02x24 - Granny and Clyde / Too Loud Crew

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x24 - Granny and Clyde / Too Loud Crew

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Word girl

today's featured words

Are "injury" and "spree."

It's another busy day
in the city,

And it looks like
the botsford family

Is part of the hustle
and bustle.

We've got
a lot of errands
to run today.

Where should we
go first?

Well, we have to go
to the grocery store,

And I need to go
to the aquarium store

To get food
for my seahorses.

and don't forget,

Bob wants to stop
at the news stand

To get his
soap-opera magazine.

Ok. We could stop
by the news--whoa!

Looks like there's
a slowdown ahead.

No problem.
No worry.

We can play
my favorite

imagination game.

What's that?

A game I call "guess
the cloud shapes."

See, that one looks
like a gumdrop.

Oh, that reminds me.
Buy gumdrops.

Woman: aah!
She stole my purse!

Man: mine, too!

franks and beans!

That looked like
a rocket-propelled
old lady!

Go to eye doctor and
get eyes checked.

I bet
it's granny may

on one of her
crime sprees again.

I'm sorry, honey.
Did you say

Bob was just suggesting

That since we're stuck
in traffic,

We'll go on ahead
and walk to the news stand.

It's just
around the corner.

Good idea, becky,
but remember,

To avoid injury,
always look both ways

Before exiting
the vehicle.


We'll meet you
back home.


Word up!

Stop, granny may.
Your crime spree
is over.

Sorry, word girl,
but this jet pack

Has been fitted with
triple-diple rocket boosters

Guaranteed to be
faster than word girl.

Go, captain huggy face!

Oh, you little

If you think that's
going to stop me,

You are
sadly mistaken.

Whoa. Aah!


Narrator: great job, word girl.
Your work is done here.

You heard the man,
captain huggy face.

The police will
take it from here.

Let's get
to the news stand

And meet up
with dad back home.

I'm just glad that
you didn't get injured.

If I were injured,

Would you be
more lenient on me?


Ow. My neck is sore.

Ow. I have an injury.

Ha ha. Yes.

I have an injury!

Oh, it's all
word girl's fault!

Ooh! It hurts!
The pain of it all!

Surely a nice
policeman like you

Wouldn't take an old woman
with whiplash to jail.

Well, ma'am,
I think I have to.

So, let's go.

Watch your step
there. Come on.

Oh! Ow. Ow.
Take it slowly, son.

Don't forget about
my neck injury. Ah...

I'm sure I'll be fine

Sleeping on that hard
jail-cell bed.

Mmm...all right.
I'll take you home.

How much trouble
can an old lady

With a whiplash injury
get into anyway?

Heh heh heh. Sucker.

Hmm...this injury scam
could be as useful

As my jet packs for going
on a crime spree.

I'm sorry. Were you
talking to me?

No, dear. I was just
moaning in pain. Ow!

Narrator: later,
at the grocery store,

Granny may has decided
to do a little shopping.

Excuse me, young man,
but this can is dented.

I should get
half off the price.

Sorry, ma'am.
I saw you

Hit that can
with a hammer.

What does it matter
how it got dented?

It's still dented!

Excuse me. I believe
we know each other.

You're that nice women
who babysat my children.


Oh, yes.
Heh heh heh.

Oh, yes,
I remember you.

an easy mark.

Actually, the name
is tim, and--whoa.

I notice you're
wearing a neck brace.

How did you get
that injury?

I saved hundreds
of baby animals
from a fire.

You're a hero!

Are you here
all by yourself?

I'm afraid so.
I'm just

A helpless old woman
living alone

With no one
to take care of me.

Oh. Well, I won't
hear of it.

You're coming home
with me.

And you will stay
with the botsfords

Until you recover
from your injury.

Oh! That is
very kind of you.

Here. You pay
for my things,

And I'll pull
the car around

So you don't have to
walk so far.

Oh, thank you,
young man.

Is there
anything else?

[Other customers grumbling]

No. Just this! Bloop!

Oh! Old lady perfume!


It's taking over my
nautical-theme cologne.

And it's making me...

[Music playing]

Wow! Look at her go.

Open the door!

Oops. Sorry.

I lock it
for security.

I guess you
can't wait

To get to the
botsford house

And start recovering
from your injury.

Step on it, sonny!

Uh-uh. Not until
you buckle up.

We wouldn't want
to break the law,
now, would we?

Yeah. Right.


You're so nice
for helping me
out like this.

It is the least
I can do

For an animal-saving
hero like yourself.

In that case,
I was wondering

If you wouldn't mind
driving me to a few places.

I have a lot
of errands to run.

Hmm. I think
I've got time

For a few
extra errands.

Heh heh heh heh.

