02x30 - Bend It Like Becky / Questionable Behavior

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x30 - Bend It Like Becky / Questionable Behavior

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary
a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words

Ricochet and dismayed.

Every day for the past week,
the city has been

Gripped by a fever...

Soccer fever!

It's on everyone's tv.

Tv announcer:
miranda to silva.
Silva sh**t!

Off the post,
into the back of the net.


Wow, did you see
the ball ricochet

Off the goalpost
and into the net?

Narrator: and did you hear
the way that announcer

Screamed, "goal?"

Like: "goallllllll."

Hey, you're pretty
good at that.

Thank you.

[Whistle blowing]

Ok, team.

Did you see how
those professionals
play soccer?

Well, with just
a little practice,

I'm sure you can
be almost as good
as they are.

mrs. Botsford--

Please, I didn't go
through two hours

Of coaching seminar
at a hotel ballroom

To have you call me mrs.!

Call me coach.

Um, mrs. Botsford,
I don't know if I'm ever

Going to be that good.

Violet, don't
be dismayed.

I already taught
my daughter becky

How to kick the ball,

And she's getting
very good.

Becky, why don't
you demonstrate?


Whoa, becky!

It's like you
have superpowers.

No. Um, coach mom,
why don't we
start practice?

Good idea, becky,
but first, we need to

Pick a team name.

Ooh! Ooh!
What about
"the unicorns? "

How about
"the butterflies?"


Make it something cool,
like, "the lasers"!

Ptew! Ptew!

Yeah! The lasers!
Ptew! Ptew!

Or something tough like
"the gorillas"! Err!

Yeah. The gorillas.

[Bob squawking]

[All talking at once]

Now, now team.

There is an easy way
to compromise.

We'll be "the butterfly
unicorn laser gorillas."

Ahh. Heh.

Becky: dr. Two-brains.
What's he doing here?

Gentlemen, we've spent
all winter cooped up like rats--

I'm sorry,
make that mice--

But now that spring
is upon us,

We finally get to carry out
our master plan--

We're going to have
a picnic in the park

Every day
for the next months.

Ha ha ha ha!

A little bonding exercise.

That's our
master plan?

Well, yeah.
What's wrong with it?

Well, nothing.

and I love picnics.

I just figured we were
gonna take over the city

And turn things
into cheese and stuff.

Oh, we can still do that,
but now that the weather

Is nice, wouldn't it be
great to relax and sit

On the grass,
just nibble

On my favorite food
in the world, cheese?

Hey, boss.
Look down there.

Some kids are playing
soccer where we're

Supposed to
have our picnic.

Oh. Oh, no!

I'm so--uh, featured word.
What's the featured word?

Narrator: dismayed.

Dismayed! Right.

I'm so dismayed
to see this.

Excuse me,
whistle lady!

You're all going to
have to get off
the field right now.


We're not leaving.

We're not leaving!

What gives you the right
to interrupt our
soccer practice

And tell us to leave,
mr. Two-brains?

Hey! I didn't graduate

From fromage university
to be called mister!

It's dr. Two-brains.

Anyhoo, I went
down to the city

Parks and recreation
department and reserved
this field at this time

For the next

That is impossible
because I went down

To the city parks
and recreation

And reserved
this field at this time

For the next

How could we both have
the field reserved?

The city must have
made a mistake.

Ha! Ah, ha! Becky, ha!

Let me see that.


I'm shocked and dismayed,
but it looks like

The city did make
a mistake.

We both have
the field reserved.

What should we do?

I can settle this.
You leave. Bye-bye.

Sorry, dr. Two-brains,
but our soccer team

Needs to practice.

Practice soccer?

Why would you need
to practice soccer?

There's nothing
to it.

You just run around
and kick a ball.

That's what I
keep telling them.

Well, if you think
it's so easy,

Then how about this?

We'll challenge
you to a game,

And the winner
gets the field

For the next months.

Ha ha ha!

Wait. Wait, me
and my henchmen

Playing soccer
against a bunch
of children?

Ha ha ha!

We accept your
little challenge.

Hee hee hee!

We'll meet back here
at this time tomorrow,

But until then,
we get to use the field

To practice.

Yeah, knock
yourself out.

all you like.

You're still
going to lose

Because when it comes
to mad athletic skills,

No one can beat
a brilliant scientist

Who stays inside
all day and eats cheese!

Picture please.

How's that one?
Can I stop smiling?

Handsome as
always, boss!

Oh, that's good.
Put that on
a mouse pad.

Ha ha ha! Mouse pad!

Ok, team. Now we're
really going to

Have to practice hard

To make sure we
keep this field.

But, mrs. Botsford,
what if we

Can't beat him?

Come on, everyone.

