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01x02 - Transform and Roll Out pt. 2

Posted: 07/24/23 06:18
by bunniefuu
Code red, all units proceed to Sumdac robot plants in Monroe.

Repeat, this is a code red.

Go, go go! Let's move!

This is why I hate machines.

Testing ...

Will someone get me a blowhorn that works, for crying out loud?

Alright SWAT units, drag that thing away from civilians!

Emergency crews, let's get those people evacuated now!

Go, go, go!

But my daughter is still in there! Sari! Sari!

Sparkplug! Sparkplug!

Here Sparky! I got a nice tasty security key for you!

Bring out the big g*ns!

On my signal!

Captain Fanzone, wait. You don't want to attack this creature!

Watch me. Fire!

Smart bombs, really pack a punch.

Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

How long have we been in stasis?

And what's with the alarm?

Probably something to do with-

Whatever it is, it's definitely got circuitry.

And... something else.

Teletran- , scan the area, see what's going on out there.


Looks like those guys could use some help.

Even so, we don't want to attract attention in case the Decepticons are still out there watching.

Teletran- , scan local life forms.

We can take on their appearance and blend in better.

Autobots, transform and roll out!

Not bad, huh?




It'll do.

Aren't you coming, doc bot?

Someone's gotta analyze this thing.

Besides, who needs a bot with one servo in the scrap heap?

Not gonna let that one go, are you?


All units fall back. We will engage with unmanned drones only.

Greetings, fellow bots. We are here to help.

Do not engage that thing yet. Keep your scanners peeled for Decepticons.

If those are Decepticons, we got nothing to worry about.

What do those cowboys think they're doing down there?

You four! What part of "fall back" do you not understand?

Who are those guys?

I want their names, I want their badges,

I want their... Hey where are the drivers?

How is my car driving itself?

Any of you little bots know what this thing is? Or how to get it off me?

Can anybody talk on this planet?

Get back here! Sparkplug.

Sparkplug! Let go!

What is that thing? - Must be some kinda pet.

Why would the four-legged bot want a pet that big?

Hi, little creature. My name's Bulkhead.

Did you lose your owner bot?

That thing must be armed with some kind of high frequency sonic w*apon.

I think it's scared.

Don't worry, little creature. I'm not gonna hurt you.

But that thing might.

What is that thing?

Whatever it is, it needs our help.

Autobots, transform!

Sari! That's my daughter!

Captain Fanzone, you must send someone in to rescue my-


Autobots, attack!

Why don't you pick on someone your own size?

Hi, I'm Bumblebee. - I'm Sari.

Oh don't be. I like my name.

No, I mean my name is-

What are you? - I'm an Autobot, actually...

One of yours?

No, but there is something oddly familiar about them.

Not familiar enough to take any chances with your kid?

All drone units, engage the yellow robot. But don't harm the girl.

Shoo! Shoo!

Boss bot, I got a problem!

Prowl! Lend a servo, huh?


He said "lend" a servo, not "slice" a servo.

Better that than feeding the rest of you to that thing.

That wasn't your call to make, Prowl. We're a team, remember?

And we need to know we can depend on each other.

Only one bot I'd depend on. Me.


I'd love to stick around and chat, but I gotta go!

Ratchet! We need backup, stat!

I'm busy. - That's an order!

Typical academy bot. Rather hear a problem than fix it.

If you bother to analyze the nanobots that control the thing you were hitting,

you'll that learn their programming causes them to interpret

any unfamiliar material as an invading threat.

Now I can whip up a simple override command,

or I can come out and get my curdled whip with the rest of you glitches.

What's it gonna be?

Right, uh, I'll go with Plan A. But hurry it up, OK Ratchet?

At my age, this is as "hurry it up", as it gets.

Does anyone pick up Prowl's energy signature in there?

Yeah, I have. But it's faint.

Ratchet to Prime. I'm beaming the override via Teletran- .

But these nanobots are so primitive, you're gonna have to upload it manually.

As far as I can tell from the scan,

your creature has concentrated all it's higher command functions

into a highly protective central processor.