[Horn honks]
ha ha ha.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the botsford house,

Becky wonders
where her father is,

While bob watches
his soap opera.

Where could dad be?
It's been hours

Since we stopped granny
may's crime spree.


You're right.
He did have a lot
of errands to do.

What's going on
with your show?

Ah! You ate
all the snacks!

Man on television: ...just after
I pull the trigger.

[Alarm bell ringing]

[Tires screeching]

Hey! Come back here
with that money!


[Alarm blaring]

For someone with an injury,
you sure can run fast.

Hit the gas!

You should be careful,
granny may.

Wearing all those
heavy diamonds

Can't be good
for your injury.


Here I am.

Hurry up. I've been
waiting for you.

Sorry. I got
a little carried away

In the aquarium store.
I got the seahorse food,

And then I bought them
a little castle

And a tiny waving scuba
diver for their t*nk.

Quit yapping and put
the pedal to the metal, clyde!

Kind of awkward.
I don't mean to keep
bringing it up,

But my name is tim,
not clyde or mark

Or all these other things
you keep calling me.

Why me?


[Voices on television]

Hey, everybody,
check it out.

I brought home
a guest.

Remember your old


Hello, young lady.

I appreciate you
letting me stay here

While I nurse
my neck injury.

You can't stay here!

Becky botsford, where
did you put your manners?

Now, please sit down
and make yourself at home.

Isn't that
our neighborhood
on tv?

Television announcer:
this just in--

An elderly woman
wearing a neck brace

Has been on a crime spree
around town.

Her driver
is a friendly man

Wearing a blue shirt
and green pants.

Wow. That accomplice
sounds like a nice guy,

And handsome, too.

It almost sounds
like the two of you

Were the ones
on that crime spree.

What? It couldn't
have been us.

I don't even know
what a spree is.

Oh. Well, a spree
is an activity

That's full
of action,

Like the way
bob is eating
all those snacks.

You could say he's
on an eating spree.

Right? Yeah.

And when someone
goes around town

Committing crime
after crime--

Until they get caught
by word girl--

You could say they're
on a crime spree.

Man on bullhorn:
this is the police.

We have the house

Come out
with your hands up.

Whoa. It sounds like
one of our neighbors

Is involved
in a crime.

Come on, bob.
We have to find a way

To get dad
out of trouble.


Man on bullhorn:
mr. Botsford,

We know it was you
with granny may.


Yes, you.

You must be
confusing me
with someone else.

The license number
of your sedan is "wor dup ."


I'm going to go
out there

And explain that
they're confusing me

With another man
who was driving around

An elderly woman
wearing a neck brace

And has the same
license plate number.

It's a simple mistake.

Oh, I don't think so!



I can prove that the man
with granny may is innocent.

Well, I hope you
have a solid case,

Because there are
a lot of witnesses

That say
that they saw him

With granny may
on a crime spree.

Can I borrow one
of your walkie-talkies?

You got minutes.

The commissioner
will have my badge

If he finds out
about this.


No, but I've always
wanted to say that.


Hello, granny may.

Word girl!

You're not?
Oh, no. I'm not
here to fight.

No. I'm here
to compliment you.

You really came up
with a great plan

This time--
faking an injury.

Brilliant idea!

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Let's see.
Since an injury

Is a form
of hurt or harm,

And you weren't hurt
and you weren't harmed,

You are not injured.

So you are faking
an injury.

Now, why would I
do that?

Come on, granny may.

We all know
you faked the injury

To trick mr. Botsford into
driving you on your crime spree.

You're a genius!

Yes, I am a genius.
Ha ha ha!

Oh, well, I guess
you got me.

So, you're admitting
that mr. Botsford

Didn't know what he was doing
when he was driving you around?

No. He was just
an easy mark.

Um, I don't mean
to be a stickler,

But my name is tim,

Although I would
like the name mark.

And rick.

It would be cool
to be named rick.

Hi. My name's rick.

Oop. Sorry.
What were we doing?

Oh, spare me. Listen,
I was going to ditch him soon.

He's driving me nuts!

Not only
did mr. Botsford

Hear everything
you said,

So did the police.

Show her,
captain huggy face!

Policeman: thanks
for the confession, granny may.

Now come out
so we can arrest you.

And word girl, please remember
to return my walkie-talkie.


You got it,

The party's over,
granny may.

It looks like someone here
might sneeze.

Here. Have a tissue!

Aah! Gross! Ew!


Hold up. Hold up.

You're under arrest,
granny may.

And this time, you can't
fake your injury.

I'll get you for this,
word girl.

you've done it again.

Looks like your work
is finished here.

Well, huggy,
you heard the man.


And so once again,

Word girl saves the city
from a crime spree

Without injuring anyone.

Hey, hold on,

Word girl,
captain huggy face.