Don't be dismayed.

I'm trying not
to be dismayed,

But I don't know
what dismayed means.

Oh. Um, well, when
you feel dismayed,

You feel disappointed
because something didn't

Turn out the way
you planned.

You wanted to play
soccer here,

But suddenly
dr. Two-brains
shows up,

And now you're worried
that we won't be
able to play,

So you're dismayed.

You're right!

I am dismayed!

I mean--
I am dismayed.

I'm dismayed, too.

Yeah! Dismayed!

Well, look
at the bright side.

We still have
a whole day
to prepare.

And I know
if we practice
really hard

And do our best
we can win this game!


Butterfly power!


Narrator: the butterfly unicorn
laser gorillas start

Their practice!

Becky passes
the ball to violet!

Violet sh**t
at the goal!

A great save
by bob the goalkeeper!

Back at practice,
johnson and t.j. Practice

the ball off their heads.

Now it's after practice.

Looks like becky
is having trouble

Falling asleep!
Of course I am!

You keep
announcing everything!

Ooh! Heh heh! Right.

Anyway, nighty-night.

Good night.

The next day,
the two teams arrive

For the big game.
It's the...

Bulg. Butterfly
unicorn laser

And we're
the cheese eaters

Because that's
what we'll be doing

On this field right
after we win the game.

We'll see about that.

Cheese eaters.

You know how
the game works.

Each team tries
to kick the ball

Into the other
team's goal.

The team that scores
the most goals wins.

and when someone scores,

I get to yell, "goalllll!"

And here we go!

The cheese eaters take
control of the ball.

Two-brains sh**t,
and it's a go--

No, wait. It's a save.

Nice work, bob.
But hold on--

Becky takes control
of the ball.

She passes to violet.

All violet has to do is
make the ball ricochet

Off her head,
and she's going to score a--

No. The game ends
in a tie!

A zero to zero tie! Great.

Oh, no! How are
we going to decide

Who wins the field?

The rules of soccer
say that when

There's a tie we go
to a penalty kick.

Penalty kick?
What does that mean?

One player
from each team will

Try to score a goal
on a free kick.

If they miss
their free kick
and you make

Your free kick,
you win the game.



Now all you have to do
is kick that ball

As hard as you
possibly can.

Got it.

What was that?!

You told me to
kick the ball as
hard as I could.

I meant into the goal!

Ok. This means
if becky can
kick the ball

Into their goal,
our team will win!

You can do it, becky!

Uh, yeah.

Oh. I know I can do it,
but I'd be using

My superpowers.

I want to win this game
and help out the team,

But I want to do
it fair and square.


You know what, mom?

I think violet should
kick for our team.

Um, I don't know
if that's such a good idea.

I know you
can do it.

Now come on and kick
that ball into the goal.


Narrator: here we go.

Violet lines up the shot.

Ohh. Unh!

She kicks the ball...

It ricochets
off the post...

And it's a...


I'm sorry, dr. Two-brains,
but we made a deal.

We won the game,
and that means
we get the field.

No matter. You won't
have a chance
to play soccer

Once I cover
the whole field
in cheese balls.


Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!

I knew this
would happen.

Come on, bob.

Word up!

Ha ha ha!
Pow! Pow!

Huh? What was that?

Word girl: I made
your cheese balls ricochet

Into the mouth
of captain huggy face.

Ricochet means
to bounce off something

And go in
a different direction,

And as long as
I can ricochet

Your cheese balls
into his mouth,

Huggy will keep eating
and eating and--

You'll never be able
to stop my super big
cheese ball.

Looks like it's time
to put my soccer skills
into action.

Ha! Picnic's over,

Take him away, officers.

Mmm. I may be bad,
but I sure taste good!

Boy, I sure had to go
a long way to find

A drinking fountain.

Did I miss something?

Wow, becky,
you sure did!

Word girl came
and saved the park

So we can
practice here.

Why, it's almost
like she's a part
of the team.

Yeah. Almost.

I think it's time
we take our
team picture.

Everyone say,

Uh, mom, maybe we should
say something else...

Like our team name.

Ok. On the count
of ! , , !

Butterfly! Unicorn!
Laser! Gorillas!

Raisin! Gorillas!

and so once again,

Word girl
and captain huggy face

Save the day.

I hope you got a kick
out of today's episode.

Don't be dismayed that
this episode is over,

Because there are a lot
more exciting adventures

Of woooord girrrlll!

Hello, I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word will
win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is bewilder.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Give it a shot, tommy!

Bewilder means
to transform

From one person
into another.

Nope! Have at it, phil.

I thought I knew
what bewilder meant,

But know I'm
completely confused.

I'm totally puzzled!

Uh, you realize, you just
defined bewilder, right?