Which means, the only way to deliver this fix is from inside that thing.

What happens when that thing eats a whole ship?

Well let's upload this override before we find out.

We need someone small and fast.

Why is everybody looking at me?

We can do it if we work as a team, Bumblebee.

Bulkhead and I will keep the creature distracted.

While I fly all the way up there like a Decepticon? As if.

You can do it, buddy. With a little speed and a big ramp.

You know, all things considered... fixing Space Bridges wasn't such a bad gig.

Think it knows what we're up to?

It's certainly getting smarter. Smart like Prowl.

Bumblebee, abort!

Can't stop now. I'm almost at launch speed!

That creature has merged with Prowl's comlink.

It's heard everything we're saying.

Oh yeah? Then hear this...

You're going down!


Hey, I was wondering where that went to.

Wh-what happened?

Your teammates just saved your circuits, Prowl.

Whether you like it or not.


We need to get him back to the ship right away for repairs.

Prime to Ratchet. Prepare the medi-lab. We got a casualty.

Bulkhead, load up Prowl. Carefully.

Autobots, transform and roll out!

Bumblebee, is that you? - Sari?

Oh my gosh itwassoamazing, I'mfreakingout

youweresocooltosaveeveryone fromthemonster, I can't believe it!

Sari, take it easy. My friend's hurt real bad.

I have to go.

But, I want to know more about you.

Let me come with you, please, please, please, I wanna help?

Me too, but I don't have time for this, OK?

Pleaseohpleaseohplease ohpleaseohplease?

I said roll out, Bumblebee!

You can trust this face, can't you?

Just keep out of sight until I can explain. And don't touch anything.


I mean, yes.

Uh, am I gonna be able to breathe down there?

Oh sure. What's "breathe"?

Good as new.

Wish I could say the same for Prowl.

Just-just do what you can, Ratchet.

Is he gonna... go offline?

Well, he's not quite ready to join the Well of All Sparks,

if you know what I mean.

What's happening? I can't see.

Will you keep down?

Will you keep down...loading information? You know, to help fix Prowl.

That nanobot creature scramble your circuits?


No. My circuits didn't get scrambled. But thanks for asking.

Shh, q-quiet.

Is everything alright, Bumblebee?

Sari! Uh, sorry I-I must've had some bad motor oil.

Bumblebee, will you put a muffle on it and transform to robot mode?

Right... robot mode.

I feel much better now.

OK, that was weird. Did we just have a conversation?

If you mess this up, you owe me my security deposit.

How did you get aboard this ship?

It followed me home.

Can I keep it?

Hey, I'm not an "it", I'm a "she"!

So I suppose you have an explanation?

Yeah actually I'm narrowing it down to my top .

Prime! You better get up here now !

Circuit damage is too extensive, I can't keep 'em stable!

That is.. quite the cure.

Can all "she"'s do that?

I don't even know how I did that.

At this point, nothing surprises me.

I've seen more action in this one solar cycle

than my entire Cybertron service career.

Solar cycle's not over yet.

I think my dad's looking for me.

Don't worry, humans don't usually blow up things

with those symbols on the side.

Really? And here I thought they made me an easier target.

Put your hands where I can see 'em!

Why do they want us to do that?

I don't know. I think it makes you look less scary or something.

Whoa, what is this?

It's OK, they're friendly!

Well, except for the red and white one, he's kinda grumpy!

But other than that!

Sari! Thank goodness you are OK.

Lower your weapons!

It's OK guys, you could put your hands down now.

So... can we keep 'em?

I want to thank the Autobots

and extend a hand of friendship from the entire human race

to Optimus Prime, the leader of this brave band of hero.

And to think Ultra Magnus told me not to be a hero.

Is this what it was like in your day?

The Decepticons didn't leave us very much to cheer about.

solar cycles of searching. But the AllSpark is out there,

I can feel it! And once I find it,

the Decepticons will have no choice but to follow my leadership.

An energy signal?

An awfully remote sector. Still, it looks promising.

Extremely promising.