A little help here?

Tune in next time
for another amazing adventure

Of word...girl.

♪ Word girl

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have
a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "doze."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


Yes, phil?

Uh...i think
"doze" means

To dangle
from a robot,

Like toby was doing
in that last clip.

nope. Anyone else?

Ok. Give it
a shot, emily.

"Doze" means
to nap or sleep,

Kind of like
you're doing now.


Huh? What? Sorry.

Can you define "doze"
for me again?

It means
to nap or sleep.

That's correct!

Are you ok?

I've never been better.

I don't know why
I stayed up all night

Knitting these ear muffs.

They're way too big
for my cat.

Anyway, congratulations, emily.
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official
word girl water bed.


[Yawn] that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: psst.

Listen for the words
"considerate" and "manual."

At the city library,

The vicious criminal
the butcher enters.


Yes, ma'am. I was hoping
you guys had a copy

Of that supervillains
manacle I've been hearing about.

Do you mean
the supervillain manual--

"Supervillains and you"?

I'm going to say yes.

Of course
we have a copy.

Great! Where is it?


Hey, buddy.

Yeah! Are you whamming
to the whammer?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Keep it down.

Shh! Shh!


I was just wondering
when you were

Going to be done
with that book.

With this?
Soon, meaty dude!

And when I'm done, you should
totally wham it! Yeah!

All right. Ok.

Shh! Shh! Shh!

Please be considerate
of other readers.

But it's not me.

Yeah. Sorry.

Oh, this book is totally
whamming, meaty dude! Yeah!

The library lady

Said we should
be consiparate.






Hey, whammer's got
a whamming idea! Yeah!

Why don't we wham
this book together?

We could be
a whamming team! Yeah!

Yes. Shh.

Yeah! We're going to be
a whamming team,

Whamming the city
to its knees! Yeah!


Yeah, sorry.
Listen, we're going.


Not so fast.

That's due back
on the eighth.

Narrator: meanwhile,
over at the botsfords'...

Becky: ok. So, mr. Dudley said
our poem for this project

Should be about
something in nature.

any ideas?

Ice cream
is not in nature.


Why do we always
come to your house

When we have to
work on a project

Oh, uh...just where
we end up, I guess.

But when I asked you
where you wanted to go,

You said, "my house!
My house! My house!"

Times, huh?

Yeah, and you
were yelling.


And dragging me
toward your house.

Well, you have to admit
it is pretty comfortable here.


Snack break!

Violet, come on.
Don't be shy.

Please, tell him
I like being shy.

Dad, I thought
we had an agreement.

What agreement?

No beans
a la botsford

On days where I'm
within miles
of the house.

Well, I was just trying
to be considerate.

Considerate to who?

To bob.
He loves it.

Can we please go
to my house now?

Um...why? It doesn't
smell that bad in here.

What's wrong
with my house?

Nothing. Nothing.
It's just...

Well, I don't always
feel comfortable there.

What? Becky, my mom
and I work hard

To make our home
a comfortable

And inviting place.

No, I know.

Where you're free
to express your
inner feelings.

Right. So you
shouldn't really mind

That I expressed
my inner feeling

That I don't feel
comfortable at your house.

Maybe I don't feel
so comfortable

At your house

Violet, wait!

[Alarm bells ringing]

Oh, I need to go, uh...

Chase after violet?

The explanation
would seem to make
the most sense.

So yes, that.
Come on, bob.

How about some beans
for the road?

Bob! Word up!

Hey, word girl,
we're over here.

Oh. Hey, guys.


Well, it's just you two

Don't seem to have
a whole lot in common.


So it's not really
the most natural team-up.

We're a whamming
team! Yeah!

Meaty guy and
the whammer! Yeah!

Yeah. See. It says here
in the mandible.

Yeah. I think
you mean "manual."

See, a manual is a book
that instructs you

How to do something,

In this case, how to be
a good supervillain.

Thank you
for your cents.

The manual says we have to
have something in common.

We do. We're
both whamming.

I think "whamming"
in this case
means loud.

I'm not loud.

Excuse me,

Please be considerate
and keep the noise level down.

Yeah, all right...
After we leave.

Yeah! Wham!


Earth steak!

Follow me. Wham!

They got away.

Thanks. You know,
you really shouldn't keep

So much money
in the store.

I hate going
to the bank.

Wham it out.

The city museum
just whammed
these, yeah.

"The museum has
recently acquired

Old pillows."


Keep whamming.
Keep whamming.

"These pillows
were once owned

"By king irwin
the bullheaded

"And have a most
unusual stuffing--

Ground beef."

Those whammers
are whammed full
of ground meat!


Man: hey, what's
with all the racket?

Oh, I get it.
In your world,

Pillows are whammers.