I did?

Bewilder means to
puzzle or confuse!

Bewilder means to
puzzle or confuse!

You just heard
me say that.

I'm totally

Why are you
ringing in?

I've already
said the answer!

You have?

This is the most
bewildering experience

I've ever had.

That no one iseclare

Today's winner.

Huggy, show them what
they would've won.

It's a go-kart.

Wow! That would've
been a fun prize.

That's it for
today's episode.

See you next time on...

♪ Word girl

Narrator: today's featured words
are confess and fluster.

Just another sunny
day at city hall,

And look, everyone
is waiting to see

Who will win this year's citizen
of the year award.

Honey, you look
so flustered.

Well, I am feeling
a bit nervous.

Don't worry.
You're a shoe-in
to win this year.

You think so?

Oh, come on.
Who got the whole town

To participate
in the turn your trash
into art project?

I did.

And when the art
started to smell,

The turn your art

Back into
trash project?

That was me, too!

And who planted all those
trees on main street?!

Actually that
was the grocery
store manager.

Oh, well!
Somebody's gonna win.


All right!

As mayor I give out
many awards each year,

But I must confess
this one is my favorite.

Uh, and this year we are
going to give the winner

The biggest key to the city
we ever handed out!


Yeah. Heh. Uh...

This year's winner
is a father,

A lover of art and trash!


This year's citizen
of the year is...uh, wha?

Everyone's favorite
super villain ms. Question!

[Crowd gasping]

Uh, here you go.

Hmm. Doesn't it seem
unusual for a super villain

Who just got out
of jail to win

A citizen
of the year award?

I can see
the headline now--

"Citizen of the year
goes to ms. Question,

"Leaving questions

And citizens

not right here.

There's no way
ms. Question

Deserves that award.

I mean, think about
all the things my dad

Has done for this town.

I think there's
a story here.

I'm gonna go look
around and see

What I can find out.

Thanks, scoops.
Bob and I will go see

If we can help my mom
get that look
off my dad's face.

Later that day,
the mayor and ms. Question

Are having
a private meeting.

Ok, ms. Question,
now that I gave you

The key to the city
and made you citizen
of the year,

You cannot tell
anyone my secret.

If people find out,
I'll never get

Do you really think
I'm done with you?



What are you
doing here?

Nothing, nothing at all,
definitely not writing

Down everything you're
saying so I can

Write a big article
for the school newspaper.

Hmm. You write
for the school

But since
we're all here,

I do have
a couple questions.

Number one, what
is going on here?

What? Oh.
Uh, nothing.

I, uh, I was
just congratulating

Ms. Question
on her award.

Well done,
ms. Question.

Is it true that you
only gave her the award

So that she wouldn't tell
everyone your secret?

Who--who said that?

You did.

Right, well, uh...

What if I were to
tell you that
the entire city

Will soon be
under my control?

You kind of just did,
but the real question is

How will you do it?

Uh, may I answer
that for you?

Oh ,why not?

Well, see, ms. Question
is using her powers to get

People to confess
their inner most
secrets to her.

I confessed to her
my biggest, most
embarrassing secret,

And now she says
she will tell everyone

If I don't do
whatever she says.

What's your big secret,
mr. Mayor?

You're missing
the point.

The whole idea is
that it stays
a secret!

Well, then why
did you tell her?

Would you like to see how
I get my confessions?

Now tell me, scoops,
do you have any secrets

You'd like to
confess to me?

I didn't clean up
after my dog

I made up a news
story about
a cat in a tree,

And I like to sing
in the shower.

Anything else?

I collect unicorns.

Ok?! Uh-oh.

Did I just say I
collected unicorns?

Out loud?

Oh, boy.
Heh heh heh.

I can't wait to read
the article you wrote

Exposing how ms. Question
managed to steal

My dad's award!

"There's no question
about ms. Question.

She's the best citizen
of the year ever"?

What?! Scoops, how could
you write this?

Well, becky,
I can see you're

But there's a lot
you don't know
about ms. Question.

Yep. She's great,
a perfect citizen.

Did you know she
only speaks
in questions?

Fascinating really.
Yep. Quite a gal,

Quite a...citizen--

She's a villain!

A super villain!

Ok. I give up!

She made me tell her some
embarrassing secrets

And some secrets
that could get me
in big trouble.

She said she's going to
tell everyone if I don't
do exactly what she says!

What were
the secrets, scoops?

Becky, the whole idea is
that they stay secrets!

Did you confess to
having a crush
on anyone?

Nope. Definitely
not that.

Oh. Heh.

Look. It's time for me to
go home and lie face-down

On my bed and figure
out what to do.

And it's time for
a certain superhero

And her brave sidekick
to find ms. Question

And dish out some
truth and justice!

