-shaped energon.

Why do I get the feeling
that's not energon?

Thought I might find you in here.

We'll have to
find our way out!

Use your power!

It's useless on
organics, remember?

Not on them, on me!

Let's make this fast.
My download won't last long.

Nice work, Optimus.

Now let's get out of here before
the rest of those energon cubes-



Sentinel, get out, now!

We need to go after her!

No, no time!
The ship's gonna blow!

We need to go back for Elita!

I'm not picking up
her energy signature.

Sh-she's offline.

This is all your fault!

I won't let it happen again.

Trust me, Bumblebee, there are no
giant spiders on this planet!

Maybe it came from
some other planet.

Huge alien life forms, coming to Earth?
You gotta be kidding!

Oh right. Us.

All I'm sayin' is, we should
put our scanners on high alert.

Keep a sharp lookout. And don't
let anything slip past us.

- Sari?

Keep away from the girl.

That's just what
I was gonna say.

Don't move! I wanna make sure
the big guy sees you, this time.

You wouldn't hurt a helpless
female bot, now would you boys?

Who are you?

What are you?

Duh, she's a girl.

My friends call me Blackarachnia.


What'd you do to them?

You're safe now, let's go.

These are my friends.

Oh, sorry for the
misunderstanding, then.

It's so hard to tell the good robots
from the bad ones on this planet.

Come on!
Why wouldn't you work?

My venom derives
from organic sources.

So the AllSpark won't have
any effect on it.

Nice costume, by the way.

Wait! Back up. How do you
know about the AllSpark?

I guess you could say I'm a bit
of an expert in that matter.

I could show you
a thing or two with that key.

Why not let me
try to revive them?

Sari, get away, now!

Optimus. So... the rumors are true.

Hey! That's Bumblebee's thing.

Don't get your pigtails in
a bunch, kid. I'm just borrowing it.

Much as you'd love
to give me faceful of foam,

And yes, let me state the obvious,
I borrowed the big guy's strength, too.

Now, what should
I borrow from you?

Change of plans,
you're coming with me!


Ooh, you're in trouble now!
My friend Optimus Prime is

gonna take his axe, and chop you
into itsy-bitsy spider burg-

Don't you ever stop talking?

You alright, Sari?

Optimus, look out!

I know all your moves, Optimus.
Pure textbook Autobot Academy.

Do I know you?

I know how easily
you forget your friends.

Although you managed
to remember Sentinel that day!

Elita- ?

It's Blackarachnia, now.

But I thought you were...

If either of you had
bothered to search for me,

you would've seen
what happened!

I tried to use my downloading power
on the spiders,

but I ended up infecting myself
with their organic venom!

I became... something else.

Not Autobot, not organic.
I was nothing but a freak!

Your organic half must've
masked your energy signature.

Had I known, I would've-
- What, brought me back to Cybertron

to be dismantled and examined
on some lab table?

So, you allied yourself
with the Decepticons instead.

At least I know
where I stand with them.

Hey! Give that back!

No way, kid, if anything can
purge my organic half, it's this!

But you said, the AllSpark
won't affect organics.

Guess I must've lied.
Imagine that.

Elita, wait!

I've already waited,
for a thousand stellar cycles!


We got Sari! Get the spider bot.

Little help for the
vertically challenged?

Coming right up.
And going right up!

Hang on Sari! It's gonna be
a bumpy landing!

What's happening?

Your spark can't survive
without your organic half!

You need to shut off the key!

I-I can't.

Leave me alone.

I don't want you to see me
like this anymore.

Come with us, Elita.
We'll find a cure together.

Let me earn back your trust.

Come closer, I need
to tell you something.

It'll be a long time
before I trust an Autobot.

Especially you, Optimus.

I believe the expression is,
"trick or treat".

Duh, that's what
I'm supposed to say.

You just say "Happy Halloween"
and fork over the goods.

And then I'm supposed to say,
thank you and, you were right.

And maybe I should
give this thing a rest.

Think I could persuade you
to use it one more time?

So who was that
bug bot lady?

Someone I never should
have left behind.