Yeah. It's the perfect
whamming crime

For our team. Yeah!

[Blender whirring]

I don't know. Pillows
made out of ground beef?

That kind of
sounds gross.

But there's
of them--

Wham for you,
wham for me.

Man: hey! I got a baby
in the other room. Pipe down!

And they're worth
a whamming lot
of money. Yeah!

Man: hey! People
are trying to sleep.


All right, all right,
all right. I'll do it.

Ok. Let's wham!


Man: hey!
Just be quiet.

All right!

The butcher
and the whammer together.

Who knew they'd be
an effective team-up?


Oh, to violet's house.

We kind of left things
in a weird spot.

Oh, hello, becky.

Hi, violet.
I came here

To say I'm
really sorry.

Won't you come in?

That's ok. I--

Anyway, I just
wanted to tell you

That I wasn't being
very considerate

Of your feelings
when I said

That your house
is uncomfortable.

So I'm sorry.

Um...i...i can't
accept your apology.

Well, why not?

Because you're sitting
in the poetry chair

On the happy song
floor tile.


And you're playing
with the painting rock.

Of course I am.

That means you have to
paint a picture

That reflects
the beautiful lyrics

Of your happy
apology song.

That's the...
♪ House rules


♪ This is my happy
apology song ♪

♪ I-- aah! Ok!

See? This is
why I don't feel
comfortable here.


Listen, violet,
when I come here,

I'm afraid
to touch stuff

Because then I might
have to sing a song

While painting
a poem about it.

And it tends to
make me a little...



Oh, becky,
I'm so sorry.

I guess I wasn't being
very considerate

Of your feelings.

Ah, don't worry
about it.

I should have
just been honest
with you. Friends?


[Alarm ringing]
oops. Listen,

There's something
I have to take care of.

I'll meet you
at the library later.

Come on, bob.

Word up!

♪ Li-i-i-i-brary
la-a-a-ater ♪


These whammers
are awesome! Yeah!

You've got to
wham them.

Wham! Wham! Wham!
Wham! Wham! Wham!

Yeah. Ok. Give me
a minute, all right?

Oh...whoa. Yep.

Feels exactly like
a bag of old beef.


Wham! Wham! Wha-a-am!

Hey, come on. What
did we talk about, huh?


Try and be consiparate
of other people.

You mean

Word girl!

"Considerate" means
to be mindful

Of other people's
needs and feelings,

Like being a little more quiet
for other museumgoers.

Yeah. Tell it
to this one
here, all right?

You are a considerate
villain, butcher.

Thank you.

I like how you announce my name
every time I surprise you.

Oh, yeah? Well,
considerate this!

Are you guys still
using that manual?

You bet
your whammer!

Ok. Good.
Carry on, butcher.


Well, that
was easy.

Whammer's turn.
Whammer's turn. Yeah.


Oh, wham.


Thanks, whammer.
We can take it from here.

Aah! Earth-ham!

No. Uh...

I need meat!


This is totally

So you guys
want to know how
we defeated you?

No, but I have a hunch
you're gonna tell us anyway.

Well, you see,
I also have a copy

Of the "supervillains
and you" manual.

You do?

What kind
of superhero

Would I be
if I didn't?

interesting was

This section
in chapter .

It says,
"when there is

"A supervillain

"Both villains
are going to want
to take credit

"For defeating
the heroes.

"So make sure
one villain's attack

Doesn't cancel out
the other's."

Aw, man. We didn't get
to chapter yet.

It's a good

Yeah, it sounds it.

And handy. Ok. Well,
huggy and I should go.

Kind of got some
homework to finish.

Ok. Take it easy.

Hey, word girl,
now, you're considerate.

Any way you could
wham me a big favor?


So I'll definitely try
to be more considerate

Of your feelings.

And I'll ease up
on the dancing, singing,

And painting rules
when you visit my house.


Uh! I have
a great idea.

I think our project poem
should be about friendship.

But it's supposed to be
about something in nature.

there's friendship
in nature.

And ice cream!

Ok. You guys
are the experts.

Oh, before I forget,

Some...guy asked me
to give this to you.

Said he wouldn't have a chance
to return it later,

As he was heading
to prison, I think.

Oh, thank you, becky.

Whammer--he's such
a considerate criminal.

Narrator: and so,
where this episode began,

So does it end,
in the library.

Join us again--

Becky: hey, where were you
this whole episode?

Narrator: oh, I had
some errands to run,

And my boss was
considerate enough

To let me do them
during work hours.

Becky: that was
considerate of him.

Narrator: yeah. Good thing
the word was "considerate"

This episode and not
"angry" or something. Ha ha ha.

Join us again next time
on the show

That wrote the manual
on superhero adventure

And crazy monkey action--
"word girl."

♪ Word girl

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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