Right after
school is over.

Narrator: later,
ms. Question is enjoying

Her newfound
popularity poolside.

Would you care for some
lemonade, ms. Question?

I made it just
the way you like it.

Why not?

Word girl!

I know what you're
up to, ms. Question,

And you're not gonna get
away with it!


What's the one
secret everyone
wants to know?

Why don't you confess
who you really are,
word girl?


Word girl, what
is your real name?

Oh. My real...name is...

Uh, whoops, sorry,
ms. Question, excuse me,

But would you like
ice in your drink?

Anything else?

Fresh fruit, pigs
in a blanket--

Ooh! A pickle maybe?

Will you please
go away?

Aren't you supposed
to be renovating

The town square
in my honor?

Right! Sorry!
I'm off!

Unn! Ha!

How did you do that?

You're forgetting
that huggy and I

Are super heroes.

Right, huggy?


Your secret is safe
with me,

But really, huggy?

Do you really think
you can stop me,
word girl?

Yes. I know I can.

Can you?
Yes, I can!

Yes! I can!

Are you sure?

I'm doing it now!

Do you realize how
many secrets I know?

I'm starting to. Yes.

Do you think you
can stop them
from naming

The city after me?

What!? They're renaming
the city after you?

Come on, huggy!

Look at all these
flustered citizens.

They must have all
confessed their secrets

To ms. Question.

How can we free them
from her powers?

Narrator: will word girl
stop ms. Question

Before they rename the city
in her honor?

Will mr. Botsford ever
get his key to the city?

Will ms. Question
tell everyone

That I have a secret supply
of candy hidden in the park?

the candy hidden?

Shouldn't you be
saving the day?

Oh, right, yeah.

Excuse me!

Why are you
that statue

With a big
question mark?

Because ms. Question
told us to.

So are you doing
all this because
ms. Question knows

Your secrets?

Secrets, what secrets?
Heh heh heh.

No comment.

No comment
for me, too.

Ok. This has
gone too far!


Listen, everybody.
Don't you see

What she is
doing to you?

She is controlling
all of you because

She knows
your secrets.

What are we
supposed to do?!

Well, if you
confess your secrets
to everyone,

She won't have any
more power over you!

She can't tell
what's already
been told.


I'm a little flustered.
What does confess mean?

To confess means
to tell the truth
about something,

Even if it's

Or you think it will
get you in trouble.

So if all of you
confess your secrets,

Then you'll be free from
ms. Question's power.

You confess first,
word girl!


Yes, word girl,
why don't you?

Do you have
anything to confess? Oh!

Why don't you tell us
your secret identity?

I'm...ooh, unh.

I'm--my real
name is...

[Mayor clearing throat]

Uh, citizens...

I have a secret that
only ms. Question knows.

What do you think
you're doing?

I'm confessing!

I sleep holding
a stuffed animal
every night.

His name is rex,
and he's a teddy bear.

He's a teddy bear.

I don't always

Huh? What?

I lie about my age!

Well, I buy books
that I never read

Just so I
look smart.

I don't really have
lustrous blonde hair!

What's going on?

I want to be a dancer.

And this tie is
a clip-on! Whee!

What are you
people doing?

I secretly
collect unicorns!

Really? Ahh.

Boy, it sure feels good
to confess that secret.

Now I can go back
to reporting the news

The way I see it
and not the way

Ms. Question tells me
to write it!

What's the matter
ms. Question?

You look
a little flustered.

What do you mean
by that?

Well, when someone
is flustered,

It means they're
a little irritated,

A little upset,
a little worried.

Doesn't anyone care
that our mayor sleeps

With a stuffed animal?

Well, everybody
can know!

His name is rex,
and he's a teddy bear,

And he's quite cuddly.

I guess not.

Hmm. Should I stay,
or should I go?

Ever seen such fancy
surfing, word girl?

Ha ha ha! Aah!

You're under arrest,
ms. Question.


For what?
What did I do?

How about forcing
people to confess

Their deepest

And then
threatening to
reveal those secrets

If they don't do
what you say?

Is that against
the law?

Ok. I thought so.

with ms. Question headed

For another lengthy time-out

The city finally
gets back to normal.

And now it gives me
great pleasure to announce

The real citizen
of the year.

Here we go!

And the key to the city goes
to our citizen of the year

Mr. Tim botsford!



Thank you.
This is quite an honor.

Well, I got another
confession to make.

The key doesn't
open anything,

And it's made
of chocolate.

Mmm. It's swiss.

Narrator: I have
a confession to make, too.

Saying good-bye is my least
favorite part of the show.

I get so flustered!

Yum! That's a good key!

Tune in next time
for another exciting
adventure of "word girl"!

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Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